var SectionTitles=new Array( "Bude skuteΦn∞ pro Microsoft prioritou b" , " Cel² Bill∙v dopis" );
var SectionURLs=new Array( "125" , "125#Title1" );
var BrothersNames = new Array("Jen jedna certifikaΦnφ agentura po₧ßdala o akreditaci","Suma sumßrum poslednφch t²dn∙","Bude skuteΦn∞ pro Microsoft prioritou bezpeΦnost?","Kam za v∞domostmi? VelikonoΦnφ kryptografie, seminß°e AEC...","Microsoft: kdy₧ nejsme nßzorn² p°φklad, tak alespo≥ odstraÜujφcφ","Rozumφme Microsoftu? Ano, je to sklenß°!","BezpeΦnostnφ news","┌toΦte na firewall v rßmci jeho testovßnφ","V²zva k ∙tok∙m na firewall RoBoX","Firewall kontest II.","Biometriky za zlßmanou greÜli","Novela zßkona o elektronickΘm podpisu","Konference Security 2002 - dojmy nßvÜt∞vnφka","S BSA pravomocn² rozsudek nezamßvß","Microsoft omylem poslal Nimdu","BezpeΦnostnφ udßlosti poslednφch t²dn∙","BezpeΦnostnφ udßlosti poslednφch t²dn∙","BezpeΦnostnφ problΘm nelze zalepit trestnφm oznßmenφm","");
var BrothersIDs = new Array("113","118","125","134","139","141","169","176","177","183","186","192","198","202","207","216","241","242","");
ItemTitle='Bude skuteΦn∞ pro Microsoft prioritou bezpeΦnost?';
ItemComment='Bude skuteΦn∞ pro Microsoft prioritou bezpeΦnost?';
ArticleHead('Bude skuteΦn∞ pro Microsoft prioritou bezpeΦnost?', 'Michal Till', '', '21.1.2002', '11:22:05', '╚lßnek');
Intro('Bill Gates se "pravideln∞ jednou za Φas" vyjad°uje k aktußlnφmu d∞nφ okolo jeho firmy a k jejφm budoucφm strategiφm. P°ed dv∞ma lety byla hlavnφ nßpl≥ jeho dopisu zam∞stnanc∙m platforma .NET. Nynφ, jak se zdß, doÜlo koneΦn∞ na bezpeΦnost. Ta mß b²t v p°φÜtφch letech prioritnφm zßjmem firmy.');
D∙raz na bezpeΦnost v Microsoftφch technologiφch byl pro mne v₧dy takov²m mal²m o°φÜkem, jakousi zßhadou, nebo¥ jejich poΦφnßnφ v tΘto oblasti tak trochu nedßvß (vzhledem k velikosti a finanΦnφch mo₧nostem firmy) smysl. U₧ sv∞toznßmß prezentace Windows 98, kdy p°i p°ipojenφ USB scanneru dojde k havßrii systΘmu (Black Screen of Death), kterß se jeÜt∞ v ten den rozlΘtla do vÜech kraj∙ internetu, budφ dojem, ₧e vÜe je jen promyÜlenß reklama, jejφ₧ negativnφ ·Φinky se zakryjφ hromadou reklamy "normßlnφ", tedy tΘ placenΘ. Cel² text Billova mailu si m∙₧ete p°eΦφst nφ₧e (Byl p°evzat z <a href=../>The Register</a>, spolu s krßtk²mi komentß°i n∞kter²ch vybran²ch statφ).
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NovΘ technologie obsahujφ nedomyÜlenΘ bezpeΦnostnφ dφry, Φlov∞k mß pocit, ₧e se tφmto problΘmem v∙bec nezab²vali. Patche jsou vydßvßny hanebn∞ pozd∞, Microsoft si vyslou₧il velmi negativnφ publicitu zejmΘna v afΘ°e s mo₧nosti Φtenφ cizφch cookies v Internet Exploreru, kde vydßnφ p°φsluÜnΘ opravy na velmi trivißlnφ problΘm trvalo vφce ne₧ Φtrnßct dnφ. Microsoft vystavuje na obdiv security a privacy featury sv²ch nov²ch produkt∙, vedle toho je nucen chrlit jeden patch za druh²m k p°φsluÜn²m chybßm.
