004=Folder "%s", set as temporary folder for extracting files does not exist!/013Reverting to default Windows temporary folder.
005=Invalid folder
006=Folder "%s", set as default folder for catalog storage does not exist!/013Reverting to program folder.
007=Change font, used in the tree pane window, on the main window's left side, displaying catalogs, disks, and folders.
008=Change font used in the icon pane window, on the right side, showing content of the selected item in tree pane.
009=Select font, used to display and edit description in the item's properties and in Description Assistant.
010=Select display font, used to display content of defined description files in the Description Assistant.
011=Select font for displaying descriptions as tool-tips.
012=Select font for viewing ASCII files in the internal ASCII viewer.
013=Selected catalog is already listed for autoloading.
015=Select Temporary Folder
016=Select Default Catalog Path
017=External Shell Program
018=External ASCII Viewer
021=Click with mouse or press SPACE button on place to insert the %s button (ESC to cancel).
022=Disk Name
023=Media Type
024=Volume Name
026=Free Space
027=Last Updated
036=Clearing list...
039=Sort by Extension
040=Sort by Media Type
041=Sort by Date
042=Sort by Free Space
043=Arrange by &Disk Name
044=Arrange by &Media Type
045=Arrange by &Volume Label
046=Arrange by &Capacity
047=Arrange by &Free Space
048=Arrange by &Update Date
049=Arrange by Descri&ptions
050=Arrange by &Filename
051=Arrange by &Extension
052=Arrange by &Size
053=Arrange by &Date
054=Arrange by &Time
055=Arrange by &Attributes
056=Arrange by &Categories
057=Delete items
058=&Rename Catalog
059=&Rename Disk
060=Opening listed catalogs...
061=Autoloading catalogs...
063=Sorry, the file you dropped does not seem to be a catalog file.
064=Sorry, none of files you just dropped is a valid catalog file.
065=Invalid file
066=Sorry, updating catalog is not allowed while search is in progress.
067=Can't Update Data
068=Sorry, opening catalog is not allowed while search is in progress.
069=Can't Open Catalog
070=The disk scan was terminated and canceled due to an error encountered in the process. Please check if data on the media is valid, and there is no damage to media itself (like scratches on CD-ROM surface).
072=Loading files...
073=Back to "%s" (folder)
074=Back to root of "%s"
075=Loading sub-folders...
076=Floating Toolbar
077=Doubleclick To Make Floating...
078=Dock Toolbar
079=Doubleclick Caption to Dock...
081=New Catalog
082=Enter a name for the new catalog:
083=You can not close catalog(s) because search for files is in progress.
084=Can't close catalog
085=About to close all opened catalogs. Please confirm.
086=Confirm closing
087=Sorting %s files, please wait...
088=Sorry, removing disk is not allowed while search is in progress.
089=Can't remove disk
090=Please cancel the search or wait for search to finish.
091=Please confirm removing all data for disk "%s" from the catalog.
092=Delete disk(s)
093=Sorry, can't save catalog while search is in progress.
094=Can't Save Catalog
095=compressed file
096=Preparing to close the program...
097=Previous folder...
098=Compressed archive file "%s", %s (files: %s)
099=Folder "%s", %s (files: %s, subfolders: %s)
100=%s (%s), %s, free %s
101=%s %s, total disks: %s
105=Selected items: %s (total %s)
106=Listed items: %s (total %s)
107=Floppy 5.25"
108=Floppy 3.5"
109=Floppy 8"
110=Hard disk
111=Tape drive
112=Optical drive
114=Network drive
115=RAM disk
116=Removable drive
117=Sorting was temporarily halted by user./013Would you like to cancel sort and proceed with partial results?
118=Cancel sort
119=Drive %s is not ready!
120=Sorry, there is no such device installed that could accept this media type.
121=Please select the appropriate drive yourself if available.
122=The media you requested (%s) was not found and does not seem to be removable.%s
123=Unregistered version
124=Extracting file(s), please wait...
125=Extracting files
126=An error was encountered while trying to extract files from/013archive. The archive file is not supported or damaged.
127=CRC check has failed. Archive file may be damaged.
128=An error has occurred while trying to write extracted file.
129=Disk is full, not enough space to extract files.
130=Sorry, selected file does not exist any more on the media./013Please update data for this media.
131=Archive file is using unknown or unsupported compression method.
132=This archive file was made by unsupported version of compression program.
133=Unknown file type, file is not a supported archive file.
134=The number of maximum supported archive volumes (999) has been exceeded.
135=Out of memory, extraction aborted.
136=Archive file contains too many nested folders.
137=Archive file is password protected.
138=Stack overflow encountered while unpacking.
139=Error has occurred while reading archive file.
140=Unknown error has occurred while uncompressing file(s).
141=There are still some extracted files left in the temporary folder./013Should these files be deleted from your disk?
142=There seems to be no printer installed on your computer./013To use reports, at least a generic printer driver must be/013installed, even if you don't have a printer yourself.
143=No Printers Installed
144=There is search in progress and it does not respond to cancel command./013Please cancel the search manually and then exit the program.
145=Would you really like to close selected catalog?
146=Sorry, this folder does not exist any more on the media./013Please update data for this media.
147=Folder not found
148=Specified external program (%s) can not be found. Please check your settings.
149=Can't start external program
150=Extract "%s" to:
151=Keep folder structure stored in compressed file
152=Launching installation file
153=Launching executable file
154=You have selected to launch a program file from inside compressed archive file. Such files often can not run by themselves, and will need to have other files from the package available. It is recommended that you extract entire archive file to a temporary folder first./013/013Would you like to extract entire archive file first and then launch the selected file?
155=There is not enough memory or resources to execute program.
156=No program is associated with this file type (%s).
157=Access to this file was denied by operating system.
158=Sharing error occurred on this file./013Please close first all programs currently using this file.
159=Ask to overwrite existing files or folders
160=Report selected items that are missing on the media
161=Copy all sub-folders, if available
162=Copy %s selected items to
163=Copy "%s" to:
164=Extract %s selected items to
165=Extract "%s" to:
166=Extracting selected files, please wait...
167=Extracting file(s) was NOT completed successfully!
168=File not found
169=WhereIsIt? can import catalog data from its predecessor, Floppy Master 3.5, disk catalog program for DOS, but imported catalog will lack some information missing in the old database./013/013Are you sure you want to import Floppy Master database?
170=Floppy Master Import
171=Starting AutoSave...
173=About to compare %s "%s" in catalog to original media, please confirm.
174=Compare To Media
175=Comparing data in catalog to media, please wait...
176=No changes have been detected on the media. Catalog data for %s "%s" is up to date.
177=Loading catalog data, please wait...
178=Checking if files exist in the catalog, please wait
179=No files were found at specified location ("%s").
180=This media seems to be read-only, writing has failed./013Descriptions can not be exported to this media.
181=Can't Write to Media
182=Exporting descriptions to media...
183=Moving disks, please wait...
184=Moving disk "%s"...
185=Select by file mask:
186=Deselect by file mask:
187=Selecting items
188=Deselecting items
189=Remove selected item(s) from the list?
190=Remove all items from the list?
191=Items on list:
192=(Items without category)
193=Scanning for registered file types...
194=Would you like to disable this search criteria?
195=Invalid field: %s
196=Item Name
197=File Mask
199=File Type
200=The DOS File Mask is not valid.
201=You did not enter what name are you searching for.
202=You did not enter what file type are you searching for.
203=You did not enter what description are you searching for.
204=You did not select what size are you looking for.
205=You did not select what date or time are you looking for.
206=Search for
207=Please select at least one criteria for duplicate files.
208=Sorry, no items were found to match your criteria.
209=No hits
210=There is no criteria left to search by.
211=Collecting all items: %s
212=Duplicates: %s of %s
213=Checked %s items, found %s...
214=Search by &Name or Attributes
215=Search Settings
216=Search Duplicates by &Name
217=Duplicates Settings
219=Duplicates Search
220=Descriptions found so far: %s
221=Scanning disk for data...
222=Initializing catalog update...
223=Disk %s
224=Searching for existing descriptions...
225=Reading from disk in catalog:
226=Scanning disk, please wait...
227=Reading file data in:
228=Finished, ejecting media...
230=Add New Disk
231=Update Disk
232=Import existing descriptions from other disks in the catalog
233=Import existing descriptions from:
234=Looking for selected media, please wait...
235=No drive selected
236=%s (%s), Serial num: %s
237=not found in catalog
238=already exists in catalog
239=media match confirmed, ready to update
240=does NOT match the media selected for update
241=Disk with the same serial number, label and capacity is/013already in the catalog as "%s"./013/013Would like to update the disk currently in the catalog?/013(selecting "No" will add a new disk to the catalog)
242=Update Existing Data?
243=Properties of selected media do not match properties of the disk you are updating!/013This may be normal if you have formatted the media since it was last cataloged./013/013Are you sure you want to replace data for "%s" with the selected media?
245=You did not choose to import existing descriptions for the disk you are updating. All existing descriptions will be lost! Proceed?
246=Set virtual root, exclude folders
247=Extracting "%s"
248=Canceled, please wait...
249=Extracting was temporarily halted by user./013Would you like to cancel extracting file(s) from this archive?
250=Cancel extracting
251=CRC check failed on extracting "%s"!
252=Wait, closing catalog...
253=Save changes to catalog "%s" ?
254=Wait, closing all catalogs...
255=Save Catalog "%s" As ...
256=This file already exists and is in use./013Enter new file name or close this file in other applications.
257=Can not create this file for writing./013Please enter a valid file name and path, on a write-enabled device.
258=Saving catalog, please wait...
259=There is not enough disk space on destination drive to save the catalog.
260=Moving catalog file to specified location...
261=It seems this file is still in use, probably in some other application.
262=There was a problem while trying to replace old catalog file./013%s If everything else fails, you can select 'Cancel', and use 'Save As...'/013to save the catalog under different name.
263=An error occurred while saving the catalog "%s".
264=Internal catalog structure error detected.
265=Loading catalog(s)...
266=Catalog file "%s" is already opened.
267=Catalog is opened
268=This is not a valid catalog file!
269=Can't open catalog file "%s"./013This file does not exist.
270=Program detected an error while trying to load files in folder "%s". Catalog file may be damaged./013Program will try to recover by skipping the rest of files in this folder.
271=This seems to be the first time you have started this program, and it is not configured yet. You may want to use this Quick-Setup Wizard to help you with the most important configuration options needed for program to run as desired.
272=This Wizard can help you adjust the most important settings for the program to run as desired. You can use it always if you would like to be guided through basic configuration steps and be sure not to miss anything important.
273=Would you like to close Setup Wizard and discard all changes?
274=Exit Setup Wizard
275=&Next >
277=Page %s of %s
278=New files on media, not yet in the catalog
279=Files that did not change since last cataloging
280=Files that have changed since last cataloging
281=Deleted files since last cataloging
282=Files not found in selected catalog
283=Files found to be the same as in selected catalog
284=Files found in the catalog, but only matching file name
285=New files
286=Same files
287=Changed files
288=Deleted files
289=Found files
290=Found, but changed
291=Checking if files at "%s" are present in selected catalogs or disks:
292=Comparing folder "%s" in catalog with the same folder on drive %s
293=Comparing %s "%s" in catalog with contents of drive %s
294=Loading disk "%s"
295=Compare to Media
296=Comparing to media, please wait...
297=Sorting lists, please wait...
298=Compare Files To Catalog
299=Searching for files, please wait...
300=Search Results
301=User List Contents
302=Compare To Media Results
303=Compare Files to Catalog Results:
304=Custom Report
305=Generating list of selected items...
306=Preparing report preview, please wait...
307=Some disks or folders stored in custom report layout/013were not found in currently loaded catalogs.
