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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDex - International Support File // // // // Copyright (C) 2002 by Albert L Faber & Sean M Burke // // Copyright notice: // // All content in this file may not be copied (partly or as a whole), // // or re-used in other applications (e.g derivate work based on CDex), // // without the express written permission of the copyright holder(s) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Welcome to CDex language definition file // // This file will be read by CDex if it is put inside \Lang folder // of CDex root directory. It also must have the cdex..lang extension // yielding something like my_language.cdex.lang // // // To define a string follow this format: // // number "my_string" // // number is the identification of the following string. Each number is related // with a string that will appear inside CDex. Padding spaces are not important. // Inside menu definitions use & to give access to the keyboard menu shortcut. // You can use returns inside string. They will be preserved in the program. // // CDex loads the strings on startup. It won't perceive any changes in this file // if you don't reload the program. // // PLEASE, CHECK THAT STRINGS WON'T BE CLIPPED IN THE PROGRAM. The reserved space // for every string is limited and must be suitable for all languages. If some // of your strings are clipped try shortening the phrase while keeping its // significance // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // language file revision level REVISION=9 // set language characteristics LANGUAGE=9 SUBLANG=1 // use CODEPAGE 65001 if this file is UTF-8 encoded text file // otherwhise fill out the proper ANSI codepage CODEPAGE=1252 // 99 (063 hex) => LANGUAGE ID, use english description // since this value is used to set the LOCALE settings #0063# "English" #0001# "OK" #0002# "Cancel" #0003# "Abort" #0004# "Retry" #0005# "Ignore" #0006# "Yes" #0007# "No" // Ripper Main menu entries #M0BD4# "#&File#&Edit#&Convert#&Tools#C&DDB#&Options#&Help#" // Ripper File Menu #M800D# "&System Info" #M802D# "&Compare Two Files" #ME141# "E&xit" // Ripper Edit menu #M8026# "Select All\tCtrl+A" #M8023# "&Copy album info to Clipboard" #M8024# "&Rename Track\tF2" #M0BD40000# "&Modify Track Name" #M8042# "&First character of every word in Caps" #M8043# "First character in &Caps" #M8044# "All characters &lower case" #M8045# "All characters &upper case" #M804D# "&Swap Artist<->Track" #M802A# "Re&fresh Track List\tF5" #M8047# "Add / Edit the list of &Genres" // Ripper Convert menu #M8004# "Extract CD track(s) to WAV file\tF8" #M8005# "Extract CD track(s) to a Compressed Audio File\tF9" #M8007# "Extract a section of the CD\tF10" #M803E# "Re-encode Compressed Audio File(s)" #M8006# "Convert WAV file(s) to Compressed Audio file(s)\tF11" #M8029# "Convert Compressed Audio File(s) to WAV file(s)\tF12" #M8022# "Add a RIFF-WAV header(s) to MP2 or MP3 file(s)" #M8030# "Strip the RIFF-WAV header(s) from MP2 or MP3 file(s)" // Ripper Tools menu #M802E# "Media file &Player" #M8031# "&Record from Analog Input" // Ripper CDDB Menu #M8018# "Read From &Local CDDB" #M801B# "Read &Remote CDDB" #M801A# "&Read From &CD Player.ini" #M8033# "Read CD-&Text" #M80E8# "Read from &WinampDB" #M8027# "Save To CDPlayer.ini" #M8028# "Save to Local CDDB" #M8032# "S&ubmit To Remote CDDB" #M803B# "CDDB B&atch Query" // Ripper Options Menu #M8003# "&Settings\tF4" #M8046# "Configure &Winamp Plugins" #M801C# "&Show the Play Toolbar" #M801D# "Show the &Recording Toolbar" #M802C# "Show the Ripping Status &Details\tF3" #M802F# "&Clear Ripping Status" #M0BD40001# "Select &Language" // Ripper Help Menu #ME143# "&Help on using CDex\tF1" #ME140# "&About CDex..." // Player Menu #M0C80# "#&File#&Options#&Playlist#&Help#" // NOTE: File, help menu and Configure &Winamp Plugins entries // are already defined in the main menu // Ripper Options Menu #M804B# "&Play Random" #M0C800000# "&Language" // Ripper Playlist Menu #M8049# "&Save" #M804A# "&Clear" // About Dialog #D00640000# "About the CDex audio CD extractor program" #D00640412# "CDex Version " #D006404BC# "Close" // Translator URL #D006404BB# "" // Translator information #D006404BA# "" // CD Auto Detection dialog box #D0BE20000# "Auto-Detection Results" #D0BE203FB# "Abort" #D0BE204BE# "Below is a list with the test modes; select one of the modes that has the status 'Pass', and press the OK button" #D0BE204BD# "MMC status" // CDDB Accessing dialog box #D00870000# "Accessing CDDB (tm)" #D008704BF# "Current Action" #D008704C0# "Message" #D008704C1# "Credits: Copyright (c) CDDB, Inc (Steve Scherf && Ti Kan)" // CDDB Settings dialog box #0C8D# "Remote CDDB" #D06030000# "Remote CDDB" #D06030484# "CDDB (default port 888 or 8880)\nHTTP (default port 80)" #D0603043D# "Auto connect to remote CDDB" #D06030426# "Add Site" #D06030425# "Query Sites" #D06030483# "Reset All" #D06030475# "Submit Options" #D0603041E# "Use Proxy" #D06030421# "Authentication" #D060304C7# "Remote Server" #D060304CB# "Your E-mail address" #D060304CF# "Proxy Port" #D060304D0# "Password" #D060304CE# "Timeout (seconds)" #D060304C9# "Address" #D060304CC# "Path" #D060304CA# "Protocol" #D060304C8# "Location" #D060304CD# "Port" // CDDB Found inexact match dialog box #D00880000# "Found Inexact Match" // CD-ROM Settings dialog box #0C89# "CD Drive" #D0BDB0000# "CD Drive" #D0BDB0430# "Generic\nToshiba\nToshiba (new)\nIBM\nNEC\nDEC\nIMS\nKodak\nRicoh\nHP\nPhilips\nPlasmon\nGrundig CD-R,\nMitsumi CD-R\nPlextor\nSony\nYamaha\nNRC\nIMS CDD-5\nCustom" #D0BDB0444# "Auto-Detect" #D0BDB0436# "Swap Left and Right Channels" #D0BDB047E# "Eject CD when ripping has been completed" #D0BDB043D# "Enable Jitter Correction" #D0BDB047F# "Select All CD Tracks (by default)" #D0BDB043E# "Use Native NT SCSI library" #D0BDB04D1# "CD Drive" #D0BDB04D2# "Read Sectors" #D0BDB04D3# "Read Overlap" #D0BDB04D9# "Block Compare" #D0BDB04D6# "CD-ROM Drive Type" #D0BDB04DA# "CD Speed" #D0BDB04D4# "Start Offset (sectors)" #D0BDB04D5# "End Offset (sectors)" #D0BDB04DB# "Spin-up time (sec)" #D0BDB04D8# "Number of Retries" #D0BDB04D7# "Ripping Method" #D0BDB0480# "Lock CD during extraction" #D0BDB0481# "Use CD-Text (if available)" #D0BDB0431# "Standard\nParanoia, Overlap Only\nParanoia, No Verify\nParanoia, No scratch repair\nParanoia, Full" // CDDB Submit Options dialog box #D00A00000# "CDDB Submission options" #D00A004E2# "Submit via (HTML is not allowed for CDDB.COM)" #D00A00414# "E-mail" #D00A00401# "Via HTTP" #D00A004E4# "SMTP server address" #D00A004E5# "Submission HTTP address (excluding path)" #D00A004E3# "Submission e-mail address" // Config Winamp Plugin Dialog box #D00AA0000# "Configure Winamp Input Plugins" #D00AA0499# "About" #D00AA049A# "Configure" // CD Ripping dialog box #D0BDC0000# "Record Tracks" #D0BDC042C# "nominal" #D0BDC042E# "max" #D0BDC042D# "min" // Drop Files dialog box #D00900000# "Select options for dropped files" #D00900452# "Output RIFF WAV file" #D0090044C# "Delete WAV file after encoding" #D0090042F# "Normalize" #D00900430# "Encode" #D00900431# "Normalize + Encode" // Edit Genres dialog box #D00AC0000# "Add / Edit Genres" #D00AC049C# "Insert New" // Enter profile Name dialog box #D00AF0000# "Enter profile name" // Encoder dialog box #0C8A# "Encoder" #D06020000# "Encoder" #D06020537# "Encoder" #D06020452# "Convert to Riff WAV files" #D06020423# "Lowest\nBelow Normal\nNormal\nAbove Normal\nHighest" #D06020536# "Thread Priority" #D06020535# "Encoder Options" // Encoder DOS APE dialog box #D0BFD0400# "Mono" #D0BFD0401# "Stereo" #D0BFD04DE# "Compression level" #D0BFD04DD# "Channels" #D0BFD04DF# "Tag Format" #D0BFD04B4# "APE Tag (default)\nID3V1 Tag" #D0BFD0459# "Fast\nNormal\nHigh\nExtra High" // Encoder Blade Dialog box #D0BE80409# "On-the-fly MP3 Encoding" #D0BE804E0# "Bitrate" #D0BE804E1# "Channels" #D0BE80400# "Stereo" #D0BE80401# "J-stereo" #D0BE80402# "Dual" #D0BE80403# "Mono" #D0BE80427# "Private" #D0BE80428# "Checksum" #D0BE80429# "Original" #D0BE8042A# "Copyright" // Encoder Lame dialog box #D008B0548# "Bitrate Min" #D008B054A# "Mode" #D008B054B# "Quality" #D008B054E# "VBR