home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit uEQuery;
- (*
- TEQuery component
- Autor:Jan TUNGLI Email:jan.tungli@seznam.cz
- http://www.tungli.host.sk
- TEQuery:= Wait Query + Parse Query
- PARSE Query SQL syntax (select type) ;
- Example:
- EQuery1.SQL_Parse(EQuery1.SQL.text); // inicialization
- (or EQuery1.Parse // self parse)
- S:=EQuery1.SQL_GetSegment('where'); //S = 'where Name>"A"'
- S:=EQuery1.SQL_GetSegment('from'); //S = 'from ANIMALS'
- S:=EQuery1.SQL_GetSegment('order'); //S = ''
- EQuery1.SQL_ChangeSegment('select Name'); //oSQL.text = 'select Name from ANIMALS where Name>"A"'
- EQuery1.SQL_AddToWhere(' Name<"z" '); //oSQL.text = 'select Name from ANIMALS where (Name>"A") and Name<"z"'
- EQuery1.SQL_DeleteFrom Where(' Name<"z" '); //oSQL.text = 'select Name from ANIMALS where Name>"A"'
- EQuery1.SQL_ChangeSegment('where'); //oSQL.text = 'select Name from ANIMALS'
- EQuery1.SQL_ChangeSegment('order by Name'); //oSQL.text = 'select Name from ANIMALS order by Name'
- EQuery1.SQL.text:=EQuery1.SQL_Text; //Query1.SQL.text = 'select Name from ANIMALS order by Name'
- (or EQuery1.SQL.text:=EQuery1.SQL_New;
- or SQL_Set(EQuery1) )
- EQuery1.Open;
- *)
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- Db, DBTables,Clipbrd;
- type TSQLParseRec=record A,B:word; W: String; end;
- TEQuery = class(TQuery)
- private
- fS:TStringList;
- fSave,fload,fFields,fRef:boolean;
- FRoundDelay : Integer;
- FRoundCount : Integer;
- FErrorLock : Boolean;
- oSyntax:TStringList;
- oSQL:TStringList;
- oWords:array[1..20] of TSQLParseRec;
- oOldSQL:string; // pre parse
- oOldAddToWhere:string;
- procedure SetShowDialog(pB:boolean);
- procedure SetSave(pB:boolean);
- procedure SetLoad(pB:boolean);
- procedure SetFields(pB:boolean);
- procedure WriteFields(pMode:byte);
- procedure MyExecute (FuncName : String);
- procedure SetoSQL(pS:TStringList);
- procedure SetoOldSQL(pS:String);
- procedure SetOldWhere(pS:String);
- function ABCopy(pS:String; pA,pB:longint):String;
- { Private declarations }
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ExecSQL;
- procedure Open;
- procedure First;
- procedure Next;
- procedure Last;
- procedure Prior;
- // procedure MoveBy(pM:integer);
- { Public declarations }
- published
- property RoundDelay : Integer read FRoundDelay //default po 1 sec. skusi vykonat query
- write FRoundDelay;
- property RoundCount : Integer read FRoundCount //default 10 krat po 1 sec skusi vykonat query
- write FRoundCount;
- property ErrorLock : Boolean read FErrorLock;
- //ak je true tak tabulku poiziva iny uzivatel (jeho query este nedobehol)
- property References:TStringList read fS write fS;
- property Dialog_Fields:boolean read fRef write SetShowDialog;
- property Exec_SaveToClipboard:boolean read fSave write SetSave;
- property Exec_LoadToClipboard:boolean read fLoad write SetLoad;
- property Exec_FieldsToClipboard:boolean read fFields write SetFields;
- property Parse_Syntax:TStringList read oSyntax write oSyntax;
- property SQL_New:TStringList read oSQL write SetoSQL;
- property SQL_Old:string read oOldSQL write SetoOldSQL;
- property SQL_LastAddToWhere : string read oOldAddToWhere write SetOldWhere;
- procedure Parse;
- procedure SQL_Parse(pS:String); //SQL parse
- function SQL_GetSegment(pKeyWord:string):string; // vrati segment SQL dotazu
- procedure SQL_ChangeSegment(pSegment:string);
- procedure SQL_AddToWhere(pS:String);
- procedure SQL_DeleteFromWhere(pS:String);
- function SQL_Text:string;