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Stojφ takΘ za poznßmku, zda Microsoft akorßt nereaguje na aktußlnφ po₧adavky "trhu"..."kdy₧ je nßm ta bezpeΦnost tak hßzena na hlavu, tak vydßme n∞jakΘ prohlßÜenφ...". Nejednß se v∙bec o prvnφ p°φpad, kdy Bill Gates proklamoval, ₧e od te∩ teda klademe d∙raz na to Φi ono. Na druhou stranu je skuteΦn∞ mo₧nΘ, ₧e toto prohlßÜenφ je mφn∞no vß₧n∞, nebo¥ Microsoft se sna₧φ, aby to p°inejmenÜφm vypadalo, ₧e se n∞co d∞je. Je na sv∞t∞ jeho strategick² program Get Secure/Stay Secure, nßzev snad vypovφdß o vÜem. Na <a href=../></a> je k dispozici n∞kolik pr∙vodc∙ po bezpeΦnostnφch aspektech Microsoftφch technologiφch. Microsoft Security Tool Kit lze objednat i na CD, bohu₧el prozatφm jen v USA. N∞kolik tisφc zam∞stnanc∙ podle Gatese pr² projde intenzivnφm "bezpeΦnostnφm Ükolenφm"... Inu, uvidφme.
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NicmΘn∞ v duchu pokroΦil²ch bezpeΦnostnφch funkcφ byl ·dajn∞ vyvinut i nov² Internet Information Server, ve verzi 6.0. P°edevÜφm jsou standardn∞ vypnuty vÜechny potencißln∞ nebezpeΦnΘ funkce, moduly a plug-iny, kterΘ se Φasto staly tou klφΦovou slabinou. Jednß se p°itom o velkou v∞tÜinu v∞cφ, nap°φklad samotnΘ ASP. Navφc bude takΘ mo₧nΘ vedle ji₧ standardnφho grafickΘho prost°edφ cel² systΘm konfigurovat pomocφ textov²ch XML soubor∙. Cel² systΘm by m∞l b²t takΘ odoln∞jÜφ proti vÜemo₧n²m havarijnφm stav∙m.
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ä<i>V minulosti jsme nßÜ software a naÜe slu₧by daleko vφce p°izp∙sobili u₧ivateli p°idßvßnφm nov²ch funkcφ a mo₧nostφ a naÜe platforma se stala Üiroce rozÜi°itelnß.</i>ô, pφÜe Gates. ä<i>V tomto ohledu jsme ud∞lali obrovsk² kus prßce, ale vÜechny tyto vylepÜenφ p°ijdou na zmar, pokud u₧ivatelΘ nebudou naÜim produkt∙m v∞°it. Nynφ, kdy se musφme rozhodnout mezi p°idßvßnφm nov²ch vylepÜenφ a zlepÜovßnφ bezpeΦnosti, musφme zvolit bezpeΦnost.</i>ô Jsou to vÜechno moc hezkß slova, nicmΘn∞ obßvßm se, ₧e reklamnφ slogany budou starΘ znßmΘ û na konkurenci nehledφcφ û v∞ty typu äWindows ??? jsou nynφ bezpeΦn∞jÜφ.ô. BezpeΦn∞jÜφ ne₧ co? Ne₧ IIS? Ne₧ Windows 2000? Ne₧ Windows 9x/ME?
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Nenφ ₧ßdnΘ velkΘ um∞nφ srovnßvat se sßm se sebou. Kdy₧ tedy budou produkty bezpeΦnΘ, budou alespo≥ klφΦovΘ zßle₧itosti opensource? Nemluvφm o n∞jakΘ GPL licenci, jde mi jen o to, ₧e si dost dob°e nedokß₧u p°edstavit v∞tÜφ ·silφ o zabezpeΦenφ ne₧ voln∞ dostupnΘ zdrojovΘ k≤dy, mo₧n² v²b∞r z vφce public domain Üifrovacφch algoritm∙, vydßvanφ patch∙ v ΦasovΘm horizontu n∞kolika hodin od objevenφ chybyà SpφÜ bych to vid∞l trochu jinak. Spousta reklamy, n∞jakΘ ty features a z n∞kolika menÜφch a z jßdrem v∞ci nesouvisejφcφch d∙vod∙ se bude Microsoftφ platforma hackovat o n∞co mßlo mΘn∞ ne₧ nynφ. Soudφm tak p°edevÜφm z nßsledujφcφ v∞ty : ä<i>Dobr² p°φklad tohoto </i>(vylepÜovßnφ bezpeΦnosti, pozn. red.)<i> jsou zm∞ny, kterΘ jsme ud∞lali v Outlook Expressu za ·Φelem Üφ°enφ e-mailov²ch Φerv∙.</i>ô. To jako myslφ Bill vß₧n∞? Kolik Φerv∙ muselo prolΘzt internetem, ne₧ se poda°ilo Microsoftu odstranit vÜemo₧nΘ chyby automatickΘho spouÜt∞nφ p°φloh a podobn²ch nesmysl∙?