308=New folder
309=Can't create new folder!
310=Selected folder is not empty, deleting denied!
311=Operating system has denied deleting this folder!
312=Operating system has denied renaming this folder!
313=Printer Default
318=Total pages: %s
319=Page: %s
320=Generating page %s...
321=About WhereIsIt?
322=Shareware version
323=no categories defined
325=Compressed Size:
327=File CRC:
328=Created on:
329=Last Accessed on:
332=unknown file type
333=Archive file
334=Folder info
335=Self-extracting compressed file
336=Compressed file (%s)
337=Folder Size:
338=Folder Description:
339=Archive File Description:
340=Used Space
341=Total Capacity
342=not in catalog yet
343=Do you really want to discard all changes?
344=Updating categories, flags, and custom icons...
345=(max. number of categories reached)
346=Deleting this category may affect data already in the/013catalog. All references to this category will be removed./013/013Are you sure you want to delete this category?
347=You chose to delete a flag "%s" which may have references in the catalog./013All references to this flag will be removed from catalog!/013/013Are you really sure you want to delete flag?
348=There are no categories defined in the selected catalog.
349=There was not enough room for all categories.
352=%s disks, total capacity %s (%s selected, %s)
353=Moving disks between catalogs...
354=Copying disks between catalogs..
355=Renaming disk "%s"...
356=Rename Disk
357=Rename disk "%s" to:
358=Please confirm deleting selected disk(s) from catalog.
359=Deleting selected disks, please wait...
360=Folder "%s" does not exist!
361=Select location of files to check:
362=%s files (%s)
363=Can't open source file "%s"./013Would you like for program to retry opening it? Selecting "No" will skip this file.
364=Destination drive does not have enough free space to hold the next file to be copied. Please free some space and try again, or cancel copying and skip the rest of files.
365=Can't create destination file "%s".
366=Can't create destination folder "%s".
367=Please make sure disk is not write protected, and supports writing./013Would you like for program to retry creating it? Selecting "No" will skip this item.
368=Would you really like to abort copying?
369=Waiting for disk...
370=All files were successfully copied.
371=Warning: some files or folders (total: %s) were skipped.
374=Searching for description files...
375=(no available description files found)
376=Loading description file...
379=File Too Long - TRUNCATED
380=Discard description changes?
381=Can't open Floppy Master catalog file!
382=Floppy Master Catalog
383=Importing Floppy Master database...
384=no database selected
385=invalid Floppy Master database
386=Disks in database: %s
387=Clear categories for all items
388=Number of selected items for changing categories or flags: %s
389=No categories are defined
390=No flags are defined
391=There are no categories or flags defined in any catalog where selected items are from./013/013Would you like to define categories and flags now?
392=Are you sure you want to change settings about category and flags for all selected items?
393=Would you like to save changes made here before opening Categories Setup dialog?
402=This program is registered to:/013/013%s/013%s/013/013Serial number:/013%s
403=An error has occurred while writing to registry!
404=Windows reported an error when trying to open registry key.
405=A problem occurred while trying to store registration settings.
406=Rename Category
407=New Category Name:
410=Scanning for file to extract...
411=ASCII Viewer - %s
412=Opening file to view...
413=Opening file in ASCII viewer, please wait...
414=Do you really want to abort disk scan?
415=Sorting items by source...
416=WhereIsIt? report
417=Exporting report
418=R E P O R T C A N C E L E D !
419=E N D O F R E P O R T
420=Printing report, page %s
421=Exporting report, page %s
422=Printing copy #%s, please wait...
423=Preparing to print report, please wait...
424=Preparing to export report, please wait...
425=You are using default paper size for this report, but paper size selected for your printer is not available to be used with reports. Please open Report Settings dialog and select one of available paper sizes for reports first.
426=Paper size not available
431=Media type: %s, total %s (free %s)
433=Audio track
434=Sorry, this registration license is not valid./013Please check the data again and type it exactly as you have received it.
435=Thank you for purchasing this program./013WhereIsIt? is now registered.
436=You are using an unregistered version of program!
437=Unregistered version has a limit of maximum 2 GB of/013data storage per catalog, and this limit has been reached.
438=In the unregistered version, you can only have one/013catalog opened at the time. You must close current/013catalog to open or create a new one.
439=Please consider registering this program and supporting/013shareware. The registered version has no such limitations./013For more information please read the ORDER.TXT file.
440=This report was printed with unregistered version of WhereIsIt?
441=Error reading source file "%s".
442=Can't establish DDE connection with Excel. Please make sure Excel is running.
443=Error has occurred while transferring data to Excel.
444=Invalid disk number (must be in range from 1 to 65535)!
445=Specified disk number already exists in this catalog.
446=Disk #
447=Arrange by Disk Numbers
448=Catalog is protected
449=Catalog is not protected
450=Passwords do not match, possible typing error. Please re-enter both passwords.
451=Read-only and full access password must not be the same!
452=Missing full access password! If read-only password is used, then full access password is required, too.
453=Enter Password
454=Catalog "%s" is protected.
455=Please enter the FULL ACCESS password:
456=Please enter the READ-ONLY or FULL ACCESS password:
457=Invalid password!
458=Encrypting catalog file, please wait...
459=Decrypting catalog file, please wait...
460=Catalog owner:
461=Script language is only available in registered version.
462=Maximum number of hits has been reached.
463=Adding items to user list, please wait...
464=Item selection in progress, please wait...
465=%d selected items
466=All of type:
467=Multiple types
468=Please confirm removing all data for selected disks from the catalog.
469=Copy To...
470=Move To...
472=Total copied:
473=Total moved:
474=Total deleted:
475=Would you really like to abort moving?
476=Would you really like to abort deleting?
477=All files were successfully moved.
478=All files were successfully deleted.
481=Move all sub-folders, if available
482=Move %s selected items to
483=Move "%s" to:
484=Delete %s selected items
485=Delete "%s"
486=Are you sure you want to delete selected files on actual media?
487=Delete all sub-folders, if available
488=Can't delete file "%s"./013Would you like for program to retry deleting it? Selecting "No" will skip this file.
489=Selected items are about to be removed from the catalog. This will cause media image to be incomplete./013Are you sure you would like to remove selected items?
490=Removing selected items from catalog, please wait...
491=Update data in catalog when available
492=Delete items to Recycle Bin
493=Disk volume label:
494=Specified volume label is too long.
495=Specified volume label is invalid.
496=Changing volume label was denied!
497=Specified text was not found in the rest of document.
498=Can't open selected file to view in HEX mode, file is probably in use or protected.
499=Specified file or file mask is already listed.
500=Updating data in catalog, please wait...
501=Keep changes made to catalog settings?
502=There are no flags defined in the selected catalog.
503=There are no disk locations defined in the selected catalog.
504=Categories from selected catalog will be appended to category list. Proceed?
505=Flags from selected catalog will be appended to flags list. Proceed?
506=Disk locations from selected catalog will be appended to locations list. Proceed?
507=You chose to delete a location "%s" which may have references in the catalog./013All references to this location will be removed from catalog!/013/013Are you really sure you want to delete location?
508=An error was reported while trying to run Quick View.
510=You have selected to assign the same categories and flags to all contained files and subfolders. Existing categories and flags for these items will be lost! Proceed?
511=Enter a new name:
512=Change file mask(s):
513=leave unchanged
514=Setup Items Coloring
515=Scanning for plugins...
516=Virtual root enabled: %s
517=Some folders are excluded from disk scan
518=no catalog loaded
519=Update Folder: %s
520=Folder selected for updating (%s) does not exist on selected media!
521=Your registration license is not valid for this version of WhereIsIt!
522=Your registration license has expired!
523=Valid until
524=&Accept >
525=Registration fee in SIT (Slovenian tolars) is only allowed for users from Slovenia.
526=Connecting to WhereIsIt's home page...
527=Retrieving update information...
528=without %s
529=Item has no description
530=Item has any description
531=Item's description includes
532=or sounds like
533=Search expression is valid.
534=Unexpected data in expression.
535=Expression is expected at indicated position.
536=Operator is expected at indicated position.
537=Too many "(".
538=Too many ")".
539=Unexpected end of expression.
540=Are you sure you would like to clear current search expression?
541=Current search expression is not saved. Would you like to discard it?
542=Can't open file %s.
543=File "%s" is not a valid search expression file.
544=Apply the same answer to all unsaved catalogs
545=Select sound file
546=Maximum number of categories, flags, or disk locations in target catalog has been reached. Some files, folders or disk will not be able to keep all their properties.
547=Some items on source disk have assigned categories, flags, or disk locations that are not defined in target catalog. Should program create missing definitions in target catalog? Answering "No" will remove some properties from items that do not exist in target catalog.
548=External Anti-virus program
550=Time elapsed:
551=The specified UNC address does not exist or is not accessible.
552=Catalog Files (*.ctf)|*.ctf
553=Catalog Templates (*.ctm)|*.ctm
555=Rename File
556=Rename Folder
557=Enter new name for "%s":
558=Rename Failed
559=Renaming file "%s" to "%s" has failed.
560=Renaming folder "%s" to "%s" has failed.
561=Would you really like to abort renaming?
562=All files were successfully renamed.
564=Load new icon file
565=Selecting icon for "%s"
566=Selecting icon for %d selected items
567=Catalog File Format Conversion
568=The catalog file you are about to save is currently stored in an older file format. Proceeding with save will convert the catalog file to the new format, but this will also make the catalog unreadable by older versions of WhereIsIt. Do you wish to proceed with save?
569=Disk group
570=(disk groups: %d)
571=Item alias name
572=Rename in Catalog
573=Please confirm removing alias names from selected item(s).
574=You have requested changing item's name in catalog (alias), however showing aliases is currently disabled./013Would you like to enable item aliases?
575=The scanning process doesn't seem to be responding to cancel command. This usually indicates an unrecoverable error, possibly outside program's code or control. You can forcefully terminate scanning process, however please note that this may affect program's stability - you should exit and restart the program at your earliest convenience./013/013Would you like to force the termination of scanning process?
576=There are no CDDB description plugins currently installed and enabled.
577=&Setup Description Plugins
578=Querying CDDB Server:
579=Plugin Error
580=The CDDB plugin has reported an error:
581=Disk Location
583=Continue with scanning the next selected disk?
590=At the time of error, WhereIsIt was processing the following file or folder:
591=Some of selected catalogs were modified and are not saved yet. They need to be saved before they can be mailed out. Would you like to save them now?
592=Compressing selected catalogs, please wait...
593=Sending message...
594=New version is available!
595=No new version available.
596=New or updated description modules: %d
597=New or updated language files: %d
598=Selected updates: %d
599=There is not enough disk space on drive %s to download the update.
600=An error has occurred while downloading "%s", this update will be skipped.
601=Can not install the update. The update file "%s" was downloaded and saved to "%s". Please install the update manually after exiting WhereIsIt.
602=Renumbering Disks
603=Descending disk numbers (default: ascending)
604=Skip all selected disks that already have disk number
605=Skip disk numbers that are already taken
606=Enter starting disk number:/013/013Selected disks and disk groups (total: %d) will be sequentially renumbered in the same order as they appear on the list, and complying to the options below.
607=Searching for: "%s".
608=Search is case sensitive!
609=At least item's name must match search criteria.
610=At least item's description must sound like the search criteria.
611=At least item's description must match search criteria.
612=Searching by specified search expression
613=Searching for all duplicate items.
614=Searching for all duplicate items with matching the following condition:
615=If items have alias names, searching through alias names only.
616=Searching through real names only (no aliases).
617=Searching through both real and alias names, if available.
618=Search Target:
619=Searching for: %s.
620=Selected disks: %d, skipped disks: %d.
