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# EAC Language Translation File
# Copyright 2003 by Andre Wiethoff
# Please read these comments before you actually change
# anything in this file (or create a new translation
# based on it). It contains many hints and explanations
# how such a file has to look like.
# First of all, you have probably noted that everything
# in this file after a '#' character will be ignored
# (and can be used as a comment).
# Of course, you don't need to translate any of the
# comments.
# Next important issue is that all language strings have
# an unique and identifying number to which the string
# is assigned.
# If a number is assigned to a different number, the
# text of the second number (right side of the equal
# character) is assigned to the number on the left.
# That way, a translation has to be performed only once
# and is copied into a different resource location.
# Usually these lines with two numbers don't need to
# be changed.
# The next question is, what should be translated how.
# Some words are a kind of keywords that MAY NOT
# translated in these files. A second list contains
# words that SHOULD NOT be translated (if anyhow
# possible)
# List of words, that MAY NOT be translated :
# (Of course also words that are based on these words)
# Offset
# Sample
# Lead-In
# Lead-Out
# CUE Sheet
# BurnProof
# ID3 Tag
# Exact Audio Copy
# freedb
# BladeEnc
# SatCP
# Session
# List of words, that SHOULD NOT be translated :
# Track
# Index
# CD
# Burst
# Pop
# Glitch
# Image (CD Image)
# Native (ASPI Interface)
# Interpolate
# Flange
# Zoom
# The strings that are assigned to the numbers are
# quite easy constructed. All assigments have the
# following look, either
# <number> = <number>
# or
# <number> = <string>
# The first case was already explained, the text from
# the second number will be copied to the first.
# The common case is that a string is assigned, which
# need to be translated.
# A <String> is based on a specific structure, each
# <String> starts and ends with a '"' character. e.g.
# "This is a test" is a string. If a string is too
# long to fit in a line, it is possible to concat two
# strings into one. e.g.
# "This is "+
# "a test"
# will result in the string "This is a test". Please
# note # that the line have to end after the '+'
# character. And also please note that the <space>
# (empty character) in the first line is necessary,
# as otherwise the string would result in
# "This isa test".
# In some strings, there are <spaces> at the beginning
# or at the end of the string, please keep the exact
# number of spaces at that position. e.g. change
# " This is a test " only to " Dies ist ein Test "
# If a string need to contain the character '"', a
# special code has to be used, as '"' would tell that
# the string is finished. So, whenever the string
# needs the character '"' use the code '\"' instead.
# e.g. "This is a \"test\" file"
# Some strings (for some dialogs) have a '\n' code
# in it. This stands for a carriage return. This is
# only possible within special messages, so when a
# string does not contain such a character, please
# do not add one, it will most probably not work out
# as expected. e.g.
# "This is\n\na test" would look like this:
# This is
# a test
# Usually two '\n' codes are used in the strings to
# make such dialogs more easy to read. If there are
# such codes at the end or at the beginning of a
# string, please also keep these codes untouched.
# The resources are sorted by dialogs and menus as far
# as possible, but at the end of the file, there is a
# list of all other resource strings that were not
# sorted directly into a dialog.
# Please do not change the order of the resource
# numbers, this is important for future updates of
# EAC.
# If there are special needs for information on a
# specific resource, there will be more comments on
# that topic.
# Now, you know all you need to translate this file
# into your language. If you make a mistake, EAC
# will show an error message with the erraneous line
# specified with the exact type of error.
# You should test your translation in small pieces,
# translate e.g. a dialog and then test the translation
# by starting EAC on errors, and that all texts
# are fitting in the reserved space for each resource.
# Also spell check all your translated texts directly
# in the appropriate dialog. If you don't know exactly
# for a string how to translate, you can have a look
# at the other language definition files that comes
# with this EAC.
# EAC General Resources
# Please enter here your name that will be shown in
# the EAC About dialog. Translate the rest of the
# line also into your language
98 = "Translated by Andre Wiethoff"
# Please change the given email address here to your
# email address, so you can be addressed if an error
# in the translation was found.
99 = "E-Mail : eac@exactaudiocopy.de"
# This is the name of your language in your own
# language
1 = "English"
# This is the name of your language in the english
# language
2 = "English"
# This is the code which is displayed by the program
# showinfo.exe that comes with this SDK. It is the
# locale information from the windows system
# installed on your computer.
3 = "0409"
# This is the second code number which is shown by
# the showinfo.exe program. It identifies a specific
# language and should be unique for each language.
4 = "47AB3DF2"
# The following strings are very common strings that
# are used very often in the dialogs etc.
5 = "Error Message"
6 = "Warning"
7 = "Success"
10 = "OK"
11 = "Cancel"
12 = "Apply"
15 = "Yes"
16 = "No"
31 = "Filename will be ignored"
50 = "Value out of range !"
51 = "Invalid characters !"
52 = "Invalid filename !"
# EAC Options - Extraction Tab
4200 = "Extraction"
4310 = " Fill up missing offset samples with silence "
104310 = "When using offset correction, without the "+
"drive being able to overread into lead-in/lead-out, "+
"this flag specifies if the missing samples should be "+
"filled with silence or just left out, resulting "+
"in a WAV file with missing some samples."
4308 = " No use of null samples for CRC calculations "
104308 = "This flag specifies if on checksum calculations "+
"silence is used for this as well. Having silence "+
"at the beginning and the end could make CRC "+
"comparisons the same even if a different read "+
"offset was used."
4202 = " Synchronize between tracks "
104202 = "At track junctions EAC is able to synchronize between "+
"the two tracks, making it sure that no pops/gaps will "+
"occur on these junctions. This works of course only "+
"if adjacent tracks are extracted."
4203 = " Delete leading and trailing silent blocks "
104203 = "EAC will cut off any digital silence in front and "+
"behind all tracks (and ranges) that are extracted, "+
"resulting in a file with length shorter than the original."
13701 = " Skip track extraction on read or sync errors "
113701 = "If selected, EAC will, on the first occurrence of "+
"a read or sync error, skip the actual track and "+
"proceed with the next one."
13702 = " Skip track extraction after duration longer than "
113702 = "If selected, EAC will, after extracting a given "+
"time on a track, skip the actual track and proceed "+
"with the next one. This is handy if error correction "+
"takes too long, making error-free extraction nearly unfeasible."
4230 = "times realtime"
4210 = " After each "
104210 = "On difficult, error-full extractions it is often a good idea "+
"to pause the extraction within a specific time interval, in "+
"order to prevent any damage of the CD-ROM drive."
4211 = "mins of extraction, cool down the drive for"
4214 = "mins"
4215 = " Lock drive tray during extraction"
104215 = "EAC will lock the CD-ROM drive tray to make "+
"sure that the user don't open it by accident "+
"during the extraction process. If not selected, "+
"the tray would open during an extraction, but "+
"leaving EAC in an unknown state."
4208 = "Extraction and compression priority"
104205 = "This is a priority used for extraction and "+
"compression. If you select a priority higher "+
"than Normal, EAC will work in the background "+
"without any speed sacrifices while the user "+
"works in another application."
4232 = "Error recovery quality"
107602 = "There are three levels of error correction, also "+
"visible in the number of error-display rows in the "+
"extraction dialog. This only specifies how many "+
"rereads will be done before giving up."
4233 = "A higher error recovery quality will slow "+
"down extraction on read and sync errors"
4270 = "Low"
4271 = "Medium"
4272 = "High"
4280 = "Idle"
4281 = "Normal"
4282 = "High"
4290 = 50
4291 = 51
# EAC Options - General
4300 = " General "
4312 = " Use alternate CD play routines "
104312 = "When selected all CD play routines will work by "+
"extracting and digitally sending the audio data "+
"to the sound card. This has the advantage that no "+
"cable has to be installed between the drive and "+
"the soundcard."
4307 = " Disable 'CD Autostart' for audio and data CDs while EAC running "
104307 = "EAC will disable Windows CD autostart feature in order "+
"alltimes a new CD is inserted to not have pop up either "+
"the Windows cd player or start the setup program of the CD."
4314 = " On unknown CDs, "
104314 = "If a CD is inserted for that EAC has no information "+
"stored, EAC could take automatically the following actions."
4317 = " automatically access online freedb database "
104317 = "The internet CD database is questioned automatically "+
"if an unknown CD is inserted. Of course the EAC internet "+
"options has to be set correctly before."
4318 = " open CD information dialog "
104318 = "On an unknown CD, EAC will pop up its CD information "+
"dialog where the user could easily enter all necessary "+
"CD information."
4309 = " Display times using Frames "
104309 = "It is possible to display the time information in the "+
"main window in two different formats, either as hundredth "+
"of seconds or as 1/75 seconds (frames) which is more native "+
"to the CD. The frame display is always exact while hundredth "+
"of seconds will be rounded."
4302 = " Ask before overwriting files "
104302 = "If a track with the specific filename on the CD already "+
"exists, EAC is able to either ask if the file really should "+
"be overwritten or just overwrite without asking."
4319 = " Correct bug of wrong filename order in Windows multiple file dialog "
104319 = "The Windows file selection box has some strange behaviour "+
"that occurs when selecting multiple files, the first and "+
"last track will be exchanged. This occurs when clicking the "+
"last file of the list as the last one. This function will "+
"correct this and exchange both files again."
4306 = " Show status dialog after extraction "
104306 = "Here you could select if after extraction EAC should show up "+
"the Extraction Status dialog with information on "+
"read errors and quality."
4303 = " Beep after extraction finished "
104303 = "After extraction is finished EAC is able to perform a Windows Beep."
4304 = " Eject CD after extraction finished "
104304 = "It is possible to eject the CD automatically after "+
"extraction is finished."
4320 = "When using the Power Down feature"
104320 = "EAC is able to power down or reset the computer "+
"automatically after it has finished an extraction."
4315 = " power down computer "
104315 = "If selected, EAC will power down the computer after "+
"an extraction has finished."
4316 = " restart computer "
104316 = "If selected, EAC will reset the computer in order to "+
"start up new for a clean environment."
# EAC Options - Tools
13700 = " Tools "
9505 = " Retrieve UPC / ISRC codes in CUE sheet generation "
109505 = "On automatically generating a CUE sheet for a CD, "+
"it is possible to add also its UPC and ISRCs. On "+
"the other hand this could be quite time consuming on some CDs."
4209 = " Use CD-Text information in CUE sheet generation "
104209 = "Add PERFORMER and TITLE to CUE sheets that are created. "+
"If the program and writer supports CD-Text these information "+
"will be written automatically to the CD. These information "+
"are taken from the main window and from the CD Information dialog."
13705 = " Create '.m3u' playlist on extraction "
113705 = "If selected, EAC will automatically write an '.m3u' playlist "+
"to the chosen directory, name is generated from the CD name. "+
"Only tracks selected for extraction will be listed in this file."
13706 = " Automatically write status report after extraction "
113706 = "After extraction has been finished it is possible to automatically "+
"save the status information to a file, the name will be generated "+
"from the CD title."
13707 = " On extraction, start external compressors queued in the background "
113707 = "Using this flag will let EAC do all compressions during extractions "+
"using external commandline encoders in a queue and all codecs at "+
"the same time as the extraction. As compression will work beside "+
"extraction, this could result in some problems. First of all, on slow "+
"computers, extraction could get more problematic and errors could "+
"occur more often or more severe. Second using external command line "+
"encoders, in worst case, the whole CD is extracted as WAV, so up to "+
"700 MB free space would be needed, unlike compression without this "+
"option, where the next track is extracted, when the previous track "+
"has finished compression (and could be deleted)."
13712 = "Use"
13710 = "simultaneous external compressor thread(s)"
13714 = "It is necessary to restart EAC to change the number of compression threads."
13709 = " Do not open external compressor window "
113709 = "Using external command line encoder, EAC will usually open "+
"a new window showing the progress of the encoder. Using "+
"this option no new window is opened for status messages, "+
"thus no conflicts with other applications occur. On the "+
"other hand, you don't know how much of a file need still to be encoded."
13708 = " Submit drive features after detection (but ask for permission) "
113708 = "To help other users without matching offset CDs or other "+
"problems of determinating the drive features, EAC can submit "+
"drive feature data to a central database. If this flag is "+
"selected EAC will ask if it is allowed to submit these data. If "+
"this flag is not selected, EAC will not ask nor send any data."
13715 = " Activate beginner mode, disable all advanced features "
113715 = "EAC is a very complex tool, that need knowledge of the "+
"structure of audio CDs in order to exploit all its features. "+
"As beginners often worry which option is really necessary "+
"to be set in order to get good results, EAC is able to hide "+
"options that should only be used by experts and are not "+
"necessary for good copies of audio CDs.");
13780 = "Setting the beginner mode will reset some other options "+
"to their default value !\n\nDo you want to continue ?"
# EAC Options - Normalize
4100 = "Normalize"
1512 = " Normalize "
101512 = "Normalizing a track means to change its volume to a given "+
"maximum loudness, 100% means that the song (in the file) will "+
"be as loud as possible (without clipping) (0 dB) and 25% means "+
"that the volume will be only a fourth of the maximum possible "+
"loudness (-12 dB). This could be handy to bring all songs of a "+
"sampler to the same maximum loudness, but could also destroy "+
"the intended effect (dynamics) created by a composer."
1510 = "Normalize to"
101504 = "This is the level of normalization, 100% is maximum value. "+
"Usually for maximum loudness a few percent lower value is "+
"taken to prevent clipping by the output devices."
1513 = "But only, if Peak Level is"
1518 = "smaller than"
101514 = "Here you could choose for what tracks normalization should be "+
"done at all. It should be done if a track has a low maximum volume. "+
"All tracks with a volume below this value will be normalized."
1555 = "or"
1520 = "greater than"
101516 = "Here you could choose for what tracks normalization should be "+
"done at all. It should be done if a track has an extreme high "+
"maximum volume. All tracks with a volume higher than this "+
"value will be normalized."
# EAC Options - Filename
4400 = "Filename"
4460 = "Construction of save filenames"
4420 = "Naming scheme"
104444 = "In this field you could select how the filename of an "+
"extracted track is constructed. By choosing placeholders "+
"for properties of the CD you could create any filename "+
"you want. Of course you could also use additional text, "+
"and you could specify a '\\' to tell that it should be in "+
"a subdirectory. If the subdirectory does not exists, "+
"it will be created. There is a limitation that you can't "+
"specify an absolute position (e.g. 'C:\\directory\\%T' or '\\%T')."
