home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit UXlsXF;
- interface
- uses Classes, SysUtils, UXlsBaseRecords, UXlsBaseRecordLists, XlsMessages,
- UFlxFormats;
- type
- TXFDat=packed Record
- Font: word; //0
- Format: word; //2
- Options4: word; //4
- Options6: word; //6
- Options8: word; //8
- Options10: word; //10
- Options12: word; //12
- Options14: LongWord; //14
- Options18: Word; //18
- end;
- PXFDat=^TXFDat;
- TXFRecord=class(TBaseRecord)
- function CellPattern: integer;
- function CellFgColorIndex: integer;
- function CellBgColorIndex: integer;
- function FontIndex: integer;
- function FormatIndex: integer;
- function GetBorderStyle(const aPos: integer; const FirstBit: byte):TFlxBorderStyle;
- function GetBorderColorIndex(const aPos: integer; const FirstBit: byte):integer;
- function GetBorderStyleExt(const aPos: integer; const FirstBit: byte):TFlxBorderStyle;
- function GetBorderColorIndexExt(const aPos: integer; const FirstBit: byte):integer;
- function DiagonalStyle: TFlxDiagonalBorder;
- function VAlign: TVFlxAlignment;
- function HAlign: THFlxAlignment;
- procedure FillMisc(var Locked, Hidden: boolean;var Parent: integer;
- var WrapText, ShrinkToFit: boolean; var Rotation: byte;
- var Indent: byte);
- end;
- TXFRecordList= class(TBaseRecordList) //Items are TXFRecord
- {$INCLUDE TXFRecordListHdr.inc}
- public
- end;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////// FONT
- TFontRecord= class(TBaseRecord)
- function Name: widestring;
- function Height: integer;
- function ColorIndex: integer;
- function Style: SetOfTFlxFontStyle;
- function Underline: TFlxUnderline;
- end;
- TFontRecordList=class(TBaseRecordList) //Items are TFontRecord
- {$INCLUDE TFontRecordListHdr.inc}
- public
- end;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Style
- TStyleRecord= class(TBaseRecord)
- end;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////// FORMAT
- TFormatRecord= class(TBaseRecord)
- public
- function Id: integer;
- function Value: widestring;
- end;
- TFormatRecordList=class(TBaseRecordList)
- private
- function GetFormat(Id: integer): Widestring; //Items are TFormatRecord
- {$INCLUDE TFormatRecordListHdr.inc}
- public
- property Format[index: integer]: Widestring read GetFormat; default;
- end;
- implementation
- {$INCLUDE TXFRecordListImp.inc}
- {$INCLUDE TFontRecordListImp.inc}
- {$INCLUDE TFormatRecordListImp.inc}
- const
- XlsBuiltInFormats: array[0..49] of widestring=
- ('', '0', '0.00','#,##0','#,##0.00', //0..4
- '', '', '', '', //5..8 Contained in file
- '0%','0.00%','0.00E+00','?/?','# ??/??', //9..13
- 'DD.MM.YY','DD. MMM YY','DD. MMM','MMM YY', //14..17
- 'h:mm AM/PM','h:mm:ss AM/PM','hh:mm','hh:mm:ss', //18..21
- 'DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm', //22
- '','','','','','','','','','','','','','', //23..36 Reserved
- '"#,##0 _$;-#,##0 _$"','"#,##0 _$;[Red]-#,##0 _$"', //37..38
- '"#,##0.00 _$;-#,##0.00 _$"','"#,##0.00 _$;[Red]-#,##0.00 _$"', //39..40
- '','','','', //41..44 contained in file
- '"mm:ss"','[h]:mm:ss','mm:ss,0','"##0.0E+0"','@' //45..49
- );
- { TXFRecord }
- function TXFRecord.CellBgColorIndex: integer;
- begin
- Result:= PXFDat(Data).Options18 and $3F80 shr 7 -8;
- end;
- function TXFRecord.CellFgColorIndex: integer;
- begin
- Result:= PXFDat(Data).Options18 and $7F -8;
- end;
- function TXFRecord.CellPattern: integer;
- begin
- Result:= PXFDat(Data).Options14 and $FC000000 shr 26;
- end;
- function TXFRecord.DiagonalStyle: TFlxDiagonalBorder;
- begin
- Result:=TFlxDiagonalBorder((GetCardinal(Data,14) shr 14) and 3);
- end;
- procedure TXFRecord.FillMisc(var Locked, Hidden: boolean;
- var Parent: integer; var WrapText, ShrinkToFit: boolean; var Rotation, Indent: byte);
- begin
