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- unit Jwlabel;
- {
- ** VERSION History **
- Version Date Notes
- v1.00 - 01APR99 Original Release
- }
- // Created By:
- // Joseph Wilcock
- // Coockoo@hotmail.com
- // http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/RedmondAve/coockoo/
- interface
- uses {$IFDEF WIN32} Windows, {$ELSE} WinProcs, WinTypes, {$ENDIF}
- Stdctrls, Controls, Classes, SysUtils, Messages, Graphics, Menus;
- type
- { Introduction:
- The purpose of this component is to illustrate the methods used
- in creating a component. To do this, this component will give a label
- full control over the various aspects of the FONT that is used to draw
- itself. In addition, we will explore some other possible uses and
- expansions of the original "TLabel" idea. The main features of this Label
- are full rotation, a "border" will full styles and offsets, and the
- possiblility of really cool looking DYNAMIC fonts!
- Remember, only YOU can make me famous! - JW}
- { Okay, we are about to select a new name for our component AND some of the enumerated
- types. So how do we name it? USE A PREFIX OR A POSTFIX!!!! Sometime you will run into
- another perfectly valid object that has nothing to do with what you are doing, but will
- have a similar name. But if you give it a prefix (like JW for Joseph Wilcock, or Exp for
- Example) you should avoid the obvious ones. }
- { Whenever you make a class you SHOULD always make a custom exception so that you can
- handle errors with. }
- EExpLabelError = Class( Exception );
- { Why enumerated types? All of these values have actual constants defined (I think
- in "WinTypes") but when you are dealing with the Object Inspector, do you want to have to
- remember them all? This way, the code will reassign the enumerated type easily. }
- TExpFontWeight = ( fwDontCare, fwThin, fwExtraLight, fwUltraLight, fwLight, fwNormal,
- fwRegular, fwMedium, fwSemiBold, fwDemiBold, fwBold, fwExtraBold,
- fwUltraBold, fwBlack, fwHeavy );
- TExpCharSet = ( csAnsiCharSet, csDefaultCharSet, csSymbolCharSet,
- csShiftJisCharSet, csOemCharSet );
- TExpOutputPrecision = ( opOutCharacterPrecis, opOutDefaultPrecis, opOutDevicePrecis,
- opOutRasterPrecis, opOutStringPrecis, opOutStrokePrecis, opOutTTPrecis );
- TExpClipPrecision = ( cpClipCharacterPrecis, cpClipDefaultPrecis, cpClipEncapsulate,
- cpClipLHAngles, cpClipMask, cpClipStrokePrecis, cpClipTTAlways );
- TExpFontQuality = ( fqDefaultQuality, fqDraftQuality, fqProofQuality );
- TExpFontPitch = ( fpDefaultPitch, fpFixedPitch, fpVariablePitch );
- TExpFontFamily = ( ffDecorative, ffDontCare, ffModern, ffRoman, ffScript, ffSwiss );
- TJwExpLabel = Class( TLabel )
- private
- { We've already inherited all the other stuff, but we can only touch the
- protected and public values. This will be our declairations. }
- FOverFontColor: TColor;
- FFontHeight: Integer;
- FFontWidth: Integer;
- FEscapement: Integer;
- FOrientation: Integer;
- FFontWeight: TExpFontWeight;
- FItalic: Integer;
- FUnderline: Integer;
- FStrikeOut: Integer;
- FCharSet: TExpCharSet;
- FOutputPrecision: TExpOutputPrecision;
