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- 5C - Can, could ░ telefonování
- V
- Máte telefon? - Ano, máme.
- Are you on the phone? - Yes, we are.
- Jaké je vaτe telefonní ƒíslo? - 765 003. - Aha, d╪kuji.
- What∩s your phone number? - 765 003. - I see, thank you.
- Mohla bych mluvit s Johnem? - U telefonu.
- Could I speak with John? - Speaking.
- Mohl bych mluvit s Alicí? - Moment, prosím. - Bohuºel, není tady.
- Could I speak with Alice? - One moment, please. - I∩m sorry, she isn∩t here.
- Mohu n╪co vy²ídit?
- Can I take a message?
- Je vaτe telefonní ƒíslo 472 433? - Ne, je to 472 533.
- Is your phone number 472 433? - No, it∩s 472 533.
- Mohl byste, prosím, n╪co vy²ídit? - Ano, samoz²ejm╪.
- Could you take a message, please? - Yes, of course.
- D╪kuji mockrát. - Rádo se stalo.
- Thank you very much. - You∩re welcome.
- Haló, tady je Oxford 28 937. - Promiσte, to je omyl.
- Hello, this is Oxford 28 937. - Sorry, wrong number.
- U telefonu John. Kdo je tam? - Tady je Petr. Ahoj, Johne.
- John speaking. Who∩s that? - This is Peter. Hello, John.