621=Searching only through first %d folder levels.
622=Searching will stop when %d matches are found.
623=Find in This Folder
624=Find on This Disk
625=Find in This Disk Group
626=Find in This Catalog
627=Searching for copies of selected items in loaded catalogs.
628=Single-user license
629=%d-users site license
630=Arrange by File, Folder or Disk
631=Arrange by Locations
632=Arrange by Media Types
633=Arrange by Folders
634=Changes in catalog file structure will now be saved and catalog file rebuilt.
635=Sorting items in "%s" by categories...
636=Exporting Audio CD descriptions...
637=Export disk and track descriptions from selected Audio CDs to the CDPlayer.ini file?
638=Custom Size
639=Removing user list tags from items in catalog...
640=Collecting user list items in "%s"...
641=Enter a new user list name:
642=Delete selected user lists?
643=Save User List As
644=Name of the new user list:
645=User list with selected name already exists.
646=Would you like to replace it with the current one?
647=Custom icons from selected catalog will be appended to icons list. Proceed?
648=There are no custom icons stored in the selected catalog.
649=Available icons in %s:
650=No icons are available in selected file.
651=Virtual %s
652=No Internet Connection
653=Your Internet connection does not appear to be active. Please connect to the Internet and try again.
654=Copy files under different names
655=Move files under different names
656=Enter New File Name:
657=Copy File As...
658=Move File As...
659=Use this option with caution and some common sense. Overusing categories and flags can cause an unnecessary memory load and severe performance degradation in some parts of the program, like in browse by categories mode. Do not assign a category or flag to all 10.000 files on the media or in a folder, if it is enough to mark the media or folder entry only.
660=Do not show this warning again
661=Error writing to target file "%s".
665=Size on the Media:
666=Missing in Catalog:
668=Downloading "%s"
669=Unknown/047Unavailable plugins
670=Catalog "%s" is marked as read-only on the media. It may not be possible or desirable to replace this catalog file. You can use the File /047 Save As... command to save the catalog under a new name.
671=All Files
672=No thumbnail plugins are currently installed.
673=%d bpp
674=%d x %d pixels
675=File "%s" is not a valid or supported image file.
676=Select column
677=Deselect column
679=Remove Disk Picture
680=Remove disk picture from selected disk(s)?
681=Calculating CRC codes, please wait...
682=New files on disk %s, not found in the catalog
683=Files on disk %s, unchanged since last cataloging
684=Files on disk %s that were changed or moved
685=Files cataloged in disk image "%s", not found on the media anymore
686=Cataloged files, matching file "%s" on the media
687=List of cataloged files, resembling the "%s" file
688=The language file "%s" is outdated and was prepared for an older version of this software. Some user interface items may not be translated and will appear in the default English language. You can update the language file yourself in the Options /047 User Interface /047 Language section.
689=Matching files must have the same CRC code, if available in catalog
690=Track %d
691=The server name could not be resolved.
692=The request has timed out.
693=The URL is invalid.
694=The Win32 Internet function support is being shut down or unloaded.
695=Direct network access cannot be made at this time.
696=Connection to CDDB server failed. Is the Internet connection active and set up?
697=Audio CD details appear to be valid. Please also check spelling and formatting.
698=The data in at least one of the fields is missing, invalid, or generic. The appropriate control is focused.
699=Files found in the catalog, but only matching in size
700=Some of audio CD tracks have no title/047artist information. Please leave them empty only in special cases where track titles really doesn't apply, otherwise each track title should be filled with actual title/047artist details.
001=...this program is not free? By registering, you will support the shareware concept and help the author to develop newer, more advanced versions. You will also receive a registration code to unlock the program to its full potential.
002=...you can adjust size of buttons in a toolbar. Have a look in the program settings and resize them to fit your screen best.
003=...toolbar can be dragged away to become floating, or docked to any side of the main window. Just click it by the edge and drag it to a new location.
004=...most commands can be accessed faster if you right-click on an item.
005=...catalogs can be auto-loaded when program starts up (registered version only). If you work constantly with the same catalogs every time, it may be a good idea to list them in the auto-load settings.
006=...user list can help you collect items of interest in one place. Use searching or just select item to add in the main window and add it to user list. User list is most commonly used as a source for report generator.
007=...fonts in all major windows can be adjusted to fit your needs. You can select new fonts especially for WhereIsIt? in the settings menu.
008=...disks or catalogs can easily be renamed if you select them in main window and after a while click them again - just like in Windows 95 shell. Shortcut F2 works, too.
009=...you can quickly get selected item's properties if you click on the status bar.
010=...while in details view, you can quickly sort data by any column, just by clicking on the column header. Another click will reverse sort order.
011=...you can customize column layout when data is displayed in the details mode. Just right-click on column header, or select "View/047Columns Setup" from main menu.
012=...contents of any list or group of items, including User List, can be "saved" by using flags or categories? Create a new flag and assign it to wanted items, later you can search for items with this flag.
013=...you can develop your own description plugins, to import descriptions from other, currently not supported sources? For details check out the Description API help file in your DescAPI folder.
014=...that you can sort disks inside catalogs to your preferred order? Just select catalog entry in the left tree window so you have disks displayed on the right and sort them by clicking on any column header.
015=...many of shortcuts known from Explorer are available in WhereIsIt, too? F2 quickly renames disk or catalog, Alt-Enter or Alt-DoubleClick shows Properties, F10 displays popup menu, Ctrl-F6 cycles open windows,...
016=...you can export WhereIsIt's catalogs by using Report Generator? Report Generator is not only used for printing, it can create reports in other formats as well, such as Excel tables, ASCII files, RTF or HTML documents.
017=...columns on any list can be reordered by simply dragging them to a new location? You can also quickly hide unwanted column by grabbing its right edge and resize it to the left to completely hide it.
018=...you can have your files, folders and disks displayed in different colors, based on their type, categories, flags, or disk locations? Check out the Coloring settings.
019=...that search expressions can be saved and reused later? Open Search window, select Advanced Search tab, enter your search expression and save it using the "Options" button.
020=...you can search for descriptions that at least sound like searched criteria? Just check the appropriate checkbox when defining your description search criteria.
021=...that catalogs can be password protected? You can set up to two passwords, one for read-only and full access. You can also define catalog's owner at the same time.
022=...you can move or copy disks between catalogs? Just open both catalogs and drag disks from source to target catalog; hold down Ctrl to copy disks instead of moving them.
023=...WhereIsIt is a multi-language program? You can switch user interface language in runtime, selecting among more than 20 different languages, also available for free download on the Internet.
024=...WhereIsIt's standard description plugins can import descriptions from more than 35 different file formats? You can always expand on that by adding or developing your own description plugins.
025=...you can use WhereIsIt to copy, move or delete actual files on the media? The appropriate options are available under the File Management menu.
026=...you can only select part of your media to be cataloged, not necessarily the whole drive. Using the Folder Limitations button in Add/047Update dialog, you select a virtual root folder, or exclude some folders from scanning.
027=...you can receive by e-mail the latest news and notices about new versions being released? Subscribe to the free WhereIsIt Mailing List on program's home page and you will be always up to date.
028=...you can have program check if your WhereIsIt is the latest version available? Check out the "Check for Update Wizard" in Help menu.
029=...catalogs can be set to auto-save on specified time intervals? This can save you from loosing some work if power goes out unexpectedly, or your system locks up.
030=...categories, flags, and disk locations settings can be copied from some other catalog? This way you don't have to setup all categories again for every new catalog you create.
031=...that together with WhereIsIt are installed some additional text files, including the frequently asked questions (FAQ)? Perhaps you can find an answer to your question there before asking for a support.
032=...WhereIsIt can be started with some command line options to adjust its behavior. Type "WhereIsIt -help" in command line to get the available parameters and their description.
033=...file extensions in the Filename column can be hidden if you also have a separate Extension column visible? You can enable this option in program's settings: User Interface section, File Lists tab.
034=...you can have the program play a sound when a long operation like searching completes?
035=...you can remove selected files or folders from catalog if you don't want them cataloged? It is recommended not to overuse this option though.
036=...you can remove from catalog the contents of archive files that were added to catalog together with a list of compressed files inside. Just right click archive file and select to remove its contents.
037=...you can set the program to ignore certain files when scanning a media, such as zero-sized files or folders, Recycle Bin, or user-defined list of file masks such as "*.tmp", "*.bak" etc.
038=...that recently used catalogs can be quickly reopened by clicking the small down arrow right new to the Open button on the toolbar?
039=...you can get a list of all assigned categories to the item when the Category column only says "multiple"? Just leave the mouse over the word "multiple", all assigned categories will show as a tooltip.
040=...WhereIsIt fully complies with Microsoft's "Designed for Windows 98 and Windows NT" logo program? This ensures you get optimum usability and consistent, accessible user experience.
041=...you can instantly access item's descriptions and thumbnails through the Description Window? You can enable it in the Windows menu. When not docked to the main window, it can also handle items from other windows.
042=...disk images remember options used when they were last scanned with, such as active plugins, and use the same again when they are being updated?
043=...folders can automatically expand and collapse in tree view as you browse through your collection. Just enable this option in program's settings, User Interface section.
044=...you can quickly search for items in selected catalog, disk or folder? Just right-click the item and select the appropriate option.
045=...searching can be limited to the first "n" folder levels only? This way you can search for items in root folder only, for example.
046=...you can quickly send your catalogs or other files by e-mail to your friends or colleagues? Select "Send Mail" option in the File menu, collect files to send, and a message with appropriate attachments will be prepared for you.
047=...you can browse your catalogs by categories, instead of cataloged disks? Click on the Categories tab in the main window, and you can directly explore your files, folders, and disks by their categories, flags, and disk locations.
048=...WhereIsIt 3 and newer can also retrieve and store thumbnail images in catalogs? A set of included thumbnail plugins handles most of major graphic file formats, while you can add your own, custom plugins as well.
049=...thumbnails can be displayed in file lists instead of associated icons? There is an option available in Settings/047User Interface/047File Lists, that makes an excellent choice for previewing your graphics collection in large icons mode.
050=...disks and folders can have their own, custom icons assigned in catalog? Just right-click the item, select the "Change Icon" option, and load your favorite icon. Assigned custom icons will be available if you give your catalogs away, too.
051=...catalog files can be stored compressed to make them smaller, while still functional? You can enable compression in catalog's Properties dialog, however do note that using compressed will not just make catalogs smaller but also slower.
052=...most of plugins have their own configuration dialogs, where you can setup details about how they function? Just select a plugin in either program's settings or Add/047Update dialog, and click the Configure Plugin button below.
053=...you can save the contents of your user lists? User lists are saved within catalog, by marking items are located on appropriate user lists. If you select one of the saved user lists, program can quickly collect appropriate items.
054=...you can add to catalog only disk entries, without scanning their contents like files and folders? Select the "Folder Limitations" button in Add/047Update dialog, and check the option to add disk entry only.
055=...you can set in program's settings the limit on what is the maximum size of allowed textual descriptions? It can be between 4 KB and 32 KB, and can be used to prevent too long imported descriptions needlessly taking up too much space in catalog.
056=...item with max. allowed description size (32 KB) takes in catalog as much space as about 2000 cataloged files and folders? Don't let your description plugins to import needlessly long descriptions and even whole text files.
057=...you can catalog all of your audio CDs first, and later make a CDDB query for all of them in one step? This way you don't have to be connected to the Internet while adding your audio collection to the catalog.
058=...you can use disk groups to organize the layout of your disks in catalog? You can use disk groups to form a hierarchical organization similar to categories, or you can group certain disks together, like software that comes on multiple CDs.
