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- Welcome to BassTour Professional
- Before installing BassTour Professional, please take the time to read
- this file. Last minute information about this version of the program
- will be contained here, as well as other things you should know about
- the game and some legal stuff too.
- If this is a Shareware version of the game, you are free to
- copy it and share it with your friends. The Shareware version is
- identical to the registered version with one exception. It has limited
- lake access. The Shareware version will not permit you to run your boat
- outside the restricted area of the lake, but all other features and
- functions are fully operational. This allows you to fully evaluate the
- game for as long as you wish before deciding if you want to register and
- obtain the unrestricted version. You will not be harassed by "nag" screens
- or time limitations.
- License Agreement
- =================
- You should carefully read the following terms and conditions
- before using this software. Unless you have a different license
- agreement signed by Richard A. Olsen, your use of this software
- indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty.
- In no event will the author be liable for damages resulting from the
- proper or improper use of this program.
- **** Shareware Version User License ****
- You are hereby licensed to use this software for evaluation purposes
- without charge for as long as you wish. Upon receipt of the registration
- fee, the author will send you a fully functional, unrestricted
- registered copy of the latest version of BassTour Professional.
- **** Shareware Version Distribution License ****
- You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of the Shareware
- version of this software and documentation as you wish. You may give
- exact copies of the original Shareware version to anyone, and
- distribute the Shareware version of the software and documentation
- in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for
- any of the above.
- You are specifically prohibited from charging a fee for these copies,
- or requesting donations for any such copies, however made, and from
- distributing the software and/or documentation with other products
- (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission from the
- author, with one exception: Any member of the Association of
- Shareware Professionals is permitted to redistribute the shareware
- version of BassTour Professional, subject to the conditions in this
- license, without specific written permission.
- **** Registered Version User License ****
- The registered version of BassTour Professional is intended for use by
- a single user. It may be installed on more than one computer by the
- registered user, provided that it not be used on multiple computers
- simultaneously.
- You may access the registered version of BassTour Professional through
- a network, provided that you have purchased a license for the
- software covering all workstations that will access the program
- through the network. Individual licenses are required for each user
- regardless of whether they use BassTour Professional at different
- times or concurrently.
- Distribution of the registered version of this program by any means is
- strictly prohibited. Doing so is a violation of the U.S. and
- international copyright laws. Such violations carry severe penalties.
- **** Governing Law ****
- This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of
- Massachusetts.
- System Requirements
- -------------------
- BassTour Professional is a 32 bit program. It requires Windows 95,
- at least 8mb of memory, about 3mb of hard disk space, a mouse, and a
- video system capable of 640 x 480 resolution. 1024 x 768 is
- recommended. The game runs best on Pentium class machines, but has
- been run on some 486 systems as well, with satisfactory results.
- See the file FAQ.TXT for more information.
- The game has been run under Windows 3.x with Win32 installed without
- problems, although it has not been thoroughly tested in that
- environment so it's operation under those conditions is not guaranteed.
- As of this writing, BassTour Professional has NOT been run under
- Windows NT because I do not have access to a machine running it.
- BassTour Professional Files
- ---------------------------
- See the file PACKING.LST for a list of files that are part of this
- version. If any of these files are missing, you do not have a
- complete copy of the game.
- If this is a shareware version of the game, and you share copies of it,
- please be sure to include all of the files listed.
- In addition to the files listed in PACKING.LST, the game will create
- several other files during play. These files are used to store rod
- setups, saved games, big fish records etc.
- Registering BassTour Professional
- ---------------------------------
- If this is a shareware copy of BassTour Pro, you should consider
- registering with the author. Registered users receive the newest
- version of the game, and unlimited lake access.
- The normal registration fee for BassTour Professional is $15.00. Shipping
- charges apply, and sales tax will be charged to residents of
- Massachusetts. Be SURE to check our web page for special offers. If
- you get lucky and register using one of these special offers, you can
- save a lot! Our web page is at:
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/olsenout
- You can print a convenient registration form while running the game by
- clicking on the ? (question mark) at the upper right corner of the main
- window then click in the ABOUT item from the drop down menu. There is
- also a text file version of the registration form. It's called
- REGISTER.TXT and may be filled out and printed from NotePad or any
- other text editor.
- Documentation and Manual
- ------------------------
- There is no printed users manual available for BassTour Professional.
- The program contains full, on-line context sensitive help. You can press
- the F1 key at anytime to enter the help system. Help can also be
- activitated by clicking the ? (question mark) at the top right of the main
- screen while the program is running.
- Installation
- ------------
- BassTour Professional is supplied with a simple setup program to
- automate the installation process. It requires the use of the Setup
- program because the files are compressed.
- If you received BassTour Professional on a floppy disk, follow the
- instructions for Installing From Floppy, below.
- Installing From Floppy Using Explorer
- -------------------------------------
- 1. Insert the floppy disk containing BassTour Professional
- 2. From Explorer, browse to the floppy drive in which
- you have inserted the diskette.
- 3. Double click on the SETUP.EXE item. The Setup Program
- will start, and present you with default values for
- disk drive and directory. It is recommended that you
- accept these defaults, but you can change them if
- you wish.
- 4. In the Setup Window, click the START button.
- 5. After the installation completes, click on the BTW.EXE
- item in the directory in which the program was installed
- to run it.
- Installing From Floppy Using DOS
- -----------------------------------------
- 1. Insert the floppy disk containing BassTour Professional
- 2. From a DOS prompt, assuming you are using drive A:,
- type A:SETUP. Substitute a different diskette drive
- letter if you are not using drive A:
- 3. The Setup Program will start, and present you with
- default values for disk drive and directory. It is
- recommended that you accept these defaults, but you can
- change them if you wish.
- 4. In the Setup Window, click the START button.
- 5. After the installation completes, you can run the
- program from a DOS prompt by following this example,
- assuming you used the default drive and directory:
- You can also run the program from Explorer as described
- previously.
- If you downloaded BassTour Professional from the Internet or from a BBS
- system, you will need to "unzip" it before you can install it. To do
- this, you will WinZip, PkUnZip or a similar utility available on most
- shareware internet sites or BBS systems.
- Follow the instructions provided with the "unzip" utility. It is
- recommended that you unzip to a floppy disk, then follow the above
- instructions for installation. You can, however, unzip to a temporary
- directory then run Setup from that directory if you wish.
- Removing BassTour Professional
- ------------------------------
- To remove BassTour Professional from your computer, simply delete the
- entire directory in which it is installed. The program makes no changes
- to the Windows Registry, so nothing else needs to be done.
- To delete the program from Windows Explorer, right click on the directory
- in which it is installed then select DELETE from the menu that appears.
- To delete the program from a DOS prompt, type DELTREE C:\BTW (assuming
- you used the default disk and directory).
- Association of Shareware Professionals
- --------------------------------------
- This program is produced by Richard Olsen, a member of the Association
- of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
- shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
- shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
- member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
- help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does
- not provide technical support for members' products. Please write
- to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or
- send an EMAIL message to the ASP Ombudsman at omb@asp-shareware.org.
- _______
- ____|__ | (R)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- *********************************************************************
- *********************************************************************
- hardware and software environments into which this program may be
- PURPOSE IS OFFERED. The user must assume the entire risk of using
- the program. Any liability of the seller will be limited exclusively
- to product replacement or the refund of the registration fee.