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Text File | 2002-02-02 | 44.7 KB | 1,278 lines |
- ******************texty-menu**************
- < 1> M
- < 2> Order
- < 3> E-mail
- < 4> Country
- < 5> Date sent
- < 6> Note
- < 7> Date: previous 1
- < 8> Date: previous 2
- < 9> Date: previous 3
- < 10> Data-item
- < 11> Index
- < 12> Date
- < 13> Day
- < 14> Tasks - Activity - Notes
- < 15> field <Comp.> ... 50 chars
- < 16> field <Name> ... 40 chars
- < 17> field <Postcode> ... 8 chars
- < 18> field <City> ... 32 chars
- < 19> field <Street> ... 35 chars
- < 20> field <Phone> ... 20 chars
- < 21> field <Office phone> ... 20 chars
- < 22> field <Office fax> ... 20 chars
- < 23> field <Mobile> ... 20 chars
- < 24> field <claims> ... number 6.2
- < 25> field <liabilities> ... number 6.2
- < 26> field <revenues> ... number 6.0
- < 27> field <reserves> ... number 6.0
- < 28> field <pcs 1> ... number 6.0
- < 29> field <pcs 2> ... number 6.0
- < 30> field <dues> ... number 3.1
- < 31> field <identification no.> ... 10 chars
- < 32> field <Task date> ... date
- < 33> field <Order code> ... 6 chars
- < 34> field <Order of items> ... number 5.0
- < 35> field <Index-DB type> ... 10 chars
- < 36> field <Data-Info> ... Memo-unlimited
- < 37> field <Note> -fills in date of last contact/mail ... 65 chars
- < 38> field <E-mail> -do not change meaning ... 50 chars
- < 39> field <Mail-order> -do not change meaning ... number 6.0
- < 40> Font size to mark form items <6..8>
- < 41> Incidence rate
- < 42> Data
- < 43> Diary
- < 44> Internet
- < 45> Total
- < 46> No. of e-mail contacts
- < 47> Unused e-mail addresses
- < 48> active e-mail addresses
- < 49> E-mails to send
- < 50> E-mails with specific dates
- < 51> Main menu
- < 52> Exit
- < 53> Redraw screen
- < 54> deadlines and tasks
- < 55> Form - Data / Info
- < 56> No. of current items in database
- < 57> No. of items in database
- < 58> All data by :
- < 59> Select
- < 60> No. of selected items
- < 61> No. of current items in database selection
- < 62> Menu
- < 63> Select - current tasks
- < 64> Select case in/sensitive
- < 65> Select by:
- < 66> Add to previous selection
- < 67> Individual selection
- < 68> Add all to selection
- < 69> Menu - sort, print
- < 70> Sorted by item
- < 71> Sort by item :
- < 72> Sort
- < 73> Print format setting
- < 74> Print
- < 75> Printer not ready - ON LINE ?!
- < 76> Active print format
- < 77> Print
- < 78> Print to file
- < 79> Printer
- < 80> No. of addresses at server
- < 81> No. of e-mail addresses at major servers at last update
- < 82> Internet provider's server >> not a company server
- < 83> Analyse no. of company addresses at servers ?
- < 84> Interlinking /analogy/
- < 85> Pause
- < 86> Press any key to continue ...
- < 87> Please wait, data processing in progress !
- < 88> This is a time-consuming function !
- < 89> Cut
- < 90> Copy
- < 91> Copy
- < 92> Ignore strings
- < 93> Change mask size
- < 94> Similar contact
- < 95> Similar position ?
- < 96> Error - wrong address
- < 97> Sorry, wrong command !
- < 98> Error
- < 99> Search for <no.> of identical chars :
- < 100> More than 2 chars, 5 recommended
- < 101> items deleted
- < 102> Font
- < 103> Table to view
- < 104> Table to edit
- < 105> Row
- < 106> Standard table colours
- < 107> Cursor colour
- < 108> Cursor shade
- < 109> Text colour
- < 110> Background colour
- < 111> Background shade
- < 112> Black
- < 113> Blue
- < 114> Green
- < 115> Cyan - grey-blue
- < 116> Red - brown
- < 117> Violet
- < 118> Yellow - khaki
- < 119> White - grey
- < 120> Light shade
- < 121> Medium shade
- < 122> Dark shade
- < 123> Minimum resolution
- < 124> 800x600
- < 125> 1024x768
- < 126> Individual settings
- < 127> Field names in data table
- < 128> Addresses blocked in Internet directory
- < 129> Fill in main undefined data
- < 130> Other
- < 131> Export
- < 132> Import
- < 133> Daily backup
- < 134> Calendar
- < 135> Calculator
- < 136> Edit
- < 137> New item
- < 138> Item
- < 139> Data update
- < 140> Enter current date/delete M(ail)-index
- < 141> E-mails earlier than <date> - mark to send /M>0
- < 142> Edit current e-mail /M>0
- < 143> Addresses to send - format to file
- < 144> Settings
- < 145> Order :
- < 146> Previous item
- < 147> Following item
- < 148> First item
- < 149> Last item
- < 150> Search for item
- < 151> Edit item
- < 152> New item / Save
- < 153> Delete item
- < 154> Close form
- < 155> New setup will show when the program is restarted !
