# Per round, per player limit on the number of shuffle messages displayed. A negative or zero value disables this check.
SPAM_PROTECTION_REPEAT 5.0 # minimum time between identical chat messages.
SPAM_PROTECTION 4.0 # minimum average time between chat messages in seconds so they are not considered spamming. Increase for more spam protection.
SPAM_PROTECTION_VOTE 50.0 # Extra factor for SPAM_PROTECTION for votes. Increase for more spam protection.
SPAM_PROTECTION_CHAT .3 # Extra factor for SPAM_PROTECTION for chat messages. Increase for more spam protection.
SPAM_PENALTY 0.0 # spam penalty to add on spam detection. This makes repeated spams extra painful.
SPAM_AUTOKICK 14.0 # spam protection value that causes someone to get instantly kicked
SPAM_AUTOKICK_COUNT 3 # minimal number of spam warnings before someone is kicked for spam.
SPAM_MAXLEN 80 # maximal length of chat message
# prefix spam
PREFIX_SPAM_ENABLE 1 # Should spam prefix checking be enabled? Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
PREFIX_SPAM_START_COLOR_MULTIPLIER 1.5 # If a prefix begins with a color code it will have this multiplier applied to its score.
PREFIX_SPAM_LENGTH_MULTIPLIER 1.2 # Multiplier applied to prefix length when calculating prefix spam score.
PREFIX_SPAM_NUMBER_COLOR_CODES_MULTIPLIER 1.2 # Multiplier applied to the number of color codes in prefix when calculating prefix spam score.
PREFIX_SPAM_NUMBER_KNOWN_PREFIXES_MULTIPLIER 1.0 # Multiplier applied to the number of known spam prefixes when calculating prefix spam score.
PREFIX_SPAM_REQUIRED_SCORE 10.0 # The required prefix spam score a prefix must have for it to be considered spam.
PREFIX_SPAM_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER 15.0 # Multiplier applied to time calculation to determine how long a known prefix is remembered.
# voting
ALLOW_VOTING 1 # allow voting?
MAX_VOTES 5 # maximum number of concurrent votes
MAX_VOTES_PER_VOTER 2 # maximum number of concurrent votes per voter
ALLOW_VOTING_SPECTATOR 0 # allow voting for spectators
VOTING_BIAS 0 # number of virtual voters opposing every change
VOTING_PRIVACY 1 # level of secrecy of the votes. 2 makes the vote as secret as possible, -2 makes it fully public.
VOTING_SPAM_ISSUE 1 # spam level for issuing a vote
VOTING_SPAM_REJECT 5 # spam level for issuing a vote that gets rejected
VOTING_MATURITY 300 # minimum time in seconds a player needs to be online with the same name before he can issue votes
MIN_VOTERS 3 # number of voters that need to be online to enable voting
VOTING_TIMEOUT 60 # base number of seconds before a vote times out
VOTING_TIMEOUT_PER_VOTER 15 # additional number of seconds before a vote times out for every voter present
VOTING_START_DECAY 60 # number of seconds after that the non-voters start to get ignored
VOTING_DECAY 60 # one non-voter is ignored everytime this many secons pass
# note: if DECAY < TIMEOUT or START_DECAY < TIMEOUT, votes that get ignored by everyone may be accepted.
VOTING_SPAM_ISSUE 1.0 # The spam level of issuing a vote.
VOTING_SPAM_REJECT 5.0 # The spam level of getting your vote rejected.
VOTING_KICK_MINHARM 0 # Minimum number of other harmful votes (kicks, suspensions) before a menu-issued kick vote really kicks. Before that, it just suspends.
VOTING_KICK_TIME 300 # Minimum time in seconds between kick votes against the same player.
VOTING_HARM_TIME 180 # Minimum time in seconds between harmful votes against the same player.
VOTING_SUSPEND_ROUNDS 5 # Number of rounds "/vote suspend" suspends for.
CONSOLE_DECORATE_ID 1 # Decorates every line of console output with the client ID
CONSOLE_DECORATE_IP 0 # Decorates every line of console output with the client IP
LADDERLOG_GAME_TIME_INTERVAL -1 # write a line to ladderlog.txt indicating how "old" the curent game is at most every n seconds. Negative values disable this feature.