059=...each catalog or disk group can have its own, custom disk order? Use drag&drop to order your disks any way you want them, or hold down Ctrl+Alt and use arrow keys to move disk entries around.
060=...you can use alias names to change the name of files or folders, as displayed in catalogs? This allows you to internally "rename" items with unfriendly names, while still allowing you to access files by their real names as used on a media.
061=...you can save your catalogs as templates, to serve as a base when creating new catalogs? This way you can easily inherit settings like categories, flags, custom icons etc. from other catalogs or predefined templates.
062=...you can update all or selected disk images in catalog(s) in one step? Select the "Update All Disk Images" command, and you can choose between range of options from fully automated to manual batch updates.
063=...program can ask you to enter media description right after scanning completes? Just check the appropriate option in the Add/047Update dialog, and you can describe your disks on the spot with having their contents preview one click away.
064=...you can scan cataloged disks or selected folder for viruses? WhereIsIt uses your favorite anti-virus program for that, allowing it to launch on command right from WhereIsIt and check out selected disk image or folder.
065=...disk numbers can be quickly assigned or changed for selected group of disks and disk groups? Just order disks and groups the same way you would like to have them numbered, and select the "Renumber Disks" option.
ButtonOpen.Hint=Open Catalog
ButtonSave.Hint=Save Current Catalog
ButtonAddDisk.Hint=Add/047Update Disk Image in Catalog
ButtonSearch.Hint=Search for Items
ButtonProperties.Hint=Item Properties
ButtonEditDesc.Hint=Edit Description
ButtonBack.Hint=Back One Level
ButtonReverseSort.Hint=Reverse Sort Order
ButtonSort1.Hint=Sort by Name
ButtonExplorer.Hint=Open in Explorer
ButtonUserList.Hint=View User List
ButtonPrint.Hint=Generate Report
ButtonSetColoring.Hint=Set Coloring Mode
ButtonNew.Hint=Create New Catalog
ButtonSort3.Hint=Sort by Size
ButtonLaunch.Hint=Launch File in Associated Program
ButtonCompare.Hint=Compare Disk or Folder to Media
ButtonHelp.Hint=What Is This?
ButtonView.Hint=View File in ASCII Viewer
ButtonFileOps.Hint=File Management
ButtonScanViruses.Hint=Scan for Viruses
ToolMenuFloating=Floating Toolbar
ToolMenuCustomize=Customize Toolbar
ToolMenuHide=Hide Toolbar
ToolMenuDock=Dock Toolbar to
DockToLeftSide1=Left Side
DockToRightSide1=Right Side
TreeMenuNewDisk=Add New Disk Image
TreeMenuUpdateDisk=Update Disk Image
TreeMenuUpdateFolder=Update This Folder
TreeMenuDeleteDisk=Delete Disk
TreeMenuVolumeLabel=Change Volume Label
TreeMenuDescription=Edit Description
TreeMenuCatSetup=Catalog Setup
TreeMenuOpenExplorer=Open in Explorer
TreeMenuViewFile=&View File
TreeMenuLaunchFile=Launch File
TreeMenuScanViruses=Scan for Viruses
TreeMenuCompare=Compare to Media
TreeMenuFileOps=File Management
TreeMenuExtractTo=Extract To...
TreeMenuCopyTo=Copy To...
TreeMenuMoveTo=Move To...
TreeMenuShowInCatalog=Show in Catalog
TreeMenuHideInCatalog=Hide in Catalog
TreeMenuRemoveFromCatalog=Remove from Catalog
TreeMenuRemoveArchive=Remove Archive Contents
TreeMenuAddCat=Add New Catalog
TreeMenuOpenCat=Open Catalog
TreeMenuSaveCat=Save Catalog
TreeMenuCloseCat=Close Catalog
TreeMenuCatManager=Catalog Manager
ListMenuSwitch=Go To...
ListMenuUpdateDisk=Update Disk Image
ListMenuUpdateFolder=Update This Folder
ListMenuDeleteDisk=Delete Disk
ListMenuVolumeLabel=Change Volume Label
ListMenuDescription=Edit Description
ListMenuOpenExplorer=Open in Explorer
ListMenuViewFile=&View File
ListMenuLaunchFile=Launch File
ListMenuScanViruses=Scan for Viruses
ListMenuCompare=Compare to Media
ListMenuFileOps=File Management
ListMenuExtractTo=Extract To...
ListMenuCopyTo=Copy To...
ListMenuMoveTo=Move To...
ListMenuShowInCatalog=Show in Catalog
ListMenuHideInCatalog=Hide in Catalog
ListMenuRemoveFromCatalog=Remove from Catalog
ListMenuRemoveArchive=Remove Archive Contents
MenuNewCat=&New Catalog
MenuSaveAs=Save &As...
MenuSaveAsTemplate=Save As &Template
MenuSaveAll=Sa&ve All Catalogs
MenuCloseAll=Close A&ll
MenuCatalogInfo=Catalogs &Info
MenuReportGen=&Report Generator
MenuExportDesc=Export &Descriptions to Media
MenuImport=Import from &Floppy Master
MenuMailTo=Send &Mail...
MenuAddDisk=&Add/047Update Disk Image
MenuUpdateFolder=Update This Folder
MenuCompare=C&ompare to Media
MenuSearch=Search &for Items
MenuDuplicates=&Scan for Duplicates
MenuCheckCat=Compare &Files to Catalog
MenuCatManager=Catalog &Manager
MenuCatSetup=&Catalog Setup
MenuSortItems=&Sort items
MenuReverseSort=&Reverse Sort Order
MenuLargeIcons=View &Icons
MenuList=View &List
MenuSmallIcons=View S&mall Icons
MenuDetails=View &Details
MenuColumnsSetup=&Columns Setup
ViewDescWin=Description &Window
ViewStatusBar=Status &Bar
MenuBackLevel=&Back One Level
MenuOpenExplorer=&Open in Explorer
MenuViewFile=&View File
MenuLaunchFile=&Launch File
MenuScanViruses=Scan for &Viruses
MenuAddUser=&Add to User List
MenuRemoveUser=&Remove from User List
MenuKeepUser=&Keep on User List
MenuEditDesc=&Edit Description
MenuFileManagement=File &Management
MenuExtractTo=E&xtract To...
MenuCopyTo=&Copy To...
MenuMoveTo=&Move To...
MenuShowInCatalog=&Show in Catalog
MenuHideInCatalog=&Hide in Catalog
MenuRemoveFromCatalog=Remove from Catalog
MenuRemoveArchive=Remove Archive Contents
MenuSettings=&General Settings
MenuSettingsInterface=&User Interface Setup
MenuSettingsImage=Disk &Image Settings
MenuSettingsDescriptions=&Description Settings
MenuSettingsLang=International Support
MenuSetupWizard=Quick-Setup &Wizard
MenuUserListWnd=&User List
MenuSearchWnd=&Search Window
MenuCompareWnd=&Compare Results
MenuHelpIndex=Help &Index
MenuWhatIsHelp=&What Is This?
MenuTips=More &Tips
MenuUpdateWizard=Check for &Update Wizard
MenuOrderWizard=How to &Order Wizard
MenuOnTheWeb=Where Is It? on the Web
MenuHomePage=Home Page
MenuWebWhatsNew=What's New
MenuWebLangFiles=Available Language Files
MenuWebOrdering=Ordering Information
FindTextMenu=Find Text
SelectAllMenu=Select All
ColumnsAdjustMenu=Adjust Column Widths
ColumnsHideMenu=Hide This Column
ColumnsShowMenu=Show Column
ColumnsCustomizeMenu=Customize Columns
MRURemoveObsolete=Remove &Obsolete
MRURemoveAll=Remove &All
TreeMenuSaveTemplate=Save Catalog as Template
TreeMenuChangeIcon=Change Icon
ListMenuChangeIcon=Change Icon
TreeMenuNewDiskGroup=Add New Disk Group
ListMenuNewDiskGroup=Add New Disk Group
MenuNewDiskGroup=Add New Disk Group
ListMenuNewDisk=Add New Disk Image
ButtonViewAlias.Hint=Show Alias Item Names
MenuViewAlias=Show Alias Item Names
TreeMenuRemoveAlias=Remove Alias Name
ListMenuRemoveAlias=Remove Alias Name
MenuRemoveAlias=Remove Alias Name
TreeMenuQueryCDDB=Query CDDB Database
ListMenuQueryCDDB=Query CDDB Database
MenuQueryCDDB=Query CDDB Database
MenuViewUserList=View User List
MenuUserListGroup=User List
TreeMenuUserList=User List
TreeMenuAddUser=Add to User List
TreeMenuRemoveUser=Remove from User List
TreeMenuKeepUser=Keep on User List
TreeMenuViewUserList=View User List
ListMenuUserList=User List
ListMenuAddUser=Add to User List
ListMenuRemoveUser=Remove from User List
ListMenuKeepUser=Keep On User List
ListMenuViewUserList=View User List
TreeMenuDifferenceUserList=Keep List Difference
ListMenuDifferenceUserList=Keep List Difference
MenuKeepDifference=Keep List &Difference
MenuUpdateAllDisks=Update All Disk Images
TreeMenuUpdateAllDisks=Update All Disk Images
ListMenuUpdateAllDisks=Update All Disk Images
MenuRebuildCat=Re&build Catalog File
TreeMenuRemoveThumbnail=Remove Thumbnail
ListMenuRemoveThumbnail=Remove Thumbnail
MenuRemoveThumbnail=Remove Thumbnail
TreeMenuRenumberDisks=Renumber Disks
ListMenuRenumberDisks=Renumber Disks
MenuRenumberDisks=Renumber Disks
TreeMenuFindSelected=Find Selected Items
ListMenuFindSelected=Find Selected Items
MenuFindSelected=Find Selected Items
MenuBrowseCatalogs=Browse by Catalogs
MenuBrowseCategories=Browse by Categories
ListMenuLocateMenu=Locate in Catalog
MenuExportAudioCD=Export Audio CD Details
TreeMenuExportAudioCD=Export Audio CD Details
ListMenuExportAudioCD=Export Audio CD Details
BtnViews.Hint=View Details
ButtonSort2.Hint=Sort by Media Type
ButtonSort4.Hint=Sort by Free Space
ToolMenuHelp=&What Is This?