- < 156> Restart program
- < 157> New file
- < 158> Save as ...
- < 159> Results saved in <.\info\total.txt> !
- < 160> View data
- < 161> Exit
- < 162> Yes
- < 163> Erase marked
- < 164> Data management
- < 165> Edit
- < 166> Access to directory denied
- < 167> String
- < 168> File
- < 169> Found
- < 170> items
- < 171> Required data not found !
- < 172> Wrong password !
- < 173> Password to enter program
- < 174> Password to access info
- < 175> Password - necessary to restrict access
- < 176> Password - right to erase
- < 177> access right
- < 178> old access right
- < 179> Old password to erase
- < 180> Old password to enter program
- < 181> Change password to enter program
- < 182> Change password to erase
- < 183> Password
- < 184> confirm
- < 185> VHB Soft s.r.o.
- < 186> fill in other data in next window
- < 187> Fill in other data to current e-mail address :
- < 188> Mark items
- < 189> no. of items
- < 190> contacted
- < 191> Sort e-mail addresses by country
- < 192> Fill in national attributes of internet addresses?
- < 193> <no. of repetitions> enter into note
- < 194> Max four last mails registered !
- < 195> No. of sent registered mails :
- < 196> No. of used current addresses :
- < 197> No. of unused current addresses :
- < 198> Statistics analysis :
- < 199> Info saved in <.\info\status.txt> !
- < 200> preset values
- < 201> Choose M-index to enter current date or delete M-index
- < 202> M-indexed mail sent ?
- < 203> M-index to enter current date :
- < 204> M-index to enter current date or delete - found
- < 205> Delete M-index only ?
- < 206> Edit strings to block addresses :
- < 207> No. of items before <date> to update into mail :
- < 208> Delete all countries in selection >> then undelete individually
- < 209> Delete countries individually
- < 210> <block>
- < 211> Blocked / items marked to delete will not be sent :
- < 212> Choose M-index
- < 213> Prepare addresses to send
- < 214> M-index to prepare to send :
- < 215> Mail abroad :
- < 216> Local mail :
- < 217> Edit addresses to send
- < 218> Max no. of adresses on line /0..undef. :
- < 219> Addresses to send /To: Cc: Bcc:/
- < 220> No. of fields in mail /1-3/:
- < 221> Ready for current mail :
- < 222> Edit by M-index
- < 223> Increase M-index to form next batches of mail?
- < 224> Reorganize batch for mail
- < 225> Same company - send anyway ?
- < 226> For graphic background copy *.BMP files to < .\bmp > subdirectory !
- < 227> Database * Personal data by index * Notes * Diary
- < 228> This warning will show periodically until task is confirmed or moved !
- < 229> Freeware-version
- < 230> Do not fill in undefined main data to item
- < 231> Data to delete >> Alt+A.. cancel marking of all items
- < 232> Export data / not delete in database
- < 233> Delete data exported from database
- < 234> Delete all addresses >> then undelete individually
- < 235> Delete addresses individually
- < 236> Separator - export to TXT
- < 237> Character - separator:
- < 238> single character
- < 239> Mark /delete all ..Alt+D / all back..Alt+A
- < 240> Confirm adding data
- < 241> Overwrite all items >>
- < 242> Overwrite undefined items >>
- < 243> String to overwrite of index import.dat :
- < 244> Keep indexes in import :
- < 245> correction
- < 246> enter again
- < 247> Index
- < 248> Index meaning, description
- < 249> Fill in missing indexes
- < 250> Delete unused indexes
- < 251> Edit index meaning
- < 252> Index meaning missing
- < 253> Current address indexes
- < 254> Index of addresses for selection
- < 255> Indexes to send
- < 256> Select indexes for export
- < 257> Select
- < 258> Select all
- < 259> You must choose existing file in corresponding directory !
- < 260> E-mail addresses for selection
- < 261> select by deleting
- < 262> New selection
- < 263> to select
- < 264> all
- < 265> Edit order in selection :
- < 266> Date
- < 267> From date :
- < 268> Save contact date
- < 269> Confirm overwriting date
- < 270> Do not save contact date !
- < 271> Calculations
- < 272> Calculations for current data selection :
- < 273> Arithmetic average
- < 274> Sum
- < 275> No. of current items at calculation
- < 276> Coded info
- < 277> Select code type: Private code / General code
- < 278> Private code - undecodable in any other licensed installation
- < 279> Private code - here disabled >> functions in MB version only !