4421 = " Use various artist naming scheme "
104421 = "It is possible to use an alternative naming scheme on CDs "+
"with various artists. When selected, the naming scheme will "+
"be used on these CDs instead. Of course the appropriate "+
"option in the CD information has to be set."
104423 = "On various artist CDs an alternative naming scheme may "+
"be used. The parameter has the same conventions as the "+
"normal naming scheme."
4401 = "- Track title"
4404 = "- Track number"
4402 = "- CD or track artist"
4403 = "- Release year"
4405 = "- CD title"
4413 = "- ID3 music type"
4414 = "- freedb music type"
4425 = "- CD artist"
4412 = "For example : "
4411 = " Replace spaces by underscores "
104411 = "If selected, all spaces in filenames that are created "+
"will be replaced by underscores ('_')."
4418 = "Note :"
4419 = "For normal extractions either "+
"<Track title> OR <Track number> is mandatory."
4422 = "For index-based extractions only <Track number> "+
"is mandatory."
4466 = 52
# EAC Options - Catalog
3900 = "Catalog"
3907 = "Catalog file length (in seconds)"
103903 = "If creating catalog sample pieces, this will specify "+
"the total length in seconds of each sample piece."
3911 = "Catalog start position in a track (in seconds)"
103909 = "This is the position in seconds in the track where "+
"the catalog sample piece should start.");
3912 = "Fade in length (in seconds)"
103910 = "The catalog sample piece will be faded in for this "+
"length in seconds."
3908 = "Fade out length (in seconds)"
103902 = "A fade out will be done to the catalog sample pieces "+
"for this length in seconds.");
3940 = "No number !"
3941 = "Fade time greater than total length !"
# EAC Options - Directories
12900 = "Directories"
12901 = "Standard directory for extraction"
12902 = " Ask every time (default showing last used directory) "
112902 = "If this is selected, EAC will ask always for the "+
"destination directory of all extractions."
12903 = " Use this directory "
112903 = "You can specify a directory to where all extractions are "+
112904 = "This base directory will be used for extracting all tracks."
12905 = "Browse..."
112905 = "Browse for a directory as a target of upcoming extractions."
12906 = "EAC language selection"
12907 = "Use language"
112908 = "It is possible to have EAC localized in your own language. "+
"All texts within EAC are translated for easier access to most "+
"functions for persons unfamiliar with the english language." +
"If your language is not listed here, the translation is perhaps "+
"in work, have a look on the EAC page for recent translations."
# EAC Options - Write
13500 = " Write "
13501 = "CD-Text options"
13502 = " Upper all characters (on writing) "
113502 = "If selected, all characters of the title and artist of the "+
"CD-Text information are made to upper-case."
13504 = "e.g. \"Queen\" becomes \"QUEEN\""
13503 = " Include artist in the CD-Text track title entry (on writing) "
113503 = "The artist will be included into the title of the CD-Text "+
"information, as some standalone CD-Player will display only "+
"the title and not the artist field."
13505 = "e.g. \"Bohemian Rhapsody\" becomes \"Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody\""
13506 = " Disable copy protection flag on adding audio files to the "+
"layout editor as default "
113506 = "This flag will disable the copy protection flag as default "+
"for all added tracks in the write layout editor. But you are "+
"still able to change the settings in the layout editor."
# EAC Options - Interface
13300 = "Interface"
13301 = "Use of SCSI interface"
13302 = " Installed external ASPI interface "
113302 = "An external SCSI/IDE interface, called ASPI, will be used. "+
"For best compatibility you should use the one from Adaptec."
13306 = " Installed external ASAPI interface (from VOB software) "
113306 = "EAC also support a different SCSI interface by the third-party "+
"manufacturer VOB. This interface should be able to handle "+
"IDE, SCSI, USB, Parallel and Firewire devices."
13303 = " Native Win32 interface for Win NT/2000/XP "
113303 = "The SCSI/IDE interface used will be the one provided by EAC. "+
"This works only for Windows NT, 2000 and XP, "+
"but it could result in some problems because bugs "+
"could occur anytime."
13304 = "After changing these settings, EAC have to be restarted in "+
"order to take effect."
13307 = "Note :"
13305 = "The external ASPI interface is installed by default in some "+
"windows versions (Windows 95/98/ME) or could be installed. ASPI can "+
"be downloaded from http://www.adaptec.com/ but some install "+
"programs check if you have Adaptec hardware in your computer."
13308 = "The external ASAPI interface is part of VOBs Instant CD/DVD "+
"package, but could be downloaded for free separately on their "+
"homepage http://www.vob.de/ There shouldn't be "+
"incompatibilities with other ASPI installations."
# Drive Options - Extraction Method
7500 = "Extraction Method"
7503 = "Secure modes"
1505 = " Secure mode with following drive features (recommended)"
101505 = "If one of these secure modes is selected, the extracted "+
"audio is checked for correctness and if errors occur, "+
"EAC will try to recover them. It is important that the "+
"correct settings are used below."
7501 = " Drive has 'Accurate Stream' feature "
107501 = "This options should be set, if your drive has an accurate stream, "+
"meaning that it won't jitter, thus no jitter-correction has "+
"to be performed anymore. If your drive support this feature "+
"could be tested using the function at the bottom."
7502 = " Drive caches audio data "
107502 = "If your drive caches the audio that was just read, "+
"it would be a problem to read this data again in order "+
"to compare both extractions to find out if they match. "+
"In that case this option has to be enabled, so that EAC will "+
"clear the cache by overreading it. If your drive support "+
"this feature could be tested using the function at the bottom."
7506 = " Drive is capable of retrieving C2 error information "
107506 = "Some newer drives are able to return C2 error information "+
"beside the actual audio data. In that case EAC doesn't "+
"need to read all data twice anymore, which will result "+
"in a big speedup. But beware, in the drive feature detection "+
"some drives will report that they will support C2, but they "+
"do actually not. To test this feature more thoroughly, "+
"there is an additional function at the bottom."
7509 = " Use C2 error information for error correction"
107509 = "For some kind of defective CDs it can result in better "+
"sounding copies when having this option enabled, but this "+
"will only work correctly when the readers c2 routines are "+
"correct. In most cases you should leave this option "+
1507 = " Paranoid mode (not recommended)"
101507 = "This is the oldest secure mode of EAC. It read and "+
"reread the sectors in smaller blocks, what will decrease "+
"performance and could perhaps damage your drive. So this "+
"mode is not recommended, but some users claim to get "+
"better results using this mode."
7508 = " Disable CD-ROM drive cache "
107508 = "The cache of the drive will be disabled, but beware "+
"because this option could produce some strange noises with "+
"some drives. In that case do not use this option anymore!"
7504 = "Synchronized modes"
1506 = " Fast mode"
101506 = "Quick mode is a standard synchronised extraction mode, "+
"called 'normal', 'synchronised' or 'jitter-corrected' mode "+
"in other programs. This non-secure mode should be used "+
"if your drive does not support accurate-stream."
7505 = "Burst modes"
1525 = " Burst mode"
101525 = "Burst mode is the fastest mode available. The audio "+
"sectors are just read without any error-detection or "+
"error-correction. On some badly scratched CDs, this mode "+
"could result in better copies than secure mode "+
"(at least with some drives)."
7601 = "Detect Read Features..."
107601 = "EAC is autodetect most drive features using this function. "+
"This is needed for making sure that the correct secure "+
"mode options are selected."
7507 = "Examine C2 Feature..."
107507 = "Some drives report that they support C2 error information, "+
"but in fact they don't. This function will scan a scratched "+
"CD for occurrence of any C2 report. If there is none, most "+
"probably the drive does not support the C2 feature."
# Drive Options - Drive
9900 = "Drive"
9924 = "Drive read command"
104207 = "As there was no real drive standard, most manufacturer had "+
"their own commands used for extracting audio from a CD. "+
"Because of this EAC knows a lot of read commands and usually "+
"EAC will autodetect the correct one. But there could be "+
"problems on autodetecting the read command, in that case you "+
"could try to select the correct read command manually. Then "+
"check with burst copy if you really have selected the correct one."
9925 = "A wrong chosen extraction command may cause "+
"problems on SCSI systems"
9901 = "Autodetect read command now"
109901 = "EAC will autodetect the read command when this function "+
"is used and the result will be set in the combo box afterwards."
7605 = " \"Big Endian\" byte order (Motorola) "
107605 = "Some drive will return samples in a wrong byte-order. "+
"16 bit samples could be divided into 2 bytes and the "+
"order of the bytes is reversed on these drives. "+
"If your extracted music sounds like pure noise, try "+
"to use this option."
9927 = "This \"Big Endian\" byte mode is often used on drives from "+
"Philips, Grundig, IMS, Kodak, Ricoh, HP, Plasmon and some "+
"others. Select this option only if the extracted wav file "+
"seems to consist of noise!"
7607 = " Swap channels "
107607 = "Some few (bad) drives swap the left and right stereo "+
"channel, which can be undone using this option. Some "+
"even fewer drives will also swap channels then and when "+
"several times during the extraction process."
9926 = "Very few drives will have exchanged stereo channels "+
"on extraction."
7610 = " Spin up drive before extraction "
107610 = "Some drives will already transmit data when it is just "+
"spinning up. This could result in problems at the beginning "+
"of the extraction. To make sure that the drive is at full "+
"spin, you could activate this option.";
7609 = "Some drives already read data on spin up. This will "+
"cause problems on some of these drives, destroying the "+
"beginning of an extracted WAV."
9950 = "Autodetect read command"
9951 = "Read command MMC"
9952 = "Read command Read10"
9953 = "Read command Density"
9954 = "Read command D8"
9955 = "Read command D5"
9956 = "Read command D4"
9957 = "Read command MMC 1"
9958 = "Read command MMC 2"
9959 = "Read command MMC 3"
9960 = "Read command MMC 4"
9961 = "Read command D4 1"
9962 = "Read command D4 2"
9980 = "Drive does not contain a music CD"
# Drive Options - Offset / Speed
7600 = "Offset / Speed"
7606 = " Use read sample offset correction"
107606 = "Here you are able to switch between a read offset "+
"correction and a combined read/write offset correction, "+
"without always typing in the new actual value."
101527 = "Usually a drive will not return the audio data from "+
"the correct position, but from a number of samples before "+
"or behind that point. To compensate this you are able to "+
"specify an read offset correction for this drive. It should "+
"be the same for all drives of the same model."
7612 = "Read sample offset correction value"
4301 = "Detect read sample offset correction..."
104301 = "EAC will try to autodetect the read offset using an audio "+
"CD from the list in the documentation or on the official "+
"homepage. There could be several pressings of a CD, so make "+
"sure that you get twice the same value from at least two "+
"different CDs."
7608 = " Use combined read/write sample offset correction"
107609 = "This offset correction value is meant for correcting both "+
"the read process and the write process. Of course a specific "+
"value is always connected to this reader and the specific "+
"writer. It would be different when using a different writer."
7611 = "Combined read/write sample offset correction value"
7603 = " Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out "
107603 = "When using the read-offset, there will be some data missing "+
"either at the beginning or at the end of a CD, depending on "+
"whether is offset is positive or negative. Some drives "+
"allow to read before the actual CD starts or where the CD "+
"is already ended. So no samples will be missing in the "+
"extraction using this compensation."
1531 = "Speed selection"
101530 = "If the drive support this, you will be able to select an "+
"extraction speed. This could be handy for scratched CDs, "+
"as extraction will be done in higher quality at a lower "+
"speed. The 'Actual' setting will not change the actual "+
"drive speed"
4305 = " Allow speed reduction during extraction "
104305 = "EAC is able to reduce the speed automatically when a "+
"read error occurs. It will speed up again when the "+
"erroneous passage is gone, but not all drives will "+
"speed up again."
7604 = " CD-Text Read capable drive "
107604 = "If your drive support the read of CD-Text, you have to "+
"select this option. There are some problems with some "+
"drives when autodetecting this feature, so it has to "+
"specified manually now."
7670 = 50
7671 = 51
# Drive Options - Gap Detection
9500 = "Gap Detection"
9502 = "Gap/Index retrieval method :"
109501 = "To detect pre-track gaps and indices greater than 1, "+
"EAC will use different techniques to determinate "+
"these using different drives. At least one of these "+
"modes should work with your drive. You should select "+
"the one that works best (fastest) with the drive."
9504 = "Detection accuracy :"
109503 = "You can select if EAC should countercheck the extracted "+
"indices information. It will just extract the index "+
"several times in the 'Accurate' and 'Secure' mode."
9550 = "Detection method A"
9551 = "Detection method B"
9552 = "Detection method C"
9560 = "Inaccurate"
9561 = "Accurate"
9562 = "Secure"
# Drive Options - Writer
12700 = " Writer "
12730 = "Write samples offset"
112701 = "Like the read-offset you could also specify an offset "+
"for writing. This is also unique for a model from a "+
12709 = "Create Offset Test CD"
112709 = "This function will write an offset test CD. The "+
"created CD depends on the settings in the write offset "+
"control. If you use write offset 0, then you would "+
"measure the combined read/write offset of this writer "+
"and any reader you want using the determine read "+
"offset function. If you use the correct write offset "+
"value, you will create an CD for determine absolute "+
"read offset of any reader. This function will actually "+
"write data, so the CD will become filled with noise data!"
12705 = "After burning finished"
12702 = " reset drive by ejecting and loading CD-R"
112702 = "After the writing or testing is finished, EAC will "+
"eject and load the CD. This is necessary on some CDs "+
"to let them know that the content of the CD has "+
"changed. Some drives even think that after a test "+
"write the CD is not empty anymore, so you should "+
"specify this option in that case."
12703 = " only eject CD-R"
112703 = "If you want to write a pile of CDs it could be handy "+
"to eject the CD automatically when EAC has finished "+
12704 = " do not eject CD-R"
112704 = "When selecting this option, EAC will not eject the "+
"CD after writing. This could arise problems with some "+
"drives, as they do not acknowledge the actual content "+
"of the CD."
12706 = " Drive is able to write UPC/ISRC "
112706 = "If your writer support to write UPC and ISRCs you "+
"could specify this option to actually burn them."
12707 = " Drive is able to write CD-Text "
112707 = "If your writer support to write CD-Text information "+
"you could enable this option to have your artist and "+
"title information written automatically to the CD. "+
"CD-Text could be read afterwards this drives that are "+
"CD-Text enabled."
12708 = "Detect Write Features..."