- FClipPrecision: TExpClipPrecision;
- FFontQuality: TExpFontQuality;
- FFontPitch: TExpFontPitch;
- FFontFamily: TExpFontFamily;
- FFacename: array[0..255] of char;
- {For a nice change of pace, I thought I might want a border for my label
- and throw in a few extra options as well.}
- FBorder: Boolean;
- FBorderStyle: TPenStyle;
- FBorderWidth: Integer;
- FBorderColor: TColor;
- {Yes I know there's a better way of doing this, but I'd rather not worry about
- the "perfect" algorythm to autosize a rotated font. Maybe someday... but for
- now, this is the best I'M goint to do... unless someone else wants to do it
- for me?}
- FLeftOffset: LongInt;
- FTopOffset: LongInt;
- FRightOffset: LongInt;
- FBottomOffset: LongInt;
- {NOTE ON NAMING: True story! For some reason I had made the name of a
- private member the same as the published property! AND whenever it was
- updated, invalidate was called, and got caught into a total loop. Moral:
- PvFontWeight: Integer;
- PvFontCharSet: Word;
- PvFontOutPrecision: Word;
- PvFontClipPrecision: Word;
- PvFontQuality: Word;
- PvFontPitchAndFamily: Word;
- Procedure SetOverFontColor( Value: TColor );
- Procedure SetFontFaceName( Value: String );
- Function GetFontFaceName: String;
- Procedure SetFontFamily( Value: TExpFontFamily );
- Procedure SetFontPitch( Value: TExpFontPitch );
- Procedure SetFontQuality( Value: TExpFontQuality );
- Procedure SetClipPrecision( Value: TExpClipPrecision );
- Procedure SetOutputPrecision( Value: TExpOutputPrecision );
- Procedure SetCharSet( Value: TExpCharSet );
- Procedure SetFontStrikeout( Value: Integer );
- Procedure SetFontUnderline( Value: Integer );
- Procedure SetFontItalic( Value: Integer );
- Procedure SetFontWeight( Value: TExpFontWeight );
- Procedure SetFontOrientation( Value: Integer );
- Procedure SetFontEscapement( Value: Integer );
- Procedure SetFontWidth( Value: Integer );
- Procedure SetFontHeight( Value: Integer );
- Procedure SetBorder( Value: Boolean );
- Procedure SetBorderStyle( Value: TPenStyle );
- Procedure SetBorderWidth( Value: Integer );
- Procedure SetBorderColor( Value: TColor );
- Procedure SetLeftOffset( Value: LongInt );
- Procedure SetTopOffset( Value: LongInt );
- Procedure SetRightOffset( Value: LongInt );
- Procedure SetBottomOffset( Value: LongInt );
- protected
- procedure WMSize(var Message: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;
- procedure Paint; override;
- {Alright! I lifted this from the VCL, but I did change a lot AND I didn't want
- to conflict with the old one by using the same name!}
- procedure ExpDoDrawText(var Rect: TRect; Flags: Word);
- public
- constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent ); override;
- published
- { Now, we want to make accessable some of the previously declaired properties.
- If we don't do it here, not all of them will translate!}
- Property Anchors;
- Property Align;
- Property Alignment;
- Property AutoSize;
- Property Caption;
- Property Color;
- Property Cursor;
- Property DragCursor;
- Property DragMode;
- Property Enabled;
- Property FocusControl;
- {Property Font; NO! We *DON'T* want to have this one available!
