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- (*******************************************************************************
- BkQuery - Backgroud Query
- BkQuery:= EQuery + Backgroud Query = Wait Query + Parse Query + Backgroud Query
- Author: J. Tungli, T-SOFT (c) 2001 mailto:jan.tungli@seznam.cz
- *******************************************************************************
- BkCommands: ( BkOpen, BkExecSQL, BkLocate, BkFindFirst, BkLast, ... )
- if BkQueryTread is not created, BkCommand automatically create
- new BkQueryThread. When a BkCommand is ready call OnBkReady event.
- OnBkReady event:
- Procedure OnBkReady(Sender: TObject; Msg:String; AResult:integer) of object;
- Msg : result message text (coresponding with ReadyMsg property)
- AResult: result executed result value (1=true 0=false,
- (coresponding with ReadyResult property)
- BkQueryThread:
- create BkCommands front in thread : ... -> BkCommand2 -> BkCommand1
- and provide for first command must finish first
- BkStop command:
- wait for BkCommands front finish and dispose BkQueryThread
- BkTerminate command:
- dispose BkQueryThread immediatelly, dont wait for BkCommands front finish
- Example:
- BkQuery1.Database_AliasName:='DBDEMOS';
- BkQuery1.sql.text:='select * from Country';
- BkQuery1.DisableControls;
- BkQuery1.BkOpen;
- BkQuery1.BkLocate('Name','Venez',[loPartialkey]);
- ...
- BkQuery1.BkStop;
- BkQuery1.EnableControls;
- ********************************************************************************)
- unit uBkQuery;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, DB, DBTables,Forms,Controls,stdctrls,Dialogs,uEQuery;
- const
- UM_BkReady=WM_User+191;
- type
- TOnBkReady = procedure (Sender: TObject; Msg:String; AResult:integer) of object;
- TBkWC=class(TStaticText)
- private
- fMaster:TComponent;
- protected
- procedure UM_BkReady(var AMessage : TMessage); message UM_BkReady;
- { Protected declarations }
- public
- published
- end;
- TBkQuery = class(TEQuery)
- private
- fThreadRun:boolean;
- fThread: TThread;
- fIndex:integer;
- fWC:TBkWC;
- fRes:integer;
- fMsg: string;
- fSession:TSession;
- fDatabase:TDatabase;
- fDBParams:TStringList;
- fDBAlias:string;
- fDBDriver:string;
- fOnBkReady:TOnBkReady;
- procedure SetfIndex(A:integer);
- procedure SetfRes(A:integer);
- procedure SetfMsg(A:string);
- procedure BkInit;
- {Private declarations }
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- { Public declarations }
- published
- property BkExecuteIndex:integer read fIndex write SetfIndex; {read only}
- property ReadyResult: integer read fRes write SetfRes; {read only 1=true 0=false}
- property ReadyMsg:string read fMsg write SetfMsg; {read only}
- property Database_AliasName:string read fDBAlias write fDBAlias;
- property Database_DriverName:string read fDBDriver write fDBDriver;
- property Database_Params:TStringList read fDBParams write fDBParams;
- property OnBkReady : TOnBkReady read fOnBkReady write fOnBkReady;
- procedure BkOpen;
- procedure BkExecSQL(ATransaction:boolean=false; ARollBack:boolean=true);
- procedure BkPost;
- procedure BkApplyUpdates;
- procedure BkMoveBy(AMove:integer);
- procedure BkFirst;
- procedure BkLast;
- procedure BkNext;
- procedure BkPrior;
- procedure BkLocate(const AKeyFields: String; const AKeyValues: Variant; AOptions: TLocateOptions);
- procedure BkFindFirst;
- procedure BkFindLast;
- procedure BkFindNext;
- procedure BkFindPrior;
- procedure BkGotoBookMark(ABookMark:TBookMark);
- procedure BkFetchAll;
- procedure BkCommitUpdates;
- procedure BkRecordCount;
- procedure BkDisableControls;
- procedure BkEnableControls;
- procedure BkStop;
- procedure BkTerminate;
- { Published declarations }
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- type
- TQueryThread = class(TThread)
- private
- fExit : boolean;
- fMessageText: string;
- fTrans,fRollBack : boolean;
- fAction : byte;
- fKeyFields : string;
- fKeyValues : variant;
- fOptions : TLocateOptions;
- fMove : integer;
- fBookMark : TBookMark;
- fBkQuery : TBkQuery;
- fResult : integer;
- //procedure QueryReady;
- { Private declarations }
- protected
- procedure Execute; override;
- procedure Start( ABkQuery:TBkQuery;AAction:byte;
- ATransaction,ARollBack:boolean;
- AKeyFields : string;
- AKeyValues : variant;
- AOptions : TLocateOptions;
- AMove : integer;
- ABookMark : TBookMark);
- procedure Stop(ABkQuery:TBkQuery);
- { Protected declarations }
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- { Public declarations }
- published
- { Published declarations }
- end;
- var
- gIndex:integer;
- constructor TBkQuery.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- fWC:=nil;fSession:=nil; fDatabase:=nil;
- fMsg:=''; fRes:=0; fThread:=nil;
- fDBParams:=TStringList.Create;
- end;
- destructor TBkQuery.Destroy;
- begin
