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- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Microsoft Windows Media Player
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999-2000
- //
- // Filename: effects.idl
- //
- // Abstract: Interface implemented by all Windows Media Player effects.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include <olectl.h>
- import "oaidl.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- // These flags are to be returned in the GetCapabilities method. They
- // indicate to the effects host what the effect supports
- const DWORD EFFECT_CANGOFULLSCREEN = 0x00000001; // can the effect go full screen?
- const DWORD EFFECT_HASPROPERTYPAGE = 0x00000002; // does the effect have a property page?
- const DWORD EFFECT_VARIABLEFREQSTEP = 0x00000004; // should effect return frequency data with variable size steps?
- // This structure is passed to the Render() method of the effect. It holds the frequency,
- // waveform and state data need to render the effect.
- //
- // The first dimension of each array corresponds to the channel: 0-left/mono 1-right(stereo only)
- // The second dimension contains the sampled levels. The frequency data ranges
- // from 0..255. The wave form data represents -128..127 but is stored as
- // 0..255. The state contains the current audio playback state. The time stamp provides
- // the relative time of these samples in the audio stream.
- const int SA_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; // number of frequency/waveform samples
- enum PlayerState // audio playback states
- {
- stop_state = 0, // audio is currently stopped
- pause_state = 1, // audio is currently paused
- play_state = 2 // audio is currently playing
- };
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("//**********************************************************************")
- cpp_quote("// Define the minimum and maximum frequency ranges returned in our")
- cpp_quote("// TimedLevel frequency array (i.e. first index in TimedLevel.frequency")
- cpp_quote("// is at 20Hz and last is at 22050Hz).")
- cpp_quote("//**********************************************************************")
- cpp_quote("const float kfltTimedLevelMaximumFrequency = 22050.0F;")
- cpp_quote("const float kfltTimedLevelMinimumFrequency = 20.0F;")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("/*")
- cpp_quote(" * FREQUENCY_INDEX() returns the index into TimedLevel.frequency[] where ")
- cpp_quote(" * the specified frequency is located in the power spectrum")
- cpp_quote(" */")
- cpp_quote("#define FREQUENCY_INDEX(FREQ)\\")
- cpp_quote(" (int)(((FREQ) - kfltTimedLevelMinimumFrequency) /\\")
- cpp_quote(" (((kfltTimedLevelMaximumFrequency - kfltTimedLevelMinimumFrequency) / SA_BUFFER_SIZE)))")
- cpp_quote("")
- typedef struct tagTimedLevel
- {
- unsigned char frequency[2][SA_BUFFER_SIZE];
- unsigned char waveform [2][SA_BUFFER_SIZE];
- int state;
- hyper timeStamp;
- } TimedLevel;
- [
- object,
- uuid(D3984C13-C3CB-48e2-8BE5-5168340B4F35),
- helpstring("IEffects Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IWMPEffects : IUnknown
- {
- // render effect to the rectangle on the provided dc - the dc is normalized
- [helpstring("method Render")]
- HRESULT Render([in] TimedLevel *pLevels, [in] HDC hdc, [in] RECT *prc);
- // provides the no. channels, sample rate and title of the audio currently playing
- [helpstring("method MediaInfo")]
- HRESULT MediaInfo([in] LONG lChannelCount, [in] LONG lSampleRate, [in] BSTR bstrTitle );
- // called to retrieive the capabilities of the effect (fullscreen? property page?, etc.)
- [helpstring("method GetCapabilities")]
- HRESULT GetCapabilities([out] DWORD * pdwCapabilities);
- // retrieve the display title of the effect
- [helpstring("method GetTitle")]
- HRESULT GetTitle([out] BSTR *bstrTitle);
- // retrieve the title for a preset
- [helpstring("method GetPresetTitle")]
- HRESULT GetPresetTitle([in] LONG nPreset, [out] BSTR *bstrPresetTitle);
- // retrieve the number of presets this effect supports
- [helpstring("method GetPresetCount")]
- HRESULT GetPresetCount([out] LONG * pnPresetCount);
- // set / get the current preset
- [helpstring("method SetPreset")]
- HRESULT SetCurrentPreset([in] LONG nPreset);
- [helpstring("method GetPreset")]
- HRESULT GetCurrentPreset([out] LONG * pnPreset);
- // display the property page of the effect (if there is one)
- [helpstring("method DisplayPropertyPage")]
- HRESULT DisplayPropertyPage([in] HWND hwndOwner);
- // This method will be called when the effect is to start and stop full screen
- // rendering (if supported)
- [helpstring("method GoFullscreen")]
- HRESULT GoFullscreen([in] BOOL fFullScreen);
- // This method will get called after a successful call to GoFullScreen to render
- // the effect. Return failure from this method to signal loss of full screen.
- [helpstring("method RenderFullScreen")]
- HRESULT RenderFullScreen([in] TimedLevel *pLevels);
- };