- ...for some reason, it's still there! Don't know how to remove it...}
- Property Height;
- Property Hint;
- Property Left;
- Property Name;
- Property ParentColor;
- {Property ParentFont; This one either!}
- Property ParentShowHint;
- Property PopupMenu;
- Property ShowAccelChar;
- Property ShowHint;
- Property Tag;
- Property Top;
- Property Transparent;
- Property Visible;
- Property Width;
- Property WordWrap;
- {Now the inherited EVENTS!}
- Property OnClick;
- Property OnDblClick;
- Property OnDragDrop;
- Property OnDragOver;
- Property OnEndDrag;
- Property OnMouseDown;
- Property OnMouseMove;
- Property OnMouseUp;
- {Down here, we'll add our *NEW* properties. The reason we supply a default
- is that if the value is equal to the default when the form is saved, it doesn't
- store anything. But if it doesn't, it stores the value, so try to always have
- a default, but REMEMBER to address this in the constructor.}
- Property OverFontColor: TColor
- Read FOverFontColor
- Write SetOverFontColor
- Default clBlack;
- Property FontHeight: Integer
- Read FFontHeight
- Write SetFontHeight
- Default 15;
- Property FontWidth: Integer
- Read FFontWidth
- Write SetFontWidth
- Default 0;
- Property FontEscapement: Integer
- Read FEscapement
- Write SetFontEscapement
- Default 0;
- Property FontOrientation: Integer
- Read FOrientation
- Write SetFontOrientation
- Default 0;
- Property FontWeight: TExpFontWeight
- Read FFontWeight
- Write SetFontWeight
- Default fwRegular;
- Property FontItalic: Integer
- Read FItalic
- Write SetFontItalic
- Default 0;
- Property FontUnderline: Integer
- Read FUnderline
- Write SetFontUnderline
- Default 0;
- Property FontStrikeout: Integer
- Read FStrikeOut
- Write SetFontStrikeout
- Default 0;
- Property CharacterSet: TExpCharSet
- Read FCharSet
- Write SetCharSet
- Default csDefaultCharSet;
- Property OutputPrecision: TExpOutputPrecision
- Read FOutputPrecision
- Write SetOutputPrecision
- Default opOutDefaultPrecis;
- Property ClipPrecision: TExpClipPrecision
- Read FClipPrecision
- Write SetClipPrecision
- Default cpClipDefaultPrecis;
- Property FontQuality: TExpFontQuality
- Read FFontQuality
- Write SetFontQuality
- Default fqDefaultQuality;
- Property FontPitch: TExpFontPitch
- Read FFontPitch
- Write SetFontPitch
- Default fpDefaultPitch;
- Property FontFamily: TExpFontFamily
- Read FFontFamily
- Write SetFontFamily
- Default ffRoman;
- Property FontFaceName: String
- Read GetFontFaceName
- Write SetFontFaceName;
- Property Border: Boolean
- Read FBorder
- Write SetBorder
- default False;
- Property BorderStyle: TPenStyle
- Read FBorderStyle
- Write SetBorderStyle
- default psSolid;
- Property BorderWidth: Integer
- Read FBorderWidth
- Write SetBorderWidth
- default 1;
- Property BorderColor: TColor
- Read FBorderColor
- Write SetBorderColor
- default clBlack;
- Property OffsetLeft: LongInt
- Read FLeftOffset
- Write SetLeftOffset
- Default 0;
- Property OffsetTop: LongInt
- Read FTopOffset
- Write SetTopOffset
- Default 0;
- Property OffsetRight: LongInt
- Read FRightOffset
- Write SetRightOffset
- Default 0;
- Property OffsetBottom: LongInt
- Read FBottomOffset
- Write SetBottomOffset
- Default 0;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- constructor TJwExpLabel.Create( AOwner : TComponent );
- begin
- Inherited Create( AOwner );
- ParentFont := False;
- FFontHeight := 15;
- FFontWidth := 0;
- Font.Size := FFontWidth;
- Font.Height := FFontHeight;
- FEscapement := 0;
- FOrientation := 0;
- FFontWeight := fwRegular;
- FItalic := 0;
- FUnderline := 0;
- FStrikeOut := 0;
- FCharSet := csDefaultCharSet;
- FOutputPrecision := opOutDefaultPrecis;
- FClipPrecision := cpClipDefaultPrecis;
