Chip 2000 February
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About Marnav-In the early 1980's, when LORAN A was taken out
of service, many mariners needed a way to convert LORAN A
data to the new LORAN C delays. To meet this need, MARNAV
was written by C & E Associates to run on the TRS 80 series
of computers. In addition, early LORAN C receivers did not
present data in a Latitude/Longitude format. Marine
navigation from one point to another was rather difficult
since, unlike geographic coordinates, LORAN coordinates are
hyperbolic position lines. Most LORAN C users wanted their
data in geographic format to simplify their navigation.
This was especially true when the LORAN system was out of
service for one reason or another.
After several years, LORAN became available for use in
aircraft. At that time, only the users manual furnished
LORAN data for airports and not for all of them. It was
easy to get latitude/longitude data for other airfields and
navigation waypoints so Marnav was being used in the
aviation community to make such data available.
In the early nineties, the Global Positioning System (GPS)
started to replace LORAN C. Equipment became much more
reasonable in price and more and more mariners and fishermen
were installing the new, more accurate, equipment. We now
had a new problem; Most LORAN C users had large amounts of
data in LORAN C format and now needed to change that data
back to GPS format.
In the meanwhile, Marnav had been upgraded several times to
run on IBM compatible PC's. Even though it is a goal of any
programmer to make his programs easy to use, the entire
field of navigation, LORAN, GPS, etc. is technically very
complicated. and writing user friendly software becomes
doubly difficult. In Version 4.5, we have tried to make
program operation more understandable. Most screens now
include help blocks on the screen and in some cases the user
is guided through especially difficult material. The menus
have been changed to pull-down menus and many of the
operations are called directly from the main menu.
There is no difference in the shareware and the registered
version of Marnav. The shareware version is shipped with
the West Coast LORAN C chain so the user may try all program
features to make sure the program does what needs doing.
The data for other chains may be entered from data available
in any LORAN instruction book, or is available from the U.S.
Coast, Department of Transportation at a nominal cost. The
necessary routines are provided with the program to enter
this data or, to add new chains which may be announced.
When you register Marnav, in addition to a printed manual,
you will also receive the data files for all of the LORAN
chains in the world so you do not need to enter them
yourself since this can be an error prone effort.
The following constants were used for all algorithms in the
Marnav program. The signal propagation velocity used is the
propagation velocity in free space, 299,792,458 meters per
second; Sea water conductivity is 5.0 mhos per meter;
Angular conversion is 0.01745329251993889 radians per
degree. All calcu lations and data are in double precision.
Calculations necessarily assume an all water path.
In addition to the LORAN C to GPS and vice versa data
conversion, the program provides the ability to navigate
from one position to another where either or both positions
may be specified in either LORAN C or GPS coordinates.
Marnav also calculates relationships between points in terms
of Speed, Time and Distance in either Nautical or Statute
miles and knots or miles per hour. If the Hard Copy feature
is turned ON, a hard copy record of all operations is
printed as you proceed. The LORAN data bases may be
created, displayed, edited and printed as required. It is
possible to compensate for propagation anomalies providing
position calculations accurate to several yards!
Program Files-There are currently thirteen LORAN-C chains
world wide. The necessary data for each chain is in
contained in files named for the Group Repetition Interval
(GRI). All thirteen of these files are shipped with the
registered version of Marnav. In addition to these data
files, one file is maintained to indicate the active chain.
(The chain you are currently using). When you first bring
up Marnav, it will read this active chain file and then the
data for the indicated chain. It is necessary that the
program and all of the data files be kept in the same
directory since the program looks for the data files in
whatever directory you were in when you brought up the
program. The active chain is indicated on the Menu screen.
Marnav Menu
Menu selection is relatively standard for pull down menus.
Select your choice of columns using Left/Right arrows and
the menu items by highlighting that item using Up or Down
Arrow keys. You may also select the item by entering the
letter designation for that item. Each of the menu
selections will be discussed in the remainder of this
The term GPS may be unfamiliar to some LORAN users. The
United States government has established a network of
navigational satellites which provide extremely accurate
geographic positioning. The accuracy of the basic system is
so reliable that it is feared that a potential enemy could
use the data to position intercontinental missiles. For
this reason, there is an error transmitted which causes a
positional error of several hundred feet. A number of error
correction stations provide short range error correction
information. These stations may be shut down in times of
emergency. At any rate, this system has been called the
Global Positioning System; Hence the abbreviation GPS which
will be used throughout this documentation.
The first item in the column labeled Data Conversion is
LORAN-C to GPS. The title is self explanatory. When you
choose this item, the data entry screen will be displayed
with the cursor at the entry point for the first LORAN
delay. Enter two delays for the location in question. If
they are valid, the program will calculate the
Latitude/Longitude coordinates for that location. It will
then calculate the delays for any other delays in that
chain. Some chains have only two secondaries, others have
three or four. If you are an experienced LORAN user you
know that in some parts of the service area for a given
chain the signal strength and/or the orientation of the
delay lines on the chart are such that certain delays are
somewhat more useful than others. It is often useful to
have the delays for each secondary in a chain as a matter of
record for each point.
The Latitude/Longitude is expressed in three formats:
Degrees, Minutes_____________30 16.200
Degrees, Minutes, Seconds____30 16 12.0
The first of these is
generally used on large scale charts and maps, the second is
generally used on small craft charts and the last on very
local geodetic survey maps. The conversion is a real
nuisance when you are trying to locate a spot on map or
chart. This is also a very useful feature of the program if
you need to convert data from one format to another.
If the data you have entered is an improper value for the
normal service area of the chain you will get a message:
No Useful Solution Found-Check Data
More often than not, there has been a mistake in the data
entry. If calculated points are a long way from the normal
service area for the chain, you could not receive the loran
signals anyway. In addition, if the entered delays are
unreasonably far from the approximate latitude and longitude
shown on the screen you may also get the same message.
Calculations begin at the latitude and longitude shown as
approximate coordinates. If the location of interest is a
long way from them the program solution may be slow. Marnav
works much faster if the approximate coordinates are within
2 degrees of the actual latitude and longitude. This is on
the order of one hundred or more miles so it is rarely a
problem. These values may be edited in the data base and
also are automatically updated for subsequent calculations
in the same area.
The propagation velocity constants used by the program have
been determined for free space over water. Minor anomalies
occur when there is considerable land area between you and
the delay transmitters. The result is that the LORAN delays
for a given point today will be extremely close next time
you use them to define the same point. Put another way, the
repeat ability of LORAN delays is extremely high! The
absolute relationship between calculated Lati-
tude/Longitude and LORAN delays however may have a small
error of several hundred feet in some cases. In normal
navigation, this would not be a problem but there are many
applications where more accurate agreement is required.
Marnav allows the use of Correction Factors to offset such
errors. This will be discussed later.
This operation is opposite to that just discussed. In this
case, the latitude and longitude of the point of interest is
entered and all of the secondary delays for that chain are
calculated. Data may be entered in any of the three formats
discussed above. Enter the data in any format and it will
be converted to the other two as well. For example, if you
enter 30/16.2 it will be converted to the three forms shown
above. The delimiter between degrees and minutes shown
could have been a space, a comma or, as shown a forward
You should be aware that just because Marnav indicates that
a delay should have a certain value, is no assurance that
the signal strength of that delay will be great enough to be
useful. If the LORAN is able to lock on the secondary, you
will be able to use it, otherwise you will have to use one
of the others. In general, the part of the service area you
are in will generally determine the secondaries you should
use. There are also times when the equipment for one of the
secondaries has been shut down for service. Those are the
times when having all of the secondaries listed is most
Anyone using LORAN should be aware that for any two delays
there are geographically two intersections. The
mathematical reason for this is that these delay lines are
hyperbolas and as such will intersect twice. This may seem
to be a drawback to the use of LORAN, but in general, these
intersections are widely separated and if the approximate
latitudes and longitudes shown on the screen are within a
few hundred miles, the LORAN and Marnav will solve for the
right one. At any rate, the coordinates of the wrong one
would be so far away that one could not readily mistake
When latitude is used in geographic calculations, North
latitude is normally taken as a positive value. For
Longitude, West latitude is normally a negative value.
