home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit CabSTComps;
- (*
- * Copyright (c) Ravil Batyrshin, 2001-2002
- * All Rights Reserved
- * Version 1.07
- * Aravil Software
- * web site: aravilsoft.tripod.com
- * e-mail: aravilsoft@bigfoot.com, wizeman@mail.ru
- *)
- {$IFNDEF VER130}
- {$ENDIF}
- interface
- uses
- Windows, ShellApi, SysUtils, Classes, CabIntf
- {$IFDEF VER130}, FileCtrl {$ENDIF};
- type
- TSTCabCompressionType = (
- cctNone,
- cctMsZip,
- cctLzx
- );
- TSTCabLzxLevel = 15..21;
- const
- DefCabCompressionType = cctLzx;
- DefCabLzxLevel = 21;
- type
- TSTCabWriter = class;
- TSTCabReader = class;
- TSTCabAddFileOption = (
- cafoExecuteOnExtract
- );
- TSTCabAddFileOptions = set of TSTCabAddFileOption;
- TSTCabAddFilesOption = (
- cafsoRecurseSubdirs
- );
- TSTCabAddFilesOptions = set of TSTCabAddFilesOption;
- ESTCabinet = class(Exception)
- private
- FCabError: Integer; //FCI/FDI error code
- FWinError: DWORD; //Optional Win32 error code
- FErrorPresent: Boolean;
- FIsCompressing: Boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(const anERF: TERF; anIsCompressing: Boolean);
- property CabError: Integer read FCabError;
- property WinError: DWORD read FWinError;
- property ErrorPresent: Boolean read FErrorPresent;
- property IsCompressing: Boolean read FIsCompressing;
- end;
- TSTCabWriterFilePlacedEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabWriter;
- const aCCab: TCCAB; const aFileName: String; aFileSize: Longint;
- aContinuation: Boolean; var anAbort: Boolean) of object;
- TSTCabWriterGetNextCabinetEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabWriter;
- var aCCab: TCCAB; aPrevCabSize: ULONG; var anAbort: Boolean) of object;
- TSTCabWriterFileStatusEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabWriter;
- aCompressedBlockSize, anUncompressedBlockSize: ULONG; var anAbort: Boolean) of object;
- TSTCabWriterFolderStatusEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabWriter;
- aCopiedSize, aTotalSize: ULONG; var anAbort: Boolean) of object;
- TSTCabWriterCabinetStatusEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabWriter;
- aPrevEstimatedSize, anActualSize: ULONG; var aDesiredSize: ULONG;
- var anAbort: Boolean) of object;
- TSTCabWriterProgressEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabWriter;
- var anAbort: Boolean) of object;
- TSTCabWriter = class(TComponent)
- private
- FHandle: HFCI;
- FFileName: String;
- FCabinetSizeThreshold: ULONG;
- FCabinetFileCountThreshold: ULONG;
- FFolderSizeThreshold: ULONG;
- FFolderFileCountThreshold: ULONG;
- FReservePerCabinetSize: UINT;
- FReservePerFolderSize: UINT;
- FReservePerDataSize: UINT;
- FCabinetNameTemplate: String;
- FCabinetPathTemplate: String;
- FDiskLabelTemplate: String;
- FCompressionType: TSTCabCompressionType;
- FCompressionLzxLevel: TSTCabLzxLevel;
- FOnFilePlaced: TSTCabWriterFilePlacedEvent;
- FOnGetNextCabinet: TSTCabWriterGetNextCabinetEvent;
- FOnFileStatus: TSTCabWriterFileStatusEvent;
- FOnFolderStatus: TSTCabWriterFolderStatusEvent;
- FOnCabinetStatus: TSTCabWriterCabinetStatusEvent;
- FOnProgress: TSTCabWriterProgressEvent;
- procedure SetCompressionType(aValue: TSTCabCompressionType);
- procedure SetCompressionLzxLevel(aValue: TSTCabLzxLevel);
- protected
- FCabComp: TCOMP;
- FOriginalCCAB: TCCAB;
- FFileCountPerCabinet: ULONG;
- FFileCountPerFolder: ULONG;
- FProgressCount: Integer;
- procedure CabCheck(aResult: Boolean);
- function GetCabinetName(aCabNo: Integer): String;
- function GetCabinetPath(aDiskNo: Integer): String;
- function GetDiskLabel(aDiskNo: Integer): String;
- procedure SyncCabComp;
- procedure FlushCabinet(aGetNextCab: Boolean);
- //Callbacks
- function DoFilePlaced(pccab: PCCAB; pszFile: PAnsiChar;
- cbFile: Longint; fContinuation: WIN_BOOL): Boolean;
- function DoGetNextCabinet(pccab: PCCAB; cbPrevCab: ULONG): Boolean;
- function DoStatus(typeStatus: UINT; cb1: ULONG; cb2: ULONG): Longint;
- public
- constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Open(const aFileName: String);
- procedure Close(aFlushCab: Boolean = True);
- procedure AddFile(const aSrcFileName, aDstFileName: String;
- anOptions: TSTCabAddFileOptions = []);
- procedure AddFiles(const aSrcPath, aDstPath: String;
- anOptions: TSTCabAddFilesOptions = []);
- procedure StartNewCabinet;
- procedure StartNewFolder;
- property Handle: HFCI read FHandle;
- property FileName: String read FFileName;
- published
- property CabinetSizeThreshold: ULONG read FCabinetSizeThreshold write FCabinetSizeThreshold default 0;