Quality" #D008B0549# "Max" #D008B054D# "ABR (kpbs)" #D008B054C# "VBR Method" #D008B0547# "Version" #D008B054F# "Output Samplerate" #D008B0463# "MPEG I\nMPEG II\nMPEG II.5" #D008B0400# "Stereo" #D008B0401# "J-stereo" #D008B0402# "Forced Stereo" #D008B0403# "Mono" #D008B0427# "Private" #D008B0428# "Checksum" #D008B0429# "Original" #D008B042A# "Copyright" #D008B0409# "On-the-fly MP3 Encoding" #D008B0459# "Disabled\nVBR Default\nVBR-Old\nVBR-New\nVBR-MTRH\nVBR-ABR" #D008B0458# "VBR 0\nVBR 1\nVBR 2\nVBR 3\nVBR 4\nVBR 5\nVBR 6\nVBR 7\nVBR 8\nVBR 9" #D008B0414# "Normal ( q=5 )\nLow ( q=9 )\nHigh ( q=2 )\nVoice (for voice recordings)\nR3Mix Preset\nVery High Quality ( q=0 )\n--alt-preset standard\n--alt-preset fast standard\n--alt-preset extreme\n--alt-preset fast extreme\n--alt-preset insane\n--alt-preset ABR\n--alt-preset CBR" // Encoder External settings box #D008D0000# "" #D008D052D# "Parameter string" #D008D052C# "Encoder path" #D008D052E# "Bitrate" #D008D0463# "On the fly encoding" #D008D0464# "Hide DOS box window" #D008D052F# "File Extension" #D008D0465# "Send WAV header to stdin" // Encoder Wincodec settings box #D008A0000# "" #D008A0409# "On-the-fly MP3 Encoding" #D008A053A# "Windows MP3 Codec" #D008A053B# "Codec Bitrate Selection" #D008A043E# "High Quality" // Encoder MP2 encoder settings box #D0BF9040F# "MPEG-1" #D0BF90410# "MPEG-2" #D0BF90546# "Bitrate" #D0BF90409# "On-the-fly MP2 Encoding" #D0BF90545# "Channels" #D0BF90400# "Stereo" #D0BF90401# "J-stereo" #D0BF90402# "Dual" #D0BF90403# "Mono" #D0BF90427# "Private" #D0BF90428# "Checksum" #D0BF90429# "Original" #D0BF9042A# "Copyright" #D0BF9047F# "Write Ancillary Data (Antex)" #D0BF90480# "Allow no padding" #D0BF90544# "VBR (experimental)" #D0BF90458# "None\nVBR 0\nVBR 1\nVBR 2\nVBR 3\nVBR 4\nVBR 5\nVBR 6\nVBR 7\nVBR 8\nVBR 9" // Encoder external VQF settings box #D0BEA0000# "" #D0BEA041B# "44KHz-48Kbps\n44KHz-40Kbps\n22KHz-32Kbps\n22KHz-24Kbps\n22KHz-20Kbps\n16KHz-16Kbps\n11KHz-10Kbps\n11KHz-8Kbps\n8KHz-8Kbp" #D0BEA0549# "Path to VQF encoder" #D0BEA0547# "VQF mode" // Encoder WMA8 settings box #D0BEC03F5# "22 Kbit/s\n32 Kbit/s\n36 Kbit/s\n40 Kbit/s\n48 Kbit/s\n64 Kbit/s\n80 Kbit/s\n96 Kbit/s\n128 Kbit/s\n160 Kbit/s" #D0BEC0409# "On-the-fly MP3 Encoding" #D0BEC0441# "Enable Digital Rights Management" #D0BEC0414# "Mono" #D0BEC04B6# "Stereo" #D0BEC0538# "Bitrate" #D0BEC0539# "Channels" // Encoder external Xing settings box #D0BF00000# "" #D0BF00414# "CBR" #D0BF00401# "VBR" #D0BF00429# "Original" #D0BF0042A# "Copyright" #D0BF0045C# "Filter High Frequencies" #D0BF0045D# "Force Simple Stereo" #D0BF0045E# "Down mix to mono" #D0BF0045F# "Let encoder choose sample rate" #D0BF00532# "Encoder path" #D0BF00533# "Bitrate" #D0BF00534# "VBR Scale" // Encoder WAV settings box #D0BF10000# "" #D0BF1053E# "Samplerate" #D0BF1053F# "Channels" #D0BF10414# "Stereo" #D0BF10401# "Mono" #D0BF1053D# "Compression" #D0BF1053C# "Format" #D0BF10439# "WAV\nApple/SGI AIFF\nSun/Next au (big endian)\nDec au (little endian))\nRaw PCM (big endian)\nRaw PCM (little endian)" #D0BF10409# "On-the-fly Encoding" // Encoder FAAC settings box #D0BF20000# "" #D0BF20463# "MPEG-2" #D0BF20415# "MPEG-4" #D0BF20466# "Main\nLow complexity\nSSR\nLTD" #D0BF204AF# "16000\n18000\n19500" #D0BF204B1# "Use LFE" #D0BF20468# "Use MS Stereo" #D0BF20526# "Bitrate / channel" #D0BF20528# "Bandwidth (Hz)" #D0BF20527# "Profile" #D0BF204B0# "Allow Temporal Noise Shaping (TNS)" // Encoder Vorbis settings box #D0BF60000# "" #D0BF60400# "Stereo" #D0BF60401# "Mono" #D0BF60409# "On-the-fly Encoding" #D0BF604B3# "Use Quality setting (recommended)" #D0BF60540# "Channels" #D0BF60541# "Use Bitrate manager" #D0BF60550# "Minimal Bitrate" #D0BF60551# "Nominal Bitrate" #D0BF60552# "Maximum Bitrate" // Encoder Gogo settings box #D0BF80000# "" #D0BF8040F# "MPEG-1" #D0BF80410# "MPEG-2" #D0BF80409# "On-the-fly MP3 Encoding" #D0BF80458# "None\nVBR 0\nVBR 1\nVBR 2\nVBR 3\nVBR 4\nVBR 5\nVBR 6\nVBR 7\nVBR 8\nVBR 9" #D0BF80400# "Mono" #D0BF80401# "Stereo" #D0BF80402# "J-Stereo" #D0BF80403# "MS-Stereo" #D0BF8047B# "Use MMX/3DNow" #D0BF8047C# "Use