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- " The Derive Tensor Algebra and Analysis Package "
- " Demonstration File Tensor2.dmo to derive the Schwarzschild metric "
- " Written by Hans A. Dudler (619 420-1787) 25 November 1994 "
- " Updated for Derive 5 10 November 2001 "
- " For more detailed documentation, see the text file Tensor.doc "
- ; Load the Tensor.mth utility file
- LOAD("Tensor.mth")
- " Problem : Find a solution of R_ij=0 with spherical spatial symmetry "
- ;Spherical coordinate system
- x:=[r,theta,phi,t]
- ;Flat (zero curvature) covariant metric tensor
- g_ij:=[[-1,0,0,0],[0,-r^2,0,0],[0,0,-r^2*SIN(theta)^2,0],[0,0,0,1]]
- ;Assume modified metric with unknown functions X(r) and Y(r)
- [X(r):=,Y(r):=]
- ;New metric; we will find X(r), Y(r) (both > 0) such that R_ij = 0.
- g_ij:=[[-X(r),0,0,0],[0,-r^2,0,0],[0,0,-r^2*SIN(theta)^2,0],[0,0,0,Y(r~
- )]]
- ;Assign dual (inverse) to g__ij
- g__ij:=g_ij^(-1)
- ;Compute Christoffel Symbol (2nd kind) and assign to C_ij_k (saves time)
- C_ij_k:=CHRIS2(g_ij,g__ij,x)
- ;Computing Ricci tensor R_ij (should be zero)
- R_ij:=RICCI(C_ij_k,x)
- ;Raising the 1st index of the covariant Ricci tensor
- R__i_j:=MI_T(R_ij,1,g__ij)
- ;Computing RR = R__4_4 - R__1_1 (turns out to be simple)
- RR:=EL_T(R__i_j,[4,4])-EL_T(R__i_j,[1,1])
- ;RR must be zero. We claim that X(r) = a/Y(r) will do it.
- [a:=,X(r):=a/Y(r)]
- ;Recomputing RR in fact yields zero
- RR
- ;Recomputing R__i_j with X(r) = a/Y(r)
- R__i_j
- ;R_2_2 = 0 is now a differential equation for Y(r)
- DE:=a*r^2*EL_T(R__i_j,[2,2])
- ;We claim that Y(r) = a(1-b/r) is the general solution
- [a:=,b:=,Y(r):=a*(1-b/r)]
- ;Recomputing DE confirms this
- DE
- ;Recomputing g_ij to determine the constants a,b
- ;This is the famous Schwarzschild metric
- g_ij
- ;For r -> inf we must have the original flat metric, hence a=1.
- ;b can be found from the Newtonian limit (not done here).
- a:=1
- ;Recomputing R_ij to verify solution: OK
- R_ij
- ;Computing Riemann curvature tensor (2nd kind) R__i_jkl
- R__i_jkl:=RIEM2(C_ij_k,x)
- ;Finding non-zero elements of curvature tensor
- NZEL_T(R__i_jkl)
- ;Grouped non-zero elements (neg.indices indicate neg.value !)
- GNZE_T(R__i_jkl)
- " From this we see that R__i_jkl = 0, except for the elements "
- " R__1_212 = -R__1_221 = -R__4_224 = R__4_242 = -b/(2 r) etc. "