- function SQL_SelectCount(pQ:Tquery):integer; // becasue RecordCount is very slowly
- procedure SQL_Set(pQ:TQuery);
- { Published declarations }
- end;
- (*procedure Register;*)
- implementation
- uses uEQueryForm;
- const
- cDBErrorLock = -210;
- //var cMoveBy:integer;
- Constructor TEQuery.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- fS:=TStringList.Create;
- FRoundDelay := 1000;
- FRoundCount := 5;
- oOldSQL:='';
- oSQL:=TStringList.Create;
- oSyntax:=TStringList.Create;
- with oSyntax do begin
- Clear;
- Add('SELECT'); // SELECT must by first keyword
- Add('FROM');
- Add('WHERE');
- Add('GROUP');
- Add('HAVING');
- Add('UNION');
- //Add('PLAN'); // Interbase
- Add('ORDER');
- Add('COMPUTE'); // for MS_SQL
- Add('INTO'); // for INFORMIX (into temp)
- end;
- End;
- Destructor TEQuery.Destroy;
- begin
- if oSyntax<>nil then begin oSyntax.Free; oSyntax:=nil; end;
- if oSQL<>nil then begin oSQL.Free; oSQL:=nil; end;
- try
- if fS<>nil then begin fS.Free; fS:=nil; end;
- except end;
- Active:=false;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.MyExecute (FuncName : String);
- var I : Integer;
- FuncNum : Integer;
- OK : Boolean;
- begin
- FuncName := UpperCase (FuncName);
- if FuncName = 'EXECSQL' then FuncNum := 0
- else if FuncName = 'OPEN' then FuncNum := 1
- else if FuncName = 'FIRST' then FuncNum := 2
- else if FuncName = 'NEXT' then FuncNum := 3
- else if FuncName = 'LAST' then FuncNum := 4
- else if FuncName = 'PRIOR' then FuncNum := 5
- // else if FuncName = 'MOVEBY' then FuncNum := 6
- else FuncNum := -1;
- OK := false;
- I := 1;
- while (not OK) and (I < RoundCount) do
- begin
- FErrorLock := false;
- OK := false;
- try
- case FuncNum of
- 0 : inherited ExecSQL;
- 1 : inherited Open;
- 2 : inherited First;
- 3 : inherited Next;
- 4 : inherited Last;
- 5 : inherited Prior;
- // 6 : inherited MoveBy(cMoveBy);
- end; // case
- OK := true;
- except
- on E:EDBEngineError do
- begin
- if E.ErrorCount >= 2 then
- if E.Errors[1].NativeError = cDbErrorLock then
- FErrorLock := true;
- if not FErrorLock then raise;
- end; // on
- else raise;
- end; // try
- Inc(I);
- if not OK then Sleep (RoundDelay);
- end; // while
- if not OK then
- begin
- try
- case FuncNum of
- 0 : inherited ExecSQL;
- 1 : inherited Open;
- 2 : inherited First;
- 3 : inherited Next;
- 4 : inherited Last;
- 5 : inherited Prior;
- // 6 : inherited MoveBy(cMoveBy);
- end; // case
- // OK := true;
- except
- on E:EDBEngineError do
- begin
- if E.ErrorCount >= 2 then
- if E.Errors[1].NativeError = cDbErrorLock then
- FErrorLock := true;
- raise;
- end; // on
- else raise;
- end; // try
- end; // if
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.SetShowDialog(pB:boolean);
- begin
- fRef:=pB;
- try if F_EQRef<>nil then Execute_EQClose; except end;
- if pB then Execute_EQOpen(TQuery(self),fS);
- fRef:=false;
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.SetSave(pB:boolean);
- begin
- fSave:=pB;
- try if pB then WriteFields(1);
- finally fSave:=false; end;
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.SetLoad(pB:boolean);
- begin
- fLoad:=pB;
- try if pB then WriteFields(2);
- finally fLoad:=false; end;
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.SetFields(pB:boolean);
- begin
- fFields:=pB;
- try if pB then WriteFields(0);
- finally fFields:=false; end;
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.WriteFields(pMode:byte);
- var mS,mT,mT1:String;
- i,j:integer;
- mB:Boolean;
- begin
- mT:='';
- mB:=Active;
- if Active=false then begin
- try Active:=true; except end;
- if Active=false then begin