Since Marnav is usually used in the same earth quadrant it
lets you choose which quadrant of latitude and of longitude
is to be considered positive. If you are using Marnav in
the continental United States it is easier to define North
Latitude and West Longitude as positive quantities instead
of remembering to put the minus sign in front of the
longitude entries. The quadrants you choose as positive are
shown on the screen and may be changed by editing the data
Bearing & Distance
This menu choice invokes the bearing and distance navigation
routines. The coordinates for either or both of the two
points may be entered in either LORAN or geographic
coordinates. Note that LORAN coordinates must all be
expressed for the active chain and both points must be
defined in the same chain. If both points are defined by
GPS coordinates, the chain does not enter into the
calculation. It follows then that coordinates defined by
LORAN delays must be in the active chain but the other point
may be defined geographically (GPS) and may be outside of
the service area for that chain!
Initially the cursor will be positioned for a LORAN delay
input; Simply press <Enter> and the cursor will move to the
geographic input position. The second position is entered
in the same way and the results of the calculation are
displayed near the bottom of the screen as rhumb line
heading and distance to and from the two points entered.
All the same comments concerning data entry apply as they
are discussed in earlier sections of this documentation.
This menu choice provides the relationship between the
distance from one point to another, the speed of the vehicle
and the time of travel. Data entrance is extremely simple,
if you enter any two of these quantities the program will
calculate the value for the third.
If the quantities entered are speed and distance, the time
will be calculated and the time is presented in decimal
hours as well as hours and decimal minutes. If the distance
is entered in Nautical Miles, the speed will be calculated,
or, must be entered in Knots. Conversely, if the speed is
entered in Statute miles then the speed will be calculated,
or, must be entered as Miles per Hour. Obviously, it is
also true that if the speed is entered in Knots, then the
distance is calculated, or, must be entered in Nautical
Miles and vice versa.
If time is one of the quantities being entered, the same
formats as discussed previously for degrees and minutes may
be used. For example, 3.75 hours and 3/45 ( 3 hours & 45
Minutes ) will produce the same result.
Display Data
This item, and the next four deal with the data base which
defines the characteristics of the LORAN chain in use.
Selecting Display Data will present the data for the chain
in use. In addition to displaying the data on the screen,
you may change the active chain and also make a hard copy of
the data for this chain.
The data displayed consists of an accurate position in terms
of Latitude and Longitude of the Master for this chain as
well as each of the Secondaries. As mentioned earlier, some
chains have only two secondaries while others have three or
four. Each secondary transmits its signal after a precise
display after the master and this delay is shown along with
the positional data for the secondary.
Correction factors to compensate for propagation anomalies
are also shown. These are discussed in detail in a separate
section. In addition, the GRI number is shown. This is
more than an arbitrary number since it defines the Group
Repetition Interval which defines the signals for this
chain. Obviously these positions and delays must be
extremely accurate or the system is useless!
Also shown are the Quadrants in which Latitude and Longitude
are arbitrarily defined as positive values. The approximate
latitude and longitude used by the program as initial points
for calculation are also shown.
Edit Data Base
Any of the items discussed above may be edited using this
menu selection. It is strongly suggested that only
approximate latitude, longitude, the positive quadrants and
correction factors be edited without extremely good reason
and then, only after backups of the data are saved.
The Edit sequence is started by selecting EDIT DATA from the
on screen menu bar. You may step through the data field by
using <Enter>, <up-arrow> or <down-arrow>. Data corrections
are made in the usual way. When you have finished with your
edits, press <End> to return to the on screen menu. Changes
made when editing this data base are recorded to disk only
when you select WRITE FILE and press <Enter>.
Without leaving the Edit function, you may change the Active
GRI or make a hard copy of the data on the screen.
Initial GRI
The initial GRI is that chain which is active when you start
the program. Most users do not normally change the active
GRI very often but, at times, changing the location of your
activities makes it necessary to do so. Simply select
Initial GRI from the menu. This will change not only the
GRI which is active when you start the program but will also
change the GRI which you are currently using. As mentioned
previously, it is also possible to make this change in the
Display and Edit modes.