- property CabinetFileCountThreshold: ULONG read FCabinetFileCountThreshold write FCabinetFileCountThreshold default 0;
- property FolderSizeThreshold: ULONG read FFolderSizeThreshold write FFolderSizeThreshold default 0;
- property FolderFileCountThreshold: ULONG read FFolderFileCountThreshold write FFolderFileCountThreshold default 0;
- property ReservePerCabinetSize: UINT read FReservePerCabinetSize write FReservePerCabinetSize default 0;
- property ReservePerFolderSize: UINT read FReservePerFolderSize write FReservePerFolderSize default 0;
- property ReservePerDataSize: UINT read FReservePerDataSize write FReservePerDataSize default 0;
- property SetID: USHORT read FSetID write FSetID default 0;
- property CabinetNameTemplate: String read FCabinetNameTemplate write FCabinetNameTemplate;
- property CabinetPathTemplate: String read FCabinetPathTemplate write FCabinetPathTemplate;
- property DiskLabelTemplate: String read FDiskLabelTemplate write FDiskLabelTemplate;
- property CompressionType: TSTCabCompressionType read FCompressionType write SetCompressionType default DefCabCompressionType;
- property CompressionLzxLevel: TSTCabLzxLevel read FCompressionLzxLevel write SetCompressionLzxLevel default DefCabLzxLevel;
- property OnFilePlaced: TSTCabWriterFilePlacedEvent read FOnFilePlaced write FOnFilePlaced;
- property OnGetNextCabinet: TSTCabWriterGetNextCabinetEvent read FOnGetNextCabinet write FOnGetNextCabinet;
- property OnFileStatus: TSTCabWriterFileStatusEvent read FOnFileStatus write FOnFileStatus;
- property OnFolderStatus: TSTCabWriterFolderStatusEvent read FOnFolderStatus write FOnFolderStatus;
- property OnCabinetStatus: TSTCabWriterCabinetStatusEvent read FOnCabinetStatus write FOnCabinetStatus;
- property OnProgress: TSTCabWriterProgressEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
- end;
- TSTCabReaderOption = (
- croExecuteOnExtract,
- croDontOverwriteReadOnlyFiles
- );
- TSTCabReaderOptions = set of TSTCabReaderOption;
- TSTCabReaderCabinetInfoEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabReader;
- const aNextCabName, aNextDiskName, aCabPath: String;
- aSetID, aCabNo: USHORT; var anAbort: Boolean) of object;
- TSTCabReaderCopyFileEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabReader;
- const aSrcFileName: String; anUncompressedSize: Longint;
- aDate, aTime, anAttrs, aFolderNo: USHORT; var aDstFullFileName: String;
- var anAbort: Boolean) of object;
- TSTCabReaderCopyPartialFileEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabReader;
- const aSrcFileName, aStartCabName, aStartDiskName, aDstFullFileName: String;
- var anAbort: Boolean) of object;
- TSTCabReaderCloseFileEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabReader;
- const aSrcFileName: String; aDate, aTime, anAttrs, aFolderNo: USHORT;
- var anExec: Boolean; const aDstFullFileName: String; var anAbort: Boolean) of object;
- TSTCabReaderNextCabinetEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabReader;
- const aCabName, aDiskName: String; var aCabPath: String;
- anError: TFDIERROR; var anAbort: Boolean) of object;
- TSTCabReaderUnrecognizedNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TSTCabReader;
- var aResult: Integer) of object;
- TSTCabReader = class(TComponent)
- private
- FHandle: HFDI;
- FFileName: String;
- FDstPath: String;
- FOptions: TSTCabReaderOptions;
- FOnCabinetInfo: TSTCabReaderCabinetInfoEvent;
- FOnCopyFile: TSTCabReaderCopyFileEvent;
- FOnCopyPartialFile: TSTCabReaderCopyPartialFileEvent;
- FOnCloseFile: TSTCabReaderCloseFileEvent;
- FOnNextCabinet: TSTCabReaderNextCabinetEvent;
- FOnUnrecognizedNotify: TSTCabReaderUnrecognizedNotifyEvent;
- function GetHandle: HFDI;
- protected
- FNextFileName: String;
- FNextDiskName: String;
- FSrcFileNames: TStringList;
- FDstFileNames: TStringList;
- procedure CabCheck(aResult: Boolean);
- procedure HandleNeeded;
- procedure DestroyHandle;
- //Callbacks
- function DoNotify(fdint: TFDINOTIFICATIONTYPE; pfdin: PFDINOTIFICATION): Integer;
- public
- constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function IsCabinet(const aFileName: String; var aCabInfo: TFDICABINETINFO): Boolean;
- procedure ExtractFiles(const aFileName, aDstPath: String);
- property Handle: HFDI read GetHandle;
- property FileName: String read FFileName;
- property DstPath: String read FDstPath;
- property NextFileName: String read FNextFileName;
- property NextDiskName: String read FNextDiskName;
- published
- property Options: TSTCabReaderOptions read FOptions write FOptions default [];
- property OnCabinetInfo: TSTCabReaderCabinetInfoEvent read FOnCabinetInfo write FOnCabinetInfo;