112708 = "EAC is able to autodetect if your writer is able to "+
"burn UPC/ISRC and CD-Text. For this test you need an "+
"empty CD-R/CD-RW inserted. No data is actually "+
"written, so the CD is not wasted."
12780 = "Write offset value out of range !"
# Compression Options - Waveform
6200 = "Waveform"
910 = "Wave format"
100901 = "Windows supports different compression techniques "+
"in its WAV format. The compression is done by Codecs "+
"which can be added or removed easily to the system "+
"if new compression formats arise. EAC itself also "+
"wrap some compression DLLs, so they look like a Codec "+
"(e.g. LAME DLL, BladeEnc DLL)."
911 = "Sample format"
100902 = "Here you could select the sample rate, the "+
"resolution and often the compression ratio of the "+
"final audio file. The resolution of the CD is 16 bit "+
"and the sample rate is 44100 Hz in order to preserve "+
"audio CD quality."
905 = " Add ID3 tag "
100905 = "The MP3 format has a special feature, it is able to "+
"store the artist, composer, etc. behind the actual "+
"file, so that most MP3 player will read and display "+
"these information. By selecting this option a tag "+
"will be added after extraction."
6201 = " Do not write WAV header to file "
106201 = "For some files (e.g. MP3) Windows provides a Codec "+
"to read WAV files, but the format itself should/could "+
"not be wrapped by a WAV header. So if you want to "+
"create .mp3 files, you should activate this option "+
"and specify that extension below."
1301 = " High quality (slow)"
101301 = "Some(!) of the Windows Codecs supports the quality "+
"settings, they will dependent on it either compress "+
"with higher quality or with higher speed."
1302 = " Low quality (fast)"
6203 = "File extension for headerless files"
106202 = "If having selected the above option, you are able "+
"to specify any filename extension. On MP3 compression "+
"you would probably use the string .mp3 in this control."
# Compression Options - External Compression
6000 = "External Compression"
6001 = " Use external program for compression "
106001 = "EAC is able to use so called command-line encoder. "+
"These encoder packages usually comes as an .EXE "+
"file that have to be started with the audio "+
"filenames and a bunch of options in a dos box. "+
"EAC will call these encoders automatically "+
"and pass them the appropriate parameters."
6014 = "Parameter passing scheme :"
106015 = "There are many command-line encoder out there. "+
"Nearly each of it requires a special format how "+
"the parameters are passed to the program. So here "+
"you should select the one how your encoder is "+
"called, or a scheme that is compatible with your "+
6017 = "Use file extension : "
106016 = "The user defined command line encoder allows to "+
"specify any file extension. By this you are able "+
"to create any current and future file format."
6003 = "Program, including path, used for compression"
106002 = "Here you have to specify the location and the name "+
"of the .EXE file of your encoder."
6004 = "Browse..."
6006 = "Additional command line options :"
106007 = "If you know the command line parameters and want "+
"to add some parameters, in order to use new features "+
"or different quality settings you could specify "+
"them in this control."
6008 = "Bit rate :"
106005 = "Here you could select a bitrate compression ratio "+
"for the encoded file. At least 128 kBits "+
"are recommended."
6013 = " Delete WAV after compression "
106013 = "EAC have to extract the audio tracks uncompressed "+
"to harddisk first in order to pass the filename to "+
"the encoder. It is possible to keep that uncompressed "+
"file beside the compressed one, or to delete the "+
"uncompressed one."
6009 = " Use CRC check "
106009 = "Some encoders support to store a checksum within "+
"the audiofile in order to be able to check the "+
"consistency of the file on playing, etc. By enabling "+
"the encoder will write a CRC checksum, but beware "+
"as most encoder so far have a bug that calculates "+
"the wrong checksum which resulted in player that "+
"will ignore the CRC field."
6012 = " Add ID3 tag "
106012 = "The MP3 format has a special feature, it is able "+
"to store the artist, composer, etc. behind the "+
"actual file, so that most MP3 player will read "+
"and display these information. By selecting this "+
"option a tag will be added after extraction."
6010 = " High quality"
106010 = "Some of the encoders supports the quality settings, "+
"they will dependent on it either compress with "+
"higher quality or with higher speed."
6011 = " Low quality"
6018 = " Check for external programs return code"
106018 = "Most external applications are able to return an "+
"error code to the shell. By using this option, EAC "+
"will catch the return code. If the compression was "+
"not successfull (bad return code), EAC will show a "+
"warning dialog, and also show the command line used."
6060 = "Unspecified encoder !"
6061 = "Wrong path or program !"
# Compression Options - Offset
10000 = "Offset"
10099 = "Comment"
10001 = " Use Offset Correction for encoding and decoding "
110001 = "Some compressors do not compress the audio data "+
"as is, but they introduce an offset error so "+
"that at the beginning is silence and at the end "+
"often these number of samples (or more) are "+
"missing. This could be bad for compressed live "+
"recordings, as they can't be reproduced without "+
"gap anymore. By specifying this flag on "+
"compression the file will be stuffed and on "+
"decompression, by using the offset, the original "+
"file could be reconstructed (in most cases)."
10004 = "Sample Offset"
110002 = "This is the decompression offset, it should be "+
"the same for the same encoder compressing with "+
"the same quality. Usually you will autodetect "+
"this offset using the function below."
10003 = "Detect Offset..."
110003 = "EAC is able to autodetect the compression offset "+
"from the compression formats which Windows is "+
"able to decompress. This should be finished within "+
"several seconds."
10005 = "This function will detect the offset between "+
"the actual selected codec or external compressor "+
"and the appropriate decompressor"
10015 = " Use LAME command line encoder/decoder for "+
"decoding MP3 files"
110015 = "When selected, EAC will make use of the decoding "+
"unit of the LAME executable instead of the "+
"Fraunhofer MP3 Codec. For that the LAME compressor "+
"must reside in the EACs directory. If the "+
"Fraunhofer Codec is not available, the LAME decoder "+
"will be used automatically (if installed)."
10013 = "Construction of the ID3 Tag comment field on "+
10009 = " Write \"Track <tracknumber>\" into ID3 Tag "+
"comment field"
110009 = "When using ID3 Tags, you are able to store a "+
"comment field within it. Now it is possible for "+
"EAC to store different strings into it automatically "+
"on creation. In this case EAC will store the "+
"track number into the comment field."
10010 = " Write CRC checksum into ID3 Tag comment field"
110010 = "EAC will write the tracks CRC checksum into the "+
"comment field, which should be the same on a second "+
"error free extraction, but of course only for offset "+
"corrected reads or drives of the same model."
10011 = " Write following text into ID3 Tag comment field"
110011 = "Using this option, EAC will write always the same "+
"string into all ID3 Tags to be created. This string "+
"could be specified below and may have maximum length "+
"of 29-30 characters for ID3V1."
110012 = "This string is written to all ID3 Tags comment field "+
"and may have maximum length of 30 (V1.0) or 29 (V1.1), "+
"and for ID3 V2 there is no length limitation."
10040 = "Compression options have just changed !\n\n"+
"You have to apply before detecting offset ! "
10041 = "No compression selected ! "
# Compression Options - ID3 Tag
11400 = "ID3 Tag"
13703 = " Use ID3 V1.1 tags instead of ID3 V1.0 tags"
113703 = "In the newer ID3 format V1.1 it is possible to "+
"store additionally the track number on the CD "+
"in the ID3 Tag. Most newer player are compatible "+
"with the newer standard, but not all, possibly "+
"resulting in a comment with a funny character at "+
"the end."
11404 = " Additionally write ID3 V2 tags, using a padding of"
111404 = "EAC is able to write the newer ID3 V2 tags. "+
"The advantages are long title and track identifier "+
"and useable for streaming. The bad side is that "+
"when using an external compressor, EAC need to copy "+
"the whole file after encoding."
111405 = "Because the ID3V2 tag is written at the start of a "+
"file, it would be difficult to edit such a tag once "+
"written. You could reserve some space for later "+
"usage and additions. If no space would be reserved, "+
"an edit operation will result in copying the "+
"whole file."
11406 = "kB"
11411 = " Use ID3V2.4.0 tags instead of ID3V2.3.0 tags"
111411 = "When selected EAC will use the newer ID3V2 tag "+
"standard version 2.4.0 instead of 2.3.0. There "+
"may be incompatibilities with tagger or player "+
"software using the new tagging standard."
11401 = "Construction of filenames from ID3 tags"
111408 = "In this field you could select how the filename "+
"of an renamed MP3 file from the ID3 tag is "+
"constructed. By choosing placeholders for "+
"properties of the CD you could create any "+
"filename you want. Of course you could "+
"also use additional text. "
4481 = "- Track title (mandatory)"
4482 = "- CD or track artist"
4483 = "- Release year"
4484 = "- CD title"
4485 = "- Comment"
4486 = "- ID3 music type"
4487 = "- Track number (using ID3 V1.1 tags)"
4490 = "For example : "
104417 = "This is a sample of how a filename contruction "+
"could look like. You are able to copy these "+
"settings to the control above."
11440 = "Invalid Filename !"
# Compression Options - Gogo DLL
14100 = "Gogo DLL"
14111 = "Additional parameters for the Gogo MP3 Encoder DLL"
14102 = "Output mode"
114101 = "This parameter will let you change in which "+
"stereo or mono output mode MP3s are encoded "+
"using the Gogo DLL."
14103 = "Emphasis setting"
114106 = "If you want to add emphasis to your encoded "+
"MP3s, you could select two standard emphasis methods."
14107 = "Number of CPUs"
114108 = "On multiprocessor systems, Gogo is able to "+
"start its encoding divided into several threads. "+
"This will allow faster encoding as all "+
"processors will work simultaneously. On single "+
"processor systems, this flag is without any use."
14109 = "VBR quality"
114110 = "In VBR mode, you are able to specify a quality "+
"setting which will affect encoding bitrate "+
"allocation. If you use quality 0, the max "+
"bitrate will be reached easily, while using "+
"quality 9 the bitrate usually will be around "+
"the base bitrate. Using Gogo, VBR seems only "+
"to work correctly if you use the psycho-accoustics."
14104 = " Use psycho-acoustics "
114104 = "An acoustic modell helps an audio encoder to "+
"decide which parts of the audio signal could "+
"be removed without being missed. This modell "+
"is a new experimental modell included in Gogo."
14105 = " Disable low pass filter "
114105 = "It is possible to disable the internal encoder "+
"signal low pass filter, in order to also compress "+
"signals up to 22.5 kHz. Of course the drawback "+
"is that encoding will need more space or at the "+
"same length the quality will suffer."
14180 = "Mid/Side Stereo"
14190 = "None"
# Compression Options - LAME DLL
14200 = "LAME DLL"
14203 = "Additional parameters for the LAME MP3 Encoder DLL"
14204 = "Output mode"
114209 = "This parameter will let you change in which "+
"stereo or mono output mode MP3s are encoded "+
"using the LAME DLL."
14201 = "Quality"
114202 = "There are different encoding qualities possible "+
"when using the DLL, which of course also affects "+
"encoding speed."
14205 = "Maximum VBR bitrate"
114210 = "LAME allows to specify an maximum bitrate when "+
"using VBR (Variable Bit Rate), this selecting "+
"depends on what base bitrate you have chosen "+
"in the main encoder tab."
14216 = " Use VBR quality"
114216 = "In VBR mode, you are able to specify a quality "+
"setting which will affect encoding bitrate "+
"allocation. If you use quality 0, the max bitrate "+
"will be reached easily, while using quality 9 the "+
"bitrate usually will be around the base bitrate."
114211 = "This value specifies the base bitrate for the "+
"MP3 file. That has the advantage to create MP3 files "+
"that are of nearly constant quality."
14215 = " Use VBR average bitrate"
114215 = "The average bitrate mode will not always use the "+
"same quality, it will average the bitrate over the "+
"whole file to the specified value."
114214 = "This value specifies the average bitrate for the "+
"MP3 file. That has the advantage to exactly knowing "+
"before compression what size the resulting file will "+
14207 = " Insert CRC checksum "
114207 = "This flag will add all encodings an checksum value, "+
"which could be used by some encoders to verify audio "+
"correctness. As there were wrong CRC calculations in "+
"early MP3 encoders, most MP3 players will ignore "+
"any CRC checksums."
14208 = " Write Xing VBR header on VBR encoding "
114208 = "Using this option, the LAME encoder will write a "+
"VBR header in front of the file, allowing some players "+
"to detect the file as VBR correctly."
14270 = "0 (High Quality)"
14271 = "5 (Normal)"
14272 = "9 (High Compression)"
14280 = "Stereo"
14281 = "Joint Stereo"
14282 = "Dual Channel"
14283 = "Force Mono"
14290 = "Normal Quality"
14291 = "Low Quality"
14292 = "High Quality"
14293 = "Voice Quality"
# Internet Options - freedb
6180 = " freedb "
6181 = "Your E-Mail address :"
104601 = "For retrieving or sending data from/to freedb "+
"CD database, you have to enter your email address. "+
"This email address will be used on submissions "+
"for error reports."
6182 = "Freedb server :"
104602 = "There are several internet server, which could "+
"be used for freedb communications. If one server "+
"does not work, try to use a different one."
4605 = "Get active freedb server list"
104605 = "If the server in the list does not work, it is "+
"possible to download a more recent list."
4610 = " Use Proxy Server for HTTP access "
104610 = "When your server is behind a firewall to protect "+
"your company against attacks from the internet, "+
"you have to use this proxy protocol."
4609 = "Proxy Server :"
104606 = "Here you have to enter the name of your proxy server."
4608 = "Port :"
104607 = "The port number of your proxy has to be entered in "+
"this control."
4613 = " Use authentification for Proxy Server "
104613 = "If your firewall/proxy is protected against illegal "+
"access, you could specify a username and password "+
"for proxy use."
4614 = "Proxy username :"
104611 = "This is the username which is used to log into "+
"the proxy server."
4615 = "Proxy password :"
104612 = "You could enter the password for the proxy account "+
"here, or you are able to leave this field blank, "+
"so that EAC will ask you everytime you access freedb "+
"for the password. In that case, the password is not "+
"stored in the options at all."
6190 = "Invalid E-mail address !"
6191 = "Invalid server address !"
6192 = "Please enter proxy information !"
6193 = "Please enter proxy username !"
6194 = "Invalid proxy information !"
# Internet Options - Local freedb
9800 = "Local freedb"
9801 = " Use local freedb database "
109801 = "You are able to store the freedb data local on your "+
"harddisk. This will be done in the native freedb format, "+
"other than EACs own format."
