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- RAR - Co je novΘho v nejnov∞jÜφ verzi
- Verze 2.71
- 1. Bylo opraveno n∞kolik chyb vΦetn∞ nßsledujφcφch problΘm∙ s kompatibilitou
- v operaΦnφm systΘmu Windows 2000:
- a) P°φkaz "Nov²" v kontextovΘm menu Pr∙zkumnφka vytvß°el archivy s nulovou
- dΘlkou, kterΘ nebylo mo₧nΘ otev°φt WinRARem.
- b) Archivace velkΘho mno₧stvφ soubor∙ (vφce ne₧ 300-400) pomocφ
- kontextovΘho menu nepracovala sprßvn∞.
- Verze 2.70
- 1. Byla zlepÜena komprese i jejφ rychlost pro RAR archivy.
- Dφky Alexandru Khoroshevovi, kter² op∞t poskytl neocenitelnou
- pomoc p°i vylepÜovßnφ tΘto novΘ verze.
- 2. V p°edchozφch verzφch byly pro dekompresi CAB, ARJ a LZH archiv∙
- pot°eba externφ archivßtory. Nynφ jsou tyto formßty podporovßny
- WinRARem intern∞, tak₧e ji₧ k jejich extrakci nepot°ebujete ₧ßdn²
- jin² program.
- 3. Byla p°idßna internφ podpora (pouze pro extrakci) pro formßty TAR,
- GZ, ACE a UUE.
- 4. RAR a WinRAR jsou nynφ schopny uklßdat do archivu i datovΘ proudy
- NTFS. Toto je zvlßÜt∞ d∙le₧itΘ pod Windows 2000, kterß tyto datovΘ
- proudy pou₧φvajφ káuchovßvßnφ n∞kter²ch informacφ, souvisejφcφch
- se souborem, nap°φklad jeho popis.
- Tuto funkci m∙₧ete zapnout bu∩ p°epφnaΦem -os z p°φkazovΘho °ßdku nebo
- z grafickΘho rozhranφ WinRARu volbou "Ulo₧it datovΘ proudy souboru"
- v dialogu "JmΘno a parametry archivu".
- Tato funkce je podporovßna pouze u RAR archiv∙.
- 5. Dialog "JmΘno a parametry archivu" byl rozd∞len do Φty° oddφl∙:
- ObecnΘ, PokroΦilΘ, Zßlohovßnφ a Komentß°. Dßle je nynφ mo₧nΘ p°φmo v
- tomto dialogu nastavit heslo nebo komentß° archivu.
- 6. Byly z°φzeny profily komprese, do kter²ch m∙₧ete ulo₧it nastavenφ
- komprese a pozd∞ji je rychle aktivovat, tak₧e je mo₧nΘ vytvo°it si
- profily pro nejΦast∞jÜφ archivaΦnφ operace. PodrobnΘ informace o
- profilech komprese najdete v nßpov∞d∞ v kapitole "Profily komprese".
- 7. RAR a WinRAR jsou nynφ schopny uklßdat do archivu informace o vlastnφku
- souboru, jeho skupin∞, p°φstupov²ch prßvech a datech p°φstup∙ pod
- Windows NT. Abyste mohli tuto funkci vyu₧φvat, musφte mφt v systΘmu
- oprßvn∞nφ tyto informace Φφst. Tuto funkci m∙₧ete zapnout z p°φkazovΘho
- °ßdku p°epφnaΦem -ow nebo volbou "Ulo₧it bezpeΦnostnφ ·daje souboru" v
- dialogu "JmΘno a parametry archivu".
- Tato funkce je podporovßna pro RAR i ZIP archivy.
- 8. Je v²razn∞ rychlejÜφ zpracovßnφ velk²ch adresß°∙.
- 9. P°i extrakci nebo testovßnφ jednotlivΘho RAR archivu (s v²jimkou
- d∞len²ch) nebo vφce archiv∙ se zobrazuje ukazatel celkovΘho pr∙b∞hu.