- < 280> General code - decodable with password in any installation
- < 281> Edit text for coding /max 999 999 chars.:
- < 282> Inserted:
- < 283> Paste
- < 284> Check changes :
- < 285> Check allocation
- < 286> Check repetition of addresses in database
- < 287> Check no. of addresses in one company ?
- < 288> Move older uncompleted tasks ?
- < 289> Uncompleted tasks
- < 290> New deadline for uncompleted tasks :
- < 291> Current tasks
- < 292> Select task
- < 293> Delete all tasks >> then undelete individually
- < 294> Delete tasks individually
- < 295> Cancel
- < 296> Do not delete
- < 297> 0..back, do not send anything
- < 298> Help
- < 299> Select from strings found
- < 300> Language
- < 301> Czech
- < 302> Czech keyboard
- < 303> other keyboard
- < 304> German
- < 305> English
- < 306> Search can be repeated in all data !!
- < 307> Change data codepage
- < 308> old
- < 309> Macro - Function keys
- < 310> Text to attach
- < 311> before date
- < 312> after date
- < 313> Account
- < 314> Attachment
- < 315> Currency
- < 316> Rate
- < 317> Spanish
- < 318> File DIM-MEM.TXT insert to
- < 319> Undo
- < 320> min no. of actions
- < 321> Text editor
- < 322> highlight to select
- < 323> no. of days
- < 324> no. of weeks
- < 325> save
- < 326> main, local currency
- < 327> Code
- < 328> number
- < 329> size
- < 330> min.
- < 331> Installation
- < 332> test
- < 333> Special field
- < 334> Directory
- < 335> Send orders to
- < 336> Replace
- < 337> nothing
- < 338> Open
- < 339> Table Designer
- < 340> Table
- < 341> Database
- < 342> Only extension
- < 343> as file
- < 344> Until date :
- < 345> field <value> ... number 13.2
- < 346> field <price> ... number 7.2
- < 347> field <pcs> ... number 10.1
- < 348> field <difference> ... number 11.2
- < 349> field <total> ... number 15.2
- < 350> field <per day> ... number 10.2
- < 351> field <per year> ... number 12.2
- < 352> type
- < 353> year
- < 354> field <price> ... number 13.2
- < 355> field <pcs> ... number 9.0
- < 356> field <gross> ... number 12.2
- < 357> field <net income> ... number 12.2
- < 358> field <hours> ... number 6.1
- < 359> field <?/hour> ... number 8.2
- < 360> Check
- < 361> Post office
- < 362> Add from
- < 363> system
- < 364> max.
- ******************konec-texty-menu**************************12345678901234567890
- Software for every family and company, software to keep you in good shape!
- Do you have troubles with remembering things at work as well as in your
- private life?
- Do you lose various pieces of information uncontrollably each time you change
- your PC or your operation system?
- If you use computers regularly, we'll help you keep hold of not only your
- business tasks but also of your private deadlines, birthdays and important
- family anniversaries, periodical responsibilities such as tax deadlines, medical
- check-ups, as well as the state of your accounts, income, expenditures, etc.
- We offer transparent administration of all selected information important for
- your business as well as private life.
- If you use our personal information system regularly and correctly you will
- never again lose or forget anything important.
- You will be able to process uncomparable amounts of information at much
- higher pace, your personal data and accounting entries will be well organised.
- With us, you will not hunt for calendars every year, search for slips of
- paper with your notes every day, or startle every hour about what you have
- forgotten.
- Our colleague sent more than 20 000 emails over a year period, dealt with
- a lower order of telephone calls, and his main workload is graphics programming.
- The precise chronological documentation available in this program enabled him
- to manage his business communication perfectly. The formerly overloaded and
- absent-minded colleague suddenly became well-organised even at home and
- remembered for the first time the single important family anniversary and
- other public and private tasks.
- The only condition for such a success was the regular use of this program
- and his overly positive relation to information technology.
- Isn't it worth a try?
- -universal personal information system
- -unlimited number of subject specific databases
- -data capacity sufficient for the work and leisure activities of the whole
- family
- -unlimited number of accounts in any currency
- -administration of independent as well as data-related accounts
- -unlimited size of text attachments for accounting as well as data items
- -efficient browsing and information processing from the Internet
- -support and documentation of Internet correspondence
- -transparent sorting of all information necessary for public and private
- purposes
- -superb accessibility of this info
- -diary, task planning, periodical and one-off deadlines reminders
- -support of storage and communication of private coded information
- "know how" - company data by post, on disc, or over the Internet
- -safe storage of private information about bank cards and accounts
- -easy mobility of complete data on business and study trips
- ( fast installation and deinstallation , data transfer - e.g. ZIP disc )
- -your comprehensive memory is with you at all times, 100 MB in your pocket
- -economic format of saved information , lifetime capacity
- -full data compatibility to all standard database systems
- e.g. MS SQL, Informix, Oracle....MS Excel, Visual FoxPro .......
- -selected data export and import for fast increase of the amount of useful
- information
- -low purchase price , database "for everyone"
- -data system and service flexibility
- -prices for system tailoring or special adjustments accessible for every
- individual or a small company
- -expert assistance at large volume data to or from another standard information
- system. Edit any DBF files.
- -other specialised upgrades of the basic module according to the individual
- needs of our customers
- ****************************************
- Our company aims at the highest productivity of intellectual and creative
- work. We were the first ever in the world to succed in fully automating the
- detailing of 3D construction projects into technical documentation in CAD
- systems as early as 1999.
- Why don't you try out our software to deal your data problems ?
- ****************************************
- 1/ Program requires Windows operation system , at least Win 95,98..WinNT/2000..
- Win Mil...any language environment
- 2/ " SMALL FONTS " setting !!!
- ...see menu Start /Win 2000/
- Settings/Control Panel/Display/Settings/Advanced/Font Size: Small Fonts
- 3/ minimum resolution /workspace size / 800x600 pixels
- ...best from 1024x768 pixels
- ...see menu Start /Settings
- 4/ Simpler standard installation / Fast installation on your journeys :
- / without registration
- To ensure full mobility of your personal information system
- copy the necessary libraries to your portable directory
- /ZIP disc >> Unpack DIM*.ZIP /
- i.e. 6 files:
- VFP500.DLL .... size 3 224 336 kB .... essential
- VFPOLE50.DLL .... size 174 592 kB .... advisable
- + national library - system menu/1 file .... essential
- VFP5CSY.DLL .... size 779 264 kB .... Czech
- VFP5ENU.DLL .... size 770 560 kB .... English
- VFP5DEU.DLL .... size 800 256 kB .... German
- VFP5ESN.DLL .... size 798 720 kB .... Spanish
- When travelling as well as on your own PC unzip /copy/ DIM*.ZIP
- directory including *.DLL libraries in the computer, run Install.exe when the
- icon appears on the desktop run datainfo.exe
- install.exe
- ..installation is faster, it is sometimes necessary to specify the Code Page
- of the files.
- Uninstall: / without registration
- When you have finished your work at the host computer and backed up your data
- on your portable disc, you only have to delete the program directory from the
- computer and the icon from the desktop. To protect your data we recommend
- the use of both passwords: to enter the program and to erase data. It is
- necessary to code important private information.
- Before you run the program for the first time, you are advised to adapt the
- graphic set-up of the background to your liking.
- Copy your favourite images in *.BMP format to the .\BMP subdirectory,
- the subdirectory can be created at the first program start-up.
- If you do not have your own images you are welcome use our menu :
- a/ CD - ROM
- b/ see our web page www.top.cz/vhbsoft ...Download
- Note:
- Select the size of the BMP format in accordance with the capacity of your
- computer hardware.
- Name of file without spaces e.g . "pride_of_the_morning.bmp" !!!
- After the first start-up it is necessary to :
- a/
- To improve the layout with bigger resolution / see installation
- conditions /
- in the top program menu change
- Settings - Minimum resolution - 1024x768
- and restart the program.
- b/
- According to your needs select suitable fields names and give them
- corresponding information description.
- See <Form> icon and corresponding settings
- Settings - Individual settings - Field names in data table
- Recommendation : to ensure simple and direct compatibility of your data with
- the data of your colleagues and friends using the program it is advisable
- not to change the meaning of main data fields such as company, name,
- telephone, address.
- Do not change the content of the e-mail, postcode, Index-DB type, note
- fields to maintain important functions and links to Internet directory.
- E.g. field <Firma> ... 50 chars - means format of 50 chars including spaces
- This data field is so important that to change its content is technically
- possible but functionally undesirable.
- It is vital for every user to assign suitable meaning especially to numeric
- items with regard to the expected value range.
- E.g. field <liabilities> ... number 6.2 - means format 999 999.99
- The set-up can be changed at any time. Data translaters will be available
- as necessary.
- c/
- Settings - main, local currency
- highlight to select
- Important:
- We offer special modifications according to the needs of our customers,owners
- of the MB and higher versions. Our customers have direct impact on the
- development of the program.
- * * *
- < Basic data structure >
- Two basic data types:
- 1/General data and contacts; the Memo-field option offers a possibility
- to attach unlimited text data to data items
- 2/Internet - email contact database with short description and orientation
- indexes sorting the contacts, batch or individual communication possible.
- Each general data item with specified e-mail address is automatically
- included in the internet contact list /Internet/ at every update.
