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- Terragen changes log v0.9.19
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- v0.9.08:
- -- Rendering
- * Renders much faster. Renders front-to-back and ignores micropolygons that are invisible.
- * New anti-aliasing option: Extra blended detail (registered users only)
- This provides extra surface detail and reduces "popping" artifacts in animations.
- * Added a 'minimum softness' to shadow tracing to prevent sharp triangle edges.
- * Orthographic rendering option (in Camera Settings), with handy Auto Setup feature.
- * Adjustable pixel aspect ratio (note: this not the same as picture aspect ratio)
- * Option to generate random clouds on each frame
- -- Terrain/Landscape
- * Rearranged Landscape window with larger surface map tree view.
- * Larger Landscape view as a separate Window, with Enlarge and Shrink buttons.
- * Landscape sculpt/view window's maximum size is limited by screen resolution.
- * Landscape sculpt window shows red circle to represent sculpt brush.
- * Improved terrain sculpting tools.
- * When copying and resizing old terrain, it asks if you want to adjust the point spacing keep the same real-world size.
- * Fixed "psychedelic" water colours in landscape view.
- * Fixed "Combine With" crash for different sizes of Existing and Secondary.
- (Is now able to draw preview and perform combination on the overlapping region. Warns user when window is opened.)
- * Fixed freeze from pressing OK in Landscape Settings while Surface Editor is open.
- * Fixed Perlin generators. They also have increased detail at higher resolutions.
- * Fixed 8bit raw import for all terrain sizes.
- -- Water
- * Water shoreline 'surf/foam' effect (this feature is subject to change over the coming weeks)
- * New water settings for "wave roughness variation" (subject to change over the coming weeks)
- * Shadows on water can be disabled via a new option in Lighting Conditions
- -- Other
- * Default display gamma correction at 2.2 (this is pretty much the sRGB standard)
- * Default render gamma correction at 2.0, and shadow lightness reduced to 25%
- * Script execution can be forced to interpret positions as in metres (Anim Settings).
- * Scripts can be executed from Anim Settings.
- * Script execution options for enabling/disabling cam, sunpos and exposure
- * WaterLevel script command
- * Script Parse Effects capability (will release World/Camera Transform plugin at a later date)
- * Optional f-stop/t-stop control in Camera Settings for convenience.
- * Removed 10000-cap on sky size (was included due to an old atmospherics bug)
- * Makes backups of files before overwriting them (appends _bak to filenames)
- * Correctly saves multiple plugin effects to world files and surface maps.
- * Maximum zoom value increased.
- * Fixed zoom round-off problem
- (zoom scrollbar no longer feeds back rounded value when executing script)
- ---
- v0.9.09:
- * Fixed Lightmap crash bug on nVidia cards.
- * Lightmap displayed at higher resolution in Lighting Conditions window (128x128).
- * Fixed slight graphical glitch on Water window panels.
- * Fixed behaviour of Water Foam settings when Enter is pressed after editing.
- * Render Gamma Reset button resets to correct value (new default is 2.0)
- * In Terrain Combination window, Copy Existing allows the Secondary terrain to adopt the correct size.
- v0.9.10:
- * Aspect Ratio Lock added to Image Size panel of Render Settings.
- * New splash screen design (background image courtesy of Luc Bianco).
- * LandscapeView operates correctly in Large Fonts mode.
- * New World resets cloud layer (except generation parameters).
- * New World resets the entire surface map.
- * New World updates all displays when it's done.
- v0.9.12:
- * Terrain Modify dialog: Can display heights in metres, plus other improvements.
- * Cloud altitude is shown in metres if those are the user's chosen units.
- * Script execution: missing last frame is fixed.
- * Splash screen background resized and displayed in "large fonts" mode.
- v0.9.13:
- * Cloud scroll speed in reflections is fixed.
- * Fixed render buffer size problem which sometimes caused a crash.
- v0.9.14:
- * Splash/about box: image resize in non-standard screen DPI, independent of video card/driver
- v0.9.15:
- * Splash/about box: fixed image resize (for non-standard screen DPI)
- v0.9.16:
- * Fixed deletion of surface layers (was crashing when removing a non-root surface!)
- v0.9.17:
- * Re-enabled LWO export, similar to v0.8.
- * (Currently only exports the bottom left 255x255 datapoints, but this will change in future.)
- * Render Settings: checkbox for lock aspect ratio is set correctly when dialog is opened.
- Landscape View/Sculpt window:
- * Fixed repeat redraw bug when sculpt brush is used multiple times quickly.
- * Holding Ctrl switches the left and right mouse buttons (nice for tablet users)
- (eg. in sculpt mode, Ctrl-LMB lowers the terrain while LMB raises it)
- PDK fixes:
- * Terrain effects are passed correct instance pointers.
- * Basic Lighting information is available to plugin effects through the PreRender struct.
- * Surface distribution effects receive the same information as surface colour effects.
- v0.9.18:
- * Fixed bug with Lock Aspect Ratio by forcing an immediate update.
- * Fixed missing polyons that happened when a render was split into multiple segments
- (although gaps may still appear at lower detail settings or in the preview render).
- v0.9.19:
- * Fixed a buffer allocation bug that caused a crash in rare situations.
- * During rendering, it displays the anti-aliased result after each render segment.