- fDBParams.Free;
- if fSession<>nil then begin fSession.Close; fSession.Free; end;
- if fDatabase<>nil then fDatabase.Free;
- if fThread<>nil then begin
- fThread.Terminate;
- fThread.WaitFor;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TQueryThread.Stop(ABkQuery:TBkQuery);
- begin
- fBkQuery:=ABkQuery;
- fBkQuery.fThreadRun:=true;
- fExit:=true;
- Resume;
- end;
- procedure TQueryThread.Start( ABkQuery:TBkQuery;AAction:byte;
- ATransaction,ARollBack:boolean;
- AKeyFields : string;
- AKeyValues : variant;
- AOptions : TLocateOptions;
- AMove : integer;
- ABookMark : TBookMark);
- begin
- fExit:=false;
- fBkQuery:=ABkQuery;
- fRollBack:=ARollBack;
- fTrans:=ATransaction;
- fAction:=AAction;
- fKeyFields:=AKeyFields;
- fKeyValues:=AKeyValues;
- fOptions:=AOptions;
- fMove:=AMove;
- fBookMark:=ABookMark;
- Resume;
- end;
- constructor TQueryThread.Create;
- begin
- FreeOnTerminate := True;
- inherited Create(true);
- end;
- destructor TQueryThread.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- const
- cTransaction:boolean=false;
- cRollBack:boolean=true;
- cKeyFields:string='';
- cOptions:TLocateOptions=[];
- cMove: integer=0;
- cBookMark:TBookMark=nil;
- var
- Guard: Integer;
- Numbers: Integer;
- cKeyValues:Variant;
- { Thread safe increment of Numbers to guarantee the result is unique }
- function GetUniqueNumber: Integer;
- asm
- @@1: MOV EDX,1
- XCHG Guard,EDX
- JNZ @@2
- MOV EAX,Numbers
- MOV Numbers,EAX
- MOV Guard,EDX
- @@2: PUSH 0
- CALL Sleep
- JMP @@1
- end;
- procedure TBkWC.UM_BkReady(var AMessage : TMessage);
- begin
- if fMaster is TbkQuery then
- with TBkQuery(fMaster) do begin
- if Assigned(fOnBkReady) then fOnBkReady(TBkQuery(fMaster),fMsg,fRes);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TQueryThread.Execute;
- procedure Posted;
- begin
- fBkQuery.fMsg:=fMessageText;
- fBkQuery.fRes:=fResult;
- //if fBkQuery.fIndex=gIndex then fBkQuery.EnableControls;
- if fBkQuery.fWC<>nil then PostMessage(fBkQuery.fWC.Handle,UM_BkReady,0,0);
- fBkQuery.fThreadRun:=false;
- Suspend;
- end;
- //var UniqueNumber: Integer;
- begin
- while not Terminated do begin
- try
- if fExit then begin fBkQuery.fThreadRun:=false; exit; end;
- //UniqueNumber := GetUniqueNumber;
- with fBkQuery do begin
- if fSession=nil then fSession:=TSession.Create(nil) else begin
- if fAction<=2 then fSession.close;
- end;
- if fDatabase=nil then fDatabase:=TDatabase.Create(nil) else begin
- if fAction<=2 then fDatabase.Connected:=false;
- end;
- if fAction<=2 then begin
- fSession.SessionName :='Session_'+fBkQuery.Name;
- fDatabase.DatabaseName :='Database_'+fBkQuery.Name;
- fDatabase.SessionName := fSession.SessionName;
- fDatabase.LoginPrompt:=false;
- fDataBase.DriverName:=fDBDriver;
- fDatabase.AliasName:=fDBAlias;
- fDatabase.Params.Text:=fDBParams.Text;
- SessionName := fDatabase.SessionName;
- DatabaseName := fDatabase.DatabaseName;
- SessionName := fDatabase.SessionName;
- DatabaseName := fDatabase.DatabaseName;
- end;
- fResult:=1;
- case fAction of
- 1:Open;
- 2:if fTrans then begin
- fDatabase.StartTransaction;
- ExecSQL;
- fMessageText := 'OK';
- fDatabase.Commit;
- Posted; //Synchronize(QueryReady);
- continue;
- end else begin
- ExecSQL;
- end;
- 3: Post;
- 4: ApplyUpdates;
- 5: fResult:=MoveBy(fMove);
- 6: First;
- 7: Last;
- 8: Next;
- 9: Prior;
- 10:if Active and Locate(fKeyFields,fKeyValues,fOptions) then fResult:=1 else begin fResult:=0; fMessageText:='Datset is closed'; end;
- 11:if Active and FindFirst then fResult:=1 else begin fResult:=0; fMessageText:='Datset is closed'; end;
- 12:if Active and FindLast then fResult:=1 else begin fResult:=0; fMessageText:='Datset is closed'; end;
- 13:if Active and FindNext then fResult:=1 else begin fResult:=0; fMessageText:='Datset is closed'; end;
- 14:if Active and FindPrior then fResult:=1 else begin fResult:=0; fMessageText:='Datset is closed'; end;
- 15:GotoBookMark(fBookMark);
- 16:FetchAll;
- 17:CommitUpdates;
- 18:fResult:=RecordCount;
- 19:DisableControls;
- 20:EnableControls;
- end;
- fMessageText := 'OK';
- Posted;
- continue;
- //QueryReady;
- //Synchronize(QueryReady);
- end;
- except
- on E: Exception do
- begin
- fResult:=0;
- { Display any error we receive on the status line }
- fMessageText := Format('%s: %s.', [E.ClassName, E.Message]);
- if fTrans then begin
- if fRollBack then begin
- fMessageText:=fMessageText+' -> Rollback';
- fBkQuery.fDatabase.Rollback;
- end else begin
- try fBkQuery.fDatabase.Commit; except end;
- end;
- end;
- Posted;//Synchronize(QueryReady);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // -------------------------------
- procedure TBkQuery.BkOpen;
- begin
- BkInit;
- if (trim(fDbAlias)='') and (DatabaseName<>'') then fDbAlias:=DatabaseName;
