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- BassTour Professional v1.4 Single User Registration Form
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Thank you for registering BassTour Professional. Personal checks,
- Postal Money Orders, VISA, MasterCard and U.S. Cash are acceptable
- forms of payment. All payments must be in U.S. funds. Checks MUST be drawn
- on a U.S. bank. EuroCheques cannot be accepted. FAX and phone orders are
- welcome. Check our web page for special offers!
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/olsenout
- Registered users receive the newest version, with unlimited lake access.
- NAME_______________________________________________________________________
- ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________
- CITY_______________________________________________________________________
- STATE/PROV_________________________________________________________________
- ZIP/POSTAL CODE____________________________________________________________
- COUNTRY____________________________________________________________________
- Phone Days________________________________Evenings_________________________
- If using VISA or MASTERCARD, please complete the following:
- Credit Card Number______________-______________-_____________-_____________
- Expiration Date:___________________________________________________________
- Cardholder Signature_______________________________________________________
- Please tell me where you got your copy of BassTour Professional:
- From a Friend_____ CompuServe_____ AOL_____ Prodigy_____ BBS System____
- The Internet_____ Store Rack______ ShareWare Distributor_____ Other_____
- (a) Registration Fee $ 15.00
- (b) Shipping ($2.00 in North America, $4.00 elsewhere) $_________
- (c) Massachusetts Residents Please Add $1.00 Sales Tax $_________
- TOTAL ENCLOSED (a + b + c) $_________
- Mail, FAX or Phone your registration to: Richard Olsen
- Olsen Outdoors
- 68 Hartwell Avenue
- Littleton, MA 01460-1205
- FAX: (24 hours): (978) 486-9007 PHONE: (978) 486-3985