SINCLUDE server_info.cfg
# ping flood response DOS protection: if pings from a single machine are requested more often than this,
# they are not answered. Setting the last item to a negative value disables the system.
PING_FLOOD_TIME_10 1.0 # Minimum time for 10 ping packets to arrive.
PING_FLOOD_TIME_20 4.0 # Minimum time for 20 ping packets to arrive.
PING_FLOOD_TIME_50 20.0 # Minimum time for 50 ping packets to arrive.
PING_FLOOD_TIME_100 100.0 # Minimum time for 100 ping packets to arrive.
PING_FLOOD_GLOBAL .1 # The same times, multiplied by this value, count for all pings from all machines. Negative values disable global flood protection.
# default settings for MOVE/KICK(_TO)
# default kick reason given for the KICK console command
# default redirection kick/move reason given for the KICK/MOVE_TO console commands
DEFAULT_KICK_TO_SERVER # default server to kick/move to (IP or hostname)
DEFAULT_KICK_TO_PORT 4534 # default port of the server to kick/move to
# Minimal play time requirements. Clients starting from record the play time
# in three categories: total play time (all games count), online play time (games on
# a server count) and team play time (only online games with teammates count).
# With the following settings, you can keep players lacking experience in these
# categories out of the game. Players not meeting the requirements will be forced
# to spectate.
MIN_PLAY_TIME_TOTAL 0.0 # required total play time in minutes
MIN_PLAY_TIME_ONLINE 0.0 # required online play time in minutes
MIN_PLAY_TIME_TEAM 0.0 # required team play time in minutes
CYCLE_RUBBER_MINDISTANCE_LEGACY 1 # extra factor for minimal distance to walls enforced by the rubber code, active when peers with the rip bug are connected
# single player settings, active while only one client is connected.
# Either SP_MIN_PLAYERS or SP_TEAMS_MIN must be bigger than 1, otherwise there will
# be no opponent and no meaningful rounds. SP_TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS needs to stay enabled,
# too.
SP_EXPLOSION_RADIUS 4 # blast radius of cycle explosions
SP_WALLS_LENGTH -1 # cycle trail length
SP_WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAY 8 # cycle trail stay up this long after the cycle's destruction
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUIT 0 # balance teams if a member quits?
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS 1 # balance teams with AI players?
SP_TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE 1 # maximum team imbalance
SP_TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS 1 # maximum number of players per team ( Don't change, it's meaningless in SP mode anyway. The only effect would be a bug when the second player connects. )
SP_TEAM_MIN_PLAYERS 1 # minimum number of players per team
SP_TEAMS_MAX 16 # maximum number of teams
SP_TEAMS_MIN 1 # minimum number of teams
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME 1000000 # minimum time ( seconds ) the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATH 1000000 # minimum time ( seconds ) since the last interesting event ( player death ) before the instant win zone is activated
SP_FINISH_TYPE 1 # what happens if all human players are dead? 0 for almost immediate round restart, 1 for slow round restart, 2 to let the remaining AIs fight in fast forward mode, 3 to let the AIs fight on normally
SP_GAME_TYPE 1 # 1 for normal duel, 0 for freestyle ( round only ends when everyone is dead )
SP_SIZE_FACTOR -3 # arena size factor; increase this by two to double the arena size
SP_SPEED_FACTOR 0 # cycle speed factor increase this by two to double the speed
SP_AUTO_IQ 0 # flag indicating whether the IQ of the AIs should be automatically adapted to the player strength
SP_AUTO_AIS 0 # flag indicating whether the number of AIs should be automatically adapted to the player strength
SP_AI_IQ 50 # IQ of the AIs
SP_MIN_PLAYERS 4 # minimum number of players; missing humans are filled up with AIs
SP_NUM_AIS 0 # minimum number of AIs
# the same settings, active when more than one client is connected
EXPLOSION_RADIUS 4 # blast radius of cycle explosions
WALLS_LENGTH -1 # cycle trail length
WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAY 8 # cycle trail stay up this long after the cycle's destruction
TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUIT 1 # balance teams if a member quits?
TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS 1 # balance teams with AI players? ( set it to 0 to disable AIs completely )
TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE 1 # maximum team imbalance
TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS 5 # maximum number of players per team ( set it to 1 to disable teams )
TEAM_MIN_PLAYERS 1 # minimum number of players per team
TEAMS_MAX 16 # maximum number of teams
TEAMS_MIN 1 # minimum number of teams
WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME 60 # minimum time ( seconds ) the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated
WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATH 30 # minimum time ( seconds ) since the last interesting event ( player death ) before the instant win zone is activated
FINISH_TYPE 2 # what happens if all human players are dead? 0 for almost immediate round restart, 1 for slow round restart, 2 to let the remaining AIs fight in fast forward mode, 3 to let the AIs fight on normally
GAME_TYPE 1 # 1 for normal duel, 0 for freestyle ( round only ends when everyone is dead )
SIZE_FACTOR 0 # arena size factor; increase this by two to double the arena size
SPEED_FACTOR 0 # cycle speed factor increase this by two to double the speed
AUTO_IQ 0 # flag indicating whether the IQ of the AIs should be automatically adapted to the player strength
AUTO_AIS 0 # flag indicating whether the number of AIs should be automatically adapted to the player strength
AUTO_TEAM 1 # flag indicating whether players should be put into a team automatically
ALLOW_TEAM_CHANGE 1 # flag indicating whether players should be allowed to join/leave teams
AI_IQ 50 # IQ of the AIs
MIN_PLAYERS 0 # minimum number of players; missing humans are filled up with AIs
NUM_AIS 0 # minimum number of AIs
WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT 0 # set to 1 if you want the server to sleep between rounds until it is set back to 0 or
# team name
ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_COLOR 1 # allow teams to be named after a color
ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_PLAYER 1 # allow teams to be named after the leading player
# team name options. Effective if ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_PLAYER is set to 0.
# the defaults refer to localized language strings, but custom strings are also possible
TEAM_NAME_1 $team_name_blue # name of team 1
TEAM_NAME_2 $team_name_gold # name of team 2
TEAM_NAME_3 $team_name_red # name of team 3
TEAM_NAME_4 $team_name_green # name of team 4
TEAM_NAME_5 $team_name_violet # name of team 5
TEAM_NAME_6 $team_name_ugly # name of team 6
TEAM_NAME_7 $team_name_white # name of team 7
TEAM_NAME_8 $team_name_black # name of team 8
# team color options. Effective if ALLOW_TEAM_NAME_PLAYER is set to 0.
TEAM_RED_1 4 # red portion of team 1's color
TEAM_RED_2 15 # red portion of team 2's color
TEAM_RED_3 15 # red portion of team 3's color
TEAM_RED_4 4 # red portion of team 4's color
TEAM_RED_5 15 # red portion of team 5's color
TEAM_RED_6 4 # red portion of team 6's color
TEAM_RED_7 15 # red portion of team 7's color
TEAM_RED_8 7 # red portion of team 8's color
TEAM_GREEN_1 8 # green portion of team 1's color
TEAM_GREEN_2 15 # green portion of team 2's color
TEAM_GREEN_3 4 # green portion of team 3's color
TEAM_GREEN_4 15 # green portion of team 4's color
TEAM_GREEN_5 4 # green portion of team 5's color
TEAM_GREEN_6 15 # green portion of team 6's color
TEAM_GREEN_7 15 # green portion of team 7's color
TEAM_GREEN_8 7 # green portion of team 8's color
TEAM_BLUE_1 15 # blue portion of team 1's color
TEAM_BLUE_2 4 # blue portion of team 2's color
TEAM_BLUE_3 4 # blue portion of team 3's color
TEAM_BLUE_4 4 # blue portion of team 4's color
TEAM_BLUE_5 15 # blue portion of team 5's color
TEAM_BLUE_6 15 # blue portion of team 6's color
TEAM_BLUE_7 15 # blue portion of team 7's color
TEAM_BLUE_8 7 # blue portion of team 8's color
# Help stuff
# This is a message that will be displayed if someone uses the /help chat
# command without arguments:
# to add your own help topics you can use the following command: