Enter here one or more words you want to search for. Enclose in quotes any words you want considered as a phrase.
Checked, so upper/lower case will be considered in this search. Uncheck if upper/lower case doesnΓÇÖt matter.
Select this option if you want this search to take place in the current (front) window.
Select this option if you want this search to take place within local HTML files contained in volumes and folders you specify to the right. The results are displayed in a browser window.
Select this option if you want this search to take place on a c't or iX CD-ROM. The results are displayed in a browser window.
Select this option if you want this search to take place on one or two Internet search sites you specify to the right.
Click ΓÇ£CancelΓÇ¥ to close this dialog without starting a search.
Click ΓÇ£OKΓÇ¥ to close this dialog and start the search.
Enter here any words that must occur in all found documents. Enclose in quotes any words that must occur as a phrase.
Enter here any words that must occur in all found documents. (Not available because ΓÇ£In current windowΓÇ¥ is the currently selected search mode.)
Enter here any words that must not occur in any found documents. Enclose in quotes any words that must not occur as a phrase.
Enter here any words that must not occur in any found documents. (Not available because ΓÇ£In current windowΓÇ¥ is the currently selected search mode.)
Click here to add or delete folders and/or volumes you want used for searching within local HTML files.
Use this popup menu to select a site to process an Internet search.
Use this popup menu to select an optional, second site to process an Internet search.
Unchecked, so upper/lower case will not be considered in this search. Check if upper/lower case matters.
Click "OK" to close this dialog and add this site to the Find dialogΓÇÖs Internet search popup menu. You can later edit or delete the site data in the Intenet Search Sites section of the Preferences dialog.
Click ΓÇ£CancelΓÇ£ to close this dialog without saving the search site data.
Enter here the search site name you want used in the Find dialogΓÇÖs Internet search site popup menu.
This is the ΓÇ£resultsΓÇ¥ URL of the Internet search site you are adding. A given searchΓÇÖs keyword(s) will be added to the URL string when you start a search at the site. Depending on transfer method, the URL may also include the search parameters.
Depending on transfer method, this area contains the search parameters or is left empty.
Clicking "Cancel" closes this dialog and stops the current search of local HTML files.
Select this option if you want this search to take place in the iCab Web cache.