Psycho-acoustics" #D0BF8047D# "Apply Low-Pass filter for low bitrates" #D0BF80529# "Variable Bitrate" #D0BF8052A# "Bitrate" #D0BF8052B# "Mode" // Encoder External Musepack settings box #D00A90000# "" #D00A90531# "Parameter string" #D00A90530# "Path to Musepack encoder" #D00A90464# "Hide MSDOS window" #D00A90463# "On-the-fly encoding" // Encoder NTTVQF settings box #D0BFB0000# "" #D0BFB0409# "On-the-fly MP3 Encoding" #D0BFB0462# "32 Kbit/s\n40 Kbit/s\n48 Kbit/s\n56 Kbit/s\n64 Kbit/s\n80 Kbit/s\n96 Kbit/s\n112 Kbit/s\n128 Kbit/s\n160 Kbit/s\n192 Kbit/s\n224 Kbit/s\n256 Kbit/s\n320 Kbit/s" #D0BFB0400# "Mono" #D0BFB0401# "Stereo" #D0BFB0542# "Bitrate per channel" #D0BFB0543# "Channels" // File compare two files dialog box #D00970000# "Compare two WAV files" #D00970446# "Compare" #D00970522# "First filename" #D00970523# "Second filename" #D00970524# "Progress" // File name string info dialog box #D00930000# "Filename info options" #D00930516# "Examples:\n%1\%2\%4 creates the output file Artist\Album\TrackName.mp3 (or .wav)\n%1 - %2 - %3 creates the output file Artist - Album - TrackNumber.mp3 (or .wav)" #D00930517# "File name format string can contain the following identifiers" #D00930518# "The backslash charachter (\) might also be used to indicate a directory separation\nThough. you should not use it as the first character !" // File name property page #0C8E# "Filenames" #D0BF40000# "Filenames" #D0BF40479# "Char Subst" #D0BF4047D# "Split trackname to Artist, Track using split character:" #D0BF40443# "Add Files to M3U playlist" #D0BF40444# "Add Files to PLS playlist" #D0BF4051B# "Filename" #D0BF40519# "Output filename format and directories" #D0BF4051C# "WAV -> MP3" #D0BF4051D# "Recorded Tracks" #D0BF4051A# "Filename Format" #D0BF40520# "Filename" #D0BF4051E# "Filename Format" #D0BF40521# "Type" #D0BF4051F# "Playlist" // File overwrite dialog box #D00AE0000# "File Overwrite Warning" #D00AE0512# "Yes" #D00AE04A1# "Yes to &All" #D00AE0511# "No" #D00AE04A2# "No to A&ll" #D00AE0513# "The file" #D00AE0514# "already exists. Replace the existing file?" // Generic Property Page #0C8B# "General" #D06040000# "General" #D06040414# "None\nID3-V1\nID3-V2\nID3-V1 & ID3-V2" #D06040411# "Normalize" #D060404AB# "Automatic shutdown after ripping / encoding" #D0604050F# "If signal is <" #D0604050C# "Normalize Volume" #D0604050D# "To" #D06040510# "If signal is >" #D06040507# "File Tag options" #D0604050A# "Tag comment field" #D0604050E# "To" #D06040508# "ID3 Tag Version" #D0604050B# "Encoded-by field" #D06040506# "Temp directory" #D06040509# "Track Nr Format" #D060404AC# "Digital CD Playback" // General Info Dialog Box #D0BDF0000# "General Information" #D0BDF0502# "CD Volume ID" #D0BDF0500# "CDDB Disc ID" #D0BDF0501# "ASPI Manager" #D0BDF0503# "OS Version" #D0BDF0504# "SCSI Info" #D0BDF0505# "Drive Type(s)" #D0BDF0442# "Copy to Clipboard" // Local CDDB Settings TAB #0C8C# "Local CDDB" #D0BFA0000# "Local CDDB" #D0BFA044B# "Windows-format CDDB Files" #D0BFA044C# "Unix-format CDDB Files" #D0BFA0459# "Store in CDPlayer.ini File" #D0BFA045A# "Store in local CDDB" #D0BFA045B# "Use Long Directory Names" #D0BFA04B5# "Write as MS-DOS text files " #D0BFA04FE# "CDDB Path" #D0BFA04FF# "Winamp in_cdda.cdb path (Winamp 2.78 format)" #D0BFA04FD# "Local CDDB Settings" // Main Window (Title View) #D0BD80000# " " #D0BD804C2# "Artist" #D0BD804C3# "Title" #D0BD804C4# "Genre" #D0BD804C5# "Year" #D0BD804C6# "Track Offset" // Mpeg to RIFF-WAV conversion dialog box #D00860000# "Convert MP2/MP3 to RIFF-WAV" #D008604FC# "Processing" // Mpeg to WAV conversion dialog box #D0BEB0000# "Convert a compressed file to WAV file" #D0BEB04FB# "Processing" // Open file dialog box #D02630000# "Open File Dialog" #D026303EE# "Look in subfolders" #D026303F1# "Delete Original" #D0263042F# "Normalize" #D02630430# "RIFF-WAV" #D026303EF# "Select All" #D026303F0# "Open" #D02630495# "Settings" #D026304AC# "Keep Original Directory Layout" #D026304FA# "Available Files:" #D026304F9# "Directory" // Partial track copy dialog box #D06010000# "Record partial tracks" #D0601041D# "WAV" #D06010412# "Encoded (MP3)" #D060104F5# "Track" #D060104F6# "Min" #D060104F7# "Sec" #D060104F8# "Frame" #D060104F0# "File properties" #D060104F2# "Range (one file from start position to stop position)" #D060104F3# "Start Position" #D060104F4# "Stop Position" #D060104F1# "Output Type" // Player view window #D0C800489# "Details" // Record from Analog In dialog box #D0BF50000# "Record from Analog Input" #D0BF50640# "Free Length" #D0BF50641# "Record for just:" #D0BF5046E# "Browse" #D0BF504B7# "Add sequential numbers to filename, starting with: " #D0BF504EE# "Recording Status" #D0BF5046B# "Record" #D0BF50445# "Pause" #D0BF50450# "Stop" #D0BF50642# "Mono" #D0BF50643# "Stereo" #D0BF503F5# "Channels" #D0BF504EB# "Input Device" #D0BF504EC# "Output Filename" #D0BF504ED# "Output File Type" #D0BF504EA# "Sample Rate" #D0BF504EF# "seconds" #D0BF504F0# "Output Directory" // RIFF-WAV to MPEG dialog box #D02630064# "Abort" #D0BF30000# "Strip RIFF-WAV header from MPEG file(s)" #D0BF304E9# "Processing" // Substitute Characters dialog box #D0BF70000# "Character Substitution" #D0BF704E6# "Illegal Filename Characters" #D0BF704E7# "Other (substition is not mandatory)" #D0BF704E8# "space :=" // Ripper Status dialog box #D00960000# "Detailed Ripping Status Information" // String Table #0065# "&About CDex..." #0066# "Save as..." #0067# "Open" #0BBA# "Indicator Contrl" #0BBB# "Misc" #0BBC# "Play Track" #0BBE# "Stop Playing" #0BBF# "Eject CD" #0BC0# "Cannot open an Internet Session. Please check your internet configuration." #0BC1# "CDex" #0BC2# "Windows sockets initialization failed" #0BC3# "Fast Forward\nFast Forward" #0BC4# "Fast Rewind\nFast Rewind" #0BC5# "Pause\nPause" #0BC6# "Skip To Next Track\nSkip To Next Track" #0BC7# "Skip To Previous Track\nSkip To Previous Track" #0BC8# "Get album info from remote CDDB" #0BD4# "CDex Ripper\n\nCDex Ripper\n\n\nCDex.Document\nCDex Document" #0BDE# "CDex Version " #0BDF# "no artist" #0BE0# "no title" #0BE1# "Genre" #0BE2# "Title" #0BE3# "CDDB ID" #0BE4# "Artist" #0BE5# "Track Number" #0BE6# "Volume ID" #0BE7# "Track Name" #0BE8# "Track Number Leading 0" #0BE9# "Number of tracks" #0BEA# "Name" #0BEB# "Track" #0BEC# "Start Time" #0BED# "Play Time" #0BEE# "Size" #0BEF# "Status" #0BF0# "CDex Version " #0BF1# "Artist field contains invalid characters\n Replace invalid characters with spaces" #0BF2# "Album field contains invalid characters\n Replace invalid characters with spaces" #0BF3# "Trackname [%d] contains invalid characters\n Replace invalid characters with spaces" #0BF4# "You don't have any tracks selected. Please select one or more audio tracks from the list." #0BF5# "Unable to set Clipboard data" #0BF6# "Seeking track %d (%02d:%02d:%02d)\n" #0BF7# "Ripping track to a Compressed Audio file (%s) to file %s" #0BF8# "Ripping/encoding has been aborted at %s" #0BF9# "Ripping track to a Compressed Audio File has been finished properly, total duration: %s" #0BFA# "Ripping track to WAV file (%s) to file %s" #0BFB# "Ripping has been aborted at %s" #0BFC# "Ripping track to WAV file has been finished properly, total duration: %s" #0BFD# "Could not create output directory: " #0BFE# "Time elapsed: %s || Time left: %s || Total time: %s" #0BFF# "Extracting track %d (%d%% completed, file %d/%d)" #0C00# "Peak Value %4.2f dB = %3d %%" #0C01# "Jitter (errors: %d)" #0C02# "Converting track %d (%d %% completed, file %d/%d)" #0C03# "Normalizing track %d (%d %% completed, file %d/%d)" #0C04# "Determining Peak Value track %d (%d %% completed, file %d/%d)" #0C05# "Peak Value %4.2f dB = %3d %%" #0C06# "To file: %s" #0C07# "Extracting track %d (file %d/%d)" #0C08# "Converting file to target format (file %d/%d)" #0C09# "Normalizing track with factor of %5.2f (file %d/%d)" #0C0A# "Getting peak value (file %d/%d)" #0C0B# "Processing (file %d/%d)" #0C0C# "Extracting CD Tracks" #0C0D# "File Conversion" #0C0E# "%5d errors at track %s\n\n" #0C0F# "Jitter errors have occured. Please see help file to solve jitter problems.