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- ; sol.wbt
- mins = AskLine("Solitaire", "How many mins do you want to play?", "")
- Switch mins
- case 0
- Display(5, "", "Game canceled")
- return
- break
- case 1
- Message("Only a minute?", "Wow! You've got willpower.")
- break
- case 2
- Message("2 Minutes?", "This isn't much of a break.")
- break
- case 3
- Message("3 Minutes?", "You're barely got time to shuffle")
- break
- case 4
- Message("HA,HA,HA", "I dare you to try to beat me.")
- break
- case mins ;default case - must be last in the switch
- Message("THAT LONG!!!", "Where did you get all that time?")
- break
- EndSwitch
- If WinExist("Solitaire") == @TRUE
- WinActivate("Solitaire")
- Else
- Run("sol.exe", "")
- Endif
- for i = 0 to 9
- j=100-i*10
- k=300+i*70
- WinPlace(j,j,k,k,"Solitaire")
- next
- WinZoom("Solitaire")
- SendKey("!gc{RIGHT}{SP}~")
- GoSub dumdedum
- if WinExist("Solitaire") then WinHide("Solitaire")
- else exit
- mins=AskLine("More Time?", "Enter additional minutes", 0)
- WinShow("Solitaire")
- If mins!=0 then GoSub dumdedum
- errormode(@off)
- while WinExist("Solitaire")
- WinClose("Solitaire")
- endwhile
- errormode(@cancel)
- Message("Time's Up", "Get Back to Work!")
- return
- :dumdedum
- goal = mins * 60
- timer = 0
- While timer < goal
- remain = goal - timer
- if WinExist("Solitaire") ; Make user user did not close it manually
- WinTitle("Solitaire", "Solitaire (%remain% seconds left)")
- else
- return
- endif
- Delay(10)
- timer = timer + 10
- EndWhile
- Return