- Not every Internet item has the information corresponding to the
- general data item structure. Experience shows that there are at least ten
- times more of internet contacts.
- As the interlinking of both data levels is not complete /see "E-mail with
- specific data"/,to ensure the smooth movement of the cursor,it is necessary
- to repeat the update procedure especially when deleting items and importing
- new data.
- < Menu >
- Note : help available for more complex operations only.
- < Menu - icons >
- 1.Main menu :
- Exit
- Redraw screen
- status,licence / full version only
- Diary-deadlines and tasks
- To delete completed items mark the white field black
- To confirm completed periodical tasks change the date to the next date,
- e.g. alter the last digit of the year/month
- To move the task according to no. of days, weeks, click on the right
- mouse button.
- For a deadline prompt enter time, e.g. 10.35 or 16.00, on the first
- position ... if the program is running or when it is started afterwards
- you will be prompted
- Example:
- 10.30 meeting at the mathematics department
- Tasks are sorted chronologically
- Any two week time period can be shown in the editable area ... enter
- the desired date - e.g. 26.10.2042 in a free item space, press Alt+A
- Tasks in data as well as diary areas can be planned for unlimited time
- periods ... example >>> vaccination period
- Form - Data / Info
- Internal menu
- Deleting of whole data items is reversible. To limit irreversible erasing
- it is advisable to set another password (different from the one to enter
- the program). Thus the erasings right is clearly delineated.
- Copying and insertion of text, data items - sorting corresponding items
- according to subject, company, name, note, e-mail address etc.
- To open the postcode database double click on <postcode> field
- Condition: ...file .\post\post_??.dbf !!
- The <note> field enables you to attach an account to an item : insert the
- account name in <> ...e.g. <vhb_soft> .. only standard characters allowed
- in the file name
- <file_name> ... the account opens when you click on the right mouse
- button, it is advisable to activate the function with the editing form
- locked.
- ...if there is no account <file_name> defined, the form closes when you
- click on the right mouse button outside the Memo-field /..item attachments
- ..data-info/
- More accounts can be added to one data item...
- the initial strings of the account file names need to be identical
- <vhb> ... >>> "vhb*.*"
- Text attachments can be searched and edited in selected text editors such
- as WordPad - Write, NotePad, etc. To open the editor click on the right
- mouse button in the Memo field of the form. When finished editing, save
- the text attachment in the editor, close the editing window and confirm
- attaching the text attachment to the data item.
- Attention: to release data item from the active subject database, i.e. to delete
- the original subject marking /index-DB/, enter a new subject specification
- or "-", which is then automatically erased
- 2.Menu - Selection :
- Selection method >> selection from selection
- As there can be unlimited numbers of internal databases /index-DB/ in the
- program and we expect large volumes of data, each new selection operates
- with the results of the previous one(s). If the data is not found it is
- necessary to repeat the search for all data.
- Selection case in/sensitive
- switch
- Selection by :
- Bulk search in text fields
- Bulk search in predominantly numeric fields
- Individual search in specific fields
- ... company, name, saved texts - data, note....
- Selection of current tasks
- twofold current task selection
- 1/ individual tasks : insert "!" into the note field
- 2/ timed tasks - with set task or next contact date in form
- 7 days before deadline, data are moved into the current task selection.
- Thus selected current tasks are automatically assigned to the
- corresponding date in the diary and marked ">>". You can
- move or erase thus marked tasks in diary and data at the
- same time when deleting them.
- Complete data by "Index DB"
- Complete data of the selected database will be active.
- -see the left window of the >> "DB Selection" ledge
- When complete data is demanded, complete current tasks are available
- -see function 2. window from the left >> "No of items in database"
- Selection by "Index DB"
- The "i" icon enables you to open more databases at the same time if their
- description includes the entered string of characters
- -different selection criteria >> "Select DB"
- 3.Menu - sort, print :
- Sorted by item
- to activate click on the window to >> select the sorting item
- Common icon options
- Sort by <order>
- Ad hoc sorting by assigned indexes, suitable when no common characteristics
- available
- - see e.g. top pop up menu - Data management - postcode
- Print format setting
- print format modification, unlimited no. of options
- Print
- printer, into file
- < Menu - info ledge >
- to activate functions double click on the info windows
- DB - Info :
- 1.window from the left >> DB Selection
- selects and activates specific business or private database
- -each family member or business partner can operate with unlimited numbers of
- subject specific databases,e.g. a product business agenda,civic association
- membership, political party database, the son might like to organise
- the data of his scout group, the daughter might prefer to sort her study
- subjects data, the wife might be inclined to store interesting recipes or
- Internet information on gardening.
- When you work with an individual subject specific database, new items are
- added into it automatically unless you wish otherwise.