- 10. Byly p°idßny p°epφnaΦe -to<Φas> a -tn<Φas>, kterΘ umo₧≥ujφ p°i kompresi
- zpracovat pouze soubory starÜφ nebo nov∞jÜφ ne₧ zadan² Φasov² ·sek. Tato
- funkce je dosa₧itelnß takΘ z karty "Zßlohovßnφ" v dialogu
- "JmΘno a parametry archivu".
- 11. New switch -ibck allows to run WinRAR minimzed to tray, when
- archiving or extracting files from the command line.
- 12. U p°epφnaΦe -rr a p°φkazu RR ji₧ neplatφ omezenφ na 8 sektor∙. Zßznam
- pro opravu dat m∙₧e nynφ obsahovat a₧ 4096 sektor∙.
- Nenφ-li ·daj o poΦtu sektor∙ zadßn, je pou₧it zßznam o velikosti asi
- 1,2% celkovΘ velikosti archivu, co₧ obvykle umo₧nφ obnovu souvislΘho
- poÜkozenΘho bloku o velikosti a₧ 0,7% celkovΘ velikosti archivu.
- P°edchozφ verze RARu vÜak samoz°ejm∞ neum∞jφ pracovat s v∞tÜφmi poΦty
- blok∙ ne₧ 8.
- 13. P°φkaz "P°evΘst na SFX" je nynφ dostupn² i pro ZIP archivy, kterΘ ji₧
- jsou SFX. To m∙₧e b²t u₧iteΦnΘ, chcete-li v archivu pouze nahradit SFX
- modul archivu
- 14. Do menu "Soubor" byla p°idßna polo₧ka "Otev°φt archiv".
- 15. P°i extrakci soubor∙ pod Windows NT je nynφ z archivu obnoven i Φasov²
- ·daj adresß°∙.
- 16. Implicitnφ hodnota velikosti slovnφku byla zm∞n∞na na 1024kB.
- 17. Ve WinRARu je nynφ mo₧nΘ nastavit cestu, kam mß b²t umφst∞n opraven²
- archiv.
- 18. Konzolovß verze RARu nynφ podporuje zadßnφ archivu maskou takΘ pro
- p°φkaz 'RR'.
- 19. Nov² p°epφnaΦ -idp v konzolovΘm RARu vypφnß zobrazovßnφ pr∙b∞hu operace,
- co₧ m∙₧e b²t u₧iteΦnΘ p°i p°esm∞rovßvßnφ v²stupu programu do souboru.
- Verze 2.60
- 1. Byl zv²Üen v²kon a rychlost komprese pro RAR archivy.
- Za rady, kterΘ mi umo₧nily toho dosßhnout, d∞kuji Alexandru
- Khoroshevovi a Bulatu Ziganshinovi.
- 2. Informace pro registrovanΘ u₧ivatele:
- WinRAR a Rar pro Linux verze 2.60 a vyÜÜφ jsou registrovßny novou,
- velmi bezpeΦnou peΦetφ ov∞°enφ autentiΦnosti. Hlavnφ v²hodou tohoto
- novΘho zp∙sobu ov∞°enφ autentiΦnosti je v²znamnΘ zv²Üenφ jeho sφly
- a tφm mo₧nost jeho pou₧itφ k bezpeΦnΘmu ov∞°enφ p∙vodu zapeΦet∞nΘho
- archivu.
- To bohu₧el znamenß, ₧e starÜφ registraΦnφ soubory nebudou s tφmto
- algoritmem v nov²ch verzφch spolupracovat a je proto nutnΘ je vym∞nit.
- Tento proces je pro registrovanΘ u₧ivatele bezplatn².
- Pro bli₧Üφ informace o tΘto v²m∞n∞ kontaktujte, prosφm, registraΦnφ
- mφsto, kde jste zakoupili p∙vodnφ licenci.
- 3. Z menu "Mo₧nosti" byla vypuÜt∞na polo₧ka "Registrace". K registraci
- nynφ staΦφ umφstit soubor s registraΦnφm klφΦem do adresß°e, ke mßte
- instalovßn WinRAR.