- property OnCopyFile: TSTCabReaderCopyFileEvent read FOnCopyFile write FOnCopyFile;
- property OnCopyPartialFile: TSTCabReaderCopyPartialFileEvent read FOnCopyPartialFile write FOnCopyPartialFile;
- property OnCloseFile: TSTCabReaderCloseFileEvent read FOnCloseFile write FOnCloseFile;
- property OnNextCabinet: TSTCabReaderNextCabinetEvent read FOnNextCabinet write FOnNextCabinet;
- property OnUnrecognizedNotify: TSTCabReaderUnrecognizedNotifyEvent read FOnUnrecognizedNotify write FOnUnrecognizedNotify;
- end;
- implementation
- uses
- CabSTConsts;
- { From fcntl.h }
- const
- _O_RDONLY = $0000; //open for reading only
- _O_WRONLY = $0001; //open for writing only
- _O_RDWR = $0002; //open for reading and writing
- _O_APPEND = $0008; //writes done at eof
- _O_CREAT = $0100; //create and open file
- _O_TRUNC = $0200; //open and truncate
- _O_EXCL = $0400; //open only if file doesn't already exist
- _O_TEXT = $4000; //file mode is text (translated)
- _O_BINARY = $8000; //file mode is binary (untranslated)
- _O_NOINHERIT = $0080; //child process doesn't inherit file
- _O_TEMPORARY = $0040; //temporary file bit
- _O_SHORT_LIVED = $1000; //temporary storage file, try not to flush
- _O_SEQUENTIAL = $0020; //file access is primarily sequential
- _O_RANDOM = $0010; //file access is primarily random
- { From sys\stat.h }
- const
- _S_IREAD = $0100; // read permission, owner
- _S_IWRITE = $0080; // write permission, owner
- var
- LastFdiError: Integer = 0;
- {$IFDEF VER130}
- function IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const s: String): String;
- var
- aLen: Integer;
- begin
- Result := s;
- aLen := Length(Result);
- if (aLen > 0) and (Result[aLen] <> '\') then
- Result := Result + '\';
- end;
- procedure RaiseLastOSError;
- begin
- RaiseLastWin32Error;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function MakePath(const aParts: array of String): String;
- var
- i, len: Integer;
- begin
- Result := '';
- for i := Low(aParts) to High(aParts) do begin
- if Length(aParts[i]) = 0 then
- continue;
- len := Length(Result);
- if len = 0 then begin
- Result := aParts[i];
- continue;
- end;
- if Result[len] = '\' then begin
- if aParts[i][1] = '\' then
- SetLength(Result, len - 1);
- Result := Result + aParts[i];
- end
- else begin
- if aParts[i][1] <> '\' then
- Result := Result + '\';
- Result := Result + aParts[i];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function ExcludeLeadingPathDelimiter(const s: String): String;
- begin
- Result := s;
- if (Length(Result) > 0) and (Result[1] = '\') then
- Delete(Result, 1, 1);
- end;
- function OFlagToFileDesiredAccess(oflag: Integer): DWORD;
- begin
- case (oflag and 3) of
- end;
- end;
- function OFlagToFileShareMode(oflag: Integer): DWORD;
- begin
- Result := FILE_SHARE_READ;
- end;
- function OFlagToFileCreationDisposition(oflag: Integer): DWORD;
- begin
- if ((oflag and _O_EXCL) <> 0) and ((oflag and _O_CREAT) <> 0) then
- Result := CREATE_NEW
- else if (oflag and _O_TRUNC) <> 0 then
- if (oflag and _O_CREAT) <> 0 then
- else
- else if (oflag and _O_CREAT) <> 0 then
- Result := OPEN_ALWAYS
- else
- Result := OPEN_EXISTING;
- end;
- function OFlagToFileFlagsAndAttributes(oflag: Integer): DWORD;
- begin
- if ((oflag and _O_SHORT_LIVED) <> 0) and ((oflag and _O_CREAT) <> 0) then
- else
- if (oflag and _O_RANDOM) <> 0 then
- Result := Result or FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS;
- if (oflag and _O_SEQUENTIAL) <> 0 then
- Result := Result or FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN;
- if ((oflag and _O_TEMPORARY) <> 0) and ((oflag and _O_CREAT) <> 0) then
- Result := Result or FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE;
- end;
- function StdFileOpen(pszFile: PAnsiChar; oflag: Integer; pmode: Integer;
- err: PInteger): Integer;
- var
- aHandle: THandle;
- begin
- aHandle := CreateFile(pszFile, OFlagToFileDesiredAccess(oflag),
- OFlagToFileShareMode(oflag), nil, OFlagToFileCreationDisposition(oflag),
- OFlagToFileFlagsAndAttributes(oflag), 0);
- if aHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin
- err^ := Integer(GetLastError);
- Result := -1;
- end
- else if ((oflag and _O_APPEND) <> 0) and
- (SetFilePointer(aHandle, 0, nil, FILE_END) = $FFFFFFFF) then begin
- err^ := Integer(GetLastError);
- Result := -1;
- CloseHandle(aHandle);
- end
- else
- Result := Integer(aHandle);
- end;
- function StdFileRead(hf: Integer; memory: PVoid; cb: UINT;
- err: PInteger): UINT;
- begin
- if not ReadFile(THandle(hf), memory^, cb, Result, nil) then begin
- err^ := Integer(GetLastError);
- Result := UINT(-1);
- end;
- end;
