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- 9B - P²ítomn∞ ƒas prost∞ ░ jistota, pravd╪podobnost, p²ítomnost
- V
- Myslím, ºe Atény jsou hlavní m╪sto ⁿecka.
- I think Athens is the capital of Greece.
- Judy urƒit╪ mluví n╪mecky.
- Judy certainly speaks German.
- Myslím, ºe Judy nezná moji adresu.
- I don∩t think Judy knows my address.
- Jsem si jist, ºe maryland je ve Spojen∞ch Státech.
- I∩m sure Maryland is in the USA.
- Glasgow je moºná ve Skotsku.
- Perhaps glasgow is in Scotland.
- Nevím, jestli lidé v Argentin╪ mluví portugalsky.
- I don∩t know if people in Argentina speak Portugese.
- Moºná, ºe Buenos Aires je v Argentin╪.
- Perhaps Buenos Aires is in Argentina.
- Myslím, ºe µv∞ca²i nemluví italsky.
- I don∩t think Swiss speak Italian.
- Vím, ºe Petrovi rodiƒe neºijí v Lond∞n╪,
- I know that Peter∩s parents don∩t live in London,
- ale nevím, jestli ºijí v Bristolu.
- but I don∩t know if they live in Bristol.
- V ledniƒce je urƒit╪ dost mléka.
- There∩s certainly enough milk in the fridge.
- Snad jsou tam n╪jaké pomeranƒe.
- Perhaps there∩re some oranges there.