\n\n" #0C10# "Year" #0C11# "DataTrack" #0C12# "AudioTrack" #0C13# "Please fill out all Track, Artist, and Track information, and make\n sure that the Genre field is set properly \nbefore submitting an entry to the remote CD database." #0C14# "Requested album information is not found in the local CDDB" #0C15# "Requested album information is not found in the CDPlayer.ini file" #0C16# "The MP3 tag has been changed. \nSave the modifications?" #0C17# "An error occured while saving the ID3V2 tag.\nMake sure file is not marked as read only!" // is, or isn't? #0C18# "An error occured while reading the ID3v2 tag." #0C19# "An error occurred while opening the input file." #0C1A# "Failed to set the privilage to shut down the system" #0C1B# "Normalizing factor is %7.4f x" #0C1C# "Invalid e-mail address. Please fill out\n\nyour e-mail address in the Remote CDDB options menu." #0C1D# "The remote server didn't answer soon enough. \n Increase the Timeout value in the CDDB option screen, \n Or just try again." #0C1E# "read/write allowed\n" #0C1F# "OK, read only\n" #0C20# "No match found\n" #0C21# "OK Response\n" #0C22# "Found several exact matches. The list follows.\n" #0C23# "Found several inexact matches. The list follows.\n" #0C24# "Specified CDDB entry not found\n" #0C25# "Already shook hands\n" #0C26# "Database entry is corrupt.\n" #0C27# "No handshake\n" #0C28# "Handshake not successful, closing connection\n" #0C29# "No connections allowed: permission denied\n" #0C2A# "No connections, load too high\n" #0C2B# "Server Error, please select another server\n" #0C2C# "Protocol level already cur_level\n" #0C2D# "Illegal Protocol Level\n" #0C2E# "Connection Failed for reason" #0C2F# "Convert" #0C30# "Module Name" #0C31# "Module Info" #0C32# "The Genre Table (genres.txt) has not been found in the CDex directory\n(tried location: %s)\nCheck your CDex installation!" #0C33# "Genre" #0C34# "CDDB Genre" #0C35# "ID3 V1 ID" #0C36# "New Genre" #0C37# "Unknown" #0C38# "Invalid Server Response" #0C39# "%1 = Artist\t\t%5 = CD VolumeID\n%2 = Album\t\t%6 = CDDB ID\n%3 = Track Number\t%7 = Track Number Leading Zero\n%4 = Track Name\t%8 = Total Number of Tracks\n%Y = Year\t\t%G = Genre\n%A = Artist Name (not affected by the split option)" #0C3A# "CDex Player, Version " #0C3B# "CDDB error has occured. See message box for details\n" #0C3C# "ERROR: Cannot launch external encoder" #0C3D# "ERROR: Cannot send data to external encoder" #0C3E# "Could not create VQF script file" #0C3F# "Could not load the encoder %s\nMake sure that you start CDex.exe where the DLLs are located\nIf you have created a short-cut, make sure the working directory is set correctly" #0C40# "Invalid Input Stream" #0C41# "Could not open/create file: %s" #0C42# "ERROR: Cannot create pipe to external encoder" #0C43# "The GoGo DLL needs a Floating Point Unit" #0C44# "%2d track (%5.2f MB) Free disk space %5d MB" #0C45# "Playing track %d (%02d:%02d:%02d)\n" #0C46# " (range)" #0C47# "Cannot open the Clipboard" #0C48# "Cannot empty the Clipboard" #0C49# "Opening Connection" #0C4A# "Sending Hello String" #0C4B# "Sending Statistics command" #0C4C# "Sending Proto Level" #0C4D# "Sending Query" #0C4E# "Start Remote Query" #0C4F# "Getting remote response" #0C50# "Unknown SMTP server address. Please fill out the\nSMTP server address in the CDDB submit options screen." #0C51# "Failed to send string to remote server" #0C52# "Connecting to Server" #0C53# "Server not ready" #0C54# "Sending" #0C55# "Sending data" #0C56# "Sending body-text" #0C57# "No server response" #0C58# " (Encoder Available, no version info available)" #0C59# " Alpha %d" #0C5A# " Beta %d" #0C5B# "Specified bitrate does not match the selected output frequency" #0C5C# " (not available)" #0C5D# "version" #0C5E# "engine" #0C5F# "Could not open file %s" #0C60# "Filesize is too small for a comparison" #0C61# "Second file has an offset of %d bytes" #0C62# "First file has an offset of %d bytes" #0C63# "Files are different, could not find matching block" #0C64# "File are different, starting at location %d" #0C65# "No differences have been found\nA total of %d bytes have been compared" #0C66# "CDex configuration" #0C67# "Please select a folder" #0C68# "Please select on of the listed items, or press cancel to bail out" #0C69# "You have to Restart CDex before this setting takes into effect" #0C6A# "data tag not found" #0C6B# "File %s is not a MPEG RIFF-WAV file" #0C6C# "Could not find format tag in file %s" #0C6D# "Use Auto-Detection only if the Generic Setting does not work!\nFor Auto-detection, an Audio CD has to be loaded in the CD-ROM drive.\nDo you want to continue?" #0C6E# "Total recording time (MM:SS:FF) %02d:%02d:%02d equals to %d sectors" #0C6F# "Filename" #0C70# "Date" #0C71# "Path" #0C72# "Size (MB)" #0C73# "Save" #0C74# "File sizes of first/second are %d/%d bytes" #0C75# "OK" #0C76# "First filename is not valid" #0C77# "Second filename is not valid" #0C78# "Failed to initialize Ogg Encoding stream. Maybe the specified bitrate does not match the selected output frequency. Try using the Quality settings instead of the Bitrate settings." #0C80# "CDex Player\n\nCDex Player\n\n\nCDex.Document\nCDex Document" #0C81# "No files selected" #0C82# "Auto" #0C83# "Default" #0C84# "Conversion error: Input filename is same as the output filename.\nPlease select a different conversion output directory!\nInput filename : %s\nOutput filename : %s" #0C85# "Native NT SCSI Library support is not supported by this operating system.\nYou have to install ASPI drivers in order to use CDex. See the CDex Help File for more information.\n" #0C86# "Error: Failed to load the Windows ASPI drivers.\nYou have to install ASPI drivers in order to use CDex. See the CDex Help File for more information.\n" #0C87# "Error: Failed to get ASPI driver status.\nPlease check the ASPI driver installation. See the CDex Help File for more information.\n" #0C88# "English" #0C8F# "..." #0C90# "Select Directory" #0C91# "Encoders (*.exe;*.bat)|*.exe;*.bat|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" #0C92# "Select encoder" #0C93# "Big" #0C94# "Little" #0C95# "none" #0C96# "standard" #0C97# "Read" #0C98# "Atapi" #0C99# "Enable" #0C9A# "Density" #0C9B# "Endian" #0C9C# "Result" #0C9D# "Pass" #0C9E# "Fail" #8003# "Select to configure CDex\nConfigure" #8004# "Extract CD track(s) to WAV file(s)\nExtract CD track(s) to WAV file(s)" #8005# "Extract CD track(s) to Compressed Audio File(s)\nExtract CD track(s) to Compressed Audio File(s)" #8006# "Convert WAV file(s) to Compressed Audio File(s)\nConvert WAV file(s) to Compressed Audio File(s)" #8007# "Extract a section of the CD to WAV or Compressed Audio file(s)\nExtract a section of the CD to WAV or Compressed Audio file(s)" #800D# "Select to get system information\nSelect to get system information" #800E# "Configure CD Settings\nConfigure CD Settings" #800F# "Eject CD\nEject CD (Shift-F1)" #8010# "Fast Forward\nFast Forward" #8011# "Fast Rewind\nFast Rewind" #8012# "Skip to next track\nSkip to next track (Shift-F3)" #8013# "Skip to previous track\nSkip to previous track" #8015# "Play audio track(s)\nPlay audio track(s) (Shift-F4)" #8016# "Stop Playing\nStop Playing (Shift-F5)" #8017# "Pause/resume playing\nPause/resume playing" #8018# "Get album information from local CDDB\nRead album information from local CDDB" #801A# "Get album information from CDPlayer.ini file\nRead album information from CDPlayer.ini file" #801B# "Get album information from remote CDDB\nGet album information from remote CDDB" #801C# "Show or hide the playing toolbar" #801D# "Show or hide the recording toolbar" #801E# "Skip to previous track\nSkip to previous track (Shift-F2)" #801F# "Fast Rewind\nFast Rewind" #8022# "Convert MP3 file(s) to Riff Wav files" #8023# "Copy album information to the clipboard" #8024# "Rename the selected track" #8026# "Select All Track(s)" #8027# "Save album information to the CDPlayer.ini file" #8028# "Save album information to the local CDDB file(s)" #8029# "Convert Compressed Audio File(s) to WAV file(s)\nConvert Compressed Audio File(s) to WAV file(s)" #802A# "Reload album information from disk" #802B# "Shows the status" #802C# "Show Ripping Status Information of the selected track(s)\nShow Ripping Status Information of the selected