- function StdFileWrite(hf: Integer; memory: PVoid; cb: UINT;
- err: PInteger): UINT;
- begin
- if not WriteFile(THandle(hf), memory^, cb, Result, nil) then begin
- err^ := Integer(GetLastError);
- Result := UINT(-1);
- end;
- end;
- function StdFileClose(hf: Integer; err: PInteger): Integer;
- begin
- if CloseHandle(THandle(hf)) then
- Result := 0
- else begin
- err^ := Integer(GetLastError);
- Result := -1;
- end;
- end;
- function StdFileSeek(hf: Integer; dist: Longint; seektype: Integer;
- err: PInteger): Longint;
- var
- aPos: DWORD;
- begin
- aPos := SetFilePointer(THandle(hf), dist, nil, DWORD(seektype));
- if aPos = $FFFFFFFF then begin
- err^ := Integer(GetLastError);
- Result := -1;
- end
- else
- Result := Longint(aPos);
- end;
- function StdFileDelete(pszFile: PAnsiChar; err: PInteger): Integer;
- begin
- if Windows.DeleteFile(pszFile) then
- Result := 0
- else begin
- err^ := Integer(GetLastError);
- Result := -1;
- end;
- end;
- function StdFileGetOpenInfo(pszName: PAnsiChar; pdate: PUSHORT;
- ptime: PUSHORT; pattribs: PUSHORT; err: PInteger): Integer;
- var
- aHandle: THandle;
- aFileTime: TFileTime;
- begin
- aHandle := CreateFile(pszName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil,
- if aHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin
- err^ := Integer(GetLastError);
- Result := -1;
- end
- else if not GetFileInformationByHandle(aHandle, aFileInfo) then begin
- err^ := Integer(GetLastError);
- Result := -1;
- CloseHandle(aHandle);
- end
- else begin
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime(aFileInfo.ftLastWriteTime, aFileTime);
- FileTimeToDosDateTime(aFileTime, pdate^, ptime^);
- pattribs^ := USHORT(aFileInfo.dwFileAttributes and
- CloseHandle(aHandle);
- Result := StdFileOpen(pszName, _O_RDONLY or _O_BINARY, 0, err);
- end;
- end;
- function StdFileSetInfo(pszName: PAnsiChar; aDate, aTime, anAttrs: USHORT;
- err: PInteger): WIN_BOOL;
- var
- aHandle: THandle;
- aLocalFileTime, aFileTime: TFileTime;
- begin
- aHandle := CreateFile(pszName, GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ,
- if aHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin
- err^ := Integer(GetLastError);
- Result := WIN_FALSE;
- end
- else begin
- if DosDateTimeToFileTime(aDate, aTime, aLocalFileTime) and
- LocalFileTimeToFileTime(aLocalFileTime, aFileTime) then
- SetFileTime(aHandle, @aFileTime, nil, @aFileTime);
- CloseHandle(aHandle);
- SetFileAttributes(pszName, anAttrs and
- Result := WIN_TRUE;
- end;
- end;
- function StdGetTempFile(pszTempName: PAnsiChar; cbTempName: Integer): WIN_BOOL;
- var
- aResult: Boolean;
- aPath: array [0..MAX_PATH] of AnsiChar;
- aName: array [0..MAX_PATH] of AnsiChar;
- begin
- aResult := (GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, aPath) <> 0) and
- (GetTempFileName(aPath, 'stc', 0, aName) <> 0) and
- (Integer(StrLen(aName)) < cbTempName);
- if aResult then begin
- StrCopy(pszTempName, aName);
- //Delete temp file, cause MS don't expect file existing
- Windows.DeleteFile(pszTempName);
- end;
- Result := BooleanToWinBool[aResult];
- end;
- { FCI & FDI memory callbacks }
- function FnAlloc(cb: ULONG): PVoid; cdecl;
- begin
- GetMem(Result, cb);
- end;
- procedure FnFree(memory: PVoid); cdecl;
- begin
- FreeMem(memory);
- end;
- { FCI callbacks }
- function FnFciOpen(pszFile: PAnsiChar; oflag: Integer; pmode: Integer;
- err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): Integer; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := StdFileOpen(pszFile, oflag, pmode, err);
- end;
- function FnFciRead(hf: Integer; memory: PVoid; cb: UINT;
- err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): UINT; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := StdFileRead(hf, memory, cb, err);
- end;
- function FnFciWrite(hf: Integer; memory: PVoid; cb: UINT;
- err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): UINT; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := StdFileWrite(hf, memory, cb, err);
- end;
- function FnFciClose(hf: Integer; err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): Integer; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := StdFileClose(hf, err);
- end;
- function FnFciSeek(hf: Integer; dist: Longint; seektype: Integer;
- err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): Longint; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := StdFileSeek(hf, dist, seektype, err);
- end;
- function FnFciDelete(pszFile: PAnsiChar; err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): Integer; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := StdFileDelete(pszFile, err);