Correction Factors
LORAN Calculations and their accuracy depend on the
propagation velocity of radio waves. Unfortu- nately, the
propagation velocity is not exactly the same over all types
of terrain so the delay time to a given point may be very
slightly different than it is to another point which is the
same distance from the station. While these differences are
extremely small, the difference can lead to errors of
several hundred yards when the path from the station to your
position crosses large land masses.
If your concerns are simply with getting to the same spot as
you were at some previous time, then this error will not
concern you since the repeatability of the LORAN data for
that spot is extremely good. The problems occur when you
have the GPS position for a given spot and you want to
convert to LORAN coordinates, or, in the opposite case, when
you want to convert your LORAN data to GPS coordinates.
In most cases, boaters and fisherman operate in relatively
small areas often as small as ten miles or so on a side.
Unless there are large geographic differences near the area,
the propagation errors will probably be fairly consistent
throughout the area. In that case, you may add a correction
factor to your data base which will compensate for these
propagation anomalies.
In Marnav 4.5 the correction factor routine has been written
to evaluate and enter this data quickly and easily. In
order to provide the necessary data to evaluate these
errors, you will need accurate data for a point in or near
the area of interest. Accurate geo- graphic data is
available from a number of sources. Newer marine charts
have accurate positions for buoys and markers or, you can
get accurate geographic data from a GPS receiver which has a
correction receiver to compensate for the error
intentionally put into the GPS data as transmitted from the
satellites. You may also get accurate data from Geodetic
survey maps in which positions along the shore are described
using survey data.
The data must be for a place where you can locate your LORAN
to get LORAN delays for that spot. You should try to get
data for all of the secondaries in the chain. In many spots
this will not be possible because some secondaries will have
very weak signals but try to get as many as you can.
To enter correction factors into your data base, select
Correct. Factors from the menu and follow the Onscreen
instructions. The factors will be automatically calculated
and entered into the data base. From then on, they are
automatically included in the calculations and, unless you
move to an area far from where they were determined, you no
longer need concern yourself about them.
Adding A Loran Chain
It is unlikely that any new LORAN chains will be constructed
since the LORAN system will gradually be phased out as more
and more users get and use GPS equipment but you may wish to
add data for chains not in your files. The U.S. Coast Guard
makes available the exact geographic location of the Master
and each of the secondaries as well as the transmission
delays for each of the secondaries. Enter these data very
carefully using as many decimal places as are made
available. When all the data has been entered, select the
Write File sub-menu option on the data screen and a file
called GRIxxxx.LRN will be created where the xxxx are the
numbers which define the Group repetition rate which will be
defined along with the other Coast Guard data.
Hard Copy
The Hard Copy choice on the menu will toggle the Hard Copy
switch Off and On. When On, each calculation is
automatically printed on your system printer for later
reference. This feature is especially valuable when cruise
planning or calculating your navigation data before starting
your journey. The GRI data bases may also be printed but
that printing is done when you select the PRINT DATA choice
from the on-screen menu during the data operations.
C & E Associates has chosen to use the Shareware concept to
distribute this program. This is good for us in that it
contains many of the costs associated with a retail sales
effort. It is good for you since it allows you to make an
intelligent buying decision by trying the program to make
sure it does what you want before you spend your money. It
does however bring with it a legal and moral commitment to
buy (Register) the program after you have tried it and found
it to be to your liking. The authors of Shareware receive
NO money from the distribution of their efforts until you,
the user, register it. If you believe the effort that goes
into writing a program such as this deserves the thirty-five
dollar registration fee then please register by sending your
check along with the form included at the end of the
No program features have been "held back" until you register
the program. When you register, you will receive a copy of
the latest version of the program as well as discounts on
any future program upgrades. In addition, you will be kept
informed about several other programs in development on
related subjects. Program support will be provided to both
non-registered and registered users using Compuserve Mail
addressed to Edward J. Panner, (72717,1612) or by U.S.Mail
addressed to Edward J. Panner at the registration address.
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that
the shareware principal works for you. If you are unable to
resolve a shareware related problem with a ASP member by
contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help.
The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem
with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support
for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at
545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a Compuserve
message via Compuserve Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
Additional information about the legalities of Shareware may
be found in the appendix to this documentation.