9804 = "Local freedb path :"
109805 = "Here you have to specify the directory which "+
"should be used as base for the freedb native database."
9806 = "Browse..."
9803 = " Windows freedb file format"
109803 = "If this option is selected, EAC will use a Windows "+
"optimized version of the database, as not for every "+
"entry a new file is created. This will result in less "+
"waste of harddisk space."
9802 = " Unix freedb file format"
109802 = "If this option is selected, the native Unix freedb format "+
"is used, which result in one file per CD entry. Large "+
"databases on older filesystems will waste harddisk space "+
"using this option."
9807 = "The windows freedb file format will be better for FAT16 "+
"and other older filesystems, the "+
"unix file format will create a file for each freedb entry."
9891 = "Select Path For Local freedb"
# Internet Options - Export
14600 = "Export"
14605 = "Construction of database export lines"
114601 = "This control containing the placeholders "+
"defines how the line is created for exporting "+
"to a database file. Some databases import text "+
"files with different kind of separators between "+
"each element, so you are free to specify "+
"any seperator character manually."
14603 = "- Track length"
14606 = "- Tabulator character"
14690 = "Invalid Export Line !"
# Wave Editor Options - Editor
8500 = "Editor"
8501 = " Follow display while playing audio "
108501 = "When selected the waveform display will scroll "+
"automatically when playing. This will consume "+
"computation time, so if your sound output isn't "+
"continuous, then you should deselect this option."
8508 = " Create waveform profile on harddisk "
108508 = "EAC is able to create a profile of a file onto "+
"harddisk. Using a profile will open the audio file "+
"in the editor much more faster when reopening the file "+
"again. Of course this will consume some harddisk space."
8509 = " Double channels on mono playback "
108509 = "If one channel in the editor is played, there are two "+
"possibilities. First, only the left or right channel "+
"is played, the other one is silent. Second, the "+
"appropriate channel is also played on the other channel, "+
"resulting in a mono playback using both channels."
8515 = " Use main memory for storing temporary data"
108515 = "It is possible that EAC will not write temporary data to "+
"the harddisk, but use main memory instead. This has the "+
"advantage that processing time will be decreased for most "+
"functions. The drawback is that only files could be edited "+
"which processed range will fit completely into the memory. "+
"So, e.g. normalizing a disc image will not work on most "+
8516 = " Use temporary file on a harddisk"
108516 = "EAC will use the specified directory on the harddisc for "+
"storing temporary data on processing. Make sure that enough "+
"free space is on the drive in order to store the whole file "+
"to be processed."
8510 = "Temp path : "
108511 = "Working on an audio file requires an temporary file on which "+
"all operations are performed. Only when saving the changes "+
"in the editor, the original file will be altered. This "+
"specifies the location of the work file."
8512 = "Browse..."
8513 = "Space left on Temp drive :"
8517 = " Use Undo"
108517 = "The wave editor can store any changes to be able to un-do "+
"(restore) the previous state of the waveform. To enable "+
"this feature, this flag must be set and a valid path "+
"below must be given."
8503 = "Undo path :"
108504 = "To undo sound effect operations, it is necessary to "+
"store undo information on the harddisk. Here you could "+
"specify a location where these undo files are stored."
8505 = "Browse..."
8506 = "Space left on Undo drive :"
8590 = "Select Path For Undo File"
8591 = "Select Path For Temp File"
# Wave Editor Options - Compare
9300 = "Compare"
9301 = " Determine differences more exact "
109301 = "Using WAV compare, EAC is able to search more deeply "+
"for equal portions of the two files. This could result "+
"in much larger comparison times."
9302 = "This option will make the comparison of two WAV files "+
"more exact. On the other hand, it slows down the comparison, "+
"making the calculation extremely slow for files with many "+
"differences (e.g. two completely different files)."
# Wave Editor Options - Record
10200 = "Record"
10201 = " Do not use dB level meter on recording "
110201 = "On time-critical recordings, e.g. if you use a slow computer, "+
"you could disable the level meter display. This will lower "+
"the CPU usage significantly."
10202 = " Try to free memory before loop recording "
110202 = "Loop recording will allocate a buffer in memory for the loop "+
"data. Windows sometimes does not free allocated space "+
"immediately, only when it is needed. EAC is able to force "+
"windows to free as much memory as possible in order to have "+
"maximum memory available for recording."
# EAC Configuration Wizard - Welcome
15000 = "Welcome"
15001 = "Welcome to the EAC setup wizard !"
15003 = "This wizard will guide you through the main setup issues. All "+
"necessary options needed for installing all your drives and "+
"compressors you need can be setup according to your "+
15004 = "If you want to manually configure the options, you can "+
"abort this wizard at any time, no changes will take effect."
15005 = "The first step will be to configure your CD readers to "+
"your preferences, depending if you want secure extractions "+
"or faster, but unverified reads. Second will be the setup "+
"of external compressors like LAME."
15006 = "All further options will be set to a default value which "+
"will work ok for most users and most drives. If there are "+
"problems you are able to modify the appropriate options "+
"manually afterwards."
# EAC Configuration Wizard - CD-ROM Selection
15100 = "CD-ROM Selection"
15102 = "EAC will now start to configure your CD-ROM drives. First "+
"of all, please select the drives that you want to use for "+
"extraction. If you don't know at the moment which drive you "+
"will use for reading, let EAC best configure all of your drives."
15112 = "The next step will be that EAC will configure each of your "+
"drives at a time. EAC will ask in some cases for inserting "+
"an audio CD into the specific drive."
15103 = "EAC detected the following CD drives in your system, please "+
"select which drives EAC should autoconfigure."
# EAC Configuration Wizard - Extraction Preferences
15200 = "Extraction Preferences"
15210 = "EAC will now configure the CD drive"
15211 = "Depending of what you want, EAC is able to provide several "+
"modes. You could choose between speed and accuracy. Only "+
"the accurate secure mode will provide you with error "+
"detection and correction with verified results, preventing "+
"pops and clicks."
15212 = "For this drive, what you do prefer ?"
15205 = " I prefer to have accurate results"
15206 = " Only speed is important"
# EAC Configuration Wizard - Feature Database
15300 = "Feature Database"
15302 = "EAC has found this drive in its drive feature database "+
"and is able to use the following configuration data "+
"for this drive."
15303 = "Accurate stream : "
15304 = "Audio cache :"
15305 = "C2 error information :"
15311 = "Though the test reported C2 capabilities, there were "+
"no validated information that the drive really support C2. "+
"Thus most probably it doesn't (or wrongly) support it. "+
"EAC will disable C2 for now."
15309 = " Use these values to configure this drive"
15310 = " I don't trust these values, detect the features for my drive"
# EAC Configuration Wizard - Feature Detection
15400 = "Feature Detection"
15402 = "EAC will now autodetect the drive features for your drive. "+
"For this test you need a clean and unscratched music CD in "+
"the CD drive."
15404 = "This test should need around 1-4 minutes to work. If all "+
"results are displayed immediately, most probably the test "+
"didn't worked correctly. In such a case please use the "+
"<Back> button on the bottom of the configuration wizard "+
"and try again."
# EAC Configuration Wizard - Feature Results
15500 = "Feature Results"
15502 = "EAC has found these drive features for your drive. If you "+
"are an experienced user and think that these values are "+
"probably not correct, try different settings in the drive "+
"options of this drive."
15511 = "The detection should have needed around 1-4 minutes. "+
"If the results were showed immediately, most probably "+
"something went wrong, please use <Back> and try again."
15504 = "Accurate stream :"
15505 = "Audio cache :"
15506 = "C2 error information :"
15503 = "The test for C2 error information feature does not "+
"tell whether C2 is correctly implemented and usable. For "+
"this information further tests are needed (drive options), "+
"for now it will be disabled."
# EAC Configuration Wizard - Drive Rating
15600 = "Drive Rating"
15601 = "Congratulations!"
15602 = "EAC has now configured all your drives for your "+
"specified needs."
15603 = "From the selected drives EAC has found that the drives "+
"in the following order would bring the best extraction "+
"results and will select the first as default. Of "+
"course you should try also the other drives if any of "+
"them is working better for you."
15605 = "Best drive :"
15606 = "2nd best :"
15607 = "3rd best :"
15608 = "4th best :"
15609 = "5th best :"
15610 = "6th best :"
15611 = "7th best :"
15612 = "8th best :"
15613 = "(*) : Downrated because of burst read mode"
# EAC Configuration Wizard - Encoder Configuration
15700 = "Encoder Configuration"
15750 = "Now it is possible to install the LAME external "+
"compressor for creating MP3 files. Of course you could "+
"also create MP3 files in EAC with a variety of other "+
"encoders like Fraunhofer MP3 Codec or BladeEnc, but "+
"such encoders have to installed by you manually."
15604 = " Install and configure the external LAME.EXE compressor"
15751 = "Note : The LAME executable can be downloaded from "+
"various sites. For this configuration wizard it is "+
"assumed that you use at least the stable version of "+
"3.90 of LAME, or any newer version that can be "+
"downloaded from the sites below."
15752 = "Please note that I distance myself from the content "+
"of the pages I list here. The content may be "+
"illegal or contain patented algorithmn depending "+
"on the country you live in."
# EAC Configuration Wizard - LAME Configuration
15800 = "LAME Configuration"
15701 = "First of all it is necessary to install the "+
"LAME.EXE file into a directory of your choice. Now "+
"you need to specify the directory and EXE file of "+
"LAME for EAC. You can examine your harddisk by "+
"using the <Browse> button."
15802 = "If you have just installed a new version of LAME.EXE, "+
"you can go <BACK> and let again search automatically "+
"for it."
15703 = "Encoder :"
15704 = "Browse..."
15705 = " Use LAME standard settings"
15706 = " Use recommended settings (from r3mix forum)"
15801 = "When using this r3mix forum setting, you can choose "+
"a low and high quality profile in EACs compression "+
"options. The low profile is ABR 128 kbit/s and the "+
"high setting is VBR around 196 kbit/s."
15707 = " Let EAC create ID3 tags (ID3V1.1 and ID3V2)"
# EAC Configuration Wizard - freedb Configuration
15900 = "freedb Configuration"
15901 = "Now you can setup your freedb access. freedb is "+
"an internet service that provide album information "+
"like CD and track names. By using freedb, EAC is "+
"able to automatically retrieve these information "+
"of an inserted CD."
15902 = "Of course it is also important that if a CD is not "+
"found in the database, that you submit these "+
"information to freedb after you entered them in EAC."
15905 = "Your email address :"
15906 = "(if left blank, this feature is not activated for "+
"now, but you can change this anytime in the freedb "+
15904 = "If you are behind a proxy or firewall, you need to "+
"set some more options in the freedb options manually "+
# EAC Configuration Wizard - Done
15950 = "Done"
15952 = "Done!"
15953 = "The configuration of the basic EAC functionality is "+
"now finished. There are many more tweaking options "+
"you could discover by browsing the options. Most "+
"options have a tooltip information with an explanation "+
"of that option."
15804 = "To make EAC as easy to use for beginners of DAE, "+
"it is possible to hide all advanced features. "+
"If you are not familiar with DAE, gaps, indices, "+
"offsets and possible problems of use, you should "+
"use the beginner mode."
15805 = " I am a beginner, make all options as easy as possible"
15806 = " I am an expert, let me use the full potential of EAC"
15951 = "(You are able to change this setting anytime in the "+
"EAC options)"
15803 = "I hope the first steps of copying audio will now "+
"be much easier and safer. If you experience any "+
"other problems, subscribe to the EAC mailing list "+
"where all kinds of problems concerning EAC are discussed."
# EAC Dialogs - About
1000 = "About Exact Audio Copy"
1004 = "Legal Notice"
1005 = "This program is Cardware."
1006 = "Please read the documentation for further information "+
"on Cardware."
1007 = "This program may be copied for private purposes. "+
"It may not be included in commercial collections "+
"like Shareware CD-ROMs, etc. without a written permission."
1008 = "For more legal information please read the chapter "+
"about legal information in the documentation."
1009 = "Additional graphics by Matija Krnic"
1010 = "Music CD-related data is provided through the "+
"Internet from freedb the free internet music database."
1001 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Auto Extract
13600 = "Warning"
13601 = "EAC will automatically start extraction in"
13603 = "seconds !"
13602 = "Press Cancel to prevent the automatic extraction "+
"and to disable Auto Extraction for this session."
12801 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Browse Database
5300 = "Browse Database"
5310 = "List of all CDs in database"
5302 = "Extended"
5307 = "Clipboard"
5305 = "Apply CD"
5304 = "Delete CD"
5320 = "Different number of tracks"
5321 = "All data of the current CD will be deleted !\n\n"+
"Do you really want to continue ?"
5322 = "You must select a CD to apply"
5323 = "You must select a CD to delete"
5301 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - CD-R Capacity
12500 = "CD-R Capacity"
12520 = "Nominal capacity :"
12521 = "Overburn capacity :"
12522 = "Manufacturer :"
12523 = "Media identifier :"
12524 = "- min"
12525 = "- sectors"
12526 = "- MB"
12528 = " min"
12527 = " sectors"
12529 = " MB"
12505 = 10
12510 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - CD Copy Options
13800 = "CD Write Options"
13803 = "Write speed :"
13804 = "Write mode :"
13805 = "Close mode :"
13802 = " Delete image file after write "
13801 = " Ask before actually writing "
12609 = "Make It So"
13820 = "Close CD"
13821 = "Leave CD open"
13822 = "No Test Write"
13823 = "Only Test Write"
13824 = "No empty CD-R/CD-RW found in selected drive ! Try again ?"
12610 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - CD Write Options
12100 = "CD Information"
12120 = "Used space :"
12121 = "Free space :"
12122 = "Capacity :"
12123 = "Content type :"
12124 = "CD status :"
12125 = "CD manufacturer :"
12126 = "Write strategy :"
12130 = "Empty"
12131 = "Open Session"
12132 = "Finished"
12133 = "CD-DA or CD-ROM"
12134 = "No CD in drive"
12101 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - CD (Write) Information
13400 = "CD Information"
13405 = "CD title"
3703 = " Various artists "
3709 = "CD artist"
13401 = "CD UPC"
13420 = "UPC must contain 13 characters !"
3707 = 10
3708 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - CD Layout Editor
12200 = "CD Layout Editor"
12209 = "Use CD-R drive"
12219 = "Options..."
