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- Johnson Scientific International currently has these other satellite
- tracking, prediction, and analysis tools available for a wide range of uses...
- PC-Track Professional
- Provides the convenient features of PC-Track 3.1 for users
- who need extended graphics capabilities.
- The Satellite Visualization Tool (SVT)
- Provides a package of satellite analysis and
- visualization tools for satellite management
- and analysis professionals.
- The Satellite Prediction Tool (SPT)
- Provides the analysis power of SVT, with the ability to be
- automated with macros and command line calls. Intended for
- those who need the compute power of SVT with the ability
- of being automated, but without the graphics.
- http://www.jsci.com/
- ********************************************
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- PC-TRACK Professional
- ====================================================================
- Do you like the performance, organization, and capabilities of
- PC-TRACK, but find that there are other things that you wish it were
- capable of? Do you need:
- * The ability to display graphics in higher resolution
- (up to 1280x1024).
- * The ability to define the 3D viewpoint "on the fly."
- * The capability of defining and visualizing satellite and
- site sensor areas of coverage. (separate from footprint).
- * The abililty to define satellites sensors with either
- conical or planar coverage.
- * The ability to visualize orbit shapes and their relationships
- to other orbits.
- * The ability to visualize orbit propagation over time.
- * The capability of computing and visualizing mutually visible
- passes in 3D, on a mercator projection, or against a star
- background.
- * The capability of tracking over 300 satellites at a time.
- * The ability to compute the visibility between sites and
- satellites based on sensor coverage.
- ====================================================================
- If you need any of these capabilities, then you need PC-TRACK
- Professional (PCTP) from Johnson Scientific International.
- PCTP is a professional visualization tool capabable of all of
- these things and more. The PCTP is excellent for:
- * Demonstrating astrodynamic principals.
- * Visualizing satellite constellations.
- * Determining site sensor cabilities.
- * Analyzing "see and be seen" scenarios.
- * Computing areas of coverage of satellite sensors.
- * Visualizing satellite sensor swaths.
- * Making visual presentations.
- * Analyzing constellation coverage.
- * Previewing visible passes.
- ====================================================================
- PCTP requires an IBM compatible computer based on the 80486DX CPU,
- 4-16 MB RAM, VESA graphics capablity, and 4 MB of disk space.
- ====================================================================
- Current price: $95.00 USD + shipping and Ohio sales tax.
- (Subject to change without notice, contact us for latest pricing.)
- =====================================================================
- The Satellite Visualization Tool Release Two
- =====================================================================
- The SVT is a powerful tool, utilizing the latest in object-oriented
- technology and double-precision calculations for accurate predictions
- and analysis. The SVT actually has three major tools integrated into
- one powerful application:
- This provides the capability to display satellite positions, sensor
- coverage, solar illumination, target visibility, and other source-
- target relationship information in an animated fashion. This
- animation may be done in real time, or may be accelerated over time
- to rapidly show positional and relationship changes.
- Special site display windows are available to be used with a
- specified ground site. These windows show both graphically and
- numerically the current look angles, rise/set status and solar
- illumination status for all visible satellites. For constellations of
- more than 4 satellites, it will show Dilution Of Precision values for
- the currently visible targets. This is useful for GPS users who need
- positional reliability information for GPS geolocation data.
- This provides the capability to visually analyze the orbits of single
- or multiple satellites and their sensor coverages in an Earth
- Centered Inertial view frame. It can also show the positions and
- sensor coverage of single or multiple ground sites in either 3D Earth
- Centered Fixed view frame or on selected mercator projection flat map
- displays.
- The orbit displays can show single orbits or up to 9 propagated
- orbits for any number of revolutions up to 999999 past epoch. Each
- orbit displayed can show the Node point, Mean Anomaly point, Apogee
- point, Perigee point, and the Epoch point. Multiple satellite orbit
- displays show the relationships of orbits in a constellation.
