home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2001-11-03 | 10.6 KB | 535 lines |
- ;localization:
- ;Copy naeng.ini to naxxx.ini(xxx is taking the 2-letter language
- ;abbreviation from the ISO Standard 639 and adding a third letter,
- ;as appropriate, to indicate the sublanguage).
- ;This section must use english
- [Info]
- Language=English
- Author=Lewis Hong(hong_lewis@netants.com)
- [String]
- &File=
- &Import List...=
- Add &Batch...=
- Process &Web Page...=
- Import Broken &Download=
- &View Log=
- &Clear Log=
- E&xit=
- &Edit=
- &Select All=
- &Invert Selection=
- &Add...=
- &Edit...=
- &Delete=
- Delete All D&ownloaded=
- &Download=
- &Start=
- Sto&p=
- S&tart All=
- St&op All=
- Download A&gain=
- Check &Update=
- Schedule &Download=
- Schedule Hang &Up=
- &View=
- &Toolbar=
- &Status Bar=
- &Histogram Bar=
- Virtual &Folder=
- &Job View=
- &Block View=
- &Log View=
- &Info View=
- L&ink View=
- &Drop Basket=
- &Customize ToolBar...=
- Customize Job C&olumn...=
- &Option=
- &Preferences...=
- &Browser Integration=
- &Clipboard Monitor=
- &Auto Dial Up=
- Auto &Hang Up=
- Auto &Shutdown=
- Speed &Limit Mode=
- &Unlimited=
- &Manual=
- &Automatic=
- &Tools=
- NetAnts &Dialer...=
- NetAnts &Bookmark...=
- &Help=
- &Help Topics=
- &Send E-mail to Author...=
- &Recommend to Friend...=
- NetAnts on the &Web=
- NetAnts &Home Page=
- NetAnts of Your &Language=
- &Frequently Asked Questions=
- &Check Newest Version...=
- &About NetAnts...=
- &Add Job...=
- &View Drop Basket=
- &Show Main Window=
- Select &All=
- &Copy Log=
- &Copy URL=
- Expo&rt List...=
- Add to &Bookmark=
- &Launch=
- E&xplore=
- Shell=
- Fix Corrupted &Zip=
- Set Pr&iority=
- Very Low=
- Low=
- Normal=
- High=
- Very High=
- Do Not Download=
- Add as &Job...=
- &Open in Browser=
- &Select...=
- &Restart=
- OK=
- http://www.netants.com=
- mailto:support@netants.com=
- Always retry=
- Max error retries=
- Connect timeout=
- Receive timeout=
- Error Handle=
- Timeout=
- Max downloading jobs=
- Limit=
- Bandwidth=
- Maximum speed=
- Yield=
- Bps=
- Bps for every outer connection=
- Retry delay=
- Download immediately=
- File=
- Misc=
- Download directory=
- Ant number=
- Start all jobs after running=
- Always show add job dialog=
- When a file exists=
- Stop if server doesn't support resume=
- Use cookie from browser=
- Always display in byte=
- Auto save job every=
- Get file date and time from server=
- Create .NFO file=
- Delete job from list after complete=
- Winpopup message notification to=
- Show notification message=
- Use Sounds=
- Customize Sounds=
- Hang up after done downloading=
- Exit after done downloading=
- Shutdown after done downloading=
- KB=
- Backup download database every day=
- Integrate with browser clicks=
- Open cancelled URL in browser=
- Clipboard monitor=
- Virus check downloaded file=
- Launch files when finished downloading=
- Capture files of type=
- Virus scanner=
- Args=
- Launch files of type=
- Add...=
- Delete=
- Edit...=
- Default for HTTP=
- Default for FTP=
- Use default proxy for all jobs=
- Authorization=
- URL=
- Save to=
- User=
- Password=
- Comment=
- Priority=
- Rename=
- Connect using Dial-Up network=
- Auto dial-up if necessary=
- Using Dial-Up Connection=
- Attempt=
- Wait=
- secs before retry=
- times=
- Reestablish Window Title=
- Cancel=
- Progress1=
- NetAnts=
- Schedule Download=
- Schedule Hang Up=
- Start downloading at=
- Hang Up at=
- Reset Colors=
- Tray Icon=
- Normal Window=
- Histogram Background Color=
- Histogram Scale Color=
- Histogram Plot Gradient Color=
- Start As=
- Color=
- Histogram=
- secs=
- Sampling every=
- Skin=
- Referer=
- User-Agent=
- HTTP Protocol=
- FTP Protocol=
- Use ASCII Mode files of=
- Yes=
- No=
- Auto=
- ASCII Mode=
- Connect To=
- Category=
- Directory=
- Suffixes=
- Select=