- Locked:=PXFDat(Data).Options4 and $1 = $1;
- Hidden:=PXFDat(Data).Options4 and $2 = $2;
- Parent:=PXFDat(Data).Options4 and $FFF0;
- WrapText:= PXFDat(Data).Options6 and $8 = $8;
- ShrinkToFit:= PXFDat(Data).Options8 and $10 = $10;
- Rotation:= PXFDat(Data).Options6 and $FF00;
- Indent:= PXFDat(Data).Options8 and $F;
- end;
- function TXFRecord.FontIndex: integer;
- begin
- Result:= PXFDat(Data).Font;
- end;
- function TXFRecord.FormatIndex: integer;
- begin
- Result:= PXFDat(Data).Format;
- end;
- function TXFRecord.GetBorderColorIndex(const aPos: integer; const FirstBit: byte): integer;
- begin
- Result:=(GetWord(Data, aPos) shr FirstBit) and $7F -7;
- end;
- function TXFRecord.GetBorderColorIndexExt(const aPos: integer; const FirstBit: byte): integer;
- begin
- Result:=(GetCardinal(Data, aPos) shr FirstBit) and $7F-7;
- end;
- function TXFRecord.GetBorderStyle(const aPos: integer; const FirstBit: byte): TFlxBorderStyle;
- begin
- Result:=TFlxBorderStyle((Data[aPos] shr FirstBit) and $F)
- end;
- function TXFRecord.GetBorderStyleExt(const aPos: integer; const FirstBit: byte): TFlxBorderStyle;
- begin
- Result:=TFlxBorderStyle((GetCardinal(Data, aPos) shr FirstBit) and $F)
- end;
- function TXFRecord.HAlign: THFlxAlignment;
- begin
- Result:=THFlxAlignment(PXFDat(Data).Options6 and $7);
- end;
- function TXFRecord.VAlign: TVFlxAlignment;
- begin
- Result:=TVFlxAlignment(PXFDat(Data).Options6 and $70 shr 4);
- end;
- { TFontRecord }
- function TFontRecord.ColorIndex: integer;
- begin
- Result:=GetWord(Data, 4)-8;
- end;
- function TFontRecord.Height: integer;
- begin
- Result:=GetWord(Data, 0);
- end;
- function TFontRecord.Name: widestring;
- var
- w: widestring;
- s: string;
- aPos, DestPos, StrLen: integer;
- OptionFlags, ActualOptionFlags: byte;
- MySelf: TBaseRecord;
- begin
- aPos:=16; MySelf:=Self;DestPos:=0;
- StrLen:=Data[14];
- OptionFlags:=Data[15]; ActualOptionFlags:=OptionFlags;
- SetLength(s, StrLen);
- SetLength(w, StrLen);
- ReadStr( MySelf, aPos, s, w, OptionFlags, ActualOptionFlags, DestPos, StrLen );
- if (OptionFlags and $1) = 0 then Result:=StringToWideStringNoCodePage(s) else Result:=w;
- end;
- function TFontRecord.Style: SetOfTFlxFontStyle;
- begin
- Result:=[];
- if GetWord(Data,6)=$2BC then Include(Result,flsBold);
- if GetWord(Data,2) and $02=$02 then Include(Result,flsItalic);
- if GetWord(Data,2) and $08=$08 then Include(Result,flsStrikeOut);
- case GetWord(Data,8) of
- 1: Include(Result,flsSuperscript);
- 2: Include(Result,flsSubscript);
- end; //case
- end;
- function TFontRecord.Underline: TFlxUnderline;
- begin
- case data[10] of
- $01: Result:=fu_Single;
- $02: Result:= fu_Double;
- $21: Result:=fu_SingleAccounting;
- $22: Result:=fu_DoubleAccounting;
- else Result:=fu_None;
- end;//case
- end;
- { TFormatRecord }
- function TFormatRecord.Id: integer;
- begin
- Result:=GetWord(Data, 0);
- end;
- function TFormatRecord.Value: widestring;
- var
- MySelf: TBaseRecord;
- aPos: integer;
- StrLen: integer;
- s: string;
- w: WideString;
- OptionFlags, ActualOptionFlags: byte;
- DestPos: integer;
- begin
- aPos:=5;MySelf:=Self;DestPos:=0;
- OptionFlags:=Data[4]; ActualOptionFlags:=OptionFlags;
- StrLen:=GetWord(Data, 2);
- SetLength(s, StrLen);
- SetLength(w, StrLen);
- ReadStr( MySelf, aPos, s, w, OptionFlags, ActualOptionFlags, DestPos, StrLen );
- if (OptionFlags and $1) = 0 then Result:=StringToWideStringNoCodePage(s) else Result:=w;
- end;
- { TFormatRecordList }
- function TFormatRecordList.GetFormat(Id: integer): Widestring;
- var
- Index: integer;
- begin
- if Find(Id, Index) then Result:=Items[Index].Value else
- if (Id>=Low(XlsBuiltInFormats)) and (Id<=High(XlsBuiltInFormats)) then Result:=XlsBuiltInFormats[Id]
- else Result:='';
- end;
- end.