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- " The Derive Tensor Algebra and Analysis Package "
- " Demonstration File Tensor1.dmo to show various tensor operations "
- " Written by Hans A. Dudler (619 420-1787) 25 November 1994 "
- " Updated for Derive 5 10 November 2001 "
- " For more detailed documentation, see the text file Tensor.doc "
- ; Load the Tensor.mth utility file
- LOAD("Tensor.mth")
- ;
- " A simple tensor of rank 3, dimension 3 is the permutation tensor: "
- ; Assign EPS(3) to E__ijk
- E__ijk:=EPS(3)
- ;
- ; Determine rank (order) of tensor
- RANK_T(E__ijk)
- ; Determine dimension of tensor
- DIM_T(E__ijk)
- ; Extracting non-zero elements of E__ijk
- NZEL_T(E__ijk)
- ; Collecting non-zero elements with equal absolute value (1 in this case)
- ; This shows skew symmetry (neg.indices indicate neg.value)
- GNZE_T(E__ijk)
- ; Define a general covariant tensor T_ij (rank=2, dimension=3)
- T_ij:=[[A,B,C],[D,E,F],[G,H,I]]
- ;
- " Implement the tensor formula S__i = E__ijk T_jk : "
- " This can be done in 2 steps [there are 2 dummy (summation) indices]:"
- ;Summing over index j (= sS); result is mixed tensor of rank 3: T__ij_k
- ;(2 contravariant indices followed by a covariant index)
- T__ij_k:=IP_T(E__ijk,[iI,jJ,sS],T_ij,[kK,sS],[iI,jJ,kK])
- ; Contracting indices j and k now gives the desired result
- S__i:=CT_T(T__ij_k,[iI,sS,sS],[iI])
- ;Same thing can be done in one swoop using CI_T (contract inner product)
- S__i:=CI_T(E__ijk,[iI,sS,tT],T_ij,[sS,tT],[iI])
- ;
- " Going from X,Y,Z to spherical coordinates r,theta,phi "
- ; New coordinates
- x_:=[r,theta,phi]
- ; Old coordinates (as functions of new coordinates)
- x:=[r*SIN(theta)*COS(phi),r*SIN(theta)*SIN(phi),r*COS(theta)]
- ; Jacobian matrix
- JM:=JACOB(x,x_)
- ; Assign inverse to JM_
- JM_:=JM^-1
- ; Old metric tensor (Cartesian coordinates)
- g_ij:=DELTA(3)
- ; Transforming this to new coord.( 2 cov.indices, weight=0)
- g_ij_:=TF_T(g_ij,2,0,JM,JM_)
- ; Since we are starting from a Cartesian frame, this is a simpler way
- g_ij_:=JM` . JM
- ; Assigning dual (inverse) to g__ij_
- g__ij_:=g_ij_^-1
- ; Christoffel symbols (assign to C_ijk_ and C_ij_k_)
- C_ijk_:=CHRIS1(g_ij_,x_)
- ; Christoffel symbols (assign to C_ijk_ and C_ij_k_)
- C_ij_k_:=CHRIS2(g_ij_,g__ij_,x_)
- ; The Riemann curvature tensor must be zero (Euclidian space): OK
- R_ijkl_:=RIEM1(C_ijk_,C_ij_k_,x_)
- ; Definitions for following example
- [a:=,b:=,c:=,X:=ELEMENT(x,1)]
- ; Example: A contravariant vector V__i in the old system
- V__i:=[a*X,b,c]
- ; Transforming to new system (no cov.indices, weight=0)
- V__i_:=TF_T(V__i,0,0,JM,JM_)
- ; We could have regarded V__i as covariant (Cartesian system)
- ; to get covariant dual of transformed vector
- V_i_:=TF_T(V__i,1,0,JM,JM_)
- ; Vector length must be invariant: OK
- V_i_ . V__i_-V__i . V__i
- ; Computing the covariant derivative of V_i_ (1 cov.index, 0 weight)
- DV_ij_:=CD_T(V_i_,1,0,x_,C_ij_k_)
- ; Transforming this back to the old frame (JM and JM_ interchanged)
- ; we get the gradient tensor of the original vector: OK
- DV_ij:=TF_T(DV_ij_,2,0,JM_,JM)
- ; To verify the identity d/dx__j_ (g_ik_) = C_ijk_ + C_jki_
- ; find transpose C_jki_ (see discussion in Tensor.doc)
- C_jki_:=TP_T(C_ijk_,[jJ,kK,iI],[iI,jJ,kK])
- ; Computing right-hand side
- rhs:=C_ijk_+C_jki_
- ; Ordinary derivative of g_ij_
- g_ijk_:=OD_T(g_ij_,x_)
- ; Computing left-hand side (transpose)
- lhs:=TP_T(g_ijk_,[iI,kK,jJ],[iI,jJ,kK])
- ; Verify that lhs = rhs : OK
- lhs-rhs
- ;
- " *** NON-EUCLIDIAN SPACE *** ":=~
- " Consider the latitude/longitude coordinates on the earth's surface : "
- ; Defining coordinate system
- x:=[theta,phi]
- ; Line element is ds^2 = R^2*dtheta^2 + R^2*COS(theta)*dphi^2
- ; This is therefore the covariant metric tensor
- g_ij:=[[R^2,0],[0,R^2*COS(theta)^2]]
- ; The contravariant metric tensor is the inverse
- g__ij:=g_ij^-1
- ; Christoffel symbols
- C_ijk:=CHRIS1(g_ij,x)
- ; Christoffel symbols
- C_ij_k:=CHRIS2(g_ij,g__ij,x)
- ; Curvature tensor: Non-zero, non-Euclidian space !
- R_ijkl:=RIEM1(C_ijk,C_ij_k,x)