MES_JOB_COMPLETE_SUCCESS, // "Restoring succesfully completed. Please reboot for use restored volume."
MES_JOB_UNCOMPLETE, // "Restoring failed.Please check CD and HDD devices and media for error free."
MES_ERR_CANT_APPLY_UNUSED, // "|Error: can't apply to unused partition !|Press any key to continue...|"
MES_ERR_UNABLE_BACKUP_TO_FREE, // "|Error: unable backup to free space !|Please create partition first ...|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_ERR_CANT_CREATE_PART_FOR_HDD, // "|Error: partition creation for HDD backup not available !|Please use partition backup source ...|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_ERR_CANT_CREATE_PART_ON_EXIST, // "|Error: can't create partition on existing !|Please delete it first ...|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_ERR_TOO_SMALL_DESTINATION, // "|Error: destination too small !|Please choose another destination or create current more large ...|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_ERR_NO_FREE_SLOTS_IN_MBR, // "|Error: there are no free slots in MBR!|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_ERR_CANT_DELETE_UNUSED, // "|Error: can't delete unused partition !|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_WARN_PART_WILL_DELETED, // "|Warning: partition will be deleted !|Press ENTER to delete it.|Press any key to discard operation.|"
MES_ERR_CANT_FIND, // "|Error: can't find selected partition!|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_ERR_EXT_ALREADY_EXIST, // "|Error: extended partition already exist!|Please delete it first.|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_ERR_AREA_TOO_SMALL_FOR_EXT, // "|Error: area too small for extended partition!|Please provide more free space.|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_ERR_EXT_PART_NOT_EXIST, // "|Error: extended partition not exist!|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_WARN_EXT_PART_WILL_DELETED, // "|Warning: extended partition will be deleted !|Press ENTER to delete it.|Press any key to discard operation.|"
MES_ERR_CANT_RESIZE_PART_FOR_HDD, // "|Error: can't perform resize for HDD backup !|Please use partition backup source.|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_ERR_CANT_CREATE_EXT_SMAL, // "|Error: can't create extended partition smaller!|Press any key for continue...|"
MES_ERR_CANT_APPLY_EXTENDED, // "|Error: cannot apply to extended partition !|Press any key for continue...|"
MES_WARN_MBR_DAMAGED, // "|Warning: MBR sector damaged !|Choose 'Rewrite MBR' operation for fix it.|Press any key for continue ...|"
MES_WARN_EXT_DAMAGED, // "|Warning: extended partition damaged !|Press ENTER to fix it.|Press any key to continue without changing ...|"
MES_MENU_CLEAR_MBR, // "Clear MBR partition info (MBR code not changed)"
MES_MENU_WRITE_MBR, // "Write new MBR (for drive with damaged MBR)"
MES_MENU_CREATE_PART, // "Create new partition for source backup at this place"
MES_MENU_DELETE_PART, // "Delete this partition"
MES_MENU_MAKE_BOOT, // "Make this partition bootable"
MES_MENU_TOGGLE_HIDE, // "Hide\\ Unhide this partition"
MES_PRESS_ENTER_FOR_MAN, // "Press ENTER for manage partitions"
MES_WARN_MBR_WILL_DELETED, // "|Warning: MBR will cleared !!!|Press ENTER to do this.|Press any key to discard operation ...|"
MES_ERR_CHANGE_MEDIA, // "|ERROR: Invalid media choosed !|Please replace media in this drive|or choose another drive with valid backup source.|Press any key to continue ...|"
MES_ERR_CHANGE_MEDIA, // "|ERROR: Invalid media choosed !|Please replace media in this drive|or choose another drive with valid backup source.|Press any key to continue ...|"
MES_ERR_SIZE_ERROR, // "|ERROR: Source and destination sizes uncompatible !|"