- Unselect=
- Select By...=
- Using default configure=
- Directory For Files=
- Digit=
- Letter=
- Generate=
- Clear=
- + * +=
- Digits count=
- From=
- To=
- Overwrite=
- Resume=
- Auto Rename=
- The file already exist.=
- Login=
- URL Mask=
- Enter Base URL=
- Enter the URL where the page was located.=
- Select Links=
- All Host=
- All Suffix=
- NetAnts Notification=
- Proxy=
- No cache=
- PASV mode=
- Name=
- Port=
- Address=
- Type=
- HTTP Proxy=
- FTP Proxy=
- Job Column=
- Show=
- Hide=
- Move Up=
- Move Down=
- Reset=
- Column width=
- Delete Job=
- Delete uncompleted jobs=
- Delete downloaded files when deleting jobs=
- Delete selected jobs=
- Bookmark=
- Download=
- Check Newest Version=
- More Information=
- Close=
- Invalid max error=
- Invalid retry delay=
- Invalid connection timeout=
- Invalid receive timeout=
- Invalid max download job=
- Invalid maximum speed=
- Invalid yield speed=
- Invalid default download directory=
- Invalid default ant number=
- Invalid virus scanner=
- Invalid dialup attempt number=
- Invalid dialup delay interval=
- Invalid reestablish window title=
- Invalid histo sample=
- Invalid User-Agent=
- Invalid autosave size=
- Invalid send winpop message to=
- Target empty=
- Bad target URL=
- Save to empty=
- Invalid user name=
- Invalid password=
- Invalid ant number=
- Invalid job priority=
- Invalid add batch from=
- Invalid add batch to=
- From can't be bigger than To=
- Invalid add batch digit count=
- Different case can't be used in From and To=
- Invalid download directory=
- Invalid category name=
- Invalid category suffix=
- Invalid category directory=
- Invalid login URL mask=
- Invalid login user=
- Invalid login password=
- Invalid proxy name=
- Invalid proxy address=
- Invalid proxy port=
- Invalid proxy user=
- Invalid proxy password=
- Invalid bookmark URL=
- Duplicate URL=
- Duplicate category=
- Duplicate login=
- Duplicate proxy name=
- Duplicate bookmark=
- Register netscape protocol handler fail=
- Unregister netscape protocol handler fail=
- If Netscape is running, you may need to restart it=
- Register ie name-space handler fail=
- Unregister ie name-space handler fail=
- If Internet Explorer is running, you may need to restart it=
- Register netcaptor name-space handler fail=
- Unregister netcaptor name-space handler fail=
- If NetCaptor is running, you may need to restart it=
- Not a zip archive=
- Can't fix zip archive=
- No CRC error=
- Zip archive fixed=
- Append job log fail=
- Clear job log fail=
- Can't read URL list file=
- Can't write URL list file=
- Can't create .NFO file=
- New version comctl32.dll needed.=
- Max job reached=
- Unsupport protocol=
- Can't run virus scanner=
- Send winpopup message fail=
- File not exist=
- Show help file fail=
- Dial-Up network already connected=
- State=
- Size=
- Ratio=
- Time Elapsed=
- Time Left=
- Error=
- Target=
- Suffix=
- Full Url=
- Block=
- Log=
- Info=
- Link=
- No running job=
- NetAnts Configure=
- Add Job=
- Edit Job=
- Add jobs=
- Add batch jobs=
- Prompt me=
- Parameter=
- Value=
- Local File=
- File Date=
- Download Date=
- File Size=
- Byte Received=
- Byte Left=
- Total Time=
- Current BPS=
- Average BPS=
- Date=
- Information=
- %d Jobs (%d Running, %d in Queue)=
- %s Bps=
- %s Bytes=
- Direct Connection=
- No Skin=
- Connection=
- Job Default=
- Automation=
- Dial-Up=
- Schedule=
- Security=
- Visual=
- Protocol=
- Advanced=
- Generate sequence=
- Save option=
- General=
- Select files=
- Default Dir=
- Last Dir=
- Connect to host (%s:%d) ...=
- Connect to host successfully=
- Can't connect to host=
- Error occurs when receiving data=
- Reach max error, ant halt=
- This site doesn't support resume, ant halt=
- Redirect link to other site=
- The redirect URL is invalid=
- Can't resolve proxy address=
- Remote file has been changed=
