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- 5B - ¼íslovky ²adové 1 - 9, p²ítomn∞ ƒas prost∞, p²edloºky ░ adresa
- V
- Kde bydlíte? - Bydlím ve velkém dom╪ v Lond∞n╪.
- Where do you live? - I live in a big house in London.
- Moje dcera bydlí v pátém pat²e.
- My daughter lives on the fifth floor.
- Ministersk∞ p²edseda bydlí v Downing Street 10.
- The Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing Street.
- Jaká je vaτe adresa? - Park Lane 54.
- What∩s your address? - 54 Park Lane.
- Bydlíme v Brn╪.
- We live in Brno.
- Bydlíme v Morrisonov╪ ulici.
- We live in Morrison Street.
- Jejich syn bydlí v Praze ve starém dom╪ v druhém pat²e.
- Their son lives in Prague in an old house on the second floor.
- V kterém pat²e pracuje Váτ otec? - Ve t²etím.
- What floor does your father work on? - On the third.
- V kterém pat²e jsme? - Ve ƒtvrtém.
- What floor are we on? - On the fourth.
- V kterém pat²e bydlíte? - V osmém.
- What floor do you live on? - On the eighth.
- Bydlíme v malém byt╪ v p²ízemí.
- We live in a small flat on the ground floor.
- Kde jejeho ú²ad? - Na oxford Streen 27, v τestém pat²e.
- Where∩s his office? - At 27 Oxford Street, on the sixth floor.