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- $$// newproj.inf = template for list of template files
- $$// format is 'sourceResName' \t 'destFileName'
- $$// The source res name may be preceded by any combination of '=', '-', '!', '?', ':', '#', and/or '*'
- $$// '=' => the resource is binary
- $$// '-' => the file should not be added to the project (all files are added to the project by default)
- $$// '!' => the file should be marked exclude from build
- $$// '?' => the file should be treated as a help file
- $$// ':' => the file should be treated as a resource
- $$// '#' => the file should be treated as a template (implies '!')
- $$// '*' => bypass the custom AppWizard's resources when loading
- $$// if name starts with / => create new subdir
- EFFECTS.IDL effects.idl
- RESOURCE.H resource.h
- SAMPLE.CPP $$root$$.cpp
- SAMPLE.H $$root$$.h
- SAMPLE.IDL i$$root$$.idl
- SAMPLE.RGS $$root$$.rgs
- !SAMPLE.WMS $$root$$.wms
- ROOT.CPP $$root$$dll.cpp
- ROOT.DEF $$root$$dll.def
- ROOT.RC $$root$$dll.rc
- STDAFX.CPP StdAfx.cpp
- STDAFX.H StdAfx.h