- FFontQuality := fqDefaultQuality;
- FFontPitch := fpDefaultPitch;
- FFontFamily := ffRoman;
- FOverFontColor := clBlack;
- StrCopy( FFacename, 'Arial' );
- FBorder := False;
- FBorderStyle := psSolid;
- FBorderWidth := 1;
- FBorderColor := clBlack;
- FLeftOffset := 0;
- FTopOffset := 0;
- FRightOffset := 0;
- FBottomOffset := 0;
- AutoSize := False;
- Width := 120;
- Height := 17;
- end;
- { Okay, so how did I know to do all of this stuff? Well, I cheated. I REALLY want to have
- control over what happens when this component is painted, so rather than trust what it does, I
- will override it... and rather than have to rewrite everything, I copied it right from the VCL
- code....}
- procedure TJwExpLabel.WMSize(var Message: TWMSize);
- var
- W, H: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- { Copy the new width and height of the component
- so we can use SetBounds to change both at once }
- W := Width;
- H := Height;
- { Code to check and adjust W and H }
- { Update the component size if we adjusted W or H }
- if (W <> Width) or (H <> Height) then
- inherited SetBounds(Left, Top, W, H);
- Message.Result := 0;
- end;
- procedure TJwExpLabel.Paint;
- const
- Alignments: array[TAlignment] of Word = (DT_LEFT, DT_RIGHT, DT_CENTER);
- var
- Rect: TRect;
- begin
- with Canvas do
- begin
- Rect := ClientRect;
- Rect.Left := Rect.Left + FLeftOffset;
- Rect.Top := Rect.Top + FTopOffset;
- Rect.Right := Rect.Right - FRightOffset;
- Rect.Bottom := Rect.Bottom - FBottomOffset;
- if not Transparent then
- begin
- Brush.Color := Self.Color;
- Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- FillRect(ClientRect);
- end;
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- if FBorder then
- begin
- Pen.Style := FBorderStyle;
- Pen.Width := FBorderWidth;
- Pen.Color := FBorderColor;
- Rectangle( Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom );
- end;
- ExpDoDrawText(Rect, (DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_WORDBREAK) or
- Alignments[Alignment]);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TJwExpLabel.ExpDoDrawText(var Rect: TRect; Flags: Word);
- var
- Text: array[0..255] of Char;
- begin
- GetTextBuf(Text, SizeOf(Text));
- if (Flags and DT_CALCRECT <> 0) and ((Text[0] = #0) or ShowAccelChar and
- (Text[0] = '&') and (Text[1] = #0)) then StrCopy(Text, ' ');
- if not ShowAccelChar then Flags := Flags or DT_NOPREFIX;
- if FEscapement > 0 then
- Flags := DT_NOCLIP;
- {Right here is where we break ranks with the old code. We want to change the font
- to have the properties that WE set. We'll do this in a case statement so that
- changes to the API Wont ruin our code.}
- Canvas.Font.Color := FOverFontColor;
- Canvas.Font.Handle := CreateFont( FFontHeight, {Height}
- FFontWidth, {Width}
- FEscapement, {Escapement}
- FOrientation, {Orientation}
- PvFontWeight, {Weight}
- FItalic, {Italic}
- FUnderline, {Underline}
- FStrikeOut, {StrikeOut}
- PvFontCharSet, {CharSet}
- PvFontOutPrecision, {OutputPrecision}
- PvFontClipPrecision, {ClipPrecision}
- PvFontQuality, {Quality}
- PvFontPitchAndFamily, {PitchAndFamily}
- FFaceName );{FaceName}
- {Canvas.Font := Font;}
- if not Enabled then Canvas.Font.Color := clGrayText;
- DrawText(Canvas.Handle, Text, StrLen(Text), Rect, Flags);
- end;
- {*************************************************************************
- Now we deal with our accessor functions. These will modify our
- component's properties at both design AND run time. The main idea
- is that if you change something to do with the visual part, invalidate
- before you go on! This is where we will also convert our Enumerated Types
- into actual usable constants.