- if Active then Close;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,1,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkExecSQL(ATransaction:boolean=false;ARollBack:boolean=true);
- begin
- BkInit;
- if (trim(fDbAlias)='') and (DatabaseName<>'') then fDbAlias:=DatabaseName;
- if Active then Close;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,2,ATransaction,ARollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkPost;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,3,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkApplyUpdates;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,4,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkMoveBy(AMove:integer);
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,5,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,AMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkFirst;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,6,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkLast;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,7,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkNext;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,8,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkPrior;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,9,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkLocate(const AKeyFields: String; const AKeyValues: Variant; AOptions: TLocateOptions);
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,10,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- AKeyFields,AKeyValues,AOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkFindFirst;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,11,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkFindLast;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,12,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkFindNext;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,13,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkFindPrior;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,14,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkGotoBookMark(ABookMark:TBookMark);
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,15,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,ABookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkFetchAll;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,3,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkCommitUpdates;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,17,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkRecordCount;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,18,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkDisableControls;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,19,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkEnableControls;
- begin
- BkInit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Start(Self,20,cTransaction,cRollBack,
- cKeyFields,cKeyValues,cOptions,cMove,cBookMark);
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkStop;
- begin
- while gIndex>fIndex do Application.ProcessMessages;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- while fThreadRun do Application.ProcessMessages;
- if fThread=nil then begin fIndex:=0; gIndex:=0; exit; end;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Stop(Self);
- while fThreadRun do Application.ProcessMessages;
- fThread:=nil;
- fIndex:=0; gIndex:=0;
- end;
- procedure TbkQuery.BkTerminate;
- begin
- if fThread=nil then exit;
- TQueryThread(fThread).Stop(Self);
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- if fThread<>nil then TQueryThread(fThread).Terminate;
- fThreadRun:=false;
- fIndex:=0; gIndex:=0;
- fThread:=nil;
- end;
- procedure TBkQuery.BkInit;
- begin
- gIndex:=fIndex+1;if gIndex=MaxInt then gIndex:=1;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- while fThreadRun do Application.ProcessMessages;
- if fThread=nil then fThread:=TQueryThread.Create;
- fThreadRun:=true;
- inc(fIndex); if fIndex=MaxInt then fIndex:=1;
- fMsg:=''; fRes:=0;
- if (fWC=nil) then begin
- fWC:=TBkWC.Create(Owner);
- fWC.Width:=0; fWC.Height:=0;
- fWC.Name:=Name+'_WC';
- fWC.Caption:='';
- if Owner is TForm then
- fWC.Parent:=TWinControl(Owner)
- else fWC.Parent:=Screen.ActiveForm;
- fWC.fMaster:=Self;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBkQuery.SetfIndex(A:integer);
- begin
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then ShowMessage('property is read only');
- end;
- procedure TBkQuery.SetfRes(A:integer);
- begin
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then ShowMessage('property is read only');
- end;
- procedure TBkQuery.SetfMsg(A:string);
- begin
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then ShowMessage('property is read only');
- end;
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('Samples', [TBkQuery]);
- end;
- end.