12203 = "Graphical CD Layout"
12211 = "Track : "
12212 = "Index : "
12213 = "Time : "
12201 = "CD Layout"
12202 = "Used Files"
12220 = "Title"
12221 = "Filenr"
12222 = "Track"
12223 = "Index"
12224 = "Absolute Position"
12225 = "Relative Position"
12226 = "Length"
12228 = "Filename"
12229 = "None"
12230 = "File open error"
12231 = "The following files were not accepted as audio source :"
12232 = "Track "
12233 = "Are you sure that you want to leave without saving the "+
"actual CUE sheet ? "
12234 = "Append Files As Index 1"
12235 = "The file "
12236 = "\n\nalready exists in your current layout! Do you really "+
"want to add it ? "
12237 = "Append Files As New Index"
12238 = "Append Files As Index 0"
12239 = "No indices selected !"
12240 = "Creating a new layout will delete the actual layout !\n\n"+
"Do you really want to continue ? "
12241 = "Save CUE Sheet"
12242 = "Erasing this CD-RW will delete all data on it !\n\n"+
"Do you really want to continue ? "
12243 = "No CD-RW inserted in the selected drive !"
12244 = "It is only possible to move one stream !"
12245 = "Nothing selected !"
12246 = "There is no writeable CD in drive ! "
12247 = "Extraction has finished, do you now want to write the CD ?"
12248 = "Loading a CUE sheet will delete the actual layout !\n\n"+
"Do you really want to continue ? "
12249 = "Load CUE Sheet"
12227 = 12221
# EAC Dialogs - Change CUE Position
14500 = "Change CUE Position"
14510 = "Track :"
14511 = "Index :"
14512 = "Time position :"
14520 = "Time marker overlaps with previous or next timemarker !"
14521 = "Time format is not correct !"
14501 = 10
14502 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Clear Actual CD Information
5100 = "Clear"
5105 = "Clear actual CD information"
5104 = "All data of the actual CD will be overwritten !"
5106 = "Base name :"
5120 = "Illegal characters in filename"
5101 = 10
5102 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - WAV Compare (Process WAV)
11100 = "WAV Compare"
9205 = "Actual wave file"
9206 = "WAV file : "
9207 = "Error type "
9208 = "Position"
9209 = "Error type"
9210 = "Position"
11101 = "Replace"
11120 = " missing sample"
11121 = " missing samples"
11122 = " repeated sample"
11123 = " repeated samples"
11124 = "different samples"
11126 = "Replacing"
11125 = 11101
9104 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Transfer (freedb)
4700 = "Transfer"
4703 = "CD Identification"
4704 = "Accessing freedb"
4710 = "Status :"
4702 = " Connecting to Internet..."
4720 = "Invalid server address"
4721 = " Done"
4722 = " Canceled"
4701 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Copy Range
2500 = "Extracting Audio Data"
833 = "Copy Selected Range"
813 = "Filename :"
815 = "Progress"
2510 = "Track"
2511 = "Speed"
2512 = "Time"
2513 = "Est. Remaining"
2514 = "Status"
2515 = "Error correction :"
4313 = " Power Down after extraction finished "
2520 = "Testing Audio Data"
2521 = "Test Track"
2522 = "Track :"
2523 = "Do you really want to cancel extraction ?"
2524 = " Canceled - Waiting For External Compressor"
2525 = "Do you really want to skip this track ?"
2526 = " Skipped - Waiting For External Compressor"
2527 = " Skipped Track"
2528 = "Audio Extraction Canceled"
2529 = "Audio Extraction Complete"
811 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Copy Range Selection
1400 = "Copy Range"
1420 = "Select Start Position"
1419 = "Select End Position"
1407 = "Block :"
1409 = "Track :"
1411 = "Relative Timepos : "
1432 = "Snap Gap"
1440 = "Snap Track"
1425 = "Play Position :"
1402 = "Total Length :"
1401 = "Total Space Required : "
1413 = 1407
1415 = 1409
1417 = 1411
1434 = 1432
1441 = 1440
1427 = 1409
1428 = 1411
1403 = 10
1404 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Correct DC Offset
11000 = "Correct DC Offset"
11010 = "Left channel"
11011 = "Right channel"
11006 = "values"
11005 = "Autodetect"
11020 = "Detect DC Offset"
11021 = "Detecting DC Offset"
11007 = 11006
11001 = 10
11002 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Maximum dB peak level
10300 = "Maximum dB peak level"
10304 = "Play"
10320 = "Wave Audio used by another application"
10321 = "Wave Audio MCI error"
10310 = 11010
10311 = 11011
10305 = 10304
10303 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Drive C2 Feature Test
13100 = "Drive C2 Feature Test"
13110 = "Detecting C2 Feature"
13111 = "Status :"
13101 = " Searching C2 Errors..."
13112 = "Progress :"
13113 = "Please note :"
13114 = "For this test you need a bad CD (e.g. a CD with "+
"a lot of scratches). EAC tries to locate at least "+
"one error position. If the drive is C2 capable, "+
"it will report somewhen on such a CD an C2 error."
13103 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Compression Sample Offset
10100 = "Compression Sample Offset"
10110 = "Offset :"
10102 = " Detecting..."
10120 = "Finished"
10121 = " No sound information found !"
10122 = " Error on compression / decompression !"
10123 = " Can't create test file !"
10103 = 12
10101 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Analyzing Gaps
3600 = "Analyzing"
3609 = "Detecting Pre-Track Gaps"
3601 = "Track 1"
3610 = "Track"
3611 = "Detecting Gaps"
3612 = "Detecting Track Indices"
3613 = "Index"
3614 = "Detecting Indices"
3615 = "Detecting UPC/ISRC"
3616 = "Detecting UPC"
3617 = "ISRC Track "
3618 = "Detecting ISRCs"
3619 = "Analysing Session Seperation"
3620 = "Analysing Lead-Out"
3621 = "Detecting Layout"
3622 = "Detecting Tracks"
3602 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Detect Write Features
13000 = "Write Features"
13010 = "Detecting Write Features"
13011 = "UPC/ISRC Support :"
13012 = "CD-Text Support :"
13020 = " Canceled"
13021 = " No"
13022 = " Yes"
13003 = 12
13004 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Echo Options
11700 = "Echo Options"
11710 = "Echo delay"
11711 = "Echo volume"
11701 = 10
11702 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Edit CUE sheet
13900 = "Edit CUE sheet"
13920 = "Error in CUE sheet !\n\n"
13921 = "File read error"
13922 = "File do not exist : "
13923 = "File open error"
13924 = "Not enough arguments in line "
13925 = "Too many arguments in line "
13926 = "CATALOG string has wrong length in line "
13927 = "FLAGS command may only be used once between TRACK "+
"and INDEX in line "
13928 = "Unknown FLAGS parameter occured in line "
13929 = "ISRC string has wrong length in line "
13930 = "ISRC string contains illegal characters in line "
13931 = "No TRACK defined for ISRC in line "
13932 = "Bad time format in line "
13933 = "PREGAP of a track must be used first after TRACK "+
"in line "
13934 = "No FILE specified up to PREGAP command in line "
13935 = "No TRACK specified up to PREGAP command in line "
13936 = "PREGAP can only be used before the first INDEX of a "+
"file in line "
13937 = "POSTGAP of a track must be used after all INDEXs "+
"in line "
13938 = "Only POSTGAP per TRACK allowed in line "
13939 = "No TRACK specified up to POSTGAP command in line "
13940 = "Bad INDEX number in line "
13941 = "INDEX numbers must increase by one in line "
13942 = "No INDEXs allowed after POSTGAP in line "
13943 = "Positions must be in ascending order in line "
13944 = "First INDEX of a FILE must be at 00:00:00 in line "
13945 = "There is no FILE specified for this INDEX in line "
13946 = "INDEX position is behind end of FILE in line "
13947 = "First INDEX of a track must be either 0 or 1 in line "
13948 = "Bad TRACK number in line "
13949 = "TRACK numbers must increase by one in line "
13950 = "Not an audio track in line "
13951 = "Only 'WAVE' and 'MP3' format is supported in line "
13952 = "File does not exist in line "
13953 = "File type is not supported in line "
13954 = "Unknown keyword in line "
13901 = 10
13902 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - CD Information
3700 = "CD Information"
3711 = "CD title"
3712 = "Year of release"
3713 = "General music style"
3714 = "Specific music style"
3710 = "Extended"
# EAC Dialogs - CUE Sheet Excerpt
14400 = "CUE Sheet Excerpt"
14401 = "List of CUE points"
14407 = "Track"
14408 = "Index"
14409 = "Time"
14404 = "Delete"
14406 = "Set Time"
14405 = "Edit Time"
14402 = "Close"
14420 = "First time marker has to be on position "+
"00:00.00 !"
14421 = "Time marker overlaps with previous or "+
"next timemarker !"
14422 = "First time marker can't be changed, it has "+
"to be on position 00:00.00 !"
14423 = "First time marker can't be deleted, it has "+
"to be on position 00:00.00 !"
# EAC Dialogs - Sample Value
10600 = "Sample Value"
# EAC Dialogs - Equalize
11300 = "Equalize"
11330 = "Frequency Gain"
11331 = "Master Gain"
11316 = "Reset Values"
11310 = 10
11311 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - CD Write
14000 = "CD Write"
14008 = "Done :"
14009 = "Est. Remaining :"
14020 = "Erase CD-RW"
14021 = "Preparing"
14022 = "Erasing CD-RW"
14023 = "Preparing Erase CD-RW"
14024 = "Erasing successfully finished !"
14025 = "Errors occured on erasing !"
14026 = "CD Write Simulation"
14027 = "CD Write"
14028 = "(Using BurnProof)"
14029 = " Writing Lead-In"
14030 = " Calibrating Write Power"
14032 = " Writing Lead-Out"
14033 = " Writing Track "
14034 = "Writing CD"
14035 = "Write error ! \n\n"
14036 = "Write successfully finished"
14037 = "Simulation successfully finished"
14038 = "Canceling the write process will result in an incomplete CD !\n\n"+
"Do you really want to cancel ? "
12316 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Information
4500 = "Information"
4501 = "This Betaversion of Exact Audio Copy is rather "+
"old. Please get a new copy from "
4503 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Extended Information
5000 = "Extended Information"
5004 = "Extended CD information for Track "
5020 = "Extended CD information"
5003 = 10
5002 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Extracting Audio Data
800 = "Extracting Audio Data"
890 = "Copy Track"
891 = "Track Progress"
816 = "Total Progress"
844 = "Total"
818 = "Skip Track"
860 = "Direct Compression"
861 = "WAV Compression"
862 = "Skip File"
863 = "Compressing Audio Data"
864 = "Compressing"
865 = "Actual :"
866 = "Do you really want to cancel compression ?"
869 = "Do you really want to skip this file ?"
867 = "Compression Canceled"
868 = "Compression Complete"
870 = " Skipped File"
871 = " Compress Track By External Program"
872 = "Compressing"
873 = "Compressing File"
874 = " File Write Error !"
875 = " Can't Open Selected CODEC !"
876 = " File Creation Error !"
877 = " File Open Error !"
2567 = "Can't Open Selected CODEC !"
878 = "Decompressing"
879 = "Decompressing File"
880 = "WAV Decompression"
881 = "Decompressing Audio Data"
882 = "Decompressing"
883 = "Do you really want to cancel decompression ?"
884 = "Decompression Canceled"
885 = "Decompression Complete"
886 = "Can't write ID3 tag to file"
2550 = "Detection mode not possible for this drive"
2551 = "Filename construct does not contain track number '%N'"
2553 = "Save Waveform"
2554 = "Burst mode"
2555 = "Fast mode"
2561 = "Secure mode"
2556 = "Can't find a matching read mode!"
2563 = "Can't find a matching C2 read mode!"
2557 = "File already exists !\n\nOverwrite File with new content ?"
2558 = "File Creation Error !"
2559 = "Copy Selected Range"
2560 = " Spin Up Drive"
2562 = "Probably not enough Disk Space !\n\nDo you want to continue ?"
2564 = "Test Track "
2565 = "Copy Track "
2566 = ", Index "
2552 = 31
840 = 2510
841 = 2511
842 = 2512
843 = 2513
848 = 2514
820 = 2515
845 = 841
846 = 842
847 = 843
# EAC Dialogs - Fade
11500 = "Fade"
11510 = "Start value :"
11511 = "End value :"
11507 = " Logarithmic fade "
11501 = 10
11502 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Analyzing
8200 = "Analyzing"
8219 = "Detecting CD-ROM drive features"
8202 = "Caching :"
8201 = "Accurate Stream :"
8212 = "C2 Error Info :"
8205 = "Please wait ! Calculation could take some minutes !"
8206 = "Do not produce load while detecting features !"
8208 = "Information :"
8209 = "Whereas the 'Accurate Stream' feature is useful for "+
"audio extraction, the 'Caching' feature will make exact "+
"extraction even more complicated and insecure !"
8214 = 12
8207 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Database Submission
14700 = "Database Submission"
14704 = "After detecting these drive features, please "+
"submit the results to the EAC drive feature database. "+
"This way you could help users that are not able to "+
"determine their drives features."
14705 = "Even if you don't know if the detected values are correct, "+
"please send the data, as all values are merged, so that "+
"the results of different users could be verified. Of course "+
"the results will be integrated in the next version of EAC."
14706 = "Of course no personal data will be stored in the database, "+
"nor any information be used for any other purpose as for "+
"statistical analysis."
14707 = "May EAC send the retrieved drive features to the EAC database?"
14703 = " Do not ask again, always deny request "
14701 = 15
14702 = 16
# EAC Dialogs - Flange Options
12000 = "Flange Options"
12015 = "Flange period"
12016 = "Flange delay"
12017 = "Flange volume"
# EAC Dialogs - Frequency Analysis
10900 = "Frequency Analysis"
10909 = "Cursor position"
10910 = "FFT size"
10907 = " Logarithmic view "
10911 = "Window function"
10901 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Analyzing
8400 = "Analyzing"
8409 = "Testing gaps on silence"
8404 = "Gap before track"
8407 = "Length"
8405 = "Silence"
8406 = "Peak Level"
8402 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Glitch Removal
10400 = "Glitch Removal"
10405 = "Sensibility of glitch detection"
10406 = "High"
10407 = "Low"
10402 = 10
10403 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - ID3 Tag Editor
9600 = "ID3 Tag Editor"
9615 = "Filename :"
9616 = "Title :"
9617 = "Artist :"
9618 = "Album :"
9605 = "Comments :"
9619 = "Year of release :"
9611 = "Track number :"
9620 = "Music style :"
9607 = 10
9608 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Information
3300 = "Information"
3302 = "Important Information"
3303 = "Because many of the users didn't understand how EAC works, "+
"now here is an important information :"
3306 = "If you want secure copies, you have to make sure, "+
"that you choose the correct secure reading mode depending "+
"on your CD-ROM drive ! Otherwise read errors probably "+
"will not be detected."