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Sv∞t ale nenφ Φernobφl² a pov∞domφ o bezpeΦnostnφch nedostatcφch Microsoftφch produkt∙ mß podle mΘho nßzoru jeÜt∞ jeden ko°en. Windows, Explorer a Outlook jsou vysloven∞ spot°ebnφ programy, urΦenΘ primßrn∞ pro lidi, kte°φ poΦφtaΦ∙m nemusφ rozum∞t hloub∞ji. Bohu₧el (v tom mß Microsoft dost sm∙lu), tento jev se opakuje v p°φpad∞ Internet Information Serveru, akorßt o ät°φduô v²Üe. ╚lov∞k, jeho₧ zßjmem nejsou informaΦnφ technologie, asi s t∞₧φ bude na Windowsech pou₧φvat n∞co jinΘho ne₧ Outlook, kter² mß nainstalovan² s prohlφ₧eΦem, pop°. vlastnφm systΘmem. Takov²to Φlov∞k neΦte odbornß periodika, kde jsou informace o nov²ch virech. Takov²to Φlov∞k neΦte Φasopisy, kde se dozvφ kde sehnat zßplatu na Outlook, na Explorerà T∞₧ko pak °φci, jakou Φßst viny Microsoft skuteΦn∞ nese. Jß sßm pod Windows takΘ pou₧φvßm Outlook, ovÜem na nebezpeΦnou p°φlohu jsem kliknul jednou jedinkrßt a to jeÜt∞ omylem. Tvrdφm, ₧e v komunit∞ odborn∞ji vzd∞lan²ch lidφ by v∞tÜina emailov²ch Φerv∙ nem∞la Üanci a ₧e jejich masivnφ Üφ°enφ mß velikou zßsluhu i v nedostateΦnΘ informovanosti u₧ivatel∙. Co₧ nedßvßm Microsoftu za vinu.
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T∞₧ko °φci, zda je tento obrat myÜlen vß₧n∞, nebo jak² cφl tφm Microsoft sleduje. Pokud se skuteΦn∞ rozhodli vydat touto cestou, majφ p°ed sebou velmi trnitou cestu negativnφch zkuÜenostφ u₧ivatel∙ a tento v mysli zahryznut² brouk se bude jist∞ velmi t∞₧ce odstra≥ovat. SkuteΦn∞, necht∞l bych b²t nynφ v jejich k∙₧i. Nebylo by to v∙bec poprvΘ, kdy spolu s velkolepou reklamnφ kampanφ byly hromadn∞ vydßvßny zßplaty na nov∞ objevenΘ bezpeΦnostnφ problΘmy.
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TakΘ to vÜe m∙₧eme interpretovat jako p°iznßnφ o dosavadnφch kvalitßch Microsoftφho softwaru. Ka₧dopßdn∞ v∞tÜφ d∙raz na bezpeΦnost v jejich produktech by byl p°φnosem pro ob∞ strany.
Every few years I have sent out a memo talking about the highest priority for Microsoft. Two years ago, it was the kickoff of our .NET strategy. Before that, it was several memos about the importance of the Internet to our future and the ways we could make the Internet truly useful for people. Over the last year it has become clear that ensuring .NET is a platform for Trustworthy Computing is more important than any other part of our work. If we don't do this, people simply won't be willing -- or able -- to take advantage of all the other great work we do. Trustworthy Computing is the highest priority for all the work we are doing. We must lead the industry to a whole new level of Trustworthiness in computing.
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When we started work on Microsoft .NET more than two years ago, we set a new direction for the company -- and articulated a new way to think about our software. Rather than developing standalone applications and Web sites, today we're moving towards smart clients with rich user interfaces interacting with Web services. We're driving the XML Web services standards so that systems from all vendors can share information, while working to make Windows the best client and server for this new era.
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There is a lot of excitement about what this architecture makes possible. It allows the dreams about e-business that have been hyped over the last few years to become a reality. It enables people to collaborate in new ways, including how they read, communicate, share annotations, analyze information and meet.
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However, even more important than any of these new capabilities is the fact that it is designed from the ground up to deliver Trustworthy Computing. What I mean by this is that customers will always be able to rely on these systems to be available and to secure their information. Trustworthy Computing is computing that is as available, reliable and secure as electricity, water services and telephony.
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Today, in the developed world, we do not worry about electricity and water services being available. With telephony, we rely both on its availability and its security for conducting highly confidential business transactions without worrying that information about who we call or what we say will be compromised. Computing falls well short of this, ranging from the individual user who isn't willing to add a new application because it might destabilize their system, to a corporation that moves slowly to embrace e-business because today's platforms don't make the grade.
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The events of last year -- from September's terrorist attacks to a number of malicious and highly publicized computer viruses -- reminded every one of us how important it is to ensure the integrity and security of our critical infrastructure, whether it's the airlines or computer systems. Computing is already an important part of many people's lives. Within ten years, it will be an integral and indispensable part of almost everything we do. Microsoft and the computer industry will only succeed in that world if CIOs, consumers and everyone else sees that Microsoft has created a platform for Trustworthy Computing.