- *************************************************************************}
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetOverFontColor( Value: TColor );
- begin
- if FOverFontColor <> Value then
- begin
- FOverFontColor := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontFaceName( Value: String );
- var
- OldName, TmpStr: array[0..255] of Char;
- begin
- StrPCopy( TmpStr, Value );
- if StrComp( TmpStr, FFacename ) <> 0 then
- begin
- StrCopy( OldName, FFaceName );
- StrCopy( FFacename, TmpStr );
- try
- Invalidate;
- except
- { NOTE: The possiblity of this happening isn't really big, but I wanted to
- make a point here....}
- StrCopy( FFaceName, OldName );
- Raise EExpLabelError.Create( 'Invalid font name' );
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Function TJwExpLabel.GetFontFaceName: String;
- begin
- Result := StrPas( FFacename );
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontFamily( Value: TExpFontFamily );
- begin
- if FFontFamily <> Value then
- begin
- FFontFamily := Value;
- { We want to clear out the old values before we add a new one. }
- PvFontPitchAndFamily := PvFontPitchAndFamily AND $0F;
- Case FFontFamily of
- ffDecorative: PvFontPitchAndFamily := PvFontPitchAndFamily + FF_DECORATIVE;
- ffDontCare: PvFontPitchAndFamily := PvFontPitchAndFamily + FF_DONTCARE;
- ffModern: PvFontPitchAndFamily := PvFontPitchAndFamily + FF_MODERN;
- ffRoman: PvFontPitchAndFamily := PvFontPitchAndFamily + FF_ROMAN;
- ffScript: PvFontPitchAndFamily := PvFontPitchAndFamily + FF_SCRIPT;
- ffSwiss: PvFontPitchAndFamily := PvFontPitchAndFamily + FF_SWISS;
- end;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontPitch( Value: TExpFontPitch );
- begin
- if FFontPitch <> Value then
- begin
- FFontPitch := Value;
- { We want to clear out the old values before we add a new one. }
- PvFontPitchAndFamily := PvFontPitchAndFamily AND $F0;
- case FFontPitch of
- fpDefaultPitch: PvFontPitchAndFamily := PvFontPitchAndFamily + DEFAULT_PITCH;
- fpFixedPitch: PvFontPitchAndFamily := PvFontPitchAndFamily + FIXED_PITCH;
- fpVariablePitch: PvFontPitchAndFamily := PvFontPitchAndFamily + VARIABLE_PITCH;
- end;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontQuality( Value: TExpFontQuality );
- begin
- if FFontQuality <> Value then
- begin
- FFontQuality := Value;
- case FFontQuality of
- fqDefaultQuality: PvFontQuality := DEFAULT_QUALITY;
- fqDraftQuality: PvFontQuality := DRAFT_QUALITY;
- fqProofQuality: PvFontQuality := PROOF_QUALITY;
- end;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetClipPrecision( Value: TExpClipPrecision );
- begin
- if FClipPrecision <> Value then
- begin
- FClipPrecision := Value;
- case FClipPrecision of
- cpClipCharacterPrecis: PvFontClipPrecision := CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS;
- cpClipDefaultPrecis: PvFontClipPrecision := CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
- cpClipEncapsulate: PvFontClipPrecision := CLIP_EMBEDDED;
- cpClipLHAngles: PvFontClipPrecision := CLIP_LH_ANGLES;
- cpClipMask: PvFontClipPrecision := CLIP_MASK;
- cpClipStrokePrecis: PvFontClipPrecision := CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS;
- cpClipTTAlways: PvFontClipPrecision := CLIP_TT_ALWAYS;
- end;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetOutputPrecision( Value: TExpOutputPrecision );
- begin
- if FOutputPrecision <> Value then
- begin
- FOutputPrecision := Value;
- case FOutputPrecision of
- opOutCharacterPrecis: PvFontOutPrecision := OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS;
- opOutDefaultPrecis: PvFontOutPrecision := OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
- opOutDevicePrecis: PvFontOutPrecision := OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS;
- opOutRasterPrecis: PvFontOutPrecision := OUT_RASTER_PRECIS;
