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- ErrNoAdapter='There is no Adapter linked to the report';
- ErrTooManySheets='Trying to insert more sheets than the maximum allowed';
- ErrNoDataSet='Can┤t find the dataset %s';
- ErrNoPropDefined='Property "%s" has not been defined or is not published';
- ErrBadProp='Error trying to retrieve property "%s". Verify it is a variant';
- ErrTooManyDimensions='The property "%s" has only %d dimensions';
- ErrIndexOutBounds='The index "%d" of the property "%s" is not in the range %d-%d';
- ErrInvalidDrawingType='Drawing type "%s" invalid';
- ErrNoOpenFile='There is no open file';
- ErrCantFindFile='Can''t find the file "%s"';
- ErrNoTemplate='Error: %s '#13#10'Verify that the active project ("%s") is the correct project';
- ErrDocumentNotSaved='Document was not saved';
- ErrFieldNil='Nil field';
- ErrDupField='Duplicated Field Name: "%s"';
- ErrFieldNotFound='Field not found: "%s"';
- ErrInvalidColumnCount='Invalid column count';
- MsgAbout='FlexCel Reports V %s Get latest version at http://www.freewebs.com/flexcel';
- TxtDatasets='Datasets';
- TxtProperties='Properties';
- TxtExtras=' Extras'; //extra space so it's sorted first
- TxtFileModified='File %s was modified. Do you want to save it?';
- TxtFileModifiedCaption='Warning';
- TxtEditing='Editing %s';
- TxtEditTemplate='Edit Template: %s';
- TxtRefreshTemplate='Select the folder where the original files are';
- TxtTemplateStoreRefreshed='The Template Store has been refreshed';
- TxtDeleteRange='Delete range "%s"?';
- TxtDeleteRangeCaption='Confirm';
- TxtNamedRangeFormula='=''%s''!%s';
- ErrComponentIsNotXlsDataSet='Component "%s" does not supports interface IXlsDataSet';
- ErrUseFasterAdapter='This component does not supports OLE adapter';
- TxtTrue='TRUE';
- TxtFalse='FALSE';
- ErrInvalidWmf='Wmf file is invalid';