- For single satellite displays, keplerian data for the first and last
- revolution data can be displayed numerically on screen along with the
- graphical view. Sensor coverage for the satellite can also be
- displayed for any point along the orbit, and solar position/
- terminator line can be displayed to show solar beta angle graphically.
- The site displays can show in 3D the site position and the area in
- space covered by the sensor. 11 different mercator projections maps
- are available to display site locations. Also available for a site
- display is a sky view, shown for a user selected date and time. This
- display shows either the sun and moon for day or moon and stars for
- night, along with the sensor coverage area, and a azimuth/elevation
- grid.
- This provides the most powerful analysis tool in the product. With
- this tool, you can search for, display, visualize, print, and export
- source/target relationships over a specified period of time using a
- specifed search criteria.
- An exclusive feature of SVT is the abilty to do time correlated
- scans, which will find time segments in which ALL designated source/
- target positions and relationships meet the search criteria. This is
- powerful feature which permits analysis of sophisticated multiple
- source/target scenarios.
- For example, you can determine the times when ground site A can see
- relay satellite B, and when relay satellite B can what elements of
- satellite constellation C, containing multiple satellites, and when
- ground site D can see relay satellite B.
- Data can be displayed using a variety of coordinate systems, units of
- measure, and display formats. Computed data and subsets thereof can
- be selectively displayed and analyzed.
- For any particular scan operation the following may be specified:
- o Time period of the scan.
- o Resolution of (time between) time points.
- o Source and target objects (any number).
- o Filter (search) criteria.
- During a scan operation, the positions of and relationship between
- each source/target pair are computed for each time point within the
- time period. The time between each time point is specified by the
- resolution. Each time point meeting the filter criteria is added to a
- time segment, with statistics and summary information for that time
- segment being automatically calculated.
- With data collected during a scan, the following may be done:
- o Display summary information for each time segment including:
- o Source and Target names
- o Duration of time segment.
- o Increment (resolution)
- o Time point data for the following statistical points:
- o Start, Mid & Stop points
- o Minimum Elevation point
- o Maximum Elevation point
- o Minimum Range point
- o Maximum Range
- o Minimum Range Rate point
- o Maximum Range Rate point
- o Select multiple time segment summaries to:
- o Visualize in 3D or on mercator projections
- o Compute and display Dilution of Precision
- (DOP) values for GPS analysis
- o Display a time correlation graph of time relationships
- between segments.
- o Print
- o Export
- o Select a single time segment summary to expand into component
- time points which can be displayed, printed, exported, and
- visualized against a sky view background. Time point data that
- can be displayed consists of:
- o Source/Target names
- o Date of point
- o Time of point
- o Target visiblity flag
- o Range Rate
- o Source position
- o Source velocity
- o Source solar illumination status
- o Target position
- o Target velocity
- o Target solar illumination status
- Solar angle and percent sun values may be computed for any satellite
- in the satellite database. This data can be presented for one week,
- month, or year periods, at daily, weekly, or monthly increments. This
- data can be printed or exported.
- In addition to the above major tools offered in the SVT, it also has
- built-in site and satellite data management tools which permit simple
- user maintenance of the data. With these tools the user is capable of
- adding, editing, deleting, and importing data elements. Data sets
- managed by the SVT are:
- o Satellite Vehicles
- o Earth Sites
- o Groups
- o Target Objects
- The SVT takes advantage of high resolution capabilities of VESA
- compatible video displays (up to 1280x1024) to provide stunning
- visual presentations. With any available mode The SVT is capable of
- displaying:
- o Positions of any object.
- o 3D representation of sensor coverage for sites or satellites.
- o 3D visualization of orbit shapes of single or multiple satellites.
- Visualize the relationships of satellites within a constellation.
- Visualization can also be done while editing orbital elements to
- see effects of parameter changes.
- o 3D visualization of PROPAGATED orbit shapes of any of the
- satellites. Visualization can be made of up to 9 orbits
- propagated up to 999999 revolutions past the epoch revolution.
- o Lines of sight from source objects to target objects.
- o Altitude lines for all satellites.