- opOutStringPrecis: PvFontOutPrecision := OUT_STRING_PRECIS;
- opOutStrokePrecis: PvFontOutPrecision := OUT_STROKE_PRECIS;
- opOutTTPrecis: PvFontOutPrecision := OUT_TT_PRECIS;
- end;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetCharSet( Value: TExpCharSet );
- begin
- if FCharSet <> Value then
- begin
- FCharSet := Value;
- case FCharSet of
- csAnsiCharSet: PvFontCharSet := ANSI_CHARSET;
- csDefaultCharSet: PvFontCharSet := DEFAULT_CHARSET;
- csSymbolCharSet: PvFontCharSet := SYMBOL_CHARSET;
- csShiftJisCharSet: PvFontCharSet := SHIFTJIS_CHARSET;
- csOemCharSet: PvFontCharSet := OEM_CHARSET;
- end;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontStrikeout( Value: Integer );
- begin
- if FStrikeOut <> Value then
- begin
- FStrikeOut := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontUnderline( Value: Integer );
- begin
- if FUnderline <> Value then
- begin
- FUnderline := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontItalic( Value: Integer );
- begin
- if FItalic <> Value then
- begin
- FItalic := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontWeight( Value: TExpFontWeight );
- begin
- if FFontWeight <> Value then
- begin
- FFontWeight := Value;
- Case FFontWeight of
- fwDontCare: PvFontWeight := FW_DONTCARE;
- fwThin: PvFontWeight := FW_THIN;
- fwExtraLight: PvFontWeight := FW_EXTRALIGHT;
- fwUltraLight: PvFontWeight := FW_ULTRALIGHT;
- fwLight: PvFontWeight := FW_LIGHT;
- fwNormal: PvFontWeight := FW_NORMAL;
- fwRegular: PvFontWeight := FW_REGULAR;
- fwMedium: PvFontWeight := FW_MEDIUM;
- fwSemiBold: PvFontWeight := FW_SEMIBOLD;
- fwDemiBold: PvFontWeight := FW_DEMIBOLD;
- fwBold: PvFontWeight := FW_BOLD;
- fwExtraBold: PvFontWeight := FW_EXTRABOLD;
- fwUltraBold: PvFontWeight := FW_ULTRABOLD;
- fwBlack: PvFontWeight := FW_BLACK;
- fwHeavy: PvFontWeight := FW_HEAVY;
- end;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontOrientation( Value: Integer );
- begin
- if FOrientation <> Value then
- begin
- FOrientation := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontEscapement( Value: Integer );
- begin
- if FEscapement <> Value then
- begin
- FEscapement := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontWidth( Value: Integer );
- begin
- if FFontWidth <> Value then
- begin
- FFontWidth := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetFontHeight( Value: Integer );
- begin
- if FFontHeight <> Value then
- begin
- FFontHeight := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetBorder( Value: Boolean );
- begin
- if FBorder <> Value then
- begin
- FBorder := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetBorderStyle( Value: TPenStyle );
- begin
- if FBorderStyle <> Value then
- begin
- FBorderStyle := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetBorderWidth( Value: Integer );
- begin
- if FBorderWidth <> Value then
- begin
- FBorderWidth := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetBorderColor( Value: TColor );
- begin
- if FBorderColor <> Value then
- begin
- FBorderColor := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetLeftOffset( Value: LongInt );
- begin
- if FLeftOffset <> Value then
- begin
- FLeftOffset := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetTopOffset( Value: LongInt );
- begin
- if FTopOffset <> Value then
- begin
- FTopOffset := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetRightOffset( Value: LongInt );
- begin
- if FRightOffset <> Value then
- begin
- FRightOffset := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwExpLabel.SetBottomOffset( Value: LongInt );
- begin
- if FBottomOffset <> Value then
- begin
- FBottomOffset := Value;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- { Don't forget the Register function! Nothing can be done withou}
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents( 'JwTools', [ TJwExpLabel ] );
- end;
- end.