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- unit UXlsStrings;
- interface
- uses XlsMessages, SysUtils, Classes, UXlsBaseRecords;
- type
- TStrLenLength= 1..2;
- TCharSize=1..2;
- TExcelString= class
- private
- // Common data
- StrLenLength: TStrLenLength; //this stores if it's a one or two bytes length
- StrLen: word;
- OptionFlags: byte;
- WideData: WideString;
- ShortData: string;
- //Rich text
- NumberRichTextFormats: word;
- RichTextFormats: PArrayOfByte;
- //FarEast
- FarEastDataSize: Cardinal;
- FarEastData: PArrayOfByte;
- function GetValue: WideString;
- public
- constructor Create(const aStrLenLength: TStrLenLength; var aRecord: TBaseRecord; var Ofs: integer);overload;
- constructor Create(const aStrLenLength: TStrLenLength;const s: wideString); overload;
- destructor Destroy;override;
- procedure SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- function GetCharSize: TCharSize;
- function HasRichText: boolean;
- function HasFarInfo: boolean;
- function Compare(const Str2: TExcelString): integer; //-1 if less, 0 if equal, 1 if more
- function TotalSize: int64;
- procedure CopyToPtr(const Ptr: PArrayOfByte; const aPos: integer);
- property Value: WideString read GetValue;
- end;
- implementation
- { TExcelString }
- function MyWideCompareStr(const S1, S2: WideString): Integer;
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- Result:=0;
- if Length(S1)<Length(S2) then Result:=-1 else if Length(S1)>Length(S2) then Result:=1
- else
- for i:=1 to Length(S1) do
- begin
- if S1[i]=S2[i] then continue
- else if S1[i]<S2[i] then Result:=-1 else Result:=1;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TExcelString.Create(const aStrLenLength: TStrLenLength; var aRecord: TBaseRecord; var Ofs: integer);
- var
- StrLenByte: byte;
- DestPos: integer;
- ActualOptionFlags: byte;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- StrLenLength:=aStrLenLength;
- if StrLenLength=1 then
- begin
- ReadMem(aRecord, Ofs, StrLenLength, @StrLenByte);
- StrLen:=StrLenByte;
- end
- else ReadMem(aRecord, Ofs, StrLenLength, @StrLen);
- ReadMem(aRecord, Ofs, SizeOf(OptionFlags), @OptionFlags);
- ActualOptionFlags:=OptionFlags;
- if HasRichText then ReadMem(aRecord, Ofs, SizeOf(NumberRichTextFormats), @NumberRichTextFormats)
- else NumberRichTextFormats:=0;
- if HasFarInfo then ReadMem(aRecord, Ofs, SizeOf(FarEastDataSize), @FarEastDataSize)
- else FarEastDataSize:=0;
- DestPos:=0;
- SetLength( ShortData, StrLen);
- SetLength( WideData, StrLen);
- ReadStr(aRecord, Ofs, ShortData, WideData, OptionFlags, ActualOptionFlags, DestPos, StrLen);
- if GetCharSize=1 then WideData:='' else ShortData:='';
- if NumberRichTextFormats>0 then
- begin
- GetMem(RichTextFormats, 4* NumberRichTextFormats);
- ReadMem(aRecord, Ofs, 4* NumberRichTextFormats, RichTextFormats)
- end;
- if FarEastDataSize>0 then
- begin
- GetMem(FarEastData, FarEastDataSize);
- ReadMem(aRecord, Ofs, FarEastDataSize, FarEastData)
- end;
- end;
- function TExcelString.Compare(const Str2: TExcelString): integer;
- begin
- if StrLenLength< Str2.StrLenLength then begin;Result:=-1;exit; end
- else if StrLenLength> Str2.StrLenLength then begin;Result:=1;exit; end;
- if OptionFlags< Str2.OptionFlags then begin; Result:=-1; exit; end
- else if OptionFlags> Str2.OptionFlags then begin; Result:=1; exit; end;
- if GetCharSize=1 then Result:=CompareStr(ShortData, Str2.ShortData) else
- Result:= MyWideCompareStr(WideData, Str2.WideData);
- end;
- constructor TExcelString.Create(const aStrLenLength: TStrLenLength;
- const s: wideString);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- StrLenLength:=aStrLenLength;
- case StrLenLength of
- 1: if Length(s)> $FF then raise Exception.Create(ErrInvalidStringRecord);
- end; //case
- StrLen:=Length(s);
- OptionFlags:=0;
- if IsWide(s) then OptionFlags:=1;
- NumberRichTextFormats:=0;
- FarEastDataSize:=0;
- if GetCharSize= 1 then ShortData:=WideStringToStringNoCodePage(s) else WideData:=s;
- end;
- destructor TExcelString.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeMem(FarEastData);
- FreeMem(RichTextFormats);
- inherited;
- end;
- function TExcelString.GetCharSize: TCharSize;
- begin
- if OptionFlags and $1 = 0 then Result:=1 else Result:=2;
- end;
- function TExcelString.HasFarInfo: boolean;
- begin
- Result:= OptionFlags and $4 = $4;
- end;
- function TExcelString.HasRichText: boolean;
- begin
- Result:= OptionFlags and $8 = $8;
- end;
- function TExcelString.TotalSize: int64;
- begin
- Result:=
- StrLenLength+
- SizeOf(OptionFlags)+
- StrLen* GetCharSize;
- //Rich text
- if HasRichText then
- Result:=Result + SizeOf(NumberRichTextFormats)+ 4* NumberRichTextFormats;
- //FarEast
- if HasFarInfo then
- Result:=Result+ SizeOf(FarEastDataSize) + FarEastDataSize;
- end;
- procedure TExcelString.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- begin
- case StrLenLength of
- 1: DataStream.Write(StrLen, SizeOf(Byte));
- 2: DataStream.Write(StrLen, SizeOf(Word));
- else raise Exception.Create(ErrInvalidStrLenLength);
- end; //case
- DataStream.Write(OptionFlags, SizeOf(OptionFlags));
- if HasRichText then
- DataStream.Write(NumberRichTextFormats, SizeOf(NumberRichTextFormats));
- if HasFarInfo then
- DataStream.Write(FarEastDataSize, SizeOf(FarEastDataSize));
- if GetCharSize= 1 then
- if StrLen>0 then DataStream.Write(ShortData[1], Length(ShortData)) else //nothing
- else
- if StrLen>0 then DataStream.Write(WideData[1], Length(WideData)* SizeOf(WideChar));
- if NumberRichTextFormats>0 then
- DataStream.Write(RichTextFormats^, 4*NumberRichTextFormats);
- if FarEastDataSize>0 then
- DataStream.Write(FarEastData^, FarEastDataSize);
- end;
- procedure TExcelString.CopyToPtr(const Ptr: PArrayOfByte;
- const aPos: integer);
- var
- Ms: TMemoryStream;
- begin
- //Not the most efficient... but this way we avoid duplicating code
- Ms:= TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- SaveToStream(Ms);
- Ms.Position:=0;
- Ms.Read(Ptr[aPos], Ms.Size);
- finally
- FreeAndNil(Ms);
- end;
- end;
- function TExcelString.GetValue: WideString;
- begin
- if GetCharSize=1 then Result:= StringToWideStringNoCodePage(ShortData) else Result:= WideData;
- end;
- end.