- 2.window from the left >> No. of database items
- when activated shows complete data from all defined databases
- 4.window from the left >> No. of current items in database
- shows complete data about the current tasks in all defined databases
- Internet :
- 2.window from the left >> No. of E-mail contacts
- when activated shows complete data of all E-mail contacts
- 4.window from the left >> E-mail to send
- shows data of E-mail contacts ready to be sent
- Prn :
- 1.window from the right >> Active print format
- selection and activation of the print format
- < Top pop-up menu >
- 1/ Data management
- View
- Edit
- Calculations
- always operates with current selection data
- Selection case in/sensitive
- shift
- Select by: <order>
- Ad hoc sorting by assigned indexes, suitable when no common characteristics
- available
- Postcode ... Select by: <order>
- This selection can be used to choose companies to visit at a business trip,
- postcode can be used to optimise their order according to location
- /postcode/ and then change the sequence of visit to print according to the
- journey plan.
- For international selection it is advisable to preserve the postcode
- identification e.g. CZ10000, CZ30166, D-75172, CH6005 etc.
- You can set up automatic completion of country in
- / menu Settings - Internet - Interlinking / E-mail,country,
- postcode
- For Central European countries we are preparing an integrated database for
- automatic completion of postcodes according to address location.
- At present, postcodes can be partially filled in from analogical addresses
- already entered in the program - see data update.
- Coded information
- To better protect your important private information use private
- coding /customer version only.
- To exchange private information with another user use the general code and
- password protection.
- Important:
- Do not use non-standard keys for coded information or passwords.
- Information coded by the general code cannot be decoded by personal code
- and vice versa.
- Information coded by personal code / the highest level of data protection /
- cannot be decoded in any other than your licenced program installation.
- Not even your personal password will help you decode your data in any other
- installation or freeware-version.
- Coding tables of sufficient size, created by the customers themselves, secure
- the highest level of data protection.
- Recommended table size (*.cod) is 99 to 9999 lines depending on the data
- file sizes. If the corresponding coding table is lost, the data will
- remain undecodable.
- 2/ Internet
- New item
- You can use preset values, e.g. index, country or automatic completion of
- country in unambiguous cases
- Automatic format modification for fast data insertion
- sale@top.cz <sale@top.cz> ...to ... sale@top.cz
- i.e. you do not have to delete <sale@top.cz> manually
- Automatic mass processing of addresses e.g. from CD ROM, exhibition subject
- CD ROM ... to be consulted, with VHB Soft
- Repeated address check
- Add from HTM,TXT,DOC,MSG .... ?
- fully automatic from directory
- Edit
- Data update
- Links - data <<>> Internet, postcode <<>> address
- Interlinking / analogy: E-mail<>company, name
- suitable for mass imports of new data ... e.g. 10 000
- new contacts will be automatically compared with company data with missing
- internet contacts entered earlier.
- To make the analogy search work it is necessary to define non-specific
- anonymous strings appearing in addresses for the analogy search to ignore
- them: in the menu
- / menu Settings - Internet - Interlinking /..../ e-mail, company, name
- E-mail earlier than <date> mark to send
- Bulk or individual selection of addresses to send
- Selection according to date and index of earlier contacts
- Selection according to country - common language of the text message
- defined in M-index
- When you mark the first white field black, the address is removed from the
- selection to be sent, not erased from the contact list.
- The choice of different M-indexes enables you to send up to nine groups of
- e-mails with different texts.
- Edit current e-mail
- editing of address groups to be sent
- Addresses to be sent format to file
- Preparation of groups of addresses to be linked with specific sent
- messages
- The program determines local correspondence by the first item in file
- / menu Settings - Internet - Interlinking / E-mail,country, post
- code
- Enter current date/delete M-index
- When batch is sent the date of last contact is marked and previous contacts
- moved
- If mail is not sent, M-index can be mass deleted without the date being
- entered
- Edit - Sort by item: E-mail ...etc.
- edit in relevant group
- Edit - Sort by item: Country
- Here the state - address connection can be filled in or checked
- beware...foreign company representations often use foreign e-mail
- addresses.
- Edit - Select by: Note
- Edit - Select by: E-mail
- Individual selection, e.g. checking whether you have an interesting e-mail
- address in your database already. If not, it is saved immediately, when the
- window is closed nationality is filled in. See previous function.
- If you press Alt+D in this selection, you can save all important
- information directly from Internet to general data and contacts.
- You will appreciate this function when selecting important information from
- the Internet on-line or sorting previously saved web pages.
- Attention : To open the memo-field double click on "Memo", then insert the
- copied blocks of important info /Ctrl+C ... Ctrl+V/.
- 3/ Edit
- 4 basic standard Windows text editing functions
- Replace
- replace character strings ...with or without check
- Erase marked
- Irreversibly erases items previously marked to delete
- Recommendation : it is advisable to protect the function by a password
- different from the one to enter the program to protect your data from
- careless treatment.
