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- unit Jwlinez;
- {
- ** VERSION History **
- Version Date Notes
- v1.00 - 01APR99 Original Release
- }
- {
- JwLinez is actually the first compoenent that I have ever written. I highly
- suggest anyone who want to make a component, and are just starting, make a
- real simple component like this one that does a few simple thing. And over
- time, add more and more functionality.
- This component is just a line draw. Something that I would otherwise have
- to do during runtime, but have decided to make available at design time.
- }
- // Created By:
- // Joseph Wilcock
- // Coockoo@hotmail.com
- // http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/RedmondAve/coockoo/
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, {$IFDEF WIN32} Windows, {$ELSE} WinProcs, WinTypes, {$ENDIF}
- Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
- type
- TJwLineStyle = ( jlTop, jlBottom, jlRight, jlLeft, jlTopLeft, jlRightTo, jlRectangle );
- TJwLinez = Class( TGraphicControl )
- private
- FJwLineStyle: TJwLineStyle;
- FThisPenStyle: TPenStyle;
- FThisPenWidth: Byte;
- FThisLineColor: TColor;
- FDouble: Boolean;
- Procedure SetJwLineStyle( Value: TJwLineStyle );
- Procedure SetThisPenStyle( Value: TPenStyle );
- Procedure SetThisPenWidth( Value: Byte );
- Procedure SetThisLineColor( Value: TColor );
- Procedure SetDouble( Value: Boolean );
- Procedure Paint; Override;
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- public
- { Public declarations }
- Constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent ); override;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- Property JwLineStyle: TJwLineStyle
- Read FJwLineStyle
- Write SetJwLineStyle
- default jlTop;
- Property ThisPenStyle: TPenStyle
- Read FThisPenStyle
- Write SetThisPenStyle
- Default psSolid;
- Property ThisPenWidth: Byte
- Read FThisPenWidth
- Write SetThisPenWidth
- Default 1;
- Property ThisLineColor: TColor
- Read FThisLineColor
- Write SetThisLineColor
- Default clBlack;
- Property Double: Boolean
- Read FDouble
- Write SetDouble
- Default False;
- Property Anchors;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('JwTools', [TJwLinez]);
- end;
- Constructor TJwLinez.Create( AOwner: TComponent );
- begin
- Inherited Create( AOwner );
- Width := 100;
- Height := 100;
- FJwLineStyle := jlTop;
- FThisPenStyle := psSolid;
- FThisPenWidth := 1;
- FThisLineColor := clBlack;
- FDouble := False;
- end;
- Procedure TJwLinez.SetJwLineStyle( Value: TJwLineStyle );
- begin
- if FJwLineStyle <> Value then
- begin
- FJwLineStyle := Value;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwLinez.SetThisPenStyle( Value: TPenStyle );
- begin
- if FThisPenStyle <> Value then
- begin
- FThisPenStyle := Value;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwLinez.SetThisPenWidth( Value: Byte );
- begin
- if FThisPenWidth <> Value then
- begin
- FThisPenWidth := Value;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwLinez.SetThisLineColor( Value: TColor );
- begin
- if FThisLineColor <> Value then
- begin
- FThisLineColor := Value;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwLinez.SetDouble( Value: Boolean );
- begin
- if FDouble <> Value then
- begin
- FDouble := Value;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TJwLinez.Paint;
- begin
- with Canvas do
- begin
- Pen.Width := FThisPenWidth;
- Pen.Style := FThisPenStyle;
- Pen.Color := FThisLineColor;
- case FJwLineStyle of
- jlTop: begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( Width-FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth );
- end;
- jlBottom: begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth, Height-FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( Width-FThisPenWidth, Height-FThisPenWidth );
- end;
- jlRight: begin
- MoveTo( Width-FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( Width-FThisPenWidth, Height-FThisPenWidth );
- end;
- jlLeft: begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( FThisPenWidth, Height-FThisPenWidth );
- end;
- jlTopLeft: begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( Width-FThisPenWidth, Height-FThisPenWidth );
- end;
- jlRightTo: begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth, Height-FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( Width-FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth );
- end;
- jlRectangle:begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( Width-FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( Width-FThisPenWidth, Height-FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( FThisPenWidth, Height-FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth );
- end;
- end;
- if FDouble then
- begin
- case FJwLineStyle of
- jlTop: begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2) );
- LineTo( FThisPenWidth+Width, FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2) );
- end;
- jlBottom: begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth, Height-FThisPenWidth-(FThisPenWidth*2) );
- LineTo( Width-FThisPenWidth, Height-FThisPenWidth-(FThisPenWidth*2) );
- end;
- jlRight: begin
- MoveTo( Width-FThisPenWidth-(FThisPenWidth*2), FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( Width-FThisPenWidth-(FThisPenWidth*2), Height-FThisPenWidth );
- end;
- jlLeft: begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2), FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2), FThisPenWidth+Height );
- end;
- jlTopLeft: begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2) );
- LineTo( FThisPenWidth+Width, FThisPenWidth+Height+(FThisPenWidth*2) );
- end;
- jlRightTo: begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth+Height+(FThisPenWidth*2) );
- LineTo( FThisPenWidth+Width, FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2) );
- end;
- jlRectangle:begin
- MoveTo( FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2), FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2) );
- LineTo( Width-(FThisPenWidth*2)-FThisPenWidth, FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2) );
- LineTo( Width-(FThisPenWidth*2)-FThisPenWidth, Height-(FThisPenWidth*2)-FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2), Height-(FThisPenWidth*2)-FThisPenWidth );
- LineTo( FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2), FThisPenWidth+(FThisPenWidth*2) );
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end.