MenuSort1=Arrange by &Disk Name
MenuSort2=Arrange by Disk Numbers
MenuSort3=Arrange by &Media Type
MenuSort4=Arrange by &Volume Label
MenuSort5=Arrange by &Capacity
MenuSort6=Arrange by &Free Space
MenuSort7=Arrange by &Update Date
MenuSort8=Arrange by Descri&ptions
MenuSort9=Arrange by &Categories
MenuSort10=Arrange by Locations
MenuFindInItem=Find in This Catalog
MenuRenameItem=&Rename Catalog
WordWrapMenu=Word Wrap
ViewNextWnd=&Next Window
TreeMenuAssignPicture=Assign Disk Picture
ListMenuAssignPicture=Assign Disk Picture
MenuAssignPicture=Assign Disk Picture
MenuSettingsFileLists=File List Settings
MenuThumbnails=View T&humbnails
MenuExportPlayerIni=Export to CDPlayer.ini
MenuSubmitCDDB=Submit to CDDB Database
MenuExportCDPlayerIni=Export to CDPlayer.ini
AlwaysLeaveTemp=Leave extracted files in temporary folder when program exits
AlwaysRemoveTemp=On program exit, delete all extracted files from temporary folder
AlwaysUnderlineCheck=Always underline file names
AntivirGroupBox=Anti-virus Program
AntivirLabel=Use this program to scan disks or folders for viruses:
ArchiveDescOnly=Browse only for descriptions, do not import compressed files info
ArchiveFileInfoCheck=Allow file info importing when file is compressed inside archive
ArchiveListLabel=Supported archive files:
ArchiveQuickScan=Allow quick scan through archive file when updating existing disk image
ArchivesListBox.13=JAR (Java Archives)
ArchivesListBox.14=EXE (self-extract)
ArchivesSortCheck=Sort archive files as folders (default as files)
AskRemoveTemp=Always ask before deleting extracted files from temporary folder
AutohideCheck=Autohide after
AutoloadDisabled=Don't load any catalogs when program starts
AutoloadSession=Autoload open catalogs from previous session
AutoloadSpecified=Autoload specified catalogs:
AutoManageFoldersCheck=Auto expand/047collapse folders when browsing the catalog tree
AutoSaveCheck=Auto-save catalog(s) every
AutoSizeColumnsCheck=Automatically resize columns to fit displayed data
AvailablePluginsLabel=Plugins available in the selected module:
BarLabel1=Wait before showing
BarLabel13=2 s
BarLabel26=15 s
BeepCheck=Play this sound file when a long operation completes:
BrightnessLabel=Adjust Thumbnails Brightness:
CalcCRCCheck=Calculate CRC codes for all scanned files
ColoringColorBtn=Change color
ColoringGroup=Coloring items by name or type
ColoringLabel=Items coloring mode:
ColoringModeCombo.0=Color items by name or type
ColoringModeCombo.1=Color items by categories
ColoringModeCombo.2=Color items by flags
ColoringModeCombo.3=Color disks by disk locations
ColoringModeCombo.4=Disable file coloring
ConfigPluginBtn=Configure Plugin
CRCLabel=Warning! Enabling this option will slow down disk scanning A LOT!
CreateBakCheck=Create backup (.BAK) files
DescAlwaysCheck=Search in subfolders (max.
DescAsTipsCheck=S&how descriptions as tips
DescKeepCurrentCheck=Keep current descriptions (if available) when updating disk data
DescLabel=Max. Description Size:
DescPage=Description Assistant
DescTruncCheck=Truncate descriptions if longer than
DisableNetworkCheck=Disable all network support for UNC addressing
DisableSmoothCheck=Disable smooth expanding/047collapsing in the catalog tree
DiskImagePage=Disk Image Settings
DoubleClickActionLabel=Double-click Action:
DoubleClickLabel=Alt + Double-click:
EjectMediaCheck=Eject media after cataloging (if supported by drive)
EnableMultilanguageCheck=Enable Multilanguage Support
ExpandCatCheck=Expand to show disks when catalog is loaded
ExternalViewerCheck=View files with this external program:
ExtractingPage=Archive Files
FileDoubleClickCombo=Display File's Properties
FileDoubleClickCombo.1=Display File's Properties
FileDoubleClickCombo.2=Open File in Explorer
FileDoubleClickCombo.3=Launch File
FileDoubleClickCombo.4=View File
FileDoubleClickCombo.5=Open Description Assistant
FileDoubleClickCombo.6=Add File to User List
FileDoubleClickCombo.7=Locate in Catalog
FileListsGroup=File Lists Settings
FileListsPage=File Lists
FlatButtonsCheck=Show flat buttons in dialogs
FontButton=Select &Font
FontSampleGroup=Font Sample
FontSettingsCombo.0=Catalog Tree (Left Window)
FontSettingsCombo.1=File List (Right Window)
FontSettingsCombo.2=Descriptions in Properties
FontSettingsCombo.3=Description File Contents
FontSettingsCombo.4=Descriptions as Tips
FontSettingsCombo.5=ASCII Viewer
FontsPage=Customize Fonts
FormattedSizesCheck=Display formatted sizes for files and folders (default full numbers)
FullCategoryCheck=Show full path to sub-categories (default: only category name)
GroupBox1=Toolbar Settings
GroupBox2=Display Settings
GroupBox3=Browser Fonts
GroupBox4=Loading and Saving Catalogs
GroupBox5=Importing Descriptions
GroupBox6=Updating Disks
GroupBox7=Removing Temporary Extracted Files
GroupBox9=Customize Toolbar
HideExtCheck=Hide extensions in file names if Ext column is visible
HiPriorityBtn=Higher Priority
IgnoreFilesCheck=Ignore hidden files
IgnoreFoldersCheck=Ignore hidden folders
IgnoreRecycleCheck=Ignore Recycle Bin folder
InsideZipCheck=Browse inside compressed files when making disk image
InterfacePage=User interface
InternalViewerCheck=Use internal, built-in viewer
Label1=Dock toolbar to:
Label11=Double-clicking file means:
Label12=Description Assistant
Label13=Temporary folder to extract files to:
Label15=If this option is enabled, item's descriptions will be shown in a pop-up window after mouse is positioned over the item for a few moments.
Label16=Current Language:
Label2=&Button Size:
Label3=C&hange font for:
Label6=Search for these files in Description Assistant:
Label7=Description Assistant is an interactive tool, designed to help you with describing your disks and folders.
Label8=Many programs come with specific text files which contain short product descriptions - assistant can collect such files and allow you to quickly access their contents.
Label9=levels deep)
LangAuthorLabel=Language file translated by:
LangEditDesc=With Language Editor, you can do your own translations to currently unsupported languages, or change data for existing languages. You can get a FREE registration for sending a NEW language file to the author!
LangSysSizeCheck=Use system font size
LanguageLabel=Select Language:
LangVerLabel=Prepared for WhereIsIt? version:
LangVisitLabel=PLEASE NOTE! The latest versions of all available and possibly new language files can be downloaded from WhereIsIt's home page on the Internet.
ListDoubleClickCheck=Double click to perform operation (single click to select)
ListSingleClickCheck=Single click to perform operation (point to select)
LoPriorityBtn=Lower Priority
MinimizeTrayCheck=Minimize application to system tray when not needed
ModelVersionLabel=Module version:
ModuleAuthorLabel=Module author:
ModulePluginsLabel=Description plugins in selected module:
ModulesGroup=Loaded Modules
ModulesPage=Loaded Modules
MRUListCheck=Recently used catalogs: max.
NetWarningLabel=Warning! Do not use with large or slow networks. Default is disabled.
NetworkGroup=Network UNC Support
NeverUnderlineCheck=Never underline file names
OldButtonsCheck=Old Style Buttons
OptionsForm=Program Settings
OutlookBar.0.0=General Settings
OutlookBar.0.1=User Interface
OutlookBar.0.2=File Lists
OutlookBar.0.3=Disk Image
PluginsGroup=Loaded Description Plugins
PluginsGroupBox=Plugins Settings
QuickViewCheck=View files with Quick View (Plus), if available
RedisplayDialogCheck=Re-display the "Add/047Update Disk" dialog after scanning is finished
RefreshLangBtn=Reload Language
ResampleThumbsCheck=Resample thumbnails instead of resize (better, but slower)
RestoreDirCheck=Restore folder structure stored in archive file when extracting
RunLangEditBtn=Run Language Editor
RunWizardButton=Run Setup Wizard
SearchNetworkCheck=Search network if needed media is available as shared drive
SerialAskCheck=Ask first
SetSerialCheck=Allow program to change disk serial number when needed
ShellGroupBox=Shell program
ShortcutKeyLabel=Shortcut Key:
ShortFilenamesCheck=Always use short filenames as parameters
ShowAliasExtCheck=&Alias names are allowed to have file &extension
ShowDirExtCheck=Folders are allowed to have file extensions
EjectMediaCheck=Eject media when finished (if supported by drive)
DefaultCheck=Save as default
RedisplayCheck=Re-display this dialog when scanning is complete
FolderLimitsBtn=Folder limitations
PluginsBtn=Active Plugins
TargetLabel=Store disk image in:
CalculateCRCCheck=Calculate CRC codes for all scanned files
AskDescCheck=Ask for media description when scanning completes
StatusBarBtn.Hint=Locate Existing Disk Image in Catalog
UpdateModeBtn=Update Mode
ButtonMinimize=Scan in the &Background
ScannedArchives=Archive Files:
ImportedDesc=Imported Descriptions:
CalcCRCLabel=Calculating File CRCs:
ImportedThumb=Imported Thumbnails:
NewFolderBtn=New Folder
VirtualRootBtn=Select as a virtual root
SelectBtn=Select All
DeselectBtn=Deselect All
ScanGroup=Scan Settings
NoScanCheck=Don't scan for files and folders at all, just make a media entry
WizardForm=Quick-Setup Wizard
Label1=Welcome to Quick-Setup Wizard!
Label3=There are many other options available to be adjusted to your needs in the Settings Pages. You may want to use them instead of this Wizard and access some detailed configuration options.
NormalConfigBtn=Click here for normal configuration
Label16=Catalogs Location
Label32=Here you can select the default location where your catalog files will be stored. This folder will be preset always when loading or saving your catalogs.
Label33=Select the default location for catalog files:
Label34=When saving modified catalogs, program can make backup copy of previous catalog file, renaming it with the .BAK extension. If this is not enabled, previous catalog will be deleted and just replaced with the newer version.
WizardBakCheck=Create backup (.BAK) files when saving catalogs
Label9=Analyzing compressed files
Label17=During the disk scan, WhereIsIt? can analyze and store data for many compressed file types, including ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LHA, ARC... Each such file can be presented as a virtual folder, containing files compressed inside this file.
Label24=While all this can be quite useful, there are a few disadvantages. There will be about twice as much data to process and store, and disk scan will require more time to complete.
BrowseCompressedNo=NO, treat compressed files just as any other file.
Label10=Skip special files or folders
Label18=Some files or folders may not be wanted in the catalog, and they should be skipped during the disk scan. In WhereIsIt?, you can choose to skip files with some special attributes or meaning.
Label25=Ignore these files or folders while performing disk scan:
SkipHiddenFiles=Hidden files
SkipHiddenFolders=Hidden folders
SkipRecycleBin='Recycle Bin' folder
Label29=User interface settings
Label30=Some settings are available for you to adjust how program looks and feels.
Label31=If an item has a description, it can be displayed as a tool-tip when you leave a mouse pointer over it for a while.
Label23=Most new programs today use flat buttons, showing border only when mouse is over them. With some users they are not so popular at all, but in WhereIsIt?, you can choose.
ShowDescTooltips=Enable showing descriptions as tool-tips
NewStyleButtons=Use the new style, flat buttons (recommended)
OldStyleButtons=Always show buttons in the old, normal way.
Label8=Double-clicking a file
Label19=Double-clicking a file usually has some special meaning what to do with this file. You can select what of the following actions would suite your needs best:
Label26=When double-clicking file program should:
Label4=Autoloading catalogs
Label22=In registered version only, you can choose some catalogs for auto-loading on program startup. This way, you can always have your favorite catalogs waiting for you when program finishes loading.
Label7=If you click on the following button, you can prepare a list of catalogs to be loaded on program startup.
AutoloadSetupButton=Click here to select catalogs for auto-loading
Label13=Congratulations, WhereIsIt? is configured !
Label14=Program has now set the most important options and is ready for you to begin working with. If you would like to make some additional adjustments not present in this Setup Wizard, choose in program's main menu the 'Settings' option.
Label15=Press the 'Finish' button now to apply the changes and exit the Wizard. If you would like to cancel the procedure, press the 'Cancel' button now.
Label11=Temporary folder for extracting files
Label20=Sometimes when an operation is performed over a compressed file, like opening it in Explorer, or launching with associated program, this file must first be extracted from compressed file to its original form. With this setting, you can select the folder where such files will be extracted.
Label27=Select location for temporary extracted files:
BackButton=< &Back
SkipZeroFiles=Zero-sized files
SkipZeroFolders=Empty folders
LangLabel1=User Interface Language
LangLabel2=While English is the default and native language in WhereIsIt, additional languages can be used through language files. Check this option to enable multilanguage support in WhereIsIt.