- 4. P°edchozφ verze RARu nebyly schopny pracovat se soubory a archivy
- v∞tÜφmi ne₧ 2 GB. Toto omezenφ ji₧ pro RAR archivy neexistuje. Nyn∞jÜφ
- limit je mφrn∞ vyÜÜφ ne₧ 8.589.934.591 GB, co₧ prakticky znamenß
- "neomezen²". Pozor, souborovΘ systΘmy Windows 95/98 vÜak nemohou
- pracovat se soubory v∞tÜφmi ne₧ 4 GB, pro prßci s takto velk²mi
- archivy/soubory je t°eba pou₧φt systΘm soubor∙ NTFS (Windows NT).
- Toto vylepÜenφ platφ pouze pro RAR archivy, limit 4 GB pro ZIP archivy
- z∙stßvß nezm∞n∞n.
- 5. Bylo v²razn∞ zrychleno prohledßvßnφ velkΘho poΦtu soubor∙ p°ed zapoΦetφm
- operace archivace. Je takΘ optimalizovßna sprßva pam∞ti, tak₧e je nynφ
- mo₧nΘ zpracovßvat stovky tisφc nebo dokonce miliony soubor∙. WinRAR byl
- ·sp∞Ün∞ testovßn s vφce ne₧ milionem soubor∙.
- 6. Konzolovß verze RARu nynφ p°i archivaci zobrazuje celkovΘ procento
- zpracovan²ch dat, namφsto procenta pro aktußlnφ soubor, jak zobrazovaly
- p°edchozφ verze.
- 7. Seznam pro v²b∞r disku byl p°emφst∞n pod tlaΦφtka nßstrojovΘ liÜty. Lze
- jej vÜak p°etßhnout na starΘ mφsto - prav² hornφ roh okna. Bylo p°idßno
- tlaΦφtko "O ·rove≥ v²Üe", kterΘ se nachßzφ p°ed seznamem disk∙.
- 8. NovΘ mo₧nosti "Kaskßdovß kontextovß menu" a "Ikony v kontextov²ch menu"
- v dialogu nastavenφ "Integrace".
- 9. V dialogu "O WinRARu.." se nynφ zobrazuje registraΦnφ informace.
- 10. Nov² p°epφnaΦ -df - "Vymazat soubory po archivaci". P°φkaz
- "rar a -df" je shodn² s "rar m".
- 11. Nov² p°epφnaΦ -ag[formßt] - "Vygenerovat jmΘno archivu z aktußlnφho data
- a Φasu". P°ipojφ za jmΘno vytvß°enΘho archivu °et∞zec"YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"
- nebo jin², urΦen² parametrem "formßt". VhodnΘ pro ka₧dodennφ zßlohovßnφ.
- 12. Nov² p°epφnaΦ -as - "Synchronizovat obsah archivu". Je-li pou₧it p°i
- archivaci, budou z archivu vymazßny ty soubory, kterΘ se nenachßzejφ
- v seznamu p°idßvan²ch. Je vhodn² k pou₧itφ souΦasn∞ s p°epφnaΦem
- -u (aktualizovat) k synchronizaci obsahu archivu a adresß°e na disku.
- Nap°φklad po p°φkazu:
- rar a -u -as backup sources\*.cpp
- bude archiv 'backup' obsahovat pouze soubory *.cpp z adresß°e 'sources'.
- Toto m∙₧e vypadat stejn∞ jako vytvo°enφ novΘho archivu s tou v²jimkou,
- ₧e pokud nebyly od poslednφ archivace ₧ßdnΘ soubory zm∞n∞ny, prob∞hne
- operace mnohem rychleji ne₧ vytvo°enφ novΘho archivu.
- 13. Nov² re₧im aktualizace "Synchronizovat obsah archivu" v dialogu
- "JmΘno a parametry archivu", umo₧≥ujφcφ synchronizovat obsah archivu
- a adresß°e. Tento re₧im je GUI ekvivalent p°epφnaΦ∙ "-u -as".
