home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit UXlsSST;
- interface
- uses UXlsBaseRecordLists, UXlsBaseRecords, UXlsOtherRecords, XLSMessages, SysUtils,
- Contnrs, Classes, UXlsStrings, UXlsBaseList;
- type
- TSST=class;
- TSSTEntry = class
- private
- Refs: integer;
- Value: TExcelString;
- AbsStreamPos: Cardinal;
- RecordStreamPos: Word;
- public
- PosInTable:Cardinal;
- function TotalSize: int64;
- procedure AddRef;
- procedure ReleaseRef;
- constructor Create(const s: TExcelString); overload;
- constructor Create(const s: Widestring); overload;
- constructor CreateAndAddRef(const s: TExcelString; dummy : integer = 0);overload; //Dummy parameter is for not having C++ warning
- constructor CreateAndAddRef(const s: WideString; dummy : integer = 0);overload;
- destructor Destroy;override;
- procedure SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream; const BeginRecordPos: Cardinal);
- end;
- TLabelSSTRecord= class(TCellRecord)
- private
- pSSTEntry: TSSTEntry;
- function GetAsString: WideString;
- procedure SetAsString(const Value: WideString);
- protected
- function GetValue: Variant; override;
- procedure SetValue(const Value: Variant); override;
- function DoCopyTo: TBaseRecord; override;
- public
- constructor Create(const aId: word; const aData: PArrayOfByte; const aDataSize: integer);override;
- constructor CreateFromData(const aRow, aCol, aXF: word; const aSST: TSST);
- procedure AttachToSST(const aSST: TSST);
- procedure SaveToStream(const Workbook: TStream); override;
- destructor Destroy;override;
- property AsString: WideString read GetAsString write SetAsString;
- end;
- TSST = class (TBaseList)
- {$INCLUDE TSSTHdr.inc}
- function Find(const s:TExcelString; var Index: integer): boolean;
- procedure Load(const aSSTRecord: TSSTRecord);
- procedure SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- procedure WriteExtSST(const DataStream: TStream);
- function AddString(const s:Widestring):integer;
- procedure Sort;
- function TotalSize: int64;
- function SSTRecordSize: int64;
- function ExtSSTRecordSize: int64;
- procedure FixRefs;
- private
- procedure CalcNextContinue(const First: integer; var Last: integer;
- var RecordSize: word);
- end;
- implementation
- { TSSTEntry }
- procedure TSSTEntry.AddRef;
- begin
- inc(Refs);
- end;
- constructor TSSTEntry.Create(const s: TExcelString);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Value:= s; //Last statment
- end;
- constructor TSSTEntry.Create(const s: Widestring);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Value:= TExcelString.Create(2,s);
- end;
- constructor TSSTEntry.CreateAndAddRef(const s: TExcelString; dummy : integer = 0);
- begin
- Create(s);
- AddRef;
- end;
- constructor TSSTEntry.CreateAndAddRef(const s: WideString; dummy : integer = 0);
- begin
- Create(s);
- AddRef;
- end;
- destructor TSSTEntry.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(Value);
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TSSTEntry.ReleaseRef;
- begin
- dec(Refs);
- end;
- procedure TSSTEntry.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream; const BeginRecordPos: Cardinal);
- begin
- AbsStreamPos:=DataStream.Position;
- RecordStreamPos:= AbsStreamPos- BeginRecordPos;
- Value.SaveToStream(DataStream);