LangLabel4=Listed below are all currently available language files. Please select the language you would like to use in WhereIsIt. Note that additional language files may be available for download from program's home page on the Internet.
PluginsLabel1=Plugins Setup
PluginsLabel2=While scanning a media, WhereIsIt gathers all extended information like descriptions or thumbnails through plugins. Program comes with a set of almost 50 plugins that handle most often used description sources and graphics formats, and you can always extend them with your own, custom plugins. Of course, plugins take on themselves the most complex and also time consuming part of scanning, and you may not always want to have all of plugins enabled. Here you can set which plugins you want to have enabled or disabled by default. Note that you can always setup plugins just before scanning begins, too.
PluginsButton=Click to select default active plugins
Label1=List Type:
BtnTarget.Hint=Locate in Catalog
BtnEditDesc.Hint=Edit Description
BtnProperties.Hint=Item Properties
BtnExplorer.Hint=Open in Explorer
BtnLaunch.Hint=Launch File in Associated Program
BtnView.Hint=View File in ASCII Viewer
BtnScanViruses.Hint=Scan for Viruses
BtnReport.Hint=Generate Report
CompareLocateMenu=Locate in Catalog
CompareEditDescMenu=Edit Description
CompareExplorerMenu=Open in Explorer
CompareViewMenu=View File
CompareLaunchMenu=Launch File
CompareScanVirusesMenu=Scan for Viruses
CompareCopyToMenu=Copy To...
CompareExtractMenu=Extract To...
CompareAddListMenu=Add to User List
CompareRemoveListMenu=Remove from User List
BtnFileOps.Hint=File Management
CompareFileOps=File Management
CompareMoveToMenu=Move To...
CompareRemoveArchive=Remove Archive Contents
CompareShowInCatalog=Show in Catalog
CompareHideInCatalog=Hide in Catalog
CompareRemoveFromCatalog=Remove from Catalog
CompareChangeIcon=Change Icon
BtnUserList.Hint=User List
BtnViewAlias.Hint=Show Alias Item Names
CompareUserListMenu=User List
CompareViewUserListMenu=View User List
CompareRemoveAlias=Remove Alias Name
CompareKeepListMenu=Keep on User List
CompareDifferenceListMenu=Keep List Difference
CompareRemoveThumbnail=Remove Thumbnail
CompareFindSelected=Find Selected Items
CompareListView.0=File Name
CompareListView.2=File Size
CompareListView.3=File Date
CompareListView.4=Media Name
CompareListView.7=Disk #
CompareListView.8=File Time
MediaListView.0=File Name
MediaListView.2=File Size
MediaListView.3=File Date
MediaListView.4=File Time
CompareGetCRC=Get File CRC
ReportGenForm=Report Generator
SourceGroup=Create Report From:
SourceCatalog=Contents in Main Window
SourceSearch=Search Results List
SourceUser=User List
SourceCompareMedia=Compare to Media results
SourceCheckFiles=Check for Files in Catalog results
LayoutGroup=Report Layout Options
CatalogHeaderCheck=Include Catalog Headers
NoSortingCheck=Print data on list 'as is', no sorting
SortItemsCheck=Sort items on list by their source
DiskHeaderCheck=Include Disk Headers
FolderHeaderCheck=Include Folder Headers
CustomGroup=Custom Report
Label4=Setup the report layout from current catalog tree:
BtnLoadLayout=Load Layout
BtnSaveLayout=Save Layout
BtnPreview=Print Preview
ColumnsGroup=Report Columns
Label1=Select columns to include in report:
BtnCopyColumns=Copy from List
BtnRepSetup=Report Setup
ReportGroup=Report Type
Label2=Report Title:
ReportCustomCheck=&Custom Report from Main Window
ReportListCheck=Generate Report from one of the &lists
DestinationGroup=Report Destination
ExpandFrom=Expand from selected the next...
N1level1=1 level
N2levels1=2 levels
N3levels1=3 levels
N4levels1=4 levels
Alllevels1=All levels
CollapseFrom=Collapse All from selected
IncludeFrom=Include files from selected in next...
N1level4=1 level
N2levels4=2 levels
N3levels4=3 levels
N4levels4=4 levels
Alllevels4=All levels
ExcludeFrom=Exclude files from selected in next...
N1level2=1 level
N2levels2=2 levels
N3levels2=3 levels
N4levels2=4 levels
Alllevels2=All levels
ReportDestCombo.0=Printer /047 Preview
ReportDestCombo.1=ASCII file
ReportDestCombo.2=MS Excel table
ReportDestCombo.3=RTF document
ReportDestCombo.4=HTML document
ReportDestCombo.5=CSV text file
ReportDestCombo.6=SYLK text file
ReportDestCombo.7=SQL script file
ReportDestCombo.8=XML file
ExportBtn=Export Settings
ColumnAutoMenu=Set Automatic Column Width
ColumnFixedMenu=Set Fixed Column Width
BtnColumnWidth=Set Width
SortColumnsCheck=Sort items by report columns settings
SortCategoryCheck=Sort items on list by assigned categories
CategoryHeaderCheck=Include Category Headers
HtmlOptionsGroup=HTML Export Options
ExcelOptionsGroup=Excel Export Options
ExcelDisableCheck=Disable Excel input and refresh during export
ExcelFormatCheck=No formatting, export only data
AsciiOptionsGroup=ASCII Export Options
AsciiSepLabel=Column Delimiter:
ReplaceDelimiterCheck=Replace delimiter character in text with
AsciiSepCombo.0=Space-aligned columns
AsciiSepCombo.1=TAB delimited columns
AsciiSepCombo.2=Comma-separated columns
HtmlShadeCheck=Use shading on rows in table
HtmlBordersCheck=Hide table borders
HtmlColorsCheck=Ignore settings for report colors
HtmlSplitCheck=Split exported file if longer than
PaperGroup=Report Size
FontColorLabel=Font Color:
SectionColorLabel=Section Color:
IncludeCheck=Include in Report
FontSampleGroup=Font Sample
BtnFont=Select Font
IconsCheck=Include icons in report
MarginsGroup=Report Margins:
GroupBox1=Printer Properties:
Label7=Selected printer:
BtnPrinterSetup=Printer Setup
PageBreakCheck=Page Break before
ThumbnailsCheck=Use Thumbnails instead of Icons
RepSettingsForm=Report Settings
RepItemsCombo.0=Page Header
RepItemsCombo.1=Report Title
RepItemsCombo.2=Catalog Heading
RepItemsCombo.3=Disk Group Heading
RepItemsCombo.4=Disk Heading
RepItemsCombo.5=Folder Heading
RepItemsCombo.6=Column Headers
RepItemsCombo.7=Category Heading
RepItemsCombo.8=Report Details
RepItemsCombo.9=Section Summary
RepItemsCombo.10=Page Footer
RepSettingsForm_1=Report Settings
PreviewForm=Print Preview
BtnFirstPage.Hint=Go to First Page
BtnPrevPage.Hint=Previous Page
BtnNextPage.Hint=Next Page
BtnLastPage.Hint=Go to Last Page
BtnZoomPage.Hint=Zoom to Whole Page
BtnZoom100.Hint=Zoom to 100%
BtnZoomWidth.Hint=Zoom to Full Width
BtnPrint.Hint=Print Report
BtnFullScreen.Hint=Full Screen
BtnClose=Close Preview
PageCombo.Hint=Go to Page...
ZoomCombo.Hint=Custom Zoom
GroupBox1=System Info
Label7=Free Physical Mem:
Label8=Page File Usage:
Label9=Used by WhereIsIt?:
Label4=Contact information:
UrlLabel2=Click to send e-mail to the author
UrlLabel1=Click to visit program's home page on the Internet
Caption11=File Type:
Caption12=File Size:
Caption14=Last Modified on:
Caption16=Disk Name:
Caption17=Location on Disk:
DescLabel1=File D&escription:
Caption21=Item Type:
Caption23=Created on:
Caption25=Last Accessed on:
Caption26=Disk Name:
Caption27=Location on Disk:
DiskSheet=Disk info
DescLabel3=Disk D&escription:
Caption32=Media Type:
Caption34=Total Capacity:
Caption35=Free Space:
Caption31=Volume Label:
Caption36=Catalog Name:
Caption37=Updated in Catalog:
Caption33=Serial No.:
Label1=Volume is Compressed
Caption38=Virtual Root Folder:
DiskAdvButton=Advanced >>
CatalogSheet=Catalog info
DescLabel4=Catalog D&escription:
Caption41=Item Type:
Caption42=Disks in Catalog:
Caption43=Total Storage Space:
Caption44=Total Used Space:
Caption46=Hard disks:
Caption47=Floppy disks:
Caption49=Virtual disks:
Label4=Total Files:
Label5=Total Folders:
DiskNumLabel=Disk number:
BtnFileCat=Assign Category
LocationLabel=Disk Location:
DirSubitemsCheck=Set the same categories and flags for all subitems
Label1=Using this dialog, you can locate which files in selected folder (and its subfolders) are already in the selected catalog, stored on one of the cataloged media. You can use this option to find files already stored somewhere else, and avoid duplicating them.
Label2=Search for files in the following disks or catalogs:
Label3=Source folder for files to check:
SearchForLabel=Files are considered the same when they have the same:
SameDateCheck=Date and Time
SubfoldersCheck=Check all files in subfolders, too
IncludeBtn=&Include All
ExcludeBtn=E&xclude All
SamePathCheck=Found files must have the same path
SameCRCCheck=CRC (if available)
CopyMissingForm=Missing Files or Folders
TopLabel=Some of selected files or folders were not found on the current media, as stated in the catalog. You should update catalog data for this media.
BottomLabel=If you proceed, these items will be skipped.
Label2=Selected items missing on real media are:
Label1=WhereIsIt? is shutting down...
CopyToForm=Copy To...
Label1=Total copied:
DiskCaptLabel=Current Media:
Label1=New Files:
Label2=Changed Files:
Label3=Deleted Files:
Label4=Unchanged Files:
DescAssistForm=Description Assistant
SearchBtn=Get &Files
PrevBtn.Hint=Previous Item
NextBtn.Hint=Next Item
MenuAnsiConvert=ANSI Convert
MenuWordWrap=Word Wrap
ExportDescForm=Exporting Descriptions
Label1=WhereIsIt? can export descriptions in the catalog back to the original media, storing them in one of supported description formats. For this to work, media must not be read-only.
IncludeLinksCheck=Include links to actual files on the media
DiskSelectForm=Select Disk
Label1=Listed disks in catalog have been detected to have the same properties as the inserted media. Select the disk you would like to update in catalog (right-click a disk to access detailed info about that disk):
NewBtn=Add as New Disk
DisksListView.0=Disk Name
DisksListView.1=Media Type
DisksListView.2=Volume Name
DisksListView.4=Free Space
DisksListView.5=Last Updated
DiskUpdateMenu=Update This Disk
DiskPropertiesMenu=Disk Properties
ImportForm=Import from Floppy Master
Label1=Select Drive and Folder:
Label3=Floppy Master databases:
MediaForm=Insert Media
Label1=Please insert media labeled:
ManualButton=&Manual Select
TextLabel=Item with the same name already exists at destination.
Label1=May program replace item:
Label3=with new item:
AllCheckBox=Do not ask this again, assume the same answer next time
OverwriteAskForm=Replace Item?
SerialAskForm=Change Serial Number?
TextLabel=Program has found another disk already in the catalog with the same serial number as the current disk. If this disk is not the same, program can change serial number and current disk will be recognized in the future.