- V²sledek tΘto operace je stejn² jako vytvo°enφ novΘho archivu,
- prob∞hne vÜak mnohem rychleji, pokud nebyly od poslednφ aktualizace
- zm∞n∞ny ₧ßdnΘ soubory.
- 14. Archivy UnpSFX.rar (nekomprimovanΘ SFX moduly), UnRARDLL.rar
- (knihovna unrar.dll), UnrarSrc.rar (zdrojovΘ texty UNRARu) byly
- odstran∞ny z distribuΦnφho balφku. M∙₧ete je zφskat samostatn∞
- na strßnce http://www.rarsoft.com. tato zm∞na byla provedena kv∙li
- zmenÜenφ velikosti instalaΦnφho balφku.
- 15. NovΘ skriptovΘ p°φkazy GUI SFX modul∙:
- a) "Overwrite=2" - p°eskoΦit vÜechny existujφcφ soubory bez p°epsßnφ
- b) Delete=<soubor> - vymazßnφ zadanΘho souboru z cφlovΘho adresß°e
- 16. P°φkaz "P°evΘst na SFX" m∙₧e nynφ nahradit v ji₧ existujφcφm SFX
- archivu SFX modul za jin².
- 17. V dialogu "JmΘno a parametry archivu" jsou nynφ ruΦn∞ zadanΘ hodnoty
- velikosti dφlu archivu ulo₧eny v seznamu pro dalÜφ pou₧itφ spoleΦn∞
- s p°eddefinovan²mi hodnotami.
- 18. V dialogu "Sprßva oblφben²ch polo₧ek" p°idßno tlaΦφtko "P°idat".
- 19. P°φkaz "Smazat zßznamy" v menu "Mo₧nosti" nynφ ma₧e soubor rar.log.
- 20. Drobnß vylepÜenφ v zobrazenφ seznamu archivovan²ch soubor∙:
- a) je-li soubor Üifrovan², zobrazφ se za jeho jmΘnem hv∞zdiΦka
- b) pokraΦuje-li soubor v nßsledujφcφm dφlu archivu, zobrazφ se
- za jeho jmΘnem "-->"
- c) je-li soubor pokraΦovßnφm z p°edchozφho dφlu, zobrazφ se
- za jmΘnem "<--"
- c) pokraΦuje-li soubor v p°edchozφm i nßsledujφcφm dφlu, za
- jmΘnem se zobrazφ "<->"
- 21. V kontextovΘm menu seznamu soubor∙ novΘ polo₧ky
- "╪adit podle p∙vodnφho po°adφ" a "Vytvo°it nov² adresß°".
- 22. Do Windows SFX modulu a modulu instalßtoru WinRARu p°idßn
- p°epφnaΦ -s, kter² zapφnß "tich²" re₧im, kdy nenφ zobrazen
- poΦßteΦnφ konfiguraΦnφ dialog a dekomprese (instalace)
- je provedena s implicitnφmi nastavenφmi.
- **
- ** Byla p°elo₧ena pouze prvnφ, relevantnφ Φßst novinek.
- ** Nßsleduje popis novinek ve starÜφ verzi, p°edpoklßdßm,
- ** ₧e zßjem o n∞ bude mφt skuteΦn∞ minimum u₧ivatel∙, proto
- ** je ponechßvßm nep°elo₧eny.
- ** P°esto, pokud k tΘto menÜin∞ pat°φte, omlouvßm se.
- **
- ** pozn. p°ekl.
- **
- Version 2.50
- 1. Both packing speed and compression ratio have been improved.