- end;
- function FnFciGetOpenInfo(pszName: PAnsiChar; pdate: PUSHORT;
- ptime: PUSHORT; pattribs: PUSHORT; err: PInteger; pv: PVoid): Integer; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := StdFileGetOpenInfo(pszName, pdate, ptime, pattribs, err);
- end;
- function FnFciGetTempFile(pszTempName: PAnsiChar; cbTempName: Integer;
- pv: PVoid): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := StdGetTempFile(pszTempName, cbTempName);
- end;
- function FnFciFilePlaced(pccab: PCCAB; pszFile: PAnsiChar;
- cbFile: Longint; fContinuation: WIN_BOOL; pv: PVoid): Integer; cdecl;
- begin
- if TSTCabWriter(pv).DoFilePlaced(pccab, pszFile, cbFile, fContinuation) then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := -1;
- end;
- function FnFciGetNextCabinet(pccab: PCCAB; cbPrevCab: ULONG; pv: PVoid): WIN_BOOL; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := BooleanToWinBool[TSTCabWriter(pv).DoGetNextCabinet(pccab, cbPrevCab)];
- end;
- function FnFciStatus(typeStatus: UINT; cb1: ULONG; cb2: ULONG; pv: PVoid): Longint; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := TSTCabWriter(pv).DoStatus(typeStatus, cb1, cb2);
- end;
- { FDI callbacks }
- function FnFdiOpen(pszFile: PAnsiChar; oflag: Integer; pmode: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
- var
- err: Integer;
- begin
- err := 0;
- Result := StdFileOpen(pszFile, oflag, pmode, @err);
- if err <> 0 then
- LastFdiError := err;
- end;
- function FnFdiRead(hf: Integer; pv: PVoid; cb: UINT): UINT; cdecl;
- var
- err: Integer;
- begin
- err := 0;
- Result := StdFileRead(hf, pv, cb, @err);
- if err <> 0 then
- LastFdiError := err;
- end;
- function FnFdiWrite(hf: Integer; pv: PVoid; cb: UINT): UINT; cdecl;
- var
- err: Integer;
- begin
- err := 0;
- Result := StdFileWrite(hf, pv, cb, @err);
- if err <> 0 then
- LastFdiError := err;
- end;
- function FnFdiClose(hf: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
- var
- err: Integer;
- begin
- err := 0;
- Result := StdFileClose(hf, @err);
- if err <> 0 then
- LastFdiError := err;
- end;
- function FnFdiSeek(hf: Integer; dist: Longint; seektype: Integer): Longint; cdecl;
- var
- err: Integer;
- begin
- err := 0;
- Result := StdFileSeek(hf, dist, seektype, @err);
- if err <> 0 then
- LastFdiError := err;
- end;
- function FnFdiNotify(fdint: TFDINOTIFICATIONTYPE; pfdin: PFDINOTIFICATION): Integer; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := TSTCabReader(pfdin^.pv).DoNotify(fdint, pfdin);
- end;
- { Error translation functions }
- function GetFciErrorMessage(anErrCode: Integer): String;
- begin
- case anErrCode of
- Integer(FCIERR_NONE): Result := SFciErrNone;
- Integer(FCIERR_OPEN_SRC): Result := SFciErrOpenSrc;
- Integer(FCIERR_READ_SRC): Result := SFciErrReadSrc;
- Integer(FCIERR_ALLOC_FAIL): Result := SFciErrAllocFail;
- Integer(FCIERR_TEMP_FILE): Result := SFciErrTempFile;
- Integer(FCIERR_BAD_COMPR_TYPE): Result := SFciErrBadComprType;
- Integer(FCIERR_CAB_FILE): Result := SFciErrCabFile;
- Integer(FCIERR_USER_ABORT): Result := SFciErrUserAbort;
- Integer(FCIERR_MCI_FAIL): Result := SFciErrMciFail;
- else Result := SFciErrUnknown;
- end;
- end;
- function GetFdiErrorMessage(anErrCode: Integer): String;
- begin
- case anErrCode of
- Integer(FDIERROR_NONE): Result := SFdiErrNone;
- Integer(FDIERROR_CABINET_NOT_FOUND): Result := SFdiErrCabinetNotFound;
- Integer(FDIERROR_NOT_A_CABINET): Result := SFdiErrNotACabinet;
- Integer(FDIERROR_UNKNOWN_CABINET_VERSION): Result := SFdiErrUnknownCabinetVersion;
- Integer(FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET): Result := SFdiErrCorruptCabinet;
- Integer(FDIERROR_ALLOC_FAIL): Result := SFdiErrAllocFail;
- Integer(FDIERROR_BAD_COMPR_TYPE): Result := SFdiErrBadComprType;
- Integer(FDIERROR_MDI_FAIL): Result := SFdiErrMdiFail;
- Integer(FDIERROR_TARGET_FILE): Result := SFdiErrTargetFile;
- Integer(FDIERROR_RESERVE_MISMATCH): Result := SFdiErrReserveMismatch;
- Integer(FDIERROR_WRONG_CABINET): Result := SFdiErrWrongCabinet;
- Integer(FDIERROR_USER_ABORT): Result := SFdiErrUserAbort;
- else Result := SFdiErrUnknown;
- end;
- end;
- { ESTCabinet }
- constructor ESTCabinet.Create(const anERF: TERF; anIsCompressing: Boolean);
- var
- s: String;
- begin
- FCabError := anERF.erfOper;
- FWinError := DWORD(anERF.erfType);
- FErrorPresent := anERF.fError <> WIN_FALSE;
- FIsCompressing := anIsCompressing;
- if IsCompressing then begin
- if ErrorPresent then
- s := GetFciErrorMessage(CabError) + ' [0x' + IntToHex(CabError, 4) + ']'
- else
- s := SFciErrUnknown;
- end
- else begin
- if ErrorPresent then