- end;
- function TSSTEntry.TotalSize: int64;
- begin
- Result:=Value.TotalSize;
- end;
- function CompareSSTEntries(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- CompareSSTEntries:= TSSTEntry(Item1).Value.Compare(TSSTEntry(Item2).Value);
- end;
- { TSST }
- {$INCLUDE TSSTImp.inc}
- function TSST.AddString(const s: Widestring): integer;
- var
- es: TExcelString;
- begin
- es:= TExcelString.Create(2,s);
- try
- if Find(es, Result) then Items[Result].AddRef else
- begin
- Insert(Result, TSSTEntry.CreateAndAddRef(es));
- es:=nil; //so we dont free it
- end;
- finally
- FreeAndNil(es);
- end;
- end;
- function TSST.Find(const S: TExcelString; var Index: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- L, H, I, C: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- L := 0;
- H := Count - 1;
- while L <= H do
- begin
- I := (L + H) shr 1;
- C := Items[I].Value.Compare(S);
- if C < 0 then L := I + 1 else
- begin
- H := I - 1;
- if C = 0 then
- begin
- Result := True;
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Index := L;
- end;
- procedure TSST.Load(const aSSTRecord: TSSTRecord);
- var
- i, Ofs:integer;
- Es: TExcelString;
- TmpSSTRecord: TBaseRecord;
- begin
- Ofs:=8;
- TmpSSTRecord:= aSSTRecord;
- for i:=0 to aSSTRecord.Count-1 do
- begin
- Es:= TExcelString.Create(2, TmpSSTRecord, Ofs);
- try
- Add(TSSTEntry.Create(Es));
- Es:=nil;
- finally
- FreeAndNil(Es);
- end; //Finally
- end;
- //We can't sort now, this should be done after all the LABELSST records have been loaded
- end;
- procedure TSST.FixRefs;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i:=count-1 downto 0 do
- if Items[i].Refs<=0 then Delete(i);
- end;
- procedure TSST.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- var
- i:integer;
- TotalRefs, aCount: Cardinal;
- RecordHeader: TRecordHeader;
- BeginRecordPos: Cardinal;
- First, Last: integer;
- begin
- BeginRecordPos:=DataStream.Position;
- RecordHeader.Id:= xlr_SST;
- //Renum the items
- i:=0; TotalRefs:=0;
- while i< Count do
- begin
- Assert(Items[i].Refs>0,'Refs should be >0');
- Items[i].PosInTable:=i;
- TotalRefs:=TotalRefs+Cardinal(Items[i].Refs);
- inc(i);
- end;
- First:=0;
- RecordHeader.Size:=8;
- CalcNextContinue(First, Last, RecordHeader.Size);
- DataStream.Write(RecordHeader, SizeOf(RecordHeader));
- DataStream.Write(TotalRefs, SizeOf(TotalRefs));
- aCount:=Count;
- DataStream.Write(aCount, Sizeof(aCount));
- while First<Count do
- begin
- for i:= First to Last-1 do
- begin
- Items[i].SaveToStream(DataStream, BeginRecordPos);
- end;
- //Write continue
- First:=Last;
- if First<Count then
- begin
- BeginRecordPos:= DataStream.Position;
- RecordHeader.Id:= xlr_CONTINUE;
- RecordHeader.Size:=0;
- CalcNextContinue(First, Last, RecordHeader.Size);
- DataStream.Write(RecordHeader, SizeOf(RecordHeader));
- end;
- end;
- WriteExtSST(DataStream);
- end;
- procedure TSST.WriteExtSST(const DataStream: TStream);
- var
- n, nBuckets, Dummy: Word;
- i: integer;
- RecordHeader: TRecordHeader;
- begin
- // Calc number of strings per hash bucket
- n:=Count div 128+1;
- if n<8 then n:=8;
- if Count=0 then nBuckets:=0 else nBuckets:= (Count-1) div n + 1;
- RecordHeader.Id:= xlr_EXTSST;
- RecordHeader.Size:= 2+8*nBuckets;
- DataStream.Write(RecordHeader, SizeOf(RecordHeader));
- DataStream.Write(n, SizeOf(n));
- i:= 0; Dummy:=0;
- while i<Count do
- begin
- DataStream.Write(Items[i].AbsStreamPos, SizeOf(Items[i].AbsStreamPos));
- DataStream.Write(Items[i].RecordStreamPos, SizeOf(Items[i].RecordStreamPos));
- DataStream.Write(Dummy, SizeOf(Dummy));
- inc(i,n);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSST.Sort;
- begin
- inherited Sort(CompareSSTEntries)
- end;
- function TSST.ExtSSTRecordSize: int64;
- var
- n, nBuckets: word;
- begin
- n:=Count div 128+1;
- if n<8 then n:=8;
- if Count=0 then nBuckets:=0 else nBuckets:= (Count-1) div n + 1;
- Result:= 2+8*nBuckets;
- end;
- function TSST.SSTRecordSize: int64;
- //Has to handle continue records
- var
- First, Last: integer;
- Rs: Word;
- begin
- Result:=8;
- Rs:=0;
- First:=0;
- while First<Count do
- begin
- CalcNextContinue(First,Last, Rs);
- First:=Last;
- Result:=Result+Rs;
- if Last< Count then Result:=Result+SizeOf(TRecordHeader);
- Rs:=0;
- end;
- end;
- function TSST.TotalSize: int64;
- begin
- Result:= SSTRecordSize + ExtSSTRecordSize + 2* SizeOf(TRecordHeader);
- end;
- procedure TSST.CalcNextContinue(const First: integer; var Last: integer; var RecordSize: word);
- var
- RSize: integer;
- begin
- Last:=First;
- if Last<Count then RSize:=Items[Last].TotalSize else RSize:=0;
- while (Last<Count) and (RecordSize+ RSize< MaxRecordDataSize) do
- begin
- inc(RecordSize, RSize);
- inc(Last);
- if Last<Count then RSize:=Items[Last].TotalSize;
- end;
- if (First=Last) and (Last<Count) then raise Exception.Create(ErrStringTooLarge);
- end;
- { TLabelSSTRecord }
- constructor TLabelSSTRecord.Create(const aId: word;
- const aData: PArrayOfByte; const aDataSize: integer);
- begin
- inherited Create(aId, aData, aDataSize);
- end;
- procedure TLabelSSTRecord.AttachToSST(const aSST: TSST);
- var
- a:int64;
- begin
- SST:=aSST;
- a:=GetCardinal(Data,6);
- if a> SST.Count then raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid);
- pSSTEntry:= SST[a];
- pSSTEntry.AddRef;
- end;
- destructor TLabelSSTRecord.Destroy;
- begin
- if pSSTEntry<>nil then pSSTEntry.ReleaseRef;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TLabelSSTRecord.SaveToStream(const Workbook: TStream);
- begin
- SetCardinal(Data, 6, pSSTEntry.PosInTable);
- inherited;
- end;
- function TLabelSSTRecord.DoCopyTo: TBaseRecord;
- begin
- Result:= inherited DoCopyTo;
- (Result as TLabelSSTRecord).SST:= SST;
- (Result as TLabelSSTRecord).pSSTEntry:= pSSTEntry;
- (Result as TLabelSSTRecord).pSSTEntry.AddRef;
- end;
- function TLabelSSTRecord.GetValue: Variant;
- begin
- Result:=GetAsString;
- end;
- procedure TLabelSSTRecord.SetValue(const Value: Variant);
- begin
- SetAsString(Value);
- end;
- function TLabelSSTRecord.GetAsString: WideString;
- begin
- Result:=pSSTEntry.Value.Value;
- end;
- procedure TLabelSSTRecord.SetAsString(const Value: WideString);
- var
- OldpSSTEntry: TSSTEntry;
- begin
- OldpSSTEntry:=pSSTEntry;
- pSSTEntry:= SST[SST.AddString(Value)];
- if OldpSSTEntry<>nil then OldpSSTEntry.ReleaseRef;
- end;
- constructor TLabelSSTRecord.CreateFromData(const aRow, aCol, aXF: word; const aSST: TSST);
- begin
- inherited CreateFromData(xlr_LABELSST, 10, aRow, aCol, aXF);
- SST:=aSST;
- end;
- end.