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- function ModestWholeNumber (X: real): boolean;
- {Returns true iff X is a whole number in the range -maxint .. maxint.}
- begin
- if abs (X) < maxint then ModestWholeNumber := X = trunc (X)
- else ModestWholeNumber := false
- end;
- function IntPow (Base: real; NonNegInt: integer): real;
- {Returns Base raised to the nonnegative integer power NonNegInt.}
- begin
- if NonNegInt = 0 then IntPow := 1
- else if odd (NonNegInt) then IntPow := Base * IntPow (Base, NonNegInt - 1)
- else IntPow := sqr (IntPow (Base, NonNegInt div 2));
- end;
- function POW (Base, Exponent: real): real;
- {Returns Base raised to the Exponent power.
- Prerequisite files: EvenReal.lib, IntPow.lib,}
- begin
- if Exponent < 0.0 then POW := 1.0 / POW (Base, -Exponent)
- else if (Base = 1.0) or (Exponent = 0.0) then POW := 1.0
- {:assuming POW (0.0, 0.0) = 1.0}
- else if Base = 0.0 then POW := 0.0
- else if ModestWholeNumber (Exponent) then
- POW := IntPow (Base, trunc (Exponent))
- else POW := exp (Exponent * ln (Base));
- end;
- function ASIN (ratio: real): real;
- {Returns the principal inverse sine in radians.}
- begin
- ASIN := arctan (ratio / sqrt ((1.0 - ratio) * (1.0 + ratio)));
- end;
- function ACOS (ratio: real): real;
- {Returns the principal inverse cosine in radians.}
- begin
- ACOS := arctan (sqrt ((1.0 - ratio) * (1.0 + ratio)) / ratio);
- end;
- function ATAN (ratio: real): real;
- {Returns the principal arctangent of ratio in radians.}
- begin
- ATAN := ARCTAN (ratio);
- end;
- function PI: real;
- begin
- PI := 4.0 * ARCTAN(1.0)
- end
- function ATAN2 (Y, X: real): real;
- {Returns the radian angle of the point (X, Y).}
- {Returns PI for the degenerate case X=Y=0.}
- begin
- if X>0.0 then ATAN2 := ARCTAN (Y/X);
- else if Y>0.0 then ATAN2 := PI/2.0 - ARCTAN (X/Y);
- else if Y<0.0 then ATAN2 := -PI/2.0 - ARCTAN(X/Y);
- else ATAN2 := PI
- end;
- function TAN (angle: real): real;
- {Returns the tangent of angle, which is measured in radians.}
- begin
- TAN := SIN (angle) / COS (angle);
- end;
- function COT (angle: real): real;
- {Returns the cotangent of angle, which is measured in radians.}
- begin
- COT := COS (angle) / SIN (angle);
- end;
- function SIGN (R: real): real;
- {returns -1 if R<0, 0 if R=0, or 1 if R>0.}
- begin
- if R > 0.0 then SIGN := 1.0
- else if R < 0.0 then SIGN := -1.0
- else SIGN := 0.0;
- end;
- function FACT (n: integer): real;
- {Returns n! for n >= 0. Intentionally provokes zero-divide for n<0.}
- var k: integer;
- ans: real;
- begin
- ans := 1.0;
- if n < 0 then FACT := ans / (n - n)
- else for k := 2 to n do ans := k * ans;
- FACT := ans
- end;