- ShowMessage(Name+' query - open error');
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- for i:=0 to FieldCount-1 do begin
- mS:='String';
- case Fields[i].DataType of
- ftString: mS:='String';
- ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftWord: mS:='Integer';
- ftFloat:mS:='Float';
- ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime:mS:='DateTime';
- end;
- mS:='FieldByName('+#39+Fields[i].FieldName+#39+').as'+mS;
- case pMode of
- 1: {Save}
- begin
- mS:=mS+':=';
- j:=fS.IndexOfName(Fields[i].FieldName);
- if j>-1 then mT1:=fS.Strings[j]+' ' else mT1:='';
- mT1:=trim(copy(mT1,Pos('=',mT1)+1,255));
- if mT1<>'' then mS:=mS+mT1+'.text';
- mS:=mS+' ;';
- end;
- 2: {Load}
- begin
- mS:=':='+mS;
- j:=fS.IndexOfName(Fields[i].FieldName);
- if j>-1 then mT1:=fS.Strings[j]+' ' else mT1:='';
- mT1:=trim(copy(mT1,Pos('=',mT1)+1,255));
- if mT1<>'' then mS:=mT1+'.text'+mS;
- mS:=mS+' ;';
- end;
- end;
- mT:=mT+mS+#13#10;
- Clipboard.AsText:=mT;
- end;
- if not mB then Active:=false;
- End;
- procedure TEQuery.ExecSQL;
- begin
- MyExecute ('ExecSQL');
- end;
- //********************************************************
- procedure TEQuery.Open;
- begin
- MyExecute ('Open');
- end;
- //********************************************************
- procedure TEQuery.First;
- begin
- MyExecute ('First');
- end;
- //********************************************************
- procedure TEQuery.Next;
- begin
- MyExecute ('Next');
- end;
- //********************************************************
- procedure TEQuery.Last;
- begin
- MyExecute ('Last');
- end;
- //********************************************************
- procedure TEQuery.Prior;
- begin
- MyExecute ('Prior');
- end;
- (*
- procedure TEQuery.MoveBy(pM:integer);
- begin
- cMoveBy:=pM;
- MyExecute ('MoveBy');
- end;
- *)
- //********************************************************
- procedure TEQuery.Parse;
- begin
- SQL_parse(Self.SQL.text);
- end;
- function TEQuery.SQL_SelectCount(pQ:Tquery):integer;
- var mQ:TQuery;
- begin
- result:=-1;
- mQ:=Tquery.Create(pQ.owner);
- try
- mQ.dataBaseName:=pQ.DatabaseName;
- SQL_Parse(pQ.SQL.text);
- SQL_ChangeSegment('select Count(*) as xSelCnt');
- mQ.SQL.Clear;
- mQ.SQL.Text:=oSQL.text;
- try
- mQ.Open;
- result:=mQ.FieldByName('xSelCnt').asInteger;
- mQ.Close;
- except end;
- finally
- mQ.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.SQL_Parse(pS:String); //SQL parse
- var
- mS:String;
- i,j,k,mA:integer;
- mB,mC:boolean;
- begin
- while Pos(#13#10#13#10,pS)>0 do system.delete(pS,Pos(#13#10#13#10,pS),2);
- while Pos(#13#13,pS)>0 do system.delete(pS,Pos(#13#13,pS),1);
- if Trim(pS)='' then begin
- oOldSQL:='';
- for i:=1 to 20 do begin oWords[i].A:=0; oWords[i].B:=0;end;
- exit;
- end;
- if (oOldSQL=pS) and (oSQL.text<>'') then exit; // netreba vykonat uz bola vykonana
- oSQL.text:=pS;
- oOldSQL:=pS;
- for i:=oSyntax.Count-1 downto 0 do oSyntax.Strings[i]:=TRIM(AnsiUpperCase(oSyntax.Strings[i]));
- for i:=oSyntax.Count-1 downto 0 do if oSyntax.Strings[i]='' then oSyntax.delete(i);
- for i:=0 to oSyntax.Count-1 do oWords[i+1].W:=oSyntax.Strings[i];
- for i:=1 to 20 do begin oWords[i].A:=0; oWords[i].B:=0;end;
- mS:=AnsiUpperCase(pS);
- mA:=0; mB:=false; mC:=false;
- for i:=1 to length(pS)-1 do begin
- if (not (mB or mC)) and (mS[i]='(') then inc(mA);
- if (not (mB or mC)) and (mS[i]=')') then dec(mA);
- if (not mC) and (mS[i]='"') then mB:=not(mB);
- if (not mB) and (mS[i]=#39) then mC:=not(mC);
- if (mA=0) and (not mB) and (not mC) then begin
