"$$$/Error/Video/DirectShowFailed=You must install DirectX V8.0 to view videos."
"$$$/Error/Video/DirectXOrQuickTime=DirectX or QuickTime"
"$$$/Error/Video/NotDirectShowVideo=DirectShow is unable to load the video."
"$$$/Error/Video/NotQuickTimeOrDirectShowVideo=Neither DirectX nor QuickTime could play a video in this slide show. A newer version of DirectX or QuickTime may be able to play the video. The latest version of DirectX is available at: http://www.microsoft.com/directx The latest version of QuickTime is available at: http://www.apple.com/quicktime."
"$$$/Error/Video/NotQuickTimeVideo=QuickTime is unable to load a video in this slide show."
"$$$/Error/Video/NotQuickTimeVideoAndDirectShowLoadFailed=You must install DirectX 8 or higher to view videos in slide shows. The latest version of DirectX is available at: http://www.microsoft.com/directx"
"$$$/Error/Video/NoVideoEngine=Sorry, there is no support for video playback in slide shows on this platform."
"$$$/Error/Video/OnlyOnce=This message will not be shown again."
"$$$/Error/Video/PDFSecurityAlertMessage=This PDF document contains video which requires an external player. This video may contain malicious code and you may not want to trust it. Do you want to play embedded videos in your PDF documents?"
"$$$/Error/Video/QuickTimeFailed=You must install QuickTime 3 or higher to view videos in slide shows."
"$$$/Error/Video/QuickTimeAndDirectShowLoadFailed=You must install DirectX 8 or higher to view videos in slide shows. The latest version of DirectX is available at: http://www.microsoft.com/directx"
"$$$/Error/Video/QuickTimeLoadFailedAndNotDirectShowVideoVideo=DirectX is unable to load a video in this slide show and QuickTime is not installed. If you install QuickTime you may be able to view the video. The latest version of QuickTime is available at: http://www.apple.com/quicktime"
"$$$/Error/Video/UnableToLoadVideo=Unable To Load Video"
"$$$/String/Windows/IDS_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION=The Adobe SVG Viewer plug-in doesn't support this older version of Netscape Navigator. Please upgrade your Web browser."