Click here to open your home page. You specify your home page in the Default Pages section of the Preferences dialog.
Click here if you want to download this page again. Doing so is useful when a pageΓÇÖs content or images arenΓÇÖt complete or you think the page has changed.
Click here to display this pageΓÇÖs HTML source code. You choose which text editor is used for the display in the Show Source section of the Preferences dialog.
Click here to activate a dialog for choosing an HTML page or text file to open from a local volume.
Click here to activate a dialog for entering and then opening a URL. The dialog also contains buttons for selecting commonly used pages, like your home page and favorite search site.
Click here to open a window containing your ΓÇ£HotlistΓÇ¥, an editable list of links to your favorite pages. An easy way to add a page to the Hotlist is to drag the pageΓÇÖs URL from the browser window Location bar and then drop it into the Hotlist.
Click here to cancel the download of a page.
Click on this picture to go to the iCab home page. When the picture is animated, iCab is processing a page download.
This smiley shows if a displayed page does conform to HTML standards. Click on the smiley to open a window that lists the pageΓÇÖs HTML errors. You can specify report options in the Error Report section of the Preferences dialog.
This Location bar usually contains a pageΓÇÖs URL. You may change the URL and then press the Return key to load a new page.
Use this popup menu to select from pages you have previously viewed in this browser window, so you can quickly revisit them.
Think of it as a ΓÇ£mini-historyΓÇ¥.
This status bar usually displays information about a pageΓÇÖs loading progress. If you put the mouse pointer over a page link in a browser window, the status bar instead displays the linkΓÇÖs URL.
Click here to load and display your favorite search site. You specify the search site in the Default Pages section of the Preferences dialog.
Click here to load and display your favorite search site. (Not available because no search site is specified in the Default Pages section of the Preferences dialog.)
Click here to open your home page. (Not available because no home page is specified in the Default Pages section of the Preferences dialog.)
Click here to go back to the previous page. (Not available because no previous page exists.)
Click here to go forward to the next page. (Not available because no next page exists.)
Click here to make this browser windowΓÇÖs font sizes one point larger.
Click here to make this browser windowΓÇÖs font sizes one point smaller.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs home page or title page.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs table of contents.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs first page.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs previous page.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs next page.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs last page.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs main chapter.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs index.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs search page.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs help page.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs copyright.
Displays information about the Web siteΓÇÖs author or allows you to send the author an email.
Use this popup menu to access all of the Web siteΓÇÖs defined standard links.
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs home page or title page. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs table of contents. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs first page. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs previous page. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs next page. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs last page. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs main chapter. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs index. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs search page. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs help page. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Loads and displays the Web siteΓÇÖs copyright. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Displays some information about the Web siteΓÇÖs author or allows you to send the author an email. (Not available because this standard link is not defined by the Web site.)
Use this popup menu to access all of the Web siteΓÇÖs definied standard links. (Not available because this standard link is not definied by the Web site.)
This Favorites bar displays items contained in a Hotlist ΓÇ£favorites folderΓÇ¥. Any folder can be the favorites folder, so you can have a Favorites bar for each browsing need. To change the bar, just Control-click a folder and select ΓÇ£Use As Favorites BarΓÇ¥.
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This icon indicates if iCab is currently in Online (world) or Offline mode (crossed world). Click the icon to alter the mode.
This icon indicates that the current page was transmitted using SSL.