- s := GetFdiErrorMessage(CabError) + ' [0x' + IntToHex(CabError, 4) + ']'
- else
- s := SFdiErrUnknown;
- end;
- if ErrorPresent and (WinError <> 0) then
- s := s + '.'#13#10 + SysErrorMessage(Integer(WinError)) +
- ' [0x' + IntToHex(Integer(WinError), 4) + '].';
- inherited Create(s);
- end;
- { TSTCabWriter }
- constructor TSTCabWriter.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(aOwner);
- FCompressionType := DefCabCompressionType;
- FCompressionLzxLevel := DefCabLzxLevel;
- SyncCabComp;
- end;
- destructor TSTCabWriter.Destroy;
- begin
- Close(False);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TSTCabWriter.SetCompressionType(aValue: TSTCabCompressionType);
- begin
- FCompressionType := aValue;
- SyncCabComp;
- end;
- procedure TSTCabWriter.SetCompressionLzxLevel(aValue: TSTCabLzxLevel);
- begin
- FCompressionLzxLevel := aValue;
- SyncCabComp;
- end;
- procedure TSTCabWriter.CabCheck(aResult: Boolean);
- begin
- if not aResult then
- raise ESTCabinet.Create(FERF, True);
- end;
- function TSTCabWriter.GetCabinetName(aCabNo: Integer): String;
- var
- aPos: Integer;
- begin
- Result := CabinetNameTemplate;
- if Result = '' then begin
- Result := ExtractFileName(FileName);
- aPos := LastDelimiter('.', Result);
- if aPos = 0 then
- Result := Result + '*'
- else
- Insert('*', Result, aPos);
- end;
- Result := StringReplace(Result, '*', IntToStr(aCabNo), [rfReplaceAll]);
- end;
- function TSTCabWriter.GetCabinetPath(aDiskNo: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := CabinetPathTemplate;
- if Result = '' then
- Result := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
- Result := StringReplace(Result, '*', IntToStr(aDiskNo), [rfReplaceAll]);
- Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Result);
- end;
- function TSTCabWriter.GetDiskLabel(aDiskNo: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := DiskLabelTemplate;
- if Result = '' then
- Result := SDiskLabelTemplateDef;
- Result := StringReplace(Result, '*', IntToStr(aDiskNo), [rfReplaceAll]);
- end;
- procedure TSTCabWriter.SyncCabComp;
- begin
- case CompressionType of
- cctNone: FCabComp := tcompTYPE_NONE;
- cctMsZip: FCabComp := tcompTYPE_MSZIP;
- cctLzx: FCabComp := TCOMPfromLZXWindow(CompressionLzxLevel);
- else FCabComp := tcompBAD;
- end;
- end;
- function TSTCabWriter.DoFilePlaced(pccab: PCCAB; pszFile: PAnsiChar;
- cbFile: Longint; fContinuation: WIN_BOOL): Boolean;
- var
- anAbort: Boolean;
- begin
- anAbort := False;
- if Assigned(OnFilePlaced) then
- OnFilePlaced(Self, pccab^, pszFile, cbFile, fContinuation <> WIN_FALSE, anAbort);
- Result := not anAbort;
- end;
- function TSTCabWriter.DoGetNextCabinet(pccab: PCCAB; cbPrevCab: ULONG): Boolean;
- var
- anAbort: Boolean;
- begin
- anAbort := False;
- Inc(pccab^.iDisk);
- StrPCopy(pccab^.szDisk, GetDiskLabel(pccab^.iDisk));
- StrPCopy(pccab^.szCab, GetCabinetName(pccab^.iCab));
- StrPCopy(pccab^.szCabPath, GetCabinetPath(pccab^.iDisk));
- if Assigned(OnGetNextCabinet) then
- OnGetNextCabinet(Self, pccab^, cbPrevCab, anAbort);
- if not anAbort then begin
- ForceDirectories(pccab^.szCabPath);
- Windows.DeleteFile(PChar(
- MakePath([String(pccab^.szCabPath), String(pccab^.szCab)])));
- end;
- FFileCountPerCabinet := 0;
- FFileCountPerFolder := 0;
- Result := not anAbort;
- end;
- function TSTCabWriter.DoStatus(typeStatus: UINT; cb1: ULONG; cb2: ULONG): Longint;
- var
- anAbort: Boolean;
- aDesiredSize: ULONG;
- begin
- anAbort := False;
- Result := 0;
- case typeStatus of
- statusFile: begin
- if Assigned(OnFileStatus) then
- OnFileStatus(Self, cb1, cb2, anAbort);
- if (FProgressCount < 0) and Assigned(OnProgress) and not anAbort then begin
- OnProgress(Self, anAbort);
- FProgressCount := 8;
- end;
- Dec(FProgressCount);
- end;
- statusFolder: begin
- if Assigned(OnFolderStatus) then
- OnFolderStatus(Self, cb1, cb2, anAbort);
- FFileCountPerFolder := 0;
- end;
- statusCabinet: begin
- aDesiredSize := 0;
- if Assigned(OnCabinetStatus) then
- OnCabinetStatus(Self, cb1, cb2, aDesiredSize, anAbort);
- Result := Longint(aDesiredSize);
- FFileCountPerCabinet := 0;
- FFileCountPerFolder := 0;
- end;
- end;
- if anAbort then
- Result := -1;
- end;
- procedure TSTCabWriter.Open(const aFileName: String);
- var
- anAbort: Boolean;
- begin
- Close(False);
- FFileName := ExpandFileName(aFileName);
- FillChar(FERF, SizeOf(FERF), 0);
- FillChar(FOriginalCCAB, SizeOf(FOriginalCCAB), 0);
- if CabinetSizeThreshold = 0 then
- FOriginalCCAB.cb := CB_MAX_DISK
- else
- FOriginalCCAB.cb := CabinetSizeThreshold;
- if FolderSizeThreshold = 0 then
- FOriginalCCAB.cbFolderThresh := CB_MAX_DISK //???
