home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit CabSTConsts;
- (*
- * Copyright (c) Ravil Batyrshin, 2001-2002
- * All Rights Reserved
- * Version 1.07
- * Aravil Software
- * web site: aravilsoft.tripod.com
- * e-mail: aravilsoft@bigfoot.com, wizeman@mail.ru
- *)
- interface
- resourcestring
- SFciErrNone = 'No error';
- SFciErrOpenSrc = 'Failure opening file to be stored in cabinet';
- SFciErrReadSrc = 'Failure reading file to be stored in cabinet';
- SFciErrAllocFail = 'Out of memory in FCI';
- SFciErrTempFile = 'Could not create a temporary file';
- SFciErrBadComprType = 'Unknown compression type';
- SFciErrCabFile = 'Could not create cabinet file';
- SFciErrUserAbort = 'Client requested abort';
- SFciErrMciFail = 'Failure compressing data';
- SFciErrUnknown = 'FCI error';
- SFdiErrNone = 'No error';
- SFdiErrCabinetNotFound = 'Cabinet not found';
- SFdiErrNotACabinet = 'Cabinet file does not have the correct format';
- SFdiErrUnknownCabinetVersion = 'Cabinet file has an unknown version number';
- SFdiErrCorruptCabinet = 'Cabinet file is corrupt';
- SFdiErrAllocFail = 'Could not allocate enough memory';
- SFdiErrBadComprType = 'Unknown compression type in a cabinet folder';
- SFdiErrMdiFail = 'Failure decompressing data from a cabinet file';
- SFdiErrTargetFile = 'Failure writing to target file';
- SFdiErrReserveMismatch = 'Cabinets in a set do not have the same RESERVE sizes';
- SFdiErrWrongCabinet = 'Cabinet returned on fdintNEXT_CABINET is incorrect';
- SFdiErrUserAbort = 'FDI aborted';
- SFdiErrUnknown = 'FDI error';
- const
- SDiskLabelTemplateDef = 'Disk*';
- implementation
- end.