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- 9A - P²ítomn∞ ƒas prost∞ ░ p²ítomnost
- V
- Lidé v Itálii mají rádi τpagety se s∞rem.
- People in Italy like spaghetti with cheese.
- V Anglii a ve Skotsku lidé pijí ƒaj ráno.
- In England and Scotland people drink tea in the morning.
- V poledne i veƒer.
- At noon and in the evening.
- Ve Spojen∞ch státech lidé jedí hamburgery a hov╪zí maso.
- In the United States people eat hamburgers and beef.
- R∞ºe je typické jídlo v ¼ín╪ a Japonsku.
- Rice is a typical meal in China and Japan.
- ªijeme ve m╪stech a bydlíme ƒasto ve velk∞ch domech.
- We live in towns and we often live in big houses.
- V kaºdém dom╪ ºije mnoho rodin.
- Many families live in each house.
- Cestujeme autem, vlakem nebo autobusem.
- We travel by car, by train or by bus.
- Necestujeme p╪τky.
- We don∩t travel on foot.
- Chodíme do zam╪stnání, kde dostáváme peníze kaºd∞ m╪síc.
- We go to work where we get money each month.
- Máme doma ledniƒky, telefony a praƒky.
- We∩ve got fridges, phones and washers at home.
- ¼asto se díváme na televizi.
- We often watch TV.
- Hodn╪ lidí v zim╪ jezdí lyºovat.
- A lot of people go skiing in winter.
- V lét╪ jezdíme na dovolenou a odpoƒíváme.
- In summer we go on holiday and we have a rest.