- else
- FOriginalCCAB.cbFolderThresh := FolderSizeThreshold;
- FOriginalCCAB.cbReserveCFHeader := ReservePerCabinetSize;
- FOriginalCCAB.cbReserveCFFolder := ReservePerFolderSize;
- FOriginalCCAB.cbReserveCFData := ReservePerDataSize;
- FOriginalCCAB.iDisk := 1;
- FOriginalCCAB.setID := SetID;
- StrPCopy(FOriginalCCAB.szDisk, GetDiskLabel(FOriginalCCAB.iDisk));
- StrPCopy(FOriginalCCAB.szCab, ExtractFileName(FileName));
- StrPCopy(FOriginalCCAB.szCabPath, ExtractFilePath(FileName));
- anAbort := False;
- if Assigned(OnGetNextCabinet) then begin
- OnGetNextCabinet(Self, FOriginalCCAB, 0, anAbort);
- if anAbort then
- exit;
- end;
- StrPCopy(FOriginalCCAB.szCabPath, IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(FOriginalCCAB.szCabPath));
- ForceDirectories(FOriginalCCAB.szCabPath);
- Windows.DeleteFile(PChar(
- MakePath([String(FOriginalCCAB.szCabPath), String(FOriginalCCAB.szCab)])));
- FFileCountPerCabinet := 0;
- FFileCountPerFolder := 0;
- FProgressCount := 0;
- FHandle := FCICreate(@FERF, @FnFciFilePlaced, @FnAlloc, @FnFree,
- @FnFciOpen, @FnFciRead, @FnFciWrite, @FnFciClose, @FnFciSeek,
- @FnFciDelete, @FnFciGetTempFile, @FOriginalCCAB, Self);
- CabCheck(FHandle <> nil);
- end;
- procedure TSTCabWriter.Close(aFlushCab: Boolean = True);
- begin
- if FHandle <> nil then begin
- if aFlushCab then
- FlushCabinet(False);
- try
- CabCheck(FCIDestroy(FHandle) <> WIN_FALSE);
- finally
- FHandle := nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSTCabWriter.AddFile(const aSrcFileName, aDstFileName: String;
- anOptions: TSTCabAddFileOptions = []);
- var
- anExec: WIN_BOOL;
- begin
- if (CabinetFileCountThreshold <> 0) and
- (FFileCountPerCabinet >= CabinetFileCountThreshold) then
- StartNewCabinet
- else if (FolderFileCountThreshold <> 0) and
- (FFileCountPerFolder >= FolderFileCountThreshold) then
- StartNewFolder;
- anExec := BooleanToWinBool[cafoExecuteOnExtract in anOptions];
- CabCheck(FCIAddFile(Handle, PAnsiChar(aSrcFileName),
- PAnsiChar(ExcludeLeadingPathDelimiter(aDstFileName)),
- anExec, @FnFciGetNextCabinet, @FnFciStatus, @FnFciGetOpenInfo,
- FCabComp) <> WIN_FALSE);
- Inc(FFileCountPerCabinet);
- Inc(FFileCountPerFolder);
- end;
- procedure TSTCabWriter.AddFiles(const aSrcPath, aDstPath: String;
- anOptions: TSTCabAddFilesOptions = []);
- procedure ProcessFolder(const aPath, aMask, aCabPath: String);
- var
- aFindPath, aFileName: String;
- aFindData: TWin32FindData;
- hFind: THandle;
- aFolders: TStringList;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- //Process files
- aFindPath := MakePath([aPath, aMask]);
- hFind := Windows.FindFirstFile(PChar(aFindPath), aFindData);
- if hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin
- if GetLastError <> ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND then
- RaiseLastOSError;
- end
- else begin
- try
- repeat
- aFileName := aFindData.cFileName;
- if (aFindData.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) = 0 then
- AddFile(MakePath([aPath, aFileName]), MakePath([aCabPath, aFileName]), []);
- until not Windows.FindNextFile(hFind, aFindData);
- if GetLastError <> ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES then
- RaiseLastOSError;
- finally
- Windows.FindClose(hFind);
- end;
- end;
- if cafsoRecurseSubdirs in anOptions then begin
- //Process subfolders
- aFolders := TStringList.Create;
- try
- aFindPath := MakePath([aPath, '*']);
- hFind := Windows.FindFirstFile(PChar(aFindPath), aFindData);
- if hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin
- if GetLastError <> ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND then
- RaiseLastOSError;
- end
- else begin
- try
- repeat
- aFileName := aFindData.cFileName;
- if ((aFindData.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) <> 0) and
- (aFileName <> '.') and (aFileName <> '..') then
- aFolders.Add(aFileName);
- until not Windows.FindNextFile(hFind, aFindData);
- if GetLastError <> ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES then
- RaiseLastOSError;
- finally
- Windows.FindClose(hFind);
- end;
- for i := 0 to aFolders.Count - 1 do
- ProcessFolder(MakePath([aPath, aFolders[i]]), aMask,
- MakePath([aCabPath, aFolders[i]]));
- end;
- finally
- aFolders.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- ProcessFolder(ExtractFilePath(aSrcPath), ExtractFileName(aSrcPath), aDstPath);
- end;
- procedure TSTCabWriter.FlushCabinet(aGetNextCab: Boolean);
- begin
- CabCheck(FCIFlushCabinet(Handle, BooleanToWinBool[aGetNextCab],
- @FnFciGetNextCabinet, @FnFciStatus) <> WIN_FALSE);
- FFileCountPerCabinet := 0;
- FFileCountPerFolder := 0;
- end;
- procedure TSTCabWriter.StartNewCabinet;
- begin
- FlushCabinet(True);
- end;
- procedure TSTCabWriter.StartNewFolder;
- begin
- CabCheck(FCIFlushFolder(Handle, @FnFciGetNextCabinet, @FnFciStatus) <> WIN_FALSE);
- FFileCountPerFolder := 0;
- end;
- { TSTCabReader }
- constructor TSTCabReader.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(aOwner);
- FSrcFileNames := TStringList.Create;
- FDstFileNames := TStringList.Create;
- FOptions := [];
- end;
- destructor TSTCabReader.Destroy;
- begin
- DestroyHandle;
- FSrcFileNames.Free;
- FDstFileNames.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TSTCabReader.GetHandle: HFDI;
- begin
- HandleNeeded;
- Result := FHandle;
- end;