- 2. WinRAR is now able to process ZIP archives without calling
- external programs. Supported operations for ZIP archives:
- - extracting;
- - testing;
- - creating and updating;
- - deleting;
- - repairing;
- - commenting;
- - converting to SFX (self-extracting) archive;
- To handle ZIP archives, WinRAR incorporates compression code by
- the Info-ZIP group, which is used with their permission. There
- are no extra charges or costs due to the use of this code, and
- the original compression sources are freely available from
- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/
- Note that ZIP archives are supported only by the GUI WinRAR.EXE
- Console RAR.EXE and UNRAR.EXE are able to process only RAR
- archives.
- 3. New options in "Add" dialog:
- a) "Archive format":
- Allows format selection (RAR or ZIP) of new archive.
- Read online help for detailed formats consideration;
- b) "Erase destination disk contents before archiving":
- Delete all files and folders from the destination disk
- before creating an archive. Works only with removable disks
- and if used when creating volumes, erasing will be performed
- before the creation of each volume;
- c) "Add only files with attribute "Archive" set":
- Add only those files, which have the "Archive" attribute
- set on. Useful for backup operations;
- d) "Clear attribute "Archive" after compressing"
- Clear the "Archive" attribute on compressed files.
- Useful for backup operations.
- 4. Changes in "View" command:
- a) Size of viewed file in the internal viewer now is limited
- only by the amount of available memory. Previous limitation
- is removed;
- b) It is possible to change the default viewer font using
- command "Set font" in "View" menu of viewer window.
- 5. Changes in "Delete" command:
- a) Usual (non-archived) files now deleted to the Recycle Bin.
- Press Shift-Del instead of Del, if you wish to delete files
- as before;
- b) "Delete" command now can delete non-empty folders.
- 6. New "Estimate" command allows to roughly and quickly estimate
- compression ratio of selected files and folders. Do not wait to
- get an exact result from this command, nevertheless it can show
- is it worth to spend time to compress selected data.
- 7. "Extract" and "Test" commands now are accessible also outside of
- archives. If you select a group of files and folders and use one
- of these commands, WinRAR will search for archives in the
- selected data to process all archives which are found. It makes
- archive group operations much simpler. For example, if you
- select all files and folders in a root disk folder and press
- "Test", all archives on this disk will be tested.
- 8. Changes in "Extract to" command:
- a) "Update mode" option;
- b) "Overwrite mode" option;
- c) "Clear attribute "Archive"" option;
- Clear attribute "Archive" on extracted files.
- Useful for backup operations.
- d) "Keep broken files"
- Do not delete extracted files having incorrect CRC (checksum);
- 9. Changes in "SFX" command: this command now allows to select the
- SFX module used for archive conversion.
- 10. Changes in "Info" command:
- a) RAR specific options now moved to a separate property sheet
- dialog;
- b) Size of SFX module is displayed in addition to "SFX" string
- in archive type.
- 11. "Browse for folder" command in "File menu" allows the selection
- of a new current folder from folders tree.
- 12. "History" menu contains the names of the last opened archives.
- You may select an archive from this menu to open the archive
- again.
- 13. "Favorites" menu contains the names of the preselected folders
- and archives. You may select an item from this menu to open the
- archive or go to the folder. Use "Add to favorites" command
- (Ctrl-F) from the same menu to add a new item to the favorites
- list.
- 14. "Settings" dialog is seriously modified. Read online help for
- details. Most important changes:
- - General/Interface/Reuse existing window:
- If user tries to open a new archive, executing "WinRAR
- <arcname>" command and an another WinRAR window is already
- open, the archive will be opened in the existing window. If
- this option is not enabled, a new window will be created;
- - Paths/Start-up/Restore last working folder on start-up:
- If this option is enabled, WinRAR will set last viewed folder,
- when executed without parameters;
- - Compression/Archive format:
- Select the archive format (RAR or ZIP) proposed by default
- in "Add" dialog.
- - Compression/Volume options/Always put recovery record:
- Always put recovery record to volumes regardless of
- "Put recovery record" option in "Add" dialog;
- - Compression/Volume options/Independent solid volumes:
- When this option is enabled, WinRAR tries to create solid
- volumes which are independent one each another, so if one
- volume is lost, files in following volumes may still be
- accessible. Note than sometimes this option cannot help, for
- example, if volumes contain one large file. This option
- slightly decreases solid volumes compression ratio, but
- seriously increases reliability due to data loss because of
- poor media quality. It is not recommended to switch off
- this option.