YesButton=Yes, change it
NoButton=No, leave it as is
DontAskCheck=Don't ask this question again, always change serial number
TipsDialog=Tip of the Day
lblHeader=Welcome to Where Is It?
lblQuestion=Did you know...
btnNext=&Next Tip
ShowOnStartup=Show these tips the next time you start program
btnPrevious=&Previous Tip
ViewMenuWordWrap=Word Wrap
ViewMenuFont=Set Font
ViewMenuFind=Find Text
ViewMenuAscii=View as ASCII
ViewMenuHex=View as HEX
ViewMenuQuickView=Open in Quick View
ViewMenuToolbar=Show Toolbar
BtnFind.Hint=Find text
BtnFont.Hint=Set Font
BtnExit.Hint=Exit Viewer
BtnHex.Hint=HEX mode
BtnAscii.Hint=ASCII mode
BtnWrap.Hint=Word Wrap
BtnQuickView.Hint=Open in Quick View
BtnImage.Hint=View as Image
ViewMenuImage=View as Image
ViewerForm=File Viewer
ViewMenuImageSettings=Image Settings
MultipleMediaForm=Select Media
Label1=Program has found more than one drive with target properties on your system. Please select drive that is cataloged as:
ProtectCatForm=Catalog Protection
Label1=Read-only password:
Label2=Full access password:
Label3=Confirm password:
Label4=Confirm password:
Label5=Catalog owner:
EncryptCheck=Encrypt catalog file contents
UnprotectCatalogCheck=Catalog is not protected, allow full access
ProtectCatalogCheck=Protect catalog access
FileOpsForm=Copy To...
DiskCaptLabel=Current Media:
FCatLabel=Catalog preview:
FLabel1=Catalog name:
FLabel2=No. of disks:
FLabel4=Media capacity:
FLabel5=Total files:
FLabel6=Total folders:
FDescLabel=Catalog description:
FProtectCheck=Catalog is protected
CatalogSetupForm=Catalog Setup
BtnAddCat=Add Category
BtnAddChild=Add Subcategory
BtnCopyCat=Copy from...
BtnCatLevelUp.Hint=Move Level Higher
BtnCatLevelDown.Hint=Move Level Lower
BtnCatPosUp.Hint=Move Up
BtnCatPosDown.Hint=Move Down
BtnAddFlag=Add Flag
BtnFlagUp.Hint=Move Up
BtnFlagDown.Hint=Move Down
LocationsSheet=Disk Locations
BtnAddLocation=Add Location
BtnLocationUp.Hint=Move Up
BtnLocationDown.Hint=Move Down
CatMenuAdd=Add Category
CatMenuAddChild=Add Subcategory
CatMenuMoveUp=Move Up
CatMenuMoveDown=Move Down
CatMenuLevelUp=Move Level Higher
CatMenuLevelDown=Move Level Lower
BtnColorCat=Change Color
CatMenuColor=Change Color
IconsSheet=Custom Icons
BtnAddIcon=Add New Icon
BtnDeleteIcon=Delete Icon
Label6=Total Size:
Label10=Total Size:
CatalogSheet=Multiple Items
Caption1=Items Type:
Caption2=Total Size:
LocationLabel=Disk Location:
CommonDescCheck=Assign common description to all selected items:
CommonSettingsCheck=Assign common settings to all selected items:
BtnCat=Assign &Category
DescSheet=Edit Descriptions and Aliases
InsertDescLabel1=Insert before existing descriptions:
InsertDescLabel2=Add after existing descriptions:
InsertAliasLabel1=Insert before:
InsertAliasLabel2=Insert after:
InsertAliasLabel3=+ Alias Name +
ReplaceAliasLabel=Replace With:
FindAliasCheck=Find and replace in alias names:
FindDescCheck=Find and replace in descriptions:
AliasExistingCheck=Process items with existing alias names only
DescExistingCheck=Process items with existing descriptions only
HiPriorityBtn=Higher Priority
LoPriorityBtn=Lower Priority
BtnCheckAll.Hint=Check All
BtnCheckNone.Hint=Check None
ActionCombo.0=Do nothing
ActionCombo.1=Download the new version
ActionCombo.2=Find out what is new in the new release
ActionCombo.3=Check out the latest news about the program
BackButton=< &Back
DetailsMainBtn=Details >>
FileSizeLabel=Download Size:
Label1=Check for Update Wizard
Label10=The Microsoft Win32 Internet API (WinInet.DLL) is not available on this computer, but it is required in order for this wizard to function. The mentioned library is a standard part of all Windows 95 OSR2 and newer installations.
Label11=You can still check if there is a new version available, by visiting program's home page yourself. Just check the following option, and program will start your Internet browser and take you to WhereIsIt's home page.
Label12=Available WhereIsIt Updates
Label13=Description and Thumbnail Plugins:
Label14=Where Is It? - Main Application:
Label15=Languages and Help Files:
Label16=New or updated language files:
Label17=New or updated description modules:
Label19=A new version of WhereIsIt is available for download. Here are some details about it:
Label2=Welcome to the Check for Update Wizard. This wizard can check on the Internet if there is a new version of WhereIsIt or its add-ons available for download. Make sure you are connected to the Internet, and press the "Next" button to look for upgrade.
Label20=New or updated plugins are available
Label21=New or updated language files are available
Label3=Program is up to date
Label4=There is no new version available at this time, this one is the latest./013/013Click the "Finish" to exit.
Label5=Error accessing update information
Label6=An error was reported while attempting to connect to WhereIsIt's host site on the Internet, and retrieve the latest update information. Please check that you have a working connection to Internet. You can click the "Back" button if you would like to try again, or press "Finish" to exit this wizard.
Label7=Desired action:
Label8=New version of WhereIsIt is available!
Label9=Internet support library is not available
LangListView.0=Language File
LangListView.2=WhereIsIt Version
LangListView.3=Release Date
LangListView.4=Download Size
NewVersionLabel=New Version:
PluginsDownloadBtn=Download and Install
PluginsListView.0=Module Name
PluginsListView.1=File Name
PluginsListView.2=New Version
PluginsListView.3=Current Version
PluginsListView.5=Release Date
PluginsListView.6=Download Size
ReleaseDateLabel=Release Date:
UpdateWizardForm=Check for Update Wizard
VisitHomePageCheck=Visit WhereIsIt's home page in the Internet
BtnLimits=&Limit Search
QuickSheet=Quick Search
QuickSearchLabel=S&earch for:
QuickSearchNameCheck=Search in file &names
QuickSearchDescCheck=Search in de&scriptions
QuickCaseCheck=C&ase sensitive search
QuickSoundexCheck=Search for items that s&ound alike
AdvancedSheet=Advanced Search
BtnAddExpr=&Insert Criteria
BtnEditExpr=&Edit Criteria
DuplicatesSheet=Duplicates Search
DupAllCheck=Find &all duplicates
DupNameCheck=Limit searching for duplicates by file &names:
FindCopiesSheet=Find Copies of These Items
SummarySheet=Search Summary
BtnReport.Hint=Generate Report
BtnTarget.Hint=Locate in Catalog
BtnEditDesc.Hint=Edit Description
BtnProperties.Hint=Item Properties
BtnExplorer.Hint=Open in Explorer
BtnView.Hint=View File in ASCII Viewer
BtnLaunch.Hint=Launch File in Associated Program
BtnFileOps.Hint=Copy from Catalog to...
BtnUserList.Hint=User List
BtnDelete.Hint=Delete selected item(s)
BtnClear.Hint=Remove all items from the list
BtnScanViruses.Hint=Scan for Viruses
BtnViewAlias.Hint=Show Alias Item Names
FoundList.0=File, Folder or Disk
FoundList.2=Item Size
FoundList.3=Item Date
FoundList.4=Item Time
FoundList.5=Media Name
FoundList.6=Media Type
FoundList.10=Disk #
MenuLoad=&Load Expression
MenuSave=&Save Expression
MenuClearExpr=&Clear Expression
MenuByName=Search by Item &Names...
MenuByDesc=Search by D&escriptions...
MenuByPath=Search by Item Paths
MenuByAttr=Search by &Attributes...
MenuBySize=Search by &Size...
MenuByDate=Search by &Date...
MenuByTime=Search by &Time...
MenuByCategories=Search by &Categories...
MenuByFlags=Search by &Flags...
MenuByDiskLocations=Search by Disk &Locations...
SearchRemoveAlias=Remove Alias Name
SearchChangeIcon=Change Icon
SearchLocateMenu=Locate in Catalog
SearchEditDescMenu=Edit Description
SearchExplorerMenu=Open in Explorer
SearchViewMenu=View File
SearchLaunchMenu=Launch File
SearchScanVirusesMenu=Scan for Viruses
SearchUserListMenu=User List
SearchAddListMenu=&Add to User List
SearchRemoveListMenu=&Remove from User List
SearchKeepListMenu=Keep on User List
SearchDifferenceListMenu=Keep List Difference
SearchViewUserListMenu=View User List
SearchRemoveMenu=Remove from List
SearchFileOps=File Management
SearchExtractMenu=Extract To...
SearchCopyToMenu=Copy To...
SearchMoveToMenu=Move To...
SearchShowInCatalog=Show in Catalog
SearchHideInCatalog=Hide in Catalog
SearchQueryCDDB=Query CDDB Database
SearchRenumberDisks=Renumber Disks
SearchRemoveFromCatalog=Remove from Catalog
SearchRemoveArchive=Remove Archive Contents
SearchRemoveThumbnail=Remove Thumbnail
Label2=Search items by:
NameCombo.0=Part of Filename
NameCombo.1=File Mask
NameCombo.2=Exact Filename
NameCombo.3=File Extension
NameCombo.4=File Type
FileCaseCheck=Case sensitive search
BtnAdd=&Add criteria
GradientPanel=Item Name:
DescCheck1=Find items with any description
DescCheck2=Find items with the following text in description:
DescCaseCheck=Case sensitive search
DescSoundexCheck=Search for items that sound alike
DescCheck3=Find items without description
BtnAdd=&Add criteria
GradientPanel=Item Path:
BtnAdd=&Add criteria
ItemPathCombo.0=Item Path includes:
ItemPathCombo.1=Item Path is exactly:
ItemPathCombo.2=Item Path begins with:
ItemPathCombo.3=Item Path ends with:
FoldersPathCheck=Folders are included in their own path
BtnAdd=&Add criteria
BySizeLabel=Item Size must be
BtnAdd=&Add criteria
SizeAllowTolerance=Allow tolerance of
SizeCombo.0=Equal To
SizeCombo.1=Smaller Than
SizeCombo.2=Larger Than
SizeCombo.4=Not Between
GradientPanel=Item Size:
ByDateLabel=By Item Date:
BtnAdd=&Add criteria
DateAllowTolerance=Allow tolerance of
DateCombo2.4=Not Between
GradientPanel=Item Date:
ByTimeLabel=By Item Time:
BtnAdd=&Add criteria
TimeCombo2.4=Not Between
TimeAllowTolerance=Allow tolerance of
GradientPanel=Item Time:
BtnAdd=&Add criteria
BtnCheck=Check All
BtnClear=Clear All
NameOnlyCheck=Matching category name suffice
EmptyCatCheck=Search for items without assigned category
GradientPanel=Item is in Categories:
BtnAdd=&Add criteria
BtnCheck=Check All
BtnClear=Clear All
EmptyFlagsCheck=Search for items without specified flags
GradientPanel=Item has Flags:
BtnAdd=&Add criteria
BtnCheck=Check All
BtnClear=Clear All
EmptyLocationCheck=Search for items without specified disk location
GradientPanel=Item Locations:
NormalSearchGroup=Other Search Settings
LimitFoundCheck=Sto&p searching when found
DuplicateSearchGroup=Duplicates Search Settings
SearchForLabel=Files or folders are considered the same when they have the same:
DuplicateDateCheck=Date and &Time
DuplicateArchivesCheck=Don't search for duplicates inside co&mpressed files
SearchSourceGroup=Where to Search
IncludeBtn=&Include All
ExcludeBtn=E&xclude All
SearchSelectedCheck=Search only in selected &disks and catalogs:
SearchResultsCheck=Search in current search &results list
SearchAllCheck=Search through &all open catalogs
LimitLevelLabel=folder levels only.