- o Visibility footprints for all active satellites in 2D or 3D.
- o Satellite space position (with or without trail, and different
- colors for points illuminated by the sun)
- o Sub-satellite point position (with or without trail, and
- different colors for points visible by source)
- o Geographic features of the earth in 3 different detail levels.
- o Any combination of coasts, islands, countries, states, rivers and lakes.
- o Latitude and longitude lines.
- o 11 different mercator projection flat maps.
- o Earth Centered Fixed (ECF) 3D projections.
- o Earth Centered Inertial (ECI) 3D projections.
- o Ground Site viewing angles.
- o Site and satellite names
- o Runs in DOS Protected mode, which removes the 640K memory barrier.
- Utilizes up to 16 MB of memory.
- o Provides complete control over all display attributes, colors,
- site and satellite selection to make displays as simple or
- detailed as necessary.
- o Simple update of orbital elements and site data through direct
- import of data from:
- o NASA/NORAD two-line element files
- o AMSAT keplerian element files
- o Site data files
- o Multiple "personalities" through the use of user-defined parameter
- files which define display attributes, colors, viewpoints, target
- designations, etc.
- o User friendly menu driven windowed interface.
- o PCX file screen capture for all graphics displays at all resolutions.
- o Choice of high-speed or high-accuracy propagation algorithms.
- o Use of SGP4/SDP4 NORAD propagation algorigthms to provide
- high-accuracy position predictions.
- o Unique "group" feature which permits the collection of desired
- objects into a group which can be selected for analysis just like
- individual sites or satellites.
- o 80486 or greater CPU
- o 8 MB Memory
- o 10 MB Disk Space
- o VESA compatible video
- $195.00 USD + Shipping and Handling
- (Subject to change without notice, contact us for latest pricing.)
- =====================================================================
- The Satellite Prediction Tool Release One
- =====================================================================
- The Satellite Prediction Tool is a DOS-based application designed to
- provide "compute engine" capabilities for the prediction, and analyis
- of earth orbiting objects. With the SPT, you will have the ability to
- pre-configure scenarios which can be run from the DOS prompt in an
- automated fashion.
- The SPT is automated through a new Macro feature. Macros provide the
- capability of automating the operation of the SPT. Macros are
- "recorded" keystrokes that are contained in a collection and used to
- simulate the user typing keys on the computer keyboard. These
- recorded keystrokes do exactly the same things that the original
- keystrokes did. Macros can be saved to and loaded from files. They
- can even be specified on the command line at startup so that certain
- predetermined operations can be performed automatically. Parameter
- files (those files which configure targets, display attributes, data
- formats, scan times, etc.) may also be loaded from the command line,
- providing further automation control.
- This provides the most powerful analysis tool in the product. With
- this tool, you can search for, display, print, and export
- source/target relationships over a specified period of time using a
- specifed search criteria.
- An exclusive feature of SPT is the abilty to do time correlated
- scans, which will find time segments in which ALL designated source/
- target positions and relationships meet the search criteria. This is
- powerful feature which permits analysis of sophisticated multiple
- source/target scenarios.
- For example, you can determine the times when ground site A can see
- relay satellite B, and when relay satellite B can what elements of
- satellite constellation C, containing multiple satellites, and when
- ground site D can see relay satellite B.
- Data can be displayed using a variety of coordinate systems, units of
- measure, and display formats. Computed data and subsets thereof can
- be selectively displayed and analyzed.
- For any particular scan operation the following may be specified:
- o Time period of the scan.
- o Resolution of (time between) time points.
- o Source and target objects (any number).
- o Filter (search) criteria.
- During a scan operation, the positions of and relationship between
- each source/target pair are computed for each time point within the
- time period. The time between each time point is specified by the
- resolution. Each time point meeting the filter criteria is added to a
- time segment, with statistics and summary information for that time
- segment being automatically calculated.
- With data collected during a scan, the following may be done:
- o Display summary information for each time segment including:
- o Source and Target names
- o Duration of time segment.