- if oWords[1].A=0 then begin
- if Length(mS)>=i+length(oWords[1].W) then begin
- if (oWords[1].W=copy(mS,i,length(oWords[1].W))) and (mS[i+length(oWords[1].W)] in [' ',#13]) then oWords[1].A:=i;
- end;
- end else begin
- for j:=2 to oSyntax.Count do begin
- if oWords[j].A=0 then begin
- if length(mS)>=i+length(oWords[j].W) then begin
- if (oWords[j].W=copy(mS,i,length(oWords[j].W))) and (mS[i+length(oWords[j].W)] in [' ',#13]) then begin
- oWords[j].A:=i;
- for k:=j-1 downto 1 do if (oWords[k].A>0) and (oWords[k].A<i) and (oWords[k].B=0) then oWords[k].B:=i-1;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- for k:=oSyntax.Count downto 1 do if (oWords[k].A>0) and (oWords[k].A<length(mS)) and (oWords[k].B=0) then oWords[k].B:=length(pS);
- End;
- Function TEQuery.ABCopy(pS:String; pA,pB:longint):String;
- begin
- Result:='';
- if pB<pA then Exit;
- if Length(pS)<=pA then Exit;
- Result:=copy(pS,pA,pB-pA+1);
- End;
- function TEQuery.SQL_GetSegment(pKeyWord:string):string; // vrati segment SQL dotazu
- Function Spaces2To1(pS:string):String;
- begin
- while Pos(' ',pS)>0 do System.Delete(pS,Pos(' ',pS),1);
- Result:=pS;
- End;
- function Normal(pT:String):String;
- var h:integer;
- begin
- Result:=Spaces2To1(pT);
- h:=Pos(#13#10,pT);
- while h>0 do begin
- system.delete(pT,h,2);
- h:=Pos(#13#10,pT);
- end;
- end;
- var i:integer;
- mKey:byte;
- begin
- Result:=''; mKey:=0;
- pKeyWord:=Trim(AnsiUpperCase(pKeyWord));
- for i:=1 to oSyntax.Count do begin
- if Trim(oWords[i].W)=pKeyWord then begin mKey:=i;Break; end;
- end;
- if mKey=0 then exit;
- if oWords[mKey].A>0 then begin
- Result:=Trim(ABcopy(oSQL.text,oWords[mKey].A,oWords[mKey].B));
- Result:=Normal(Result);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.SQL_ChangeSegment(pSegment:string);
- procedure AddSegment(pKeyWord,pSegment:string);
- var i,mKey:integer;
- mS:String;
- begin
- mKey:=0;
- for i:=0 to oSyntax.Count-1 do begin
- if oSyntax.Strings[i]=pKeyWord then begin mKey:=i; break; end;
- end;
- if mKey=0 then exit;
- for i:=mKey downto 1 do begin
- if (oWords[i].B)>0 then begin
- mS:=oSQL.text;
- system.insert(#13#10+pSegment+#13#10,mS,oWords[i].B+1);
- while Pos(#13#10#13#10,mS)>0 do system.delete(mS,Pos(#13#10#13#10,mS),2);
- oSQL.text:=mS;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- const cD=240;
- var i,j,mA,mKey,mI:integer;
- mT,mS,mKeyWord:string;
- mB,mC:boolean;
- begin
- if oWords[1].W='' then SQL_Parse(oSQL.text);
- oOldSQL:='';
- pSegment:=Trim(pSegment);
- if (length(pSegment)>cD) then begin
- // rozlamanie pSegment na max. cD dlhe riadky
- mA:=0; mB:=false; mC:=false; mI:=0;
- for i:=1 to length(pSegment) do begin
- inc(mI);
- if (not (mB or mC)) and (pSegment[i]='(') then inc(mA);
- if (not (mB or mC)) and (pSegment[i]=')') then dec(mA);
- if (not mC) and (pSegment[i]='"') then mB:=not(mB);
- if (not mB) and (pSegment[i]=#39) then mC:=not(mC);
- if (mA=0) and (not mB) and (not mC) then begin
- if (mI>5) and ((pSegment[i]=' ') or (pSegment[i]=',')) then begin
- if pSegment[i]=',' then mS:=mS+','+#13#10 else mS:=mS+' '+#13#10;
- mI:=0;
- end else mS:=mS+pSegment[i];
- end else mS:=mS+pSegment[i];
- end;
- // mS je teraz uplne rozlamany
- // ideme viazat riadky do dlzky cD
- j:=Pos(#13#10,mS); mT:=''; pSegment:='';
- if j=0 then j:=length(mS)+1;
- while (j>0) and (Length(mS)>0) do begin
- if length(mT)+Length(copy(mS,1,j-1))<=cD then mT:=mT+copy(mS,1,j-1)
- else begin
- pSegment:=pSegment+mT+#13#10;
- mT:=copy(mS,1,j-1);
- end;
- system.delete(mS,1,j+1);