LimitLevelCheck=&Limit searching to the first
SearchUserCheck=Search in &user list
DuplicateCRCCheck=&CRC (if available)
ClearResultsCheck=Clear &previous search results
GroupBox2=Search for these items:
SearchCompLabel=items inside archive files
SearchForCompressed=Do ¬ search for
SearchForGroups=Disk &Groups
GroupBox1=Items With Alias Names
AliasOnlyCheck=Search by &alias names only
RealNameOnlyCheck=Search by &real names only
AliasAndRealCheck=Search with &both alias and real name
DescViewForm=Description Viewer
DeleteLabel=Remove thumbnail from catalog
NameLabel=New Catalog &Name:
Label1=Base on:
CatalogCheck=Other &Catalog
ReuseLocationsCheck=&Disk Locations
ReuseNameCheck=Catalog Na&me
ReuseProtectionCheck=Catalog &Protection
NewEmptyCat=Create a new, &empty catalog
NewTemplateCat=Create a new catalog &based on template or other catalog
ReuseIconsCheck=Custom Icons
NewCatalogForm=New Catalog
ChangeIconForm=Change Icon
DefaultCheck=Use the default icon
CurrentCustomCheck=Use one of the available custom icons:
NewCustomCheck=Add new custom icon:
UpdateAllDisksForm=Update All Disks
UpdateLabel=Update the following disks:
IncludeBtn=&Include All
ExcludeBtn=E&xclude All
GroupBox=Update Settings
OnlyAvailableCheck=Scan only available disks
ShowAddUpdateCheck=Show the Add/047Update dialog before each disk is scanned
DontStopCheck=Don't stop on errors and warnings
ReportLabel=Disks Update Report:
MailToForm=Send Mail
MailBtn=Send &Mail
CompressCheck=Mail catalogs package as &ZIP-compressed (recommended)
CatalogListView.0=Catalog File
BtnAddCat=Mail Additional &Files
BtnSaveCat=&Save Selected Catalogs
GroupBox1=Select catalogs to mail:
Label1=Enter Disk Description:
PreviewBtn=Disk Preview >>
PasteBtn.Hint=Paste Scanning Statistics
PasteBtn=Insert Statistics
HowToOrderWizardForm=How to Order Wizard
BackButton=< &Back
Label1=How to Order Wizard
Label2=Welcome to the How to Order Wizard. This wizard can help you choose the most suitable way to send registration fee and register WhereIsIt. You can find detailed information about ordering WhereIsIt in the Order.txt file, enclosed with the program.
Label3=Click the "Next" button to begin.
Label8=Available ways to register
Label19=There are a few different ways available how can you send the registration fee to the author, and receive your registration license. Select the one you are interested in from the list below, and press the "Next" button to get more details about it.
Label4=Values behind each option indicate for your reference the ratio of already received registrations, sent by using this option.
CreditCardCheck=Register with your credit card, online or offline (93%)
ChequeCheck=Send personal check (cheque) by regular mail (2%)
CashCheck=Send cash by regular mail (1%)
BankCheck=Send registration fee by wire/047bank transfer (4%)
OtherCheck=Send a corporate purchase order (<1%)
Label5=Ordering with your credit card
Label6=Credit card orders are by far the simplest and fastest. You can order WhereIsIt by using your credit card through either of two available e-commerce vendors, ShareIt! or DigiBuy. Placing the order begins by visiting the appropriate order page on vendor's web site, where you will be guided through the ordering procedure in a few simple steps. While most orders are completed online by sending credit card details through a secure connection, you can choose to forward credit card data by phone or fax instead. After placing an order, registration details are sent by e-mail or shipped by mail within 24 hours, usually much less.
Label10=Fast service, online ordering, easy way to place an order in minutes.
Label11=Some don't like to give away their credit card details.
Label33=Place a credit card order
Label34=You can place a credit card order with either of two available vendors. Both can accept all major credit cards and allow placing orders online through a secure connection.
Label35=ShareIt! is based in Europe (Germany), but they also have an office in USA. They will accept Eurocard/047MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Diners Club. Payments can be made in USD or Euro, while the order can be completed either online or by fax.
Label36=DigiBuy is an USA-based vendor. Accepted credit cards include MasterCard, Visa, Amex, and Discovery, while your credit card details can also be sent either by fax or phone.
CreditBtnShareit=Order through ShareIt!
CreditBtnDigiBuy=Order though DigiBuy
Label17=You can send a personal check (cheque, in some countries) or an EuroCheque in order to register WhereIsIt. Both e-commerce vendors, ShareIt! and DigiBuy can accept checks, or you can place the order directly with the author. Please note that this service only covers checks issues by your bank, not similar money transfer instruments offered by postal services. The author can not accept Eurocheques at this time, you will have to place Eurocheque orders through ShareIt!.
Label13=Minimizes the risk of sending money by regular mail.
Label15=It takes time for your check to arrive and gets cashed.
Label16=Sending a personal check (cheque)
Label39=You just need to make your check payable to "Robert Galle", put it in an envelope together with a filled registration form and mail it. If you will be sending an EuroCheque, make sure you make it payable in your local currency (use your local currency instead of USD). Your order will be processed as soon as your mail arrives, and the bank accepts your check.
Label40=Place a check order
Label68=DigiBuy accepts check payments, too. Select to pay with a check on their online order form and follow the instructions.
Label69=You can sent a check order to ShareIt! as well. Connect to their online order form for WhereIsIt and follow the instructions.
CheckBtnShareit=Order through ShareIt!
CheckBtnDigibuy=Order though DigiBuy
CheckBtnAuthor=Order directly with the author (recommended)
Label18=Sending cash by regular mail
Label20=Sending cash is the simplest way to send the registration fee and register the program. While it is recommended that you send cash directly to the author for faster processing, ShareIt! can also accept cash orders. Generally, ordering with cash requires to fill a registration form and send it together with money in an envelope through regular postal services. You may want to make your delivery a high-priority or with some other advanced status since it will be given more careful handling this way. You will receive your registration details as soon as your letter arrives.
Label22=Straightforward service, anyone can register this way.
Label24=Some are not comfortable sending cash by mail.
Label43=Place a cash order
Label41=You may also send cash to ShareIt! in order to place an order for WhereIsIt. Select the option above and upon exiting this wizard you will be taken to ShareIt!'s order form for WhereIsIt. Select there to pay by cash and follow the instructions.
Label70=Put the required amount in the envelope (no coins, please), enclose the filled registration form, and mail it. Currencies accepted include USD as well as all currencies used within European Union, in the amount equivalent to USD price. Your order will be processed as soon as your mail arrives.
CashBtnAuthor=Order directly with the author (recommended)
CashBtnShareit=Order through ShareIt!
Label25=Sending registration fee by wire/047bank transfer
Label26=You can choose to wire the registration fee using a bank transfer. You will need to place your order through ShareIt! in this case, as ShareIt! is currently the only vendor that can accept bank transfers for WhereIsIt orders. Bank transfer are increasingly popular in some European countries, in case of ShareIt! especially in Germany, since the bank transfer can be made locally, within the same country.
Label28=Secure way for sending money worldwide.
Label30=Some banks may charge you additional fee for this service, it can take a few days for transaction to complete.
Label37=Place a bank transfer order
Label42=ShareIt! can accept wire/047bank transfers payments for WhereIsIt orders. When this wizard completes its task by clicking the Finish button below, your web browser will start and you will be taken to the ShareIt!'s online order form for WhereIsIt. Select there to pay by wire/047bank transfer and follow instructions.
Label54=Ordering with a corporate purchase order
Label62=Well established companies can place their orders for WhereIsIt by sending a corporate purchase order to DigiBuy. Please note that not all purchase orders can be accepted, and there is an additional $10 USD processing fee charged by DigiBuy for this service. Unless your company does not support any alternative way of ordering, it is recommended that you place your order some other way instead.
Label64=Many mostly larger companies prefer to order with purchase orders.
Label66=Only purchase orders from well established companies can be accepted, notable processing fee.
Label67=Send a purchase order
Label38=DigiBuy can accept purchase orders for WhereIsIt. As with all DigiBuy orders you will need to use your web browser and connect to DigiBuy's online order form for WhereIsIt. Select there to send a purchase order - DigiBuy's server will provide you with all necessary details and instructions where you can fax your purchase order.
Label44=Preparing to print the order form
Label45=This wizard will now collect data to print the WhereIsIt order form based on your selection. You should send this order form, either by e-mail or regular mail. You can press the "Cancel" button below if you don't want to print the order form at this time.
Label46=Press the "Next" button to proceed with collecting data.
Label47=Collecting user information
Label48=User Name:
Label53=Where did you first hear about WhereIsIt:
Label31=How to receive your registration
Label32=You can receive your registration data (key file) by e-mail, or by regular mail. The e-mail is preferred since it is much faster and simpler, however you can also choose to receive registration details by regular mail. The latter option requires additional handling and shipping fee of 6,00$ USD, for which you will receive a CD-ROM with the latest version of program and all currently available add-ons such as plugins, language files, translations etc.
Label58=There is an additional shipping and handling fee of $6,00 USD for each issued individual license.
SendEmailCheck=Send me registration details by e-mail
SendPostalCheck=I would like to receive the WhereIsIt CD-ROM by regular mail
Label71=Number of licenses, price and currency
Label72=If more than one license, please specify how would you like have your licenses issued:
Label73=Please include with your order form a list of "User Name" /047 "Company" pairs for each ordered individual license.
NumLicensesLabel=Number of licenses:
Label74=Please select the currency for your payment. Acceptable are USD and all currencies used in the European Union. If using a currency other than USD, you need to specify the amount equivalent to $1,00 USD at current exchange rates.
BtnSiteLicense=Issue one site license for specified number of users
BtnUserLicenses=Issue individual licenses for specific users
Label55=Print the order form
Label56=Wizard will now print the order form. Please, prepare your printer and insert an empty paper sheet. Click the "Print" button to print the form, or "Cancel" to skip printing.
Label57=Selected printer:
BtnPrintSetup=Printer Setup
BtnPreview=Print Preview
Label59=No printers are available
Label60=There are no printer drivers installed on your system, so WhereIsIt can't offer you to prepare and print a suitable order form. You can find a prepared copy of order form in the Order.txt file, or in program's help file - you can fill this one instead.
Label61=Click the "Finish" button to exit this wizard.
ManageUserListsForm=User Lists
UserListsSheet=Saved User Lists
BtnSaveNew=Save as New
LoadIconsForm=Select Icons
IconsLabel=Select Icons to Load:
PreviewLabel=Picture preview:
PreviewCheck=Enable preview
SizeLabel=Image Size Limit:
AutomaticCheck=Automatic width adjustment
RadioMaxWidth=Maximum allowed width
RadioForceWidth=Always force this width
FixedCheck=Fixed column width:
DescKeepCheck=Keep all existing descriptions
DescReplaceCheck=Replace with new descriptions, if available
DescDiscardCheck=Discard all existing descriptions
AliasGroup=Alias Names
AliasKeepCheck=Keep all existing alias names
AliasReplaceCheck=Replace with new alias names, if available
AliasDiscardCheck=Discard all existing alias names
ThumbKeepCheck=Keep all existing thumbnails
ThumbReplaceCheck=Replace with new thumbnails, if available