- o Increment (resolution)
- o Time point data for the following statistical points:
- o Start, Mid & Stop points
- o Minimum Elevation point
- o Maximum Elevation point
- o Minimum Range point
- o Maximum Range
- o Minimum Range Rate point
- o Maximum Range Rate point
- o Select multiple time segment summaries to:
- o Compute and display Dilution of Precision
- (DOP) values for GPS analysis
- o Display a time correlation graph of time relationships
- between segments.
- o Print
- o Export
- o Select a single time segment summary to expand into component
- time points which can be displayed, printed and exported.
- Time point data that can be displayed consists of:
- o Source/Target names
- o Date of point
- o Time of point
- o Target visiblity flag
- o Range Rate
- o Source position
- o Source velocity
- o Source solar illumination status
- o Target position
- o Target velocity
- o Target solar illumination status
- Solar angle and percent sun values may be computed for any satellite
- in the satellite database. This data can be presented for one week,
- month, or year periods, at daily, weekly, or monthly increments. This
- data can be printed or exported.
- In addition to the above major tools offered in the SPT, it also has
- built-in site and satellite data management tools which permit simple
- user maintenance of the data. With these tools the user is capable of
- adding, editing, deleting, and importing data elements. Data sets
- managed by the SPT are:
- o Satellite Vehicles
- o Earth Sites
- o Groups
- o Target Objects
- o Provides automation capabilities through the use of macros.
- o Runs in DOS Protected mode, which removes the 640K memory barrier.
- Utilizes up to 16 MB of memory.
- o Provides complete control over all display attributes,
- site and satellite selection to make displays as simple or
- detailed as necessary.
- o Simple update of orbital elements and site data through direct
- import of data from:
- o NASA/NORAD two-line element files
- o AMSAT keplerian element files
- o Site data files
- o Multiple "personalities" through the use of user-defined parameter
- files which define display attributes, colors, viewpoints, target
- designations, etc.
- o User friendly menu driven windowed interface.
- o PCX file screen capture for all graphics displays at all resolutions.
- o Choice of high-speed or high-accuracy propagation algorithms.
- o Use of SGP4/SDP4 NORAD propagation algorigthms to provide
- high-accuracy position predictions.
- o Unique "group" feature which permits the collection of desired
- objects into a group which can be selected for analysis just like
- individual sites or satellites.
- o 80486 or greater CPU
- o 8 MB Memory
- o 10 MB Disk Space
- o VESA compatible video
- $145.00 USD + Shipping and Handling
- (Subject to change without notice, contact us for latest pricing.)
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- O R D E R F O R M
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- DATE:___________
- NAME: _________________________ ____________________________
- COMPANY: _________________________ ____________________________
- ADDRESS: _________________________ ____________________________
- ADDRESS: _________________________ ____________________________
- CITY: _________________________ ____________________________
- STATE: _________________________ ____________________________
- ZIP: _________________________ ____________________________
- PROVINCE: _________________________ ____________________________
- COUNTRY: _________________________ ____________________________
- PHONE: _________________________ ____________________________
- PC-TRACK PROFESSIONAL ... $95.00 EA X QTY_____ = $_________
- SAT. PREDICT. TOOL ... $145.00 EA X QTY_____ = $_________
- SAT. VISUALIZATION TOOL ... $195.00 EA X QTY_____ = $_________
- SUBTOTAL $_________
- Sales Tax
- Sales Tax (Ohio Residents Only):
- (SUBTOTAL * .06)..........$________
- Total Shipping:
- [ Shipping Costs (PER ITEM) ]
- [ US & Canada.......................$ 5.00 ]
- [ Outside US & Canada...............$15.00 ]
- (Number of Items * Shipping Cost)......$________
- ---------------------
- TOTAL COST (Enclosed)
- (SUBTOTAL + Tax + Shipping)................$________
- For Credit Card Orders:
- Card: [ ] VISA [ ] MasterCard
- Card Number: ____________________________________
- Expiration Date:_________
- Signature:_______________________________________