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- ;Stones game
- ; RemainingStones is the number of remaining stones. (15 thru 35)
- ; MaxTakePerTurn is the most you can take away at one time (3 thru 6)
- CR=StrCat(Num2Char(13),Num2Char(10))
- a1="In this game, the players, you and the~"
- a2="computer, start with a common pile of~"
- a3="many stones, usually between 15 and 35.~~"
- a4="While alternating turns, you take away~"
- a5="one or more stones from the pile.~"
- a6="You may not take more than some agreed~"
- a7="upon number of stones, usually between~"
- a8="three and six.~~"
- a9="Whoever is forced to take the last~"
- a10="stone loses.~~"
- a11="You get to go first."
- directions=strcat(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11)
- TextSelect("HOW 2 PLAY STONES",directions,"~")
- drop(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,directions)
- :playitagainsam
- MyBoxText="Starrrrting up Stones"
- RemainingStones=Random(21)
- ;Normalize RemainingStones to be between 15 and 35
- RemainingStones = RemainingStones + 15
- MaxTakePerTurn=Random(3)
- ;Normalize MaxTakePerTurn to be between 3 and 6
- MaxTakePerTurn = MaxTakePerTurn + 3
- TheMagicNumber = MaxTakePerTurn + 1
- BoxOpen("Stones Stones Stones",MyBoxText)
- PlayWaveform("TaDa.wav",1)
- WinPlace(800,800,1000,1000,"Stones Stones Stones")
- Delay(1)
- WinPlace(500,500,900,900,"Stones Stones Stones")
- Delay(1)
- WinPlace(300,300,800,800,"Stones Stones Stones")
- Delay(1)
- WinPlace(100,100,800,700,"Stones Stones Stones")
- MyBoxText=strcat(MyBoxText,cr,"Starting with %RemainingStones% Stones.")
- BoxText(MyBoxText)
- :next
- PlayerTakes=AskLine("STONES","%RemainingStones% Stones left. Take 1 to %MaxTakePerTurn% stones","")
- if PlayerTakes<1 then goto cheat
- if PlayerTakes>MaxTakePerTurn then goto cheat
- goto gotok
- :cheat
- Message("GRAVEL","You cheat! You may only take 1 to %MaxTakePerTurn% stones.")
- goto next
- :gotok
- MyBoxText=strcat(MyBoxText,cr,"Human takes %PlayerTakes% stones")
- BoxText(MyBoxText)
- if PlayerTakes>=RemainingStones then goto youlose
- RemainingStones = RemainingStones - PlayerTakes
- if RemainingStones==1 then goto complose
- MyMove =RemainingStones - 1
- MyMove = MyMove mod TheMagicNumber
- if MyMove == 0 then MyMove = Int(max(1,Random(MaxTakePerTurn)))
- StonesLeft =RemainingStones - MyMove
- MyBoxText=strcat(MyBoxText,cr,"Hmm %RemainingStones% stones left. I take %MyMove% stones, leaving %StonesLeft%.")
- BoxText(MyBoxText)
- RemainingStones = StonesLeft
- if RemainingStones==1 then goto youlose
- goto next
- :youlose
- MyBoxText=strcat(MyBoxText,cr,"Human stuck with final stone.")
- BoxText(MyBoxText)
- Message("ROCKS","Nyah Nyah Nyah. You Lose.")
- goto bye
- :complose
- MyBoxText=strcat(MyBoxText,cr,"Hmmm I lost. Human must be running program on defective CPU.")
- Message("PEBBLES","What!!!???!! I lost???%cr%CPU must be defective.%cr%Please replace.")
- BoxText(MyBoxText)
- :bye
- Response=AskYesNo("BOULDERS","Would you like to play again?")
- if Response == @TRUE then goto playitagainsam
- ErrorMode(@off)
- BoxShut()
- return
- :cancel
- Display(1,"Cancelled","User cancelled Stones")
- return