- Can't analysis list data server replied=
- Bad proxy configure=
- The actual size of downloading file is unknown=
- Can't analysis server's reply to PASV=
- Can't resolve host address=
- Connect to proxy (%s:%d) ...=
- Can't download from HTTP/0.9 server=
- Bad Content-Range in server's reply=
- Connect to proxy successfully=
- Can't connect to proxy=
- Resolve host address ...=
- Resolve proxy address ...=
- Wait %d seconds for next retry=
- File is up to date=
- Bad proxy reply=
- Cancelled by user=
- No block left, ant finish=
- Receiving data...=
- Bad HTTP reply code=
- Proxy address resolved=
- Host address resolved=
- Request rejected by proxy=
- Ant restart=
- Ant restart to try resume again=
- Preferences=
- View log of download=
- Clear log of download=
- Quit=
- Select all job=
- Start job download=
- Stop downloading job=
- Start all job=
- Stop all downloading job=
- Add a new job=
- Edit job property=
- NetAnts dialer=
- Auto dialup if necessary=
- Hang up when done=
- Shutdown computer when done=
- Show or hide drop basket=
- Show help topic about NetAnts=
- Send e-mail to author of NetAnts=
- Go to homepage of NetAnts=
- About NetAnts=
- Show main window=
- Copy URL to clipboard=
- Launch a downloaded file=
- Explore file location on disk=
- Copy log to clipboard=
- Set job priority to do not download=
- Set job priority to very low=
- Set job priority to low=
- Set job priority to normal=
- Set job priority to high=
- Set job priority to very high=
- Delete all downloaded job=
- No speed limit=
- Adjust speed limit manually=
- Adjust speed limit automatically=
- Toggle browser integration=
- Toggle clipboard monitor=
- Import URL list=
- Download job again=
- Download job again if updated=
- Process web page file=
- Add to job list=
- Open URL in web browser=
- Select all valid links=
- Select all log message=
- Export URL List=
- Start ant=
- Stop ant=
- Show or hide toolbar=
- Show or hide status bar=
- Show or hide histogram bar=
- Show or hide virtual folder=
- Show or hide block view=
- Show or hide log view=
- Show or hide info view=
- Show or hide link view=
- Customize toolbar button=
- Customize job window column=
- Restart ant=
- Recommend NetAnts to a friend=
- Check the newest version of NetAnts=
- Read FAQ of NetAnts=
- Fix corrupted zip file=
- Reverse which items are selected and which are not=
- Show URL bookmark=
- Add URL to bookmark=
- Get your native language translation of NetAnts=
- Import a broken download into NetAnts=
- Set bandwidth mode=
- Do you stop all running job?=
- Clear download log successfully=
- Dial-Up Network will be hang up in %d secs=
- NetAnts will be closed in %d secs=
- Your computer will be shutdown in %d secs=
- Do you clear log of download?=
- Checking newest version of NetAnts...=
- Newest version available : =
- No update version available=
- Can't download version information=
- Attempt %d=
- Meet error, job halt=
- Job complete=
- Temporarily redirect to other site=
- Permanently redirect to other site=
- Cancel by user=
- No update checked=
- Opening Port=
- Port Opened=
- Connecting Device=
- Device Connected=
- All Devices Connected=
- Starting Authentication=
- Authentication Notify=
- Authentication Retry=
- Callback Requested=
- Change Password Requested=
- Projection Phase Started=
- Link Speed Calculation=
- Authentication Acknowledged=
- Reauthenticatation Started=
- Authenticated=
- Preparation For Callback=
- Waiting For Modem Reset=
- Waiting For Callback=
- Interactive=
- Retry Authentication=
- Callback Set By Caller=
- Password Expired=
- Connected=
- Disconnected=
- Virtual Folder=
- Job Status=
- Running=
- Queue=
- Downloaded=
- Today=
- Yesterday=
- Last Week=
- Before last week=
- Server Site=
- HTTP Server=
- FTP Server=
- ;End(Don't remove this line)