3301 = " Show this information next time "
3311 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Loop Recording
10700 = "Loop Recording"
10710 = "Please select the amount of memory that should be used for recording"
10711 = "Time available :"
10703 = 10
10704 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Loop Record WAV
10800 = "Loop Record WAV"
9740 = "Record information"
9741 = "Recorded time : "
9742 = "Recorded space :"
9749 = "Save to file..."
9728 = "Determine last recordings peak level (in dB)"
9743 = "Left"
9744 = "Right"
9745 = "Channel"
9709 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Mix Properties
10500 = "Mix Properties"
10512 = "Please select mixing ratio"
10501 = " Lock start/end settings "
10502 = "Start"
10505 = "End"
10510 = "Original"
10511 = "Clipboard"
10506 = 10
10507 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Noise Reduction
11200 = "Noise Reduction"
11210 = "Select noise reduction attenuation"
11204 = " Create WAV from reduced noise "
11202 = 10
11203 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Information
8300 = "Information"
8309 = "Exact Audio Copy couldn't detect a matching read "+
"command for this CD-ROM drive."
8308 = "You should try to activate the autodetection of the "+
"read command in the drive options dialog."
8301 = "If you have to select a specific read command, e.g. "+
"because autodetection hang the system, you should make "+
"sure to select the correct one !"
8304 = "Just experiment with these switches and if it still "+
"does not work, please report your drive configuration."
8307 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Analysing WAV File
7400 = "Analysing WAV File"
7403 = "Progress"
7420 = "Analysing"
7421 = "Comparing WAVs"
7422 = "Saving Wave"
7423 = "Saving WAV"
7424 = "Cutting Wave"
7425 = "Processing Wave"
7426 = "Comparing WAVs"
7427 = "Checking Audio File"
7428 = "Seeking Audio File"
7429 = "Generate CUE Sheet"
7430 = "Saving Wave"
7431 = "Copy Selection"
7432 = "Undo"
7401 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Analyzing
3800 = "Analyzing"
3801 = "Detecting Overreading capability and Sample Offset"
3812 = "Overread :"
3802 = "Found CD :"
3806 = "Sample Offset :"
3813 = " Detecting..."
3805 = "Please wait! Calculation could take some minutes !"
3811 = "Information :"
3808 = "This calculation is not exact. To get better results, "+
"you should start this detection several times in line and "+
"select the best fitting value !"
3814 = 12
3803 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Overwrite Warning
14800 = 6
14804 = "File already exists !"
14805 = "Overwrite File with new content ?"
14802 = "Yes to all"
14801 = 15
14803 = 16
# EAC Dialogs - Proxy Authentification
9400 = "Proxy Authentification"
9401 = "Please enter your proxy password"
9402 = "Proxy password :"
9404 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Phaser Options
11900 = "Phaser Options"
11901 = "Phaser delay"
11902 = "Phaser volume"
# EAC Dialogs - Playing Peak Range
8150 = "Playing"
8151 = "Looping peak range"
# EAC Dialogs - Pop Detection List
8900 = "Pop Detection"
8901 = "List of detected pops"
8903 = 10
8904 = 11010
8905 = 11011
# EAC Dialogs - Pop Detection
11600 = "Pop Detection"
11610 = "Pop Sensitivity"
11611 = "Pop Length"
11612 = "Long"
11613 = "Medium"
11614 = "Short"
11601 = 10
11602 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Possible Errors
4800 = "Possible Errors"
4810 = "Please select track or range of suspicious positions"
4807 = "Actual position :"
4802 = "Play"
4805 = "Stop"
4803 = "Glitch Removal"
4820 = "Range"
4821 = "Track"
4822 = "Please select a track or an interval"
4823 = "This procedure cannot be undone !\n\nDo you really want to continue ?"
4824 = "File error"
4804 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Insert Silence
8700 = "Insert Silence"
8710 = "Number of null samples to be inserted :"
8701 = "Length of silence :"
8704 = 10
8705 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Normalize Level
8600 = "Normalize Level"
8601 = "Please enter level normalizing to"
8602 = 10
8603 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Sound Processing
7000 = "Sound Processing"
7003 = "Filename :"
7007 = "Peak Level :"
7009 = "Checksum :"
490 = "Zoom Range"
487 = "Zoom Full"
489 = "Zoom In"
488 = "Zoom Out"
7011 = "Selection startpos :"
7013 = "Selection endpos :"
7015 = "Selection length :"
7030 = "Display startpos :"
7031 = "Display endpos :"
7050 = "Change Sample Value"
7051 = "Changing Sample Value"
7052 = "Do you really want to discard all changes ?"
7053 = "Saving Wave"
7054 = "It is not possible to save over the\n\nactual wave file. "+
"Use 'Save' instead !"
7055 = "Saving Selection"
7056 = "Save Selection As"
7057 = "Filename"
7058 = "Append File"
7059 = "Appending File"
7060 = "The selected WAV file is no standard WAV !\n\n"+
"EAC processes only uncompressed 44.1 kHz stereo WAVs !"
7061 = "Paste Mix"
7062 = "Pasting Mix"
7063 = "Find & Replace"
7064 = "Finding & Replacing"
7065 = "Paste"
7066 = "Pasting"
7067 = "Delete Selection"
7068 = "Deleting Selection"
7069 = "Cut Selection"
7070 = "Cutting Selection"
7071 = "Delete Leading Silence"
7072 = "Deleting Leading Silence"
7073 = "Delete Ending Silence"
7074 = "Deleting Ending Silence"
7075 = "Trim Selection"
7076 = "Trimming Selection"
7077 = "Delete Leading & Ending Silence"
7078 = "Deleting Leading & Ending Silence"
7079 = "Silence"
7080 = "Silencing"
7081 = "Fade In"
7082 = "Fading In"
7083 = "Echo"
7084 = "Echoing"
7085 = "Phase"
7086 = "Phasing"
7087 = "Flange"
7088 = "Flanging"
7089 = "Reverb"
7090 = "Reverbing"
7091 = "Invert"
7092 = "Inverting"
7093 = "Replace from file"
7094 = "Replacing"
7095 = "Reverse"
7096 = "Reversing"
7097 = "Copying Selection"
7098 = "Fade Out"
7099 = "Fading Out"
7150 = "Fade"
7151 = "Fading"
7152 = "Interpolate Linear"
7153 = "Interpolating Linear"
7154 = "Smooth"
7155 = "Smoothing"
7156 = "Remove Glitches"
7157 = "Removing Glitches"
7158 = "Create Profile"
7159 = "Creating Profile"
7160 = "Equalize"
7161 = "Equalizing"
7162 = "Correct DC Offset"
7163 = "Correcting DC Offset"
7164 = "NoiseProfile"
7165 = "Open Noise Reduction Profile"
7166 = "Save Noise Reduction Profile"
7167 = "Reduce Noise"
7168 = "Reducing Noise"
7169 = "Detect Pops"
7170 = "Detecting Pops"
7171 = "Interpolate"
7172 = "Interpolating"
7173 = "Insert Silence"
7174 = "Inserting Silence"
7175 = "Normalize"
7176 = "Normalizating"
7019 = 488
# EAC Dialogs - Create New Profile
17200 = "Create New Profile"
17205 = "Please enter the name of the profile to be created."
17229 = "Please select below which set of options "+
"should be stored in the created profile"
17216 = " All EAC options "
17217 = " Drive options "
17218 = " Extraction options "
17219 = " Wave editor options "
17220 = " Compression options "
17240 = " (Complete)"
17241 = " (Drive)"
17242 = " (Extraction)"
17243 = " (Wave editor)"
17244 = " (Compression)"
17203 = 10
17204 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Compression Queue Control Center
18000 = "Compression Queue Control Center"
18002 = " Make all compression tasks sleep "
18003 = "Delete Task(s)"
18005 = "Update List"
18010 = "Filename"
18011 = "Path"
18012 = "Do you really want to delete the selected tasks ?"
18013 = "Do you really want to delete the selected\n\n"+
"tasks and the according WAV files ?"
18004 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Record WAV
9700 = "Record WAV"
9726 = "Free time left on device :"
9750 = "Free space left on device :"
9729 = "Filename :"
9702 = "Start record"
9703 = "Stop record"
9701 = "Select target filename..."
9760 = "Can't open record device !"
9761 = "Recording "
9762 = "Record"
9763 = "Select Waveform Filename"
# EAC Dialogs - Glitch Removal
5400 = "Glitch Removal"
5410 = "Progress"
5406 = "Left channel"
5407 = "Right channel"
5403 = "Number of removed glitches : "
5420 = "Glitch Removal"
5421 = "Do you really want to cancel filtering ?"
5402 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Reverb
11800 = "Reverb"
11821 = "Reverb delays"
11822 = "Reverb volumes"
11801 = 10
11802 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Automatic Search
17100 = "Automatic Search"
17105 = "EAC now tries to locate the installation place of your "+
"latest LAME.EXE automatically. If you don't have installed "+
"LAME.EXE so far or want to specify the location manually "+
"you may cancel this procedure."
17106 = "Search position :"
17102 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Select CD
14900 = "Select CD"
14905 = "Several exact matches found, please select correct CD :"
4902 = 10
4903 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Select CD
4900 = "Select CD"
4905 = "Inexact matches found, please select correct CD :"
# EAC Dialogs - Shutdown Warning
12800 = "Shutdown Warning"
12805 = "The computer will be shut down in"
12806 = "seconds !"
12807 = "Press Cancel to prevent the shutdown and to return to EAC."
# EAC Dialogs - Status and Error Messages
1200 = "Status and Error Messages"
2501 = "Track status and errors"
1203 = "Possible Errors"
1204 = "Create Log"
1210 = "Range status and errors"
1211 = "Selected range"
1212 = " Timing problem "
1213 = " Suspicious position "
1214 = " Missing samples"
1215 = " Too many samples"
1216 = " File write error"
1217 = " Peak level "
1218 = " Range quality "
1219 = " CRC "
1220 = " Copy OK"
1221 = " Copy finished"
1227 = " Track quality "
1228 = " Copy aborted"
1269 = " Filename "
1270 = " Pre-gap length "
1271 = " Test CRC "
1272 = " Copy CRC "
1273 = " Compressing"
1222 = "No errors occured"
1223 = "Review Range"
1224 = "There were errors"
1225 = "End of status report"
1226 = "Track"
1230 = "Index"
1229 = "Review Tracks"
1274 = "EAC extraction logfile from "
1240 = "January"
1241 = "February"
1242 = "March"
1243 = "April"
1244 = "May"
1245 = "June"
1246 = "July"
1247 = "August"
1248 = "September"
1249 = "October"
1250 = "November"
1251 = "December"
1231 = " for CD"
1232 = "EAC extraction logfile for CD"
1233 = "Used drive : "
1234 = "Read mode : "
1235 = "Burst"
1236 = "Fast"
1237 = "Secure with NO C2, NO accurate stream, NO disable cache"
1238 = "Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, NO disable cache"
1239 = "Secure with NO C2, NO accurate stream, disable cache"
1252 = "Secure with C2, accurate stream, NO disable cache"
1253 = "Secure with C2, accurate stream, disable cache"
1254 = "Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache"
1255 = "Combined read/write offset correction : "
1256 = "Read offset correction : "
1257 = "Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out"
1258 = "Used output format : "
1259 = "Additional command line options : "
1260 = "Internal WAV Routines"
1261 = "44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo"
1262 = "Use compression offset : "
1263 = "Other options : "
1264 = "Fill up missing offset samples with silence"
1265 = "Delete leading and trailing silent blocks"
1266 = "Normalize to "
1267 = "Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000"
1268 = "Installed external ASPI interface"
1201 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - Determine CD-R Capacity
12400 = "Determine CD-R Capacity"
12404 = "Position :"
12405 = "Estimated time :"
12402 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Index Edit
13200 = "Index Edit"
13220 = "Track :"
13221 = "Index :"
13214 = "Relative time :"
13215 = "Absolute time :"
13211 = "Track ISRC :"
13207 = " Copy protected "
13208 = " Pre-emphasis "
13230 = "Gap length :"
13231 = "Illegal characters in ISRC !"
13232 = "Length of ISRC is not correct !"
13233 = "Time position intersects with previous index !"
13234 = "Time format of absolute time is not correct !"
13235 = "Time format of gap length is not correct !"
13236 = "Time format of relative time is not correct !"
13209 = 10
13210 = 11
# EAC Dialogs - Edit extended track informations
5200 = "Edit extended track information"
5205 = "Please select track"
5202 = "Extended"
5220 = "Track "
5201 = 10
# EAC Dialogs - WAV Compare
9100 = "WAV Compare"
9220 = 9206
# EAC Dialogs - Wizard Autodetection
17000 = "Autodetection"
# EAC Dialogs - CD Write
12300 = "CD Write"
12317 = "Track :"
12318 = "CD :"
12303 = "Status :"
12319 = "Buffer :"
12302 = "Written :"
12306 = "Speed :"
12320 = "Time :"
12321 = "Est. Remaining :"
# EAC Dialogs - CD Write Options
12600 = "CD Write Options"
12612 = "Free space on CD :"
12613 = "Space needed for actual job :"
12614 = "First tracknumber to be written :"
12620 = "No Test Write"
12621 = "Only Test Write"
12622 = "Close CD"
12623 = "Leave CD open"
12624 = "Can't determine write speeds ! "
12625 = "Nothing to write ! "
12626 = "This CD has no space left ! "
12627 = "There is no writeable CD in drive ! "
12628 = "At least one track is shorter than 4 seconds,\n\n"+
"which is illegal for audio CDs !\n\n"+
"Do you want to ignore this limitation ?"
12629 = "This '"
12630 = "' CD-R has a tested maximum capacity"
12631 = "\n\nof "
12632 = " ! You want to write more then the tested maximum limit !\n\n"+
"Do you really want to continue ?"