track(s)" #802D# "Compare the content of two WAV files\nCompare the content of two WAV files" #802E# "Play Media Files\nPlay Media Files" #802F# "Clear the ripping status of this CD" #8031# "Record a WAV or an MP3 from your computer's analog input\nRecord from analog input" #8032# "Submit album information to the remote CDDB database" #8033# "Get album information CD-Text (if supported/available)" #8035# "Select Files\nSelect Files" #8036# "Select Files\nSelect Files" #8037# "Skip to Previous file\nSkip to Previous file" #8038# "Skip to Next file\nSkip to Next file" #8039# "Play File(s)\nPlay File(s)" #803A# "Stop Playing Files\nStop Playing Files" #803B# "CDDB Batch Query\nCDDB Batch Query" #803E# "Re-encode (transcode) Compressed Audio File(s)\nRe-encode (transcode) Compressed Audio File(s)" #8046# "Configures the Winamp Plugins\nConfigures the Winamp Plugins" #8047# "Edit the list of known genres\nEdit the Genre List" #8048# "Pause playing\nPause playing (Shift-F6)" #804B# "Play the tracks in a random order\nPlay the tracks in a random order" #804D# "Exchange Artist/Track filed (for multi artist CDs)\nExchange Artist/Track filed (for multi artist CDs)" #804E# "Select the active CD Drive\nSelect the active CD Drive" #804F# "Select profile\nSelect profile" #8050# "Save current settings to profile\nSave current settings to profile" #8052# "Delete profile\nDelete selected profile" #80E8# "Read album data from Winamp CD database\nRead album data from Winamp CD database" #E000# "CDex" #E001# "Press F1 for help on the CDex audio CD extractor program" #E100# "Create a new document\nNew" #E101# "Open an existing document\nOpen" #E102# "Close the active document\nClose" #E103# "Save the active document\nSave" #E104# "Save the active document with a new name\nSave As" #E105# "Change the printing options\nPage Setup" #E106# "Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup" #E107# "Print the active document\nPrint" #E109# "Display full pages\nPrint Preview" #E110# "Open this document" #E111# "Open this document" #E112# "Open this document" #E113# "Open this document" #E114# "Open this document" #E115# "Open this document" #E116# "Open this document" #E117# "Open this document" #E118# "Open this document" #E119# "Open this document" #E11A# "Open this document" #E11B# "Open this document" #E11C# "Open this document" #E11D# "Open this document" #E11E# "Open this document" #E11F# "Open this document" #E120# "Erase the selection\nErase" #E121# "Erase everything\nErase All" #E123# "Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut" #E124# "Find the specified text\nFind" #E125# "Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste" #E128# "Repeat the last action\nRepeat" #E129# "Replace specific text with different text\nReplace" #E12A# "Select the entire document\nSelect All" #E12B# "Undo the last action\nUndo" #E12C# "Redo the previously undone action\nRedo" #E135# "Split the active window into panes\nSplit" #E140# "Display CDex information, version number, and copyright\nAbout" #E141# "Quit the application\nExit" #E142# "Opens CDex Help\nOpens CDex Help" #E143# "Bring up the CDex manual\nHelp on using CDex" #E144# "Show instructions about how to use help\nHelp" #E145# "Show help for clicked-on buttons, menus, and windows\nHelp" #E146# "Show help for current task or command\nHelp" #E150# "Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane" #E151# "Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane" #E700# "EXT" #E701# "CAP" #E702# "NUM" #E703# "SCRL" #E704# "OVR" #E705# "REC" #E800# "Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar" #E801# "Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar" #EF00# "Resize the window" #EF01# "Move the window" #EF02# "Reduce the window to an icon" #EF03# "Enlarge the window to full size" #EF04# "Switch to the next document window" #EF05# "Switch to the previous document window" #EF06# "Quit the application" #EF12# "Restore the window to normal size" #EF13# "Activate Task List" #F003# "Untitled" #F005# "Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview"