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- unit UXlsWorkbookGlobals;
- interface
- uses Classes, SysUtils, UXlsBaseRecords, UXlsBaseRecordLists, UXlsOtherRecords, UXlsChart,
- UXlsSST, XlsMessages, UXlsSections, UXlsReferences, USheetNameList, UXlsEscher,
- UXlsFormula, UEscherRecords, UXlsPalette, UXlsXF;
- type
- TBoundSheetList = class
- private
- FSheetNames: TSheetNameList; //Cache with all the sheet names to speed up searching
- FBoundSheets: TBoundSheetRecordList;
- public
- property BoundSheets: TBoundSheetRecordList read FBoundSheets;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure Add(const aRecord: TBoundSheetRecord);
- function TotalSize:int64;
- procedure SaveToStream( const DataStream: TStream );
- procedure InsertSheet(const BeforeSheet: byte; const OptionFlags: word; const SheetName: WideString);
- end;
- TWorkbookGlobals = class( TBaseSection)
- private
- FReferences: TReferences;
- FBoundSheets: TBoundSheetList;
- FMiscRecords: TBaseRecordList;
- FNames : TNameRecordList;
- FDrawingGroup: TDrawingGroup;
- FWindow1: TWindow1Record;
- FXF: TXFRecordList;
- FFonts: TFontRecordList;
- FFormats: TFormatRecordList;
- FPaletteCache: TPaletteRecord;
- FPaletteIndex: integer;
- function GetSheetCount: integer;
- function GetSheetName(const index: integer): Widestring;
- procedure SetSheetName(const index: integer; const Value: Widestring);
- function GetSheetOptionFlags(const index: integer): word;
- function GetActivesheet: integer;
- procedure SetActiveSheet(const Value: integer);
- function GetColorPalette(Index: integer): LongWord;
- procedure SetColorPalette(Index: integer; const Value: LongWord);
- public
- property SST: TSST read FSST;
- property SheetName[const index: integer]: Widestring read GetSheetName write SetSheetName;
- property SheetCount: integer read GetSheetCount;
- property SheetOptionFlags[const index: integer]: word read GetSheetOptionFlags;
- procedure SheetSetOffset(const index: integer; const Offset: cardinal);
- property ActiveSheet: integer read GetActivesheet write SetActiveSheet;
- property DrawingGroup: TDrawingGroup read FDrawingGroup;
- property References: TReferences read FReferences;
- property Names: TNameRecordList read FNames;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function TotalSize:int64; override;
- procedure Clear; override;
- procedure LoadFromStream( const DataStream: TStream; const First: TBOFRecord; const SST: TSST); override;
- procedure SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);override;
- procedure InsertAndCopyRows(const FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow, aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- procedure DeleteRows(const aRow, aCount: word;const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- procedure InsertSheets(const CopyFrom, BeforeSheet: byte; const OptionFlags: word; const Name: WideString; const SheetCount: byte);
- property ColorPalette[Index: integer]: LongWord read GetColorPalette write SetColorPalette;
- property XF:TXFRecordList read FXF;
- property Fonts:TFontRecordList read FFonts;
- property Formats:TFormatRecordList read FFormats;
- end;
- implementation
- { TBoundSheetList }
- procedure TBoundSheetList.Add(const aRecord: TBoundSheetRecord);
- begin
- FSheetNames.Add(aRecord.SheetName);
- FBoundSheets.Add(aRecord); //Last
- end;
- procedure TBoundSheetList.Clear;
- begin
- if FSheetNames<>nil then FSheetNames.Clear;
- if FBoundSheets<>nil then FBoundSheets.Clear;
- end;
- constructor TBoundSheetList.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- FSheetNames:= TSheetNameList.Create;
- FBoundSheets:= TBoundSheetRecordList.Create;
- end;
- destructor TBoundSheetList.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FSheetNames);
- FreeAndNil(FBoundSheets);
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TBoundSheetList.InsertSheet(const BeforeSheet: byte;
- const OptionFlags: word; const SheetName: WideString);
- var
- NewName: WideString;
- begin
- NewName:= FSheetNames.AddUniqueName(SheetName);
- FBoundSheets.Insert(BeforeSheet, TBoundSheetRecord.CreateNew(OptionFlags, NewName));
- end;
- procedure TBoundSheetList.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- begin
- FBoundSheets.SaveToStream(DataStream);
- end;
- function TBoundSheetList.TotalSize: int64;
- begin
- TotalSize:= FBoundSheets.TotalSize;
- end;
- { TWorkbookGlobals }
- procedure TWorkbookGlobals.Clear;
- begin
- inherited;
- if FSST<>nil then FSST.Clear;
- if FReferences<>nil then FReferences.Clear;
- if FBoundSheets<>nil then FBoundSheets.Clear;
- if FMiscRecords<>nil then FMiscRecords.Clear;
- if FNames<>nil then FNames.Clear;
- if FDrawingGroup<>nil then FDrawingGroup.Clear;
- if FXF<>nil then FXF.Clear;
- if FFonts<>nil then FFonts.Clear;
- if FFormats<>nil then FFormats.Clear;
- FPaletteCache:=nil;
- FWindow1:=nil;
- end;
- constructor TWorkbookGlobals.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- FSST:= TSST.Create;
- FReferences:= TReferences.Create;
- FBoundSheets:= TBoundSheetList.Create;
- FMiscRecords:= TBaseRecordList.Create;
- FNames:=TNameRecordList.Create;
- FDrawingGroup:= TDrawingGroup.Create;
- FXF:= TXFRecordList.Create;
- FFonts:= TFontRecordList.Create;
- FFormats:= TFormatRecordList.Create;
- FPaletteCache:=nil;
- FWindow1:=nil;
- end;
- procedure TWorkbookGlobals.DeleteRows(const aRow, aCount: word; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- begin
- FNames.ArrangeInsert(aRow, -aCount, SheetInfo);
- end;
- destructor TWorkbookGlobals.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FSST);
- FreeAndNil(FReferences);
- FreeAndNil(FBoundSheets);
- FreeAndNil(FMiscRecords);
- FreeAndNil(FNames);
- FreeAndNil(FDrawingGroup);
- FreeAndNil(FXF);
- FreeAndNil(FFonts);
- FreeAndNil(FFormats);
- inherited;
- end;
- function TWorkbookGlobals.GetActivesheet: integer;
- begin
- if FWindow1<>nil then Result:= FWindow1.ActiveSheet else Result:=0;
- end;
- function TWorkbookGlobals.GetColorPalette(Index: integer): LongWord;
- begin
- if FPaletteCache=nil then Result:=StandardPalette(Index) else Result:=FPaletteCache.Color[Index];
- end;
- function TWorkbookGlobals.GetSheetCount: integer;
- begin
- Result:= FBoundSheets.BoundSheets.Count;
- end;
- function TWorkbookGlobals.GetSheetName(const index: integer): Widestring;
- begin
- Result:= FBoundSheets.BoundSheets.SheetName[index];
- end;
- function TWorkbookGlobals.GetSheetOptionFlags(const index: integer): word;
- begin
- Result:= FBoundSheets.BoundSheets[index].OptionFlags;
- end;
- procedure TWorkbookGlobals.InsertAndCopyRows(const FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow, aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- begin
- FNames.ArrangeInsert(DestRow, (LastRow -FirstRow +1)* aCount, SheetInfo);
- end;
- procedure TWorkbookGlobals.InsertSheets(const CopyFrom, BeforeSheet: byte;
- const OptionFlags: word; const Name: WideString; const SheetCount: byte);
- var
- i: integer;
- SheetInfo: TSheetInfo;
- begin
- for i:=0 to SheetCount-1 do
- FBoundSheets.InsertSheet(BeforeSheet, OptionFlags, Name);
- FReferences.InsertSheets(BeforeSheet, SheetCount);
- SheetInfo.InsSheet:=-1;
- SheetInfo.FormulaSheet:=CopyFrom;
- SheetInfo.GetSheet:= FReferences.GetSheet;
- SheetInfo.SetSheet:= FReferences.SetSheet;
- FNames.InsertSheets(CopyFrom, BeforeSheet, SheetCount, SheetInfo );
- end;
- procedure TWorkbookGlobals.LoadFromStream(const DataStream: TStream;
- const First: TBOFRecord; const SST: TSST);
- var
- RecordHeader: TRecordHeader;
- R: TBaseRecord;
- begin
- Clear;
- repeat
- if (DataStream.Read(RecordHeader, sizeof(RecordHeader)) <> sizeof(RecordHeader)) then
- raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid);
- R:=LoadRecord(DataStream, RecordHeader);
- try
- if (R is TXFRecord) and (FXF.Count=0) then FMiscRecords.Add(TSubListRecord.CreateAndAssign(FXF));
- if (R is TFontRecord) and (FFonts.Count=0) then FMiscRecords.Add(TSubListRecord.CreateAndAssign(FFonts));
- if (R is TFormatRecord) and (FFormats.Count=0) then FMiscRecords.Add(TSubListRecord.CreateAndAssign(FFormats));
- if (R is TPaletteRecord) then FPaletteCache:=(R as TPaletteRecord);
- if (R is TXFRecord) or (R is TStyleRecord) then FPaletteIndex:=FMiscRecords.Count; //After the last Style record
- if (R is TBofRecord) then raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid)
- else if (R is TIgnoreRecord) then FreeAndNil(R)
- else if (R is TBoundSheetRecord) then FBoundSheets.Add(R as TBoundSheetRecord)
- else if (R is TNameRecord) then FNames.Add(R as TNameRecord)
- else if (R is TXFRecord) then FXF.Add(R as TXFRecord)
- else if (R is TFontRecord) then FFonts.Add(R as TFontRecord)
- else if (R is TFormatRecord) then FFormats.Add(R as TFormatRecord)
- else if (R is TEOFRecord) then EOF:=(R as TEOFRecord)
- else if (R is TSSTRecord) then begin FSST.Load(R as TSSTRecord); FreeAndNil(R);end
- else if (R is TSupBookRecord) then FReferences.AddSupbook(R as TSupBookRecord)
- else if (R is TExternSheetRecord) then begin; FReferences.AddExternRef(R as TExternSheetRecord); FreeAndNil(R);end
- else if (R is TDrawingGroupRecord) then FDrawingGroup.LoadFromStream(DataStream, R as TDrawingGroupRecord)
- else if (R is TWindow1Record) then begin; FWindow1:=R as TWindow1Record; FMiscRecords.Add(R); end
- else FMiscRecords.Add(R);
- except
- FreeAndNil(R);
- Raise;
- end; //Finally
- until RecordHeader.id = xlr_EOF;
- BOF:=First; //Last statement
- end;
- procedure TWorkbookGlobals.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- begin
- if (BOF=nil)or(EOF=nil) then raise Exception.Create(ErrSectionNotLoaded);
- BOF.SaveToStream(DataStream);
- FMiscRecords.SaveToStream(DataStream);
- //FXF, FFonts and FFormats are saved in FMiscRecords.SaveToStream;
- FBoundSheets.SaveToStream(DataStream);
- FReferences.SaveToStream(DataStream);
- FNames.SaveToStream(DataStream); //Should be after FBoundSheets.SaveToStream
- FDrawingGroup.SaveToStream(DataStream);
- FSST.SaveToStream(DataStream);
- EOF.SaveToStream(DataStream);
- end;
- procedure TWorkbookGlobals.SetActiveSheet(const Value: integer);
- begin
- if FWindow1<>nil then FWindow1.ActiveSheet:=Value;
- end;
- procedure TWorkbookGlobals.SetColorPalette(Index: integer;
- const Value: LongWord);
- begin
- if FPaletteCache=nil then
- begin
- //We have to create a standard palette first.
- FMiscRecords.Insert(FPaletteIndex, TPaletteRecord.CreateStandard);
- FPaletteCache:=FMiscRecords[FPaletteIndex] as TPaletteRecord;
- end;
- FPaletteCache.Color[Index]:= Value;
- end;
- procedure TWorkbookGlobals.SetSheetName(const index: integer;
- const Value: Widestring);
- begin
- FBoundSheets.BoundSheets.SheetName[index]:=Value;
- end;
- procedure TWorkbookGlobals.SheetSetOffset(const index: integer; const Offset: cardinal);
- begin
- FBoundSheets.BoundSheets[index].SetOffset(Offset);
- end;
- function TWorkbookGlobals.TotalSize: int64;
- begin
- Result:= inherited TotalSize +
- FSST.TotalSize +
- FReferences.TotalSize +
- FBoundSheets.TotalSize +
- FMiscRecords.TotalSize +
- FNames.TotalSize+
- FDrawingGroup.TotalSize+
- //FXF.TotalSize, FFonts.TotalSize and FFormats.TotalSize are not included in FMiscRecords.TotalSize;
- FXF.TotalSize+
- FFonts.TotalSize+
- FFormats.TotalSize;
- end;
- end.