- Undo
- this function enables you to select (within the set no. of actions) a
- previous state of the data item and re-enter it into the active data.
- To select the final data version setting, compare with the last state.
- Erase the unwanted data item finally.
- Check >> E-mail
- logical check
- Check >> Postcode
- database .\post\post_cz.dbf ...Czech Republic
- 4/ Other
- Calculator
- Calendar
- Daily data backup
- Complete data, tasks and Internet into .\backup subdirectory
- Accounts /last balance only / into .\backup\economic subdirectory
- Do not underestimate regular data backup. Beware the danger of data loss
- at repeated installation or upgrading.
- Always back up your data first and import them to the new installation.
- Important / data files :
- Backup example: date 25.10.2000
- general data ... 20001025-Data.dbf + 20001025-Data.fpt .... always 2 files
- diary/tasks ... 20001025-Diary.dbf
- Internet ... 20001025-Internet.dbf
- Pause
- Relaxation, automatic periodical alteration of images
- until the screensaver / Windows is deactivated
- Change data code page
- Transformation of chosen data to required code page .. CodePage ..CP
- Export
- data selection into DBF,MS Excel,TXT formats with any separator
- Import
- data selection from DBF, other ways according to customers' needs
- Account
- opens and keeps an independent account, unlimited no. of accounts can be
- added to any data item
- /see menu Icons - Main menu - Form - <file_name> in note/
- Undefined currency is filled in automatically as local.
- Other marked as standard /see Settings-Account-Interlinking ..Currency/
- are automatically calculated according to the rate.
- ...Ctrl+K copies item to edit similar
- ...Alt+A adds new items
- ...before marking the account item to be deleted clear the value
- and the note
- < Menu Account >
- Account
- New item
- Calculations
- Sum of positive, negative items and total can be activated by right
- mouse button or Alt+T ..total
- Settings-Calculations-Date
- Calculations from date up to date
- Selection
- To see all items after return to complete selection it is sometimes
- necessary to move the cursor PgUp, PgDn
- The table can be moved by mouse when the middle button is pressed.
- Edit
- Export
- analogical to data management
- Import
- analogical to data management
- Special field
- TechDok - Installation >> test
- test to install TechDok to HiCAD - only to the TechDok licence owners
- 5/ Database
- any data
- New file
- new table
- New file as file
- copy data structure
- Table Designer
- structure editing, table setup
- Open
- data editing
- 6/ Settings
- standard settings
- Language
- Fonts
- Table to view
- Table to edit
- Different colours for the tables to view and edit improve orientation in the
- available editing options.
- Standard or individually chosen colours variations
- Minimum resolution
- better layout with bigger resolution / see installation conditions /
- Individual settings
- Field names in data table
- see chapter /After the first start-up/
- Change password to enter the program
- Change password to erase
- To protect your data, do choose two different passwords .
- Fill in undefined main data
- In items where the main fields (name, company, note) are not specified,
- data can be filled in automatically with a dash.
- Example:
- extensive text info from different scientific fields is stored in
- Memo-fields, separate chapters are labeled in the note field. These
- 'library' type data cannot be aligned with company, name or phone.
- Here it is possible to move the chapter labels to the main field
- temporarily.
- Similar procedure can be used in companies with no contact persons
- available.
- The operation facilitates the work in tables.
- A dash at the beginning of the label makes an automatic reversal of the
- operation possible.
- Macro - Function keys
- A text string can be attached to each function key
- The preset text for the F1 and F2 keys is current date. This instrument is
- very useful for regularly repeated operations, e.g. mail filing, regular
- tasks, recurrent accounting items etc.
- Non-standard keyboard characters can be preset: e.g. @,&,$,%, or <> for
- account name to be added to a data item note.
- BMP >>> ZOOM ?? 1:1 ??
- Background images can be shown in 1:1 scale / proportions preserved
- or zoomed up to the size of the window / proportions distorted
- Most aesthetically suitable are big *.BMP images ... 1:1 scale (demanding
- on hardware), but also RAM, or graphic cards
- Undo
- Sets the minimum number of actions in the form to be stored while
- editing. Any change in the data is saved to be retrievable in case you
- wished to come back to a previous version. It is possible to compare
- several different data item versions. You can store up to 999 previous
- steps.
- Warning:
- The back up edit is supported in the form only, therefore, making
- substantial changes in the table is not recommended.
- Text editor
- sets the editor for text attachment editing in the form.
- Recommended : WordPad ... Write
- Coded information
- coding type setting
- 1 file ... simpler data protection: *.psw by the *.cod coding table
- 2 files .. for the highest data protection separate the *.psw data file
- from the key *.psc and the coding table *.cod
- Internet
- Index / Internet - index meaning, description
- This index is important for the selection of wrong or cancelled addresses,
- individual / subject specification etc.