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Every week there are reports of newly discovered security problems in all kinds of software, from individual applications and services to Windows, Linux, Unix and other platforms. We have done a great job of having teams work around the clock to deliver security fixes for any problems that arise. Our responsiveness has been unmatched -- but as an industry leader we can and must do better. Our new design approaches need to dramatically reduce the number of such issues that come up in the software that Microsoft, its partners and its customers create. We need to make it automatic for customers to get the benefits of these fixes. Eventually, our software should be so fundamentally secure that customers never even worry about it.
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No Trustworthy Computing platform exists today. It is only in the context of the basic redesign we have done around .NET that we can achieve this. The key design decisions we made around .NET include the advances we need to deliver on this vision. Visual Studio .NET is the first multi-language tool that is optimized for the creation of secure code, so it is a key foundation element.
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I've spent the past few months working with Craig Mundie's group and others across the company to define what achieving Trustworthy Computing will entail, and to focus our efforts on building trust into every one of our products and services. Key aspects include:
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Availability: Our products should always be available when our customers need them. System outages should become a thing of the past because of a software architecture that supports redundancy and automatic recovery. Self-management should allow for service resumption without user intervention in almost every case.
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Security: The data our software and services store on behalf of our customers should be protected from harm and used or modified only in appropriate ways. Security models should be easy for developers to understand and build into their applications.
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Privacy: Users should be in control of how their data is used. Policies for information use should be clear to the user. Users should be in control of when and if they receive information to make best use of their time. It should be easy for users to specify appropriate use of their information including controlling the use of email they send.
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Trustworthiness is a much broader concept than security, and winning our customers' trust involves more than just fixing bugs and achieving "five-nines" availability. It's a fundamental challenge that spans the entire computing ecosystem, from individual chips all the way to global Internet services. It's about smart software, services and industry-wide cooperation.
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There are many changes Microsoft needs to make as a company to ensure and keep our customers' trust at every level - from the way we develop software, to our support efforts, to our operational and business practices. As software has become ever more complex, interdependent and interconnected, our reputation as a company has in turn become more vulnerable. Flaws in a single Microsoft product, service or policy not only affect the quality of our platform and services overall, but also our customers' view of us as a company.
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In recent months, we've stepped up programs and services that help us create better software and increase security for our customers. Last fall, we launched the Strategic Technology Protection Program, making software like IIS and Windows .NET Server secure by default, and educating our customers on how to get -- and stay -- secure. The error-reporting features built into Office XP and Windows XP are giving us a clear view of how to raise the level of reliability. The Office team is focused on training and processes that will anticipate and prevent security problems. In December, the Visual Studio .NET team conducted a comprehensive review of every aspect of their product for potential security issues. We will be conducting similarly intensive reviews in the Windows division and throughout the company in the coming months.
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At the same time, we're in the process of training all our developers in the latest secure coding techniques. We've also published books like "Writing Secure Code," by Michael Howard and David LeBlanc, which gives all developers the tools they need to build secure software from the ground up. In addition, we must have even more highly trained sales, service and support people, along with offerings such as security assessments and broad security solutions. I encourage everyone at Microsoft to look at what we've done so far and think about how they can contribute.
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But we need to go much further.
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In the past, we've made our software and services more compelling for users by adding new features and functionality, and by making our platform richly extensible. We've done a terrific job at that, but all those great features won't matter unless customers trust our software. So now, when we face a choice between adding features and resolving security issues, we need to choose security. Our products should emphasize security right out of the box, and we must constantly refine and improve that security as threats evolve. A good example of this is the changes we made in Outlook to avoid email borne viruses. If we discover a risk that a feature could compromise someone's privacy, that problem gets solved first. If there is any way we can better protect important data and minimize downtime, we should focus on this. These principles should apply at every stage of the development cycle of every kind of software we create, from operating systems and desktop applications to global Web services.
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Going forward, we must develop technologies and policies that help businesses better manage ever larger networks of PCs, servers and other intelligent devices, knowing that their critical business systems are safe from harm. Systems will have to become self-managing and inherently resilient. We need to prepare now for the kind of software that will make this happen, and we must be the kind of company that people can rely on to deliver it.
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This priority touches on all the software work we do. By delivering on Trustworthy Computing, customers will get dramatically more value out of our advances than they have in the past. The challenge here is one that Microsoft is uniquely suited to solve.
</SCRIPT><OL Class=None Type=Disc><LI style='margin-left:20px;' class=LinkItem><a href=articles.php@ID=141><SPAN Class=SeeAlso>Rozumφme Microsoftu? Ano, je to sklenß°!</SPAN></a></OL><SCRIPT>
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Comment('55',' <IMG Src=images/sub.gif valign=top> Chytra reklama dalsi verze','Radek','11');