12633 = "You try to write more data on this untested CD-R than allowed,\n\n"+
"this could result in a incomplete CD !\n\n"+
"Do you really want to continue ?"
12634 = "The decompression of some tracks could be slower \n\n"+
"than the selected writing speed !\n\n"+
"Do you want to continue anyway ?";
12611 = 13803
12602 = 13804
12603 = 13805
# EAC Dialogs - Writer Drive Selection
14300 = "Writer Drive Selection"
14302 = "CD-R drive :"
14301 = "Please make sure that an empty CD-R/CD-RW is inserted in "+
"the selected drive, before you continue to choose "+
"further write options."
# Now the Menus of EAC needs translation.
# There are some specialities with translating
# Menus. Most menus will have some special codes
# in it. The first special code is '\t' which
# usually stands at the end of string, followed
# by a textual description of the connected
# shortcut of that function.
# Please note : If you change the keys here in
# the text file, it will have no change in the
# actual program. The shortcut will be still the
# same, but EAC will show the wrong shortcut, when
# the Menu is displayed!! So do not change the
# shortcuts, it will not really change anything!
# The '\t' is usually a TAB character, so that the
# shortcut is aligned to the right.
# The other special character is the '&' character.
# It is used for navigating Menus by the keyboard.
# (When the Menu is displayed, the character that
# follows the '&' is underlined, and that character
# can be used to activate that action.)
# e.g. "&EAC Options...\tF9" will result into something
# like
# _E_AC Options... F9
# (The underline is not possible in a pure text file,
# so it looks this way...)
# You may (or sometimes must) change these '&'
# referenced shortcuts, as in each Menu (Submenu)
# no two menu entries may use the same character
# referenced by the '&'.
# The numbers of the resources have a special format.
# The first digit stands for the Menu. There is a
# '2' for the EAC Menu, a '3' for the beginner EAC
# Menu, a '4' for the Process WAV File Menu, etc.
# The second digit denote the row of the Menu,
# a '0' is the leftmost menu, '1' is the menu that
# is right of the one with '0' at that position.
# On EACs main Menu, the "EAC" Menu list has '0',
# the "Edit" Menu list has a '1', the "Action"
# Menu list has a '2', and so on.
# The next two digits are one number and tells
# at which position the menu entry the text/item
# is displayed. '00' is the menu list identifier
# in the menu bar. '01' is the first item on that
# menu.
# The last two digits are usually '00'. If a menu
# item has a submenu (a menu that is shown, when
# that menu item is selected), it will continue
# with values beginning with '01' and so on.
# If you don't know exactly where the string is,
# compare these with the actual application.
# EAC Menus - EAC
200000 = "EA&C"
200100 = "&EAC Options...\tF9"
200200 = "&Drive Options...\tF10"
200300 = "&Compression Options...\tF11"
200400 = "freed&b / Database Options...\tF12"
200500 = "&WAV Editor Options...\tAlt+Q"
200700 = "Conf&iguration Wizard..."
200800 = "&Profiles"
200801 = "&Load Profile...\tShift+F1"
200802 = "&Save Profile...\tShift+F2"
201000 = "E&xit\tAlt+F4"
# EAC Menus - Edit
210000 = "&Edit"
210100 = "Select &All\tCtrl+A"
210200 = "&Invert Selection\tCtrl+I"
210400 = "Rename Track\tF2"
210600 = "S&huffle\tCtrl+H"
210700 = "&Sort"
210701 = "By &Tracknumber\tCtrl+S"
210702 = "By &Name\tCtrl+N"
210703 = "By &Length\tCtrl+L"
# EAC Menus - Action
220000 = "&Action"
220100 = "&Copy Selected Tracks"
220101 = "Uncompressed...\tF5"
220102 = "Compressed...\tShift+F5"
220200 = "Test && C&opy Selected Tracks"
220201 = "Uncompressed...\tF6"
220202 = "Compressed...\tShift+F6"
220300 = "Copy Range"
220301 = "Uncompressed...\tF7"
220302 = "Compressed...\tShift+F7"
220400 = "&Test Selected Tracks\tF8"
220500 = "Copy &Image && Create CUE Sheet"
220501 = "Uncompressed...\tAlt+F7"
220502 = "Compressed..."
220600 = "Catalog Selected Trac&ks"
220601 = "Uncompressed...\tAlt+F"
220602 = "Compressed...\tAlt+Shift+F"
220700 = "Copy Selected Tracks Index-&Based"
220701 = "Uncompressed...\tAlt+X"
220702 = "Compressed...\tAlt+Shift+X"
220900 = "&Detect Gaps\tF4"
221000 = "Test &Gaps On Silence\tF3"
221100 = "TOC &Alterations"
221101 = "Retrieve &Native TOC"
221102 = "Detect TOC &Manually"
221103 = "Use First &Session Only"
221200 = "Create CUE &Sheet"
221201 = "C&urrent Gap Settings..."
221203 = "&Single WAV File...\tAlt+S"
221204 = "Multiple WAV Files With Gaps... (Noncompliant)"
221205 = "Multiple WAV Files With &Leftout Gaps...\tAlt+M"
221206 = "Multiple WAV Files With &Corrected Gaps...\tAlt+O"
221400 = "L&eave Out Gaps"
221500 = "&Append Gaps To Previous Track (default)"
221600 = "A&ppend Gaps To Next Track"
# EAC Menus - Database
230000 = "&Database"
230100 = "&Edit CD Information...\tAlt+L"
230200 = "Edit Extended &Track Information...\tAlt+T"
230300 = "Clear Actual CD &Information...\tShift+Del"
230400 = "Clear &Actual CRC values"
230401 = "&Read CRC"
230402 = "&Test CRC"
230403 = "&Both CRCs"
230500 = "Tr&ansform Actual CD Information"
230501 = "&Upper All First Characters"
230502 = "&Lower All Characters"
230503 = "&Transform '-' To '/' [ Artist / Title ]"
230504 = "&Exchange Artist <-> Title"
230700 = "&Get CD Information From"
230701 = "&Remote freedb\tAlt+G"
230702 = "&Local freedb"
230703 = "CD-&TEXT"
230704 = "CD&PLAYER.INI"
230800 = "&Process Batch freedb Queries\tAlt+P"
230900 = "&Submit CD Information To freedb\tAlt+U"
231000 = "Export CD Information To"
231001 = "&Clipboard\tCtrl+D"
231002 = "&Local freedb"
231003 = "&Text File..."
231004 = "&DB Text File..."
231005 = "CD&PLAYER.INI"
231006 = "&.CDT File"
231100 = "Export Whole Database To"
231101 = "&Local freedb"
231102 = "CD&PLAYER.INI"
231103 = "&DB Text File..."
231200 = "&Browse Database..."
231300 = "Import &Database..."
231500 = "Send Accurate&Rip Results..."
# EAC Menus - Tools
240000 = "&Tools"
240100 = "&Write CD-R...\tAlt+W"
240200 = "Cop&y CD...\tAlt+Y"
240400 = "&Process WAV...\tCtrl+E"
240500 = "&Compare WAVs...\tCtrl+W"
240600 = "&Split WAV By CUE Sheet"
240601 = "With &Gaps"
240602 = "With Gaps &Corrected"
240603 = "&Leave Out Gaps"
240604 = "Individual &Indices"
240700 = "Remove &Gaps from TAO Images"
240900 = "&Record WAV...\tAlt+R"
241000 = "&Loop Record WAV...\tAlt+Z"
241200 = "C&ompress WAVs...\tAlt+V"
241300 = "&Decompress...\tAlt+B"
241400 = "&Edit ID3 Tags...\tAlt+A"
241500 = "Re&name From ID3 Tags...\tAlt+N"
241700 = "Co&mpression Queue Control Center\tCtrl+Q"
# EAC Menus - Help
250000 = "&Help"
250100 = "&About EAC..."
250300 = "&Internet Links"
250301 = "&EAC"
250302 = "&Tips && Specs"
250303 = "&What's New"
250304 = "&FAQ"
250305 = "SatCP EAC Tutorial"
250307 = "free&db"
250308 = "&LAME Encoder"
250309 = "LAME For &Windows I"
250310 = "L&AME For Windows II"
250311 = "&BladeEnc Encoder"
250500 = "&Help\tF1"
# EAC Menus - EAC
300100 = 200100
300200 = 200200
300300 = 200300
300400 = 200400
300500 = 200500
300700 = 200700
300800 = 200800
300801 = 200801
300802 = 200802
301000 = 201000
# EAC Menus - Edit
310000 = 210000
310100 = 210100
310200 = 210200
310400 = 210400
310600 = 210600
310700 = 210700
310701 = 210701
310702 = 210702
310703 = 210703
# EAC Menus - Action
320000 = 220000
320100 = 220100
320101 = 220101
320102 = 220102
320200 = 220200
320201 = 220201
320202 = 220202
320300 = 220300
320301 = 220301
320302 = 220302
320400 = 220400
320500 = 220500
320501 = 220501
320502 = 220502
320700 = 221200
320701 = 221203
320703 = "Multiple WAV Files..."
# EAC Menus - Database
330000 = 230000
330100 = 230100
330200 = 230200
330300 = 230300
330400 = 230400
330401 = 230401
330402 = 230402
330403 = 230403
330500 = 230500
330501 = 230501
330502 = 230502
330503 = 230503
330504 = 230504
330700 = 230700
330701 = 230701
330702 = 230702
330703 = 230703
330704 = 230704
330800 = 230800
330900 = 230900
331000 = 231000
331001 = 231001
331002 = 231002
331003 = 231003
331004 = 231004
331005 = 231005
331006 = 231006
331100 = 231100
331101 = 231101
331102 = 231102
331103 = 231103
331200 = 231200
331300 = 231300
331500 = 231500
# EAC Menus - Tools
340000 = 240000
340100 = 240100
340200 = 240200
340400 = 240400
340500 = 240500
340600 = "&Split WAV By CUE Sheet..."
340700 = 240700
340900 = 240900
341000 = 241000
341200 = 241200
341300 = 241300
341400 = 241400
341500 = 241500
341700 = 241700
# EAC Menus - Help
350000 = 250000
350100 = 250100
350300 = 250300
350301 = 250301
350302 = 250302
350303 = 250303
350304 = 250304
350305 = 250305
350307 = 250307
350308 = 250308
350309 = 250309
350310 = 250310
350311 = 250311
350500 = 250500
# Process Menus - File
400000 = "&File"
400100 = "&Save"
400200 = "Save &As..."
400300 = "Save S&election As..."
400500 = "&Revert To Saved"
400700 = "&Append File..."
400900 = "&Exit"
# Process Menus - Edit
410000 = "&Edit"
410100 = "Und&o"
410300 = "Zero Crossing Adjustment"
410400 = "CD Sector Adjustment"
410600 = "&Select All"
410700 = "&Unselect All"
410900 = "&Copy"
411000 = "C&ut"
411100 = "&Paste"
411200 = "&Mix Paste..."
411300 = "Find && Replace"
411500 = "&Delete Selection"
411600 = "&Trim Selection"
411800 = "Silence Selection"
411900 = "&Insert Silence..."
# Process Menus - Display
420000 = "&Display"
420100 = "Spectral View"
420200 = "Update Display"
420400 = "Time Format"
420401 = "Decimal (h:mm:ss.ddd)"
420402 = "Decimal (ssss.ddd)"
420403 = "Samples"
420404 = "CD Sectors"
420500 = "Vertical Scale Format"
420501 = "Sample Values"
420502 = "Normalized Sample Values"
420503 = "Percentage"
420505 = "Automatic Range Selection"
420600 = "Use 'Spectrum Selection'"
420800 = "Frequency Analysis..."
# Process Menus - Process File
430000 = "&Process File"
430100 = "&Normalize..."
430200 = "&Correct DC Offset..."
430400 = "&Select Peak Range"
430500 = "&Play Peak Range"
430700 = "&Remove"
430701 = "&Leading Silence"
430702 = "&Ending Silence"
430703 = "Leading && Ending &Silence"
430800 = "&Add"
430801 = "Null Samples At &Beginning..."
430802 = "Null Samples At &End..."
431000 = "C&ompare With External WAV..."
# Process Menus - Process Selection
440000 = "Process &Selection"
440100 = "Remove &Glitches..."
440200 = "Detect &Pops..."
440300 = "In&terpolate Selection"
440301 = "&Replace Frequencies"
440302 = "&Linear"
440400 = "&Smooth Selection"
440500 = "Repla&ce From File..."
440700 = "Noise Pro&file"
440701 = "&Get From Selection"
440702 = "&Load From File..."
440703 = "&Save To File..."
440800 = "Reduce &Noise..."
441000 = "F&ade"
441001 = "Fade &In Linear"
441002 = "Fade &Out Linear"
441004 = "Fade In &Logarithmic"
441005 = "Fade O&ut Logarithmic"
441007 = "&Fade..."
441100 = "&Equalize..."
441300 = "&Invert"
441400 = "&Reverse"
441600 = "&Delay"
441601 = "&Echo..."
441602 = "&Phaser..."
441603 = "&Reverb..."
441604 = "&Flanger..."
# Process Menus - CUE Sheet
450000 = "&CUE Sheet"
450100 = "Load CUE Sheet..."
450200 = "Create new CUE Sheet"
450300 = "Save CUE Sheet..."
450500 = "Insert"
450501 = "Track Start"
450502 = "Gap Start"
450503 = "Index"
450600 = "Display CUE Sheet"
450800 = "Generate CUE Sheet"
# Popup Menu - Main
510000 = 220100
510100 = 220101
510200 = 220102
520000 = 220200
520100 = 220201
520200 = 220202
530000 = 220400
550000 = "Edit"
550100 = 210100
550200 = 210200
550400 = 210600
550500 = "Sort"
550501 = 210701
550502 = 210702
550503 = 210703
560000 = "CD Player Functions"
560100 = "Play"
560200 = "Pause"
560300 = "Stop"
560400 = "Next Title"
560500 = "Previous Title"
570000 = "Options"
570100 = 200200
570200 = 200100
570300 = 200300
570400 = 200400
570500 = 200500
# CDWrite Menus - File
600000 = "&File"
600100 = "&New CUE Sheet"
600300 = "&Load CUE Sheet..."
600400 = "&Save CUE Sheet..."
600600 = "&Edit CUE Sheet..."
600800 = "E&xit"
# CDWrite Menus - Layout
610000 = "&Layout"
610100 = "Append Files As New Track (Index &1) ..."
610200 = "Append Files As New Track (Index &0 && 1) ..."
610300 = "Append Files As New &Index..."
610500 = "&Edit Selected Indices..."
610600 = "Delete Selected I&ndices"
610800 = "Edit &CD Information..."
611000 = "&Add 2 Second Gap On Append"
# CDWrite Menus - CD-R
620000 = "&CD-R"
620100 = "&Write CD..."
620300 = "&Display CD-R Information..."
620400 = "&Test CD-R Capacity..."
620600 = "Quick Erase CD-RW..."
# CDWrite Menus - File
700000 = 600000
700100 = 600100
700300 = 600300
700400 = 600400
700600 = 600600
700800 = 600800
# CDWrite Menus - Layout
710000 = 610000
710100 = "Append Files As New &Track"
710300 = 610500
710400 = 610600
710600 = 610800
710800 = 611000
# CDWrite Menus - CD-R
720000 = 620000
720100 = 620100
720300 = 620300
720400 = 620400
720600 = 620600
# All other resource strings
80000 = "Select compression options"
80001 = "Unknown error"
80002 = "Unknown ASPI error"
80045 = "Unknown manufacturer"
80046 = "Unknown type"
80150 = "The specified directory does not exist !\n\n"+
"Do you want to create it ?"
80151 = "Please specify drive within path"
80152 = "No path specified"
80200 = "Unknown Artist"
80201 = "Unknown Title"
80250 = " Error - Initialisation failed"
80251 = " Error - Not able to resolve host name"
80252 = " Error - Missing data in function"
80253 = " Error - Can't connect host"
80254 = " Error - Server not responding"
80255 = " Error - freedb handshaking failed"
80256 = " Error - Wrong WINSOCK.DLL version"
80257 = " Error - Can't initialise WINSOCK.DLL"
80258 = " Error - Cannot connect to server"
80259 = " Requesting CD information..."
80260 = " CD information found"
80261 = " Error - Entry not found"
80262 = " Error - Server error"
80263 = " Several exact CD information found"
80264 = " Inexact CD information found"
80265 = " Error - CD not found in database"
80266 = " Error - No handshake possible"
80267 = " Requesting CD information..."
80268 = " Query CD information"
80269 = " Error - HTTP protocol failure"
80270 = " Requesting valid sites..."
80271 = " Error - No site information"
80272 = " Closing Connecting..."
80273 = " Error - Server timed out"
80274 = " Error - Server not ready"
80275 = " Error - Mail not accepted"
80276 = "No music type selected"
80277 = "Incorrect CD length information"
80278 = "Problems with disc ID"
80279 = "Incorrect CD artist name"
80280 = "Incorrect CD title name"
80281 = "Problems with disc title"
80282 = "Problems with disc year"
80283 = "Problems with disc extended genre"
80284 = "Incorrect "
80285 = ". track title name"
80286 = "Incorrect extended CD information"
80287 = "No valid CD"
80288 = " Sending CD information..."
80289 = " Information send"
80290 = " Error - Information not accepted"
80291 = " Error - No response"
80292 = " Connecting freedb server..."
80294 = " Connecting mail server..."
80500 = "Save Waveform"
80501 = "Detection mode not possible for this drive"
80502 = 5321
80503 = "CD information incompatible with freedb\n\n"
80504 = "Are you really sure to submit this CD\n\n"+
"to the official freedb database ? "
80505 = "Only HTTP submission possible"
80506 = "Invalid freedb host information"
80507 = "Select Files To Tag"
80508 = "No Audio Data available"
80509 = "Errors occured on extraction !\n\n"+
"Do you really want to continue ? "
80510 = "Save CUE Sheet"
80511 = "Select First WAV"
80512 = "Select Second WAV"
80513 = 7060
80514 = "Open Waveform"
80515 = "There is not enough free main memory left on your system to process\n\n"+
"the whole file. Do you want to continue nevertheless ?"
80516 = "Not enough main memory !"
80517 = "The selected WAV file is too short !\n\n"+
"EAC processes only WAVs longer than 2 samples !"
80518 = "Save CD Information"
80519 = "No Audio Tracks selected"
80520 = "No ASPI interface found !\n\n"+
"Please refer to the documentation !"
80521 = "Wave Files (*.wav)"
80522 = "CD Database Files (*.dat)"
80523 = "CUE Sheet Files (*.cue)"
80524 = "All Sound Files (*.wav,*.mp3,*.aac,*.vqf)"
80525 = "CD Information Files (*.txt)"
80526 = "EAC Profiles (*.cfg)"
80527 = "WAV, MP3, WMA, MPC and APE Files (*.wav, *.mp3, *.wma, *.ape, *.mpc)"
80528 = "Binary CD-Text Files (*.cdt)"
80529 = "The ASPI interface could not be initialized correctly ! (Error "
80600 = "Audio CD in drive"
80601 = "Track"
80602 = "Playing"
80603 = "Tracks"
80604 = "No audio CD in drive"
80605 = " Compression task left"
80606 = " Compression tasks left"
80607 = "Unknown"
80608 = 10
80609 = "User Defined Extension"
80610 = "Wave Files"
80611 = "External Compressor"
80612 = "WM Audio Files"
80613 = "Can't open/create the file \n\n"
80614 = "No Profile Selected"
80615 = "Play"
80616 = "Pause"
80617 = "Stop"
80618 = "Previous Track"
80619 = "Fast Back"
80620 = "Fast Forward"
80621 = "Next Track"
80622 = "Eject"
80623 = "Get CD Information From freedb"
80624 = "Submit CD Information To freedb"
80625 = "freedb Homepage"
80626 = "Copy Selected Tracks Uncompressed"
80627 = "Copy Selected Tracks Compressed"
80628 = "Copy Image & CUE Sheet"
80629 = "CD Title "
80630 = "Album Title"
80631 = "CD Artist "
80632 = "Album Artist"
80633 = " Various Artists "
80634 = "Album Of Various Artists"
80635 = "Year "
80636 = "Production Year Of Album"
80637 = "Genre "
80638 = "Album MP3 Genre"
80639 = "freedb "
80640 = "Album freedb Genre"
80641 = "Load"
80642 = "Save"
80643 = "New"
80644 = "Delete"
80645 = "Drive Selection Box"
80646 = "Title"
80647 = "Track"
80648 = "Start"
80649 = "Length"
80650 = "Gap"
80651 = "Size"
80652 = "Compr. Size"
80653 = "Read CRC"
80654 = "Test CRC"
80655 = "CRC"
80656 = "Copy Protection"
80657 = "Pre-Emphasis"
80658 = 10041
80659 = "Select WAVs To Compress"
80660 = "The following files are not uncompressed 44.1 kHz "+
"stereo WAVs !\n\n"
80661 = "Do you still want to continue compression "+
"without these files ? "
80662 = "No files to process ! "+
" "+
" "
80663 = "Select Destination Directory"
80664 = "Select WAVs, MP3s, WMAs or APEs To Decompress"
80665 = "The following files are uncompressed 44.1 kHz "+
"stereo WAVs !\n\n"
80666 = "Select File To Rename From ID3 Tag"
80667 = "Save Option Profile"
80668 = "Load Option Profile"
80669 = "The external compressor returned an error!\n\nOptions : "
80670 = "\n\nFile : "
80700 = "Illegal characters in profilename!"
80701 = "Save DB Text File"
80702 = "No General Music Style selected !"
80703 = "Do you really want to delete this profile ?"
80704 = "Profile deletion error!"
80705 = "Configuration Wizard"
80706 = "Save CD-Text Binary File"
80707 = "Import Database"
80708 = " Read Error"
80709 = " Sync Error"
80710 = " Reading Selected Range"
80711 = " Reading Track"
80712 = " File Write Error"
80713 = " Cool Down Drive"
80714 = " Spin Up Drive"
80715 = " Continue Reading"
80716 = " Normalizing"
80717 = " Normalizing and Compressing"
80718 = " Test Done"
80719 = " Copy OK"
80720 = " No CD Found"
80721 = " Test canceled - Up to now NO C2 errors found"
80722 = " C2 error information found"
80723 = " Probably not C2 capable"
80724 = " NO C2 errors found on this CD"
80725 = " Can't find matching C2 read mode"
80726 = " No audio tracks found"
80727 = "Cutting"
80728 = "Error writing file !"
80729 = "File open error !"
80730 = "Error in CUE sheet !"
80731 = "Select WAV To Split"
80732 = "Select CUE File Used For Split"
80733 = "File not found in CUE sheet !"
80734 = "CUE Sheets (*.cue)"
80735 = "Wave Files (*.wav)"
80736 = "Change Sample Value"
80737 = "Changing Sample Value"
80738 = "Select CUE Sheet"
80739 = "The CUE sheet is either incorrect or does not "+
"contain this file ! "
80740 = "Save CUE Sheet As"
80741 = "Do you really want to delete your actual CUE sheet ?"
80742 = "Probably not enough space for undo !\n\n"+
"Do you want to continue without undo ? "
80743 = "Save Waveform As"
80744 = "Select WAV"
80745 = "Open Replacement File"
80746 = "No files"
80747 = "Noise profiles (*.nrp)"
80748 = 80735
80749 = 80734
80750 = "No enough space for undo !\n\n"+
"Do you want to continue without undo, erasing all "+
"undo levels ? "
80800 = "File write error !"
80801 = "File creation error !"
80802 = "Undo"
80803 = "No temporary space available !"
80804 = "Not enough memory for this operation !"
80806 = "File read error !"
80808 = "Clipboard file error !"
80809 = "Incorrect input (-32768..32767) !"
80810 = "Not a standard 44.1 kHz/16 bit/stereo WAV !"
80811 = "Replace file too short !"
80900 = "Position is beyond waveform limits !"
80901 = "It is not possible to insert an index at this position !"
80902 = "It is not possible to insert an index marker above "+
"another marker at this position!"
80903 = "It is not possible to insert an pre-gap marker above "+
"another marker at this position!"
80904 = "It is not possible to insert a pre-gap at that position !"
80905 = "It is not possible to insert a track marker above "+
"another marker !"
80950 = "left "
80951 = "right "
81000 = " missing sample"
81001 = " missing samples"
81002 = " repeated sample"
81003 = " repeated samples"
81004 = " longer"
81005 = "different samples"
81006 = "Determine Peak Level"
81007 = "Determining Peak Level"
81008 = 410100
81009 = "Comparing WAVs"
81100 = "Compare WAVs"
81101 = "EAC options"
81102 = "Compression options"
81103 = "freedb / Database options"
81104 = "Options for drive "
81105 = "WAV editor options"
81200 = " Searching Start Sector"
81201 = " Testing..."
81202 = " Test canceled"
81203 = " Detect canceled"
81204 = " Can't find matching read mode"
81205 = " Lead In & Lead Out"
81206 = " Only Lead In"
81207 = " Only Lead Out"
81208 = " None"
81209 = " TOC reading error"
81210 = " Searching..."
81211 = " Searching Passage..."
81212 = " Passage Not Found"
81213 = " Read Error"
81214 = " CD Not Found In Offset Database"
81215 = " No CD Found"
81216 = " No Gap"
81217 = "Track "
81218 = "Detecting Gap Silences"
81219 = "Extracting"
81300 = "Once you tested that your drive does support C2 pointers, "+
"you could enable this feature in the drive options for this drive."
81301 = "There was a problem of detecting the drive features "+
"for this drive. Either no audio CD is in the drive, "+
"or EAC couldn't detect a valid read mode. Please try "+
"again or go back to the previous screen."
81302 = "EAC couldn't find a CD in the drive to be tested. Make "+
"sure a CD containing audio tracks is inserted in the "+
"drive named on the top of the dialog. Please try again "+
"or go back to the previous screen."
81303 = "EAC could find a CD in the drive, but it seem that it "+
"doesn't contain audio tracks. Make sure a CD containing "+
"audio tracks is inserted in the drive named on the top "+
"of the dialog. Please try again or go back to the previous screen."
81304 = "EAC couldn't detect a valid read mode for this drive. "+
"Either the drive is not supported or there are some "+
"manual configuration needed for this drive. Try a different "+
"CD and try again or go back to the previous screen."
81305 = "Specified file is not found, please check your setting."
81306 = "Select LAME Encoder"
81307 = "Illegal email address!"
81308 = "LAME Encoder (LAME.EXE)"
81400 = "Actual"
81401 = "Select Default Path For Extraction"
81500 = "CD-ROM drives selection box"
81501 = "freedb Submission"
81502 = "Invalid server address"
81503 = "Only HTTP submission possible"
81504 = " Done"
81505 = " Canceled"
81506 = "Get active server list"
81507 = "Glitch Removing"
81508 = "Select Command Line Encoder"
81509 = "Save Logfile"
81510 = "Program files (*.exe)"
81511 = "EAC Logfiles (*.log)"
81600 = "This function will actually write data to your empty "+
"CD-R/CD-RW !\n\nA CD-R can't be used otherwise afterwards, "+
"a CD-RW could be deleted again though.\n\nDo you really "+
"want to continue ?"
81601 = "This CD is not empty ! "
81602 = "Audio Files (*.wav,*.mp3,*.mpc,*.ape)"
81700 = "L3Enc MP3 Encoder & Compatible"
81701 = "Fraunhofer MP3Enc MP3 Encoder"
81702 = "Xing X3Enc MP3 Encoder"
81703 = "Xing ToMPG MP3 Encoder"
81704 = "LAME MP3 Encoder"
81705 = "GOGO MP3 Encoder"
81706 = "MPC Encoder"
81707 = "Ogg Vorbis Encoder"
81708 = "Microsoft WMA9 Encoder"
81709 = "FAAC AAC Encoder"
81710 = "Homeboy AAC Encoder"
81711 = "Quartex AAC Encoder"
81712 = "PsyTEL AAC Encoder"
81713 = "MBSoft AAC Encoder"
81714 = "Yamaha VQF Encoder"
81715 = "Real Audio Encoder"
81716 = "Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder"
81717 = "Shorten Lossless Encoder"
81718 = "RKAU Lossless Encoder"
81719 = "LPAC Lossless Encoder"
81720 = "User Defined Encoder"
81800 = "TAO Gap Removal"
81801 = "Removing TAO Gaps"
81802 = "Select CUE Sheet for Gap Removal"
81803 = "Only CD images can be processed (single file) !"
81804 = "Only uncompressed files can be processed !"
81805 = "Only uncompressed 44.1 kHz, 16 bit stereo files can be processed !"