- 15. "View log" command in "Options" menu show RAR log file contents;
- 16. It is now possible to integrate WinRAR to Windows shell.
- If you selected "Integrate WinRAR into shell" option
- when installing WinRAR, the following features are available
- in Windows shell (explorer):
- a) dropping files to an archive icon will add these files
- to the archive;
- b) if you drop an archive to a folder using the right mouse
- button, "Extract files" item will be added to the menu;
- c) "Extract files" item added to archives context menu,
- which appeared after the right mouse button click on an
- archive icon;
- d) "Add to archive" item added to files and folders context
- menu;
- e) Archive specific information sheet is added to archive
- properties. If an archive has a comment, it is shown
- as a property sheet.
- 17. You may press the "Background" button in command window during
- archiving or extracting operation to minimize WinRAR to tray.
- In this mode WinRAR slightly decreases its priority and continues
- operation in the background.
- 18. Yellow progress bar, showing total compressed size, displayed
- during archiving operation.
- 19. "Drives" menu is moved from toolbar to a small icon on the
- status bar. It is also acessible using Ctrl-D shortcut.
- The second status bar icon calls "Enter default password" dialog.
- 20. CRC of packed data is now stored for file parts split between
- volumes. It allows localization of a damaged volume, if volumes
- set contains one large compressed file.
- 21. New command line switches:
- a) -sv - create independent solid volumes. This switch has
- the same meaning as the option "Independent solid volumes"
- described above;
- b) -ac (clear "Archive" attribute) now can be used not only
- when archiving, but also when extracting files to clear
- "Archive" attribute on extracted files;
- c) -ap<path> - set path inside archive. It allows to add files
- to a specified archive folder when archiving or to remove
- the specified part of path from file names when extracting;
- d) -dh - open shared files. Enables to process files opened
- by other applications for writing;
- e) -- switch stops further switches scanning. It can be useful,
- if you need to use in the command line a file or archive name
- beginning with '-' character.
- 22. Command "CW" (write comment to file) can now be performed also
- by GUI WinRAR. In previous versions it was supported only by
- console RAR.
- 23. Significantly improved speed of processing large file lists.
- 24. If in WinRAR you press Enter or double-click on an executable
- file within an archive, all archive contents will be extracted
- to a temporary folder, WinRAR will then start the selected file,
- wait until it is finished and removes this temporary folder.
- Such feature allows, for example, to install applications
- directly from archives.
- 25. DOS version of RCVT archive converter is replaced by
- Win32 console version.
- 26. Some unnecessary code is removed from SFX modules,
- so their size was significantly reduced. For further size
- decrease SFX modules were compressed using UPX tool
- written by Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer and Laszlo Molnar
- (http://wildsau.idv.uni-linz.ac.at/mfx/upx.html).
- Uncompressed versions of SFX modules are also provided
- in the archive UnpSFX.rar. They can be useful, if you want to
- modify SFX resources.
- In Default.SFX (RAR GUI SFX) and Zip.SFX (ZIP GUI SFX)
- it is possible to set some additional parameters, for example,
- specify file name, which will be executed after extracting
- SFX contents. Look into "Self-extracting modules" topic of
- winrar.hlp for details.
- 27. Comparing with the previous version some files were added to
- the distributive, some removed, so as to reduce the amount of
- unnecessary files in WinRAR folder it is a good idea to first
- uninstall any previous version and than install the new one. Do
- not forget to save your registration name and key from your
- rar.ini before doing this, if you do not have a copy of this
- information elsewhere.
- But note that WinRAR version for Windows 3.x + Win32s
- is no longer supported. So if you need to use WinRAR under
- this platform, save winrar.exe from the previous version.
- 28. WinRAR home page is moved to http://www.rarsoft.com