- j:=Pos(#13#10,mS);
- if j=0 then j:=length(mS)+1;
- end;
- pSegment:=pSegment+mT+#13#10;
- end;
- mKey:=0;
- j:=Pos(' ',pSegment); if j=0 then j:=Pos(#13,pSegment); if j>10 then j:=0;
- if j=0 then mKeyWord:=Trim(AnsiUpperCase(pSegment)) else mKeyWord:=Trim(AnsiUpperCase(copy(pSegment,1,j)));
- for i:=1 to oSyntax.Count do begin
- if Trim(oWords[i].W)=mKeyWord then begin mKey:=i;Break; end;
- end;
- if mKey=0 then exit; // neexistujuci segment error
- if j=0 then begin // treba segment vymazat
- if oWords[mKey].A>0 then begin // ak segment exituje tak odstranime
- mS:=oSQL.Text;
- system.delete(mS,oWords[mKey].A,oWords[mKey].B -oWords[mKey].A+1);
- while Pos(#13#10#13#10,mS)>0 do system.delete(mS,Pos(#13#10#13#10,mS),2);
- oSQL.text:=mS;
- end;
- end else begin
- if oWords[mKey].A=0 then AddSegment(mKeyWord,pSegment) // treba segment pridat
- else begin
- mS:=oSQL.Text; // treba segment prepisat
- if oWords[mKey].A-1>1 then mT:=copy(mS,1,oWords[mKey].A-1) else mT:='';
- mS:=copy(mS,oWords[mKey].B+1,length(oSQL.text));
- if mT<>'' then mT:=mT+#13#10;
- mS:=mT+pSegment+#13#10+mS;
- while Pos(#13#10#13#10,mS)>0 do system.delete(mS,Pos(#13#10#13#10,mS),2);
- oSQL.Text:=mS;
- end;
- end;
- SQL_Parse(oSQL.text);
- End;
- procedure TEQuery.SQL_AddToWhere(pS:String);
- var mS:String;
- i:integer;
- begin
- oOldAddToWhere:=pS;
- if trim(pS)='' then exit;
- mS:=TrimLeft(SQL_GetSegment('where'));
- if Trim(mS)<>'' then begin
- i:=Pos(' ',mS); if (i=0) or (i>6) then i:=6;
- system.insert('(',mS,i+1);
- mS:=mS+') and '+pS
- end else mS:='where '+ pS;
- SQL_ChangeSegment(mS);
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.SQL_DeleteFromWhere(pS:String);
- // tato procedura je urcena iba pre odstanenie casi Where segmentu
- //ktora bola pridana AddToWhere procedurou - remove AddToWhere
- var mS:String;
- i:integer;
- begin
- if trim(pS)='' then exit;
- mS:=Trim(SQL_GetSegment('where'));
- system.delete(mS,1,5);
- mS:=trim(mS);
- pS:=Trim(pS);
- i:=Pos(pS,mS); if i=0 then exit;
- system.delete(mS,i,Length(pS));
- mS:=trim(mS);
- if length(mS)>3 then begin
- if AnsiUpperCase(Copy(mS,Length(mS)-2,3))='AND' then begin
- system.delete(mS,Length(mS)-2,3);
- mS:=trim(mS);
- if length(mS)>1 then begin
- if (mS[1]='(') and (mS[length(mS)]=')') then begin
- system.delete(mS,1,1); system.delete(mS,Length(mS),1);
- mS:=trim(mS);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- mS:=Trim('where '+mS);
- SQL_ChangeSegment(mS);
- end;
- function TEQuery.SQL_Text:string;
- begin;
- result:=oSQL.text;
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.SetoSQL(pS:TStringList);
- begin
- oSQL.Clear;
- oSQL.text:=pS.text;
- SQL_Parse(pS.text);
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.SetoOldSQL(pS:String);
- begin
- // read only
- // su tu iba preto aby bolo ich vidiet v object inspectoru
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.SetOldWhere(pS:String);
- begin
- //read only
- // su tu iba preto aby bolo ich vidiet v object inspectoru
- end;
- procedure TEQuery.SQL_Set(pQ:TQuery);
- var Q:TQuery;
- a,b:boolean;
- s:string;
- begin
- s:=SQL_Text;
- if pQ.SQL.Text=s then exit;
- b:=pQ.ParamCount>0;
- if b then begin
- Q:=TQuery.Create(nil);
- Q.SQL.text:=pQ.sql.text;
- Q.Params:=pQ.Params;
- Q.SQL.text:=pQ.SQL.Text;
- end;
- pQ.DisableControls;
- pQ.close;
- pQ.SQL.Text:=s;
- try
- if b then pQ.Params:=Q.params;
- finally
- pQ.EnableControls;
- if b then Q.Free;
- end;
- end;
- (*
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('Edge', [TEQuery]);
- end;
- *)
- end.