- Experience shows that it is better to index changed addresses for a few
- years rather than to delete them immediately as they may appear again.
- The meaning of "e" index is fixed to "Error - wrong address". Other
- indexes are selectable.
- It is advisable to block permanently addresses of people/companies that do
- not wish to be contacted. If you erase such an address you risk
- contacting them again by mistake when surfing on the Internet.
- Addresses blocked in the Internet directory
- As there are usually many variations in addresses of bigger companies,
- address strings can be saved to potentially block all addresses
- containing the string. It pays to file the reason for the blocking too.
- No. of addresses at server
- You will appreciate the statistic evaluation and automatic record of
- numbers of addresses in the note field especially when you do not want
- to send identical message to several people in the same company.
- It is necessary, however, to distinguish company servers from internet
- providers.
- Interlinking / E-mail... company, name
- see menu Internet - Data update
- Interlinking / E-mail.. country..postcode..currency
- see menu Data management - postcode
- Account
- Index / Account index meaning and description
- Interlinking / E-mail.. country..postcode..currency
- the exchange rate to the main currency needs to be updated periodically
- ...main, local currency as well as the owner's home country need to be
- stated in the first field of the table, exchange rates have to relate
- to this currency
- Settings - main, local currency
- highlight to select
- Save settings
- necessary especially prior to installing a new version of the program, ditto
- for data backup.
- Settings - Import
- necessary especially after the new version of the program has been installed,
- ditto for import of backed-up data.
- Order: company, name
- etc.
- Initial order of fields in the tables to view, edit
- The fields can be moved, their order changed when taken by their label.
- 7/ Exit
- immediate ..Ctrl+Q >> Quit !
- 8/ ? Help
- if the string was found in more areas of help, headings will be offered
- first, the chosen area can then be opened by cursor.
- >>> .\info\help.txt
- The data storage capacity in all areas of the freeware-version is limited to 99
- items.
- This version is sufficient e.g. for children as an introduction to the
- database area, it enables you to test the usefulness of the program, to save
- short coded items on bank cards, passwords, bank account access, etc.
- Simple coding of very short items
- By registering the freeware-version at <sale@vhbsoft.top.cz> you get :
- a/ Miniversion ... MV
- suitable for passive computer users, not interested in Internet
- expected use of diary, task deadlines
- Information database ... Data-Info-Memory MV .... 1000 items max.
- Task&deadline database ... Diary MV .... 1000 items max.
- Coding by general code only.
- b/ Full version ... MB
- Complete database and diary ... Data-Info-Memory MB ... unlimited
- -full coding of private information
- The owner of this version is entitled to service and tailoring
- of the program, to influence the further development of the program
- as well as better compatibility with new prepared projects.
- c/ New extensions :
- Economist - accounting unit... E
- Database - data administration unit ... D
- Complete DIM ... Data-Info-Memory MBDE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The price depends on the number of ordered licences.
- Bulk orders for one owner /company, family/ have identical code for
- private coding...multilicence.
- Miniversion ... Data-Info-Memory MV
- 1. licence............. USD 18,-
- 2.-5.licence......... USD 15,-
- more licences..... USD 11,-
- Full version ... Data-Info-Memory MB ...basic program
- 1. licence............. USD 32,-
- 2.-5.licence......... USD 26,-
- more licences..... USD 20,-
- Extensions:
- Economist... Data-Info-Memory MB + E
- Database... Data-Info-Memory MB + D
- + 1 program item
- 1. licence............. USD +16,-
- 2.-5.licence......... USD +14,-
- more licences..... USD +10,-
- ----------
- a/ Installation over the Internet - on the payment of your invoice with
- no additional charges
- b/ Installation discs, CD - ROM + background images, postage,
- additional charge USD +18,-
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Multilicence for charities and foundations: MBDE
- flat price .... ... USD 18,-
- Multilicence for medical and educational organisations: MBDE
- flat price .... ... USD 36,-
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Net prices >>> all costs of the payment covered by the purchaser.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Your order should contain:
- 1/ Type and number of licences
- 2/ Exact name and address of the purchaser / company or individual /
- 3/ Registration number of the company / birth date of the individual
- 4/ Bank connection
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Send orders to : sale@vhbsoft.top.cz obchod@vhbsoft.top.cz
- On the payment of your invoice you will receive the complete licence
- registration that extends your freeware-version to the ordered full version.
- Special requirements such as installation discs, CD-ROM etc., or other services
- ... extra charge ... min. USD 20,-
- We highly recommend our training opening for you all the possibilities of our
- program. It pays back very fast.
- Training fees ... USD 50,- /5 participants max. at the premises of our company/
- USD 80,- + travel expenses ...training at your premises / number of
- participants according to your needs
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VHB Soft spol. s r.o. - software provider for everyone