- procedure TSTCabReader.CabCheck(aResult: Boolean);
- begin
- if not aResult then begin
- FERF.erfType := LastFdiError;
- raise ESTCabinet.Create(FERF, False);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSTCabReader.HandleNeeded;
- begin
- if FHandle = nil then begin
- FillChar(FERF, SizeOf(FERF), 0);
- FHandle := FDICreate(@FnAlloc, @FnFree, @FnFdiOpen, @FnFdiRead, @FnFdiWrite,
- @FnFdiClose, @FnFdiSeek, cpuUNKNOWN, @FERF);
- CabCheck(FHandle <> nil);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSTCabReader.DestroyHandle;
- begin
- if FHandle <> nil then begin
- try
- CabCheck(FDIDestroy(FHandle) <> WIN_FALSE);
- finally
- FHandle := nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TSTCabReader.DoNotify(fdint: TFDINOTIFICATIONTYPE; pfdin: PFDINOTIFICATION): Integer;
- var
- aFileName, aFilePath: String;
- err, anIndex, aFileAttrs: Integer;
- anExec, anAbort: Boolean;
- begin
- LastFdiError := 0;
- anAbort := False;
- case fdint of
- fdintCABINET_INFO: begin
- FNextFileName := pfdin^.psz1;
- if FNextFileName <> '' then
- FNextFileName := MakePath([String(pfdin^.psz3), FNextFileName]);
- FNextDiskName := pfdin^.psz2;
- if Assigned(OnCabinetInfo) then
- OnCabinetInfo(Self, pfdin^.psz1, pfdin^.psz2, pfdin^.psz3,
- pfdin^.setID, pfdin^.iCabinet, anAbort);
- if anAbort then
- Result := -1
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- fdintPARTIAL_FILE: begin
- anIndex := FSrcFileNames.IndexOf(pfdin^.psz1);
- if anIndex >= 0 then
- aFileName := FDstFileNames[anIndex]
- else
- aFileName := '';
- if Assigned(OnCopyPartialFile) then
- OnCopyPartialFile(Self, pfdin^.psz1, pfdin^.psz2, pfdin^.psz3, aFileName, anAbort);
- if anAbort then
- Result := -1
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- fdintCOPY_FILE: begin
- aFileName := MakePath([DstPath, String(pfdin^.psz1)]);
- if Assigned(OnCopyFile) then
- OnCopyFile(Self, pfdin^.psz1, pfdin^.cb, pfdin^.date, pfdin^.time,
- pfdin^.attribs, pfdin^.iFolder, aFileName, anAbort);
- if anAbort then
- Result := -1
- else if aFileName = '' then
- Result := 0
- else begin
- ForceDirectories(ExtractFilePath(aFileName));
- if FileExists(aFileName) then begin
- aFileAttrs := FileGetAttr(aFileName);
- if (aFileAttrs and faReadOnly) <> 0 then begin
- if croDontOverwriteReadOnlyFiles in Options then begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- FileSetAttr(aFileName, aFileAttrs and not faReadOnly);
- end;
- end;
- err := 0;
- Result := StdFileOpen(PAnsiChar(aFileName), _O_BINARY or _O_CREAT or
- if err <> 0 then
- LastFdiError := err;
- if Result <> -1 then begin
- FSrcFileNames.Add(pfdin^.psz1);
- FDstFileNames.Add(aFileName);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO: begin
- err := 0;
- StdFileClose(pfdin^.hf, @err);
- anIndex := FSrcFileNames.IndexOf(pfdin^.psz1);
- if anIndex >= 0 then begin
- aFileName := FDstFileNames[anIndex];
- FSrcFileNames.Delete(anIndex);
- FDstFileNames.Delete(anIndex);
- StdFileSetInfo(PAnsiChar(aFileName), pfdin^.date, pfdin^.time,
- pfdin^.attribs, @err);
- end
- else
- aFileName := '';
- anExec := (pfdin^.cb and 1) = 1;
- if Assigned(OnCloseFile) then
- OnCloseFile(Self, pfdin^.psz1, pfdin^.date, pfdin^.time, pfdin^.attribs,
- pfdin^.iFolder, anExec, aFileName, anAbort);
- if anAbort then
- Result := -1
- else begin
- if anExec and (croExecuteOnExtract in Options) and (aFileName <> '') then
- ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(aFileName), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- Result := WIN_TRUE;
- end;
- end;
- fdintNEXT_CABINET: begin
- if Assigned(OnNextCabinet) then begin
- aFilePath := pfdin^.psz3;
- OnNextCabinet(Self, pfdin^.psz1, pfdin^.psz2, aFilePath, pfdin^.fdie, anAbort);
- if anAbort then
- Result := -1
- else begin
- StrPCopy(pfdin^.psz3, IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aFilePath));
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end
- else if pfdin^.fdie = FDIERROR_NONE then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := -1;
- end;
- fdintENUMERATE: begin
- Result := 0;
- if Assigned(OnUnrecognizedNotify) then
- OnUnrecognizedNotify(Self, fdint, pfdin^, Result);
- end;
- else begin
- Result := 0;
- if Assigned(OnUnrecognizedNotify) then
- OnUnrecognizedNotify(Self, fdint, pfdin^, Result);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TSTCabReader.IsCabinet(const aFileName: String; var aCabInfo: TFDICABINETINFO): Boolean;
- var
- hf, err: Integer;
- begin
- err := 0;
- hf := StdFileOpen(PAnsiChar(aFileName), _O_RDONLY or _O_BINARY, 0, @err);
- if hf = -1 then
- RaiseLastOSError;
- try
- Result := FDIIsCabinet(Handle, hf, @aCabInfo) <> WIN_FALSE;
- finally
- StdFileClose(hf, @err);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSTCabReader.ExtractFiles(const aFileName, aDstPath: String);
- var
- s: String;
- begin
- FFileName := ExpandFileName(aFileName);
- FDstPath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aDstPath);
- FSrcFileNames.Clear;
- FDstFileNames.Clear;
- s := FileName;
- while s <> '' do begin
- FNextFileName := '';
- FNextDiskName := '';
- CabCheck(FDICopy(Handle, PAnsiChar(ExtractFileName(s)),
- PAnsiChar(ExtractFilePath(s)), 0, @FnFdiNotify, nil, Self) <> WIN_FALSE);
- s := NextFileName;
- if (s <> '') and not FileExists(s) then
- s := '';
- end;
- end;
- end.