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- [ Other notes on Rc-MP3 v1.51 ] RightClick-MP3 by MrShannon is still FREEWARE
- eMail: MrShannon@execpc.com Jan. 05, 1999 http://execpc.com/MrShannon
- There is a file in the Rc-MP3 directory named "getchar.com". That's a very handy
- little 8byte program written by someone that calls himself T.E.D. He's very
- proficient at some programming and I cannot thank him enough for the help he
- gave me on this project durring it's early development. What getchar does is
- wait for the user to press a key on the keyboard. It then returns the ASCII
- value of the key that was pressed. I use it to determine if you hit "x" or
- "X" to exit and the "Press any key to close this window" parts.
- Why doesn't NT have color like Windoze95/98? Basically because I couldn't figure
- it out. I tried about 5 different things to get ANSI to work, but every
- attempt failed. Hey I am kind of a beginner here, shut up.
- Why does Windoze95/98 have the file "RcMP3ans.sys" and NT doesn't? That is the
- Windoze95b ansi.sys with a different name. If you delete that file, you won't
- have colors anymore, but if you try and put it in WinNT, it'll give you garbage
- characters. Even if you try using the ansi.sys from WinNT. Trust me, I tried.
- If you know how to load the ansi.sys on a WinNT machine without rebooting,
- please send me an eMail - MrShannon@execpc.com
- What did I write RightClick-MP3 in? C? C++? Pearl? Java? nope. I use plain
- old DOS Batch language. Not even QBasic. Straight .bat commands. Wanna take
- a look at the code? Go to c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\ and look at Rc-MP3.bat but don't
- edit it unless you know what you're doing! Or at least make a backup of it
- first. A _lot_ of the program is built into the Windows Registry too. I do
- that with the Rc-MP3.inf file. Feel free to look at that too, but it's scarry.
- How did I figure this stuff out? first of all, I spent years learning about DOS
- Batch files. Little here, little there. The Color and ANSI stuff went along
- with that. As far as getting it to work with Windoze and the right mouse
- button, I figured that out by editing the DosHere.inf file that Microsoft put
- out long ago. That file simply made it so you can right clock on a folder and
- then choose "MS-DOS Prompt" which would drop you at a DOS Prompt at that
- directory. That made me wonder if you could do something like that on a file
- type. So I changed a few things and loe and behold, it worked. So I had to do
- something useful with it. Eventually I go it to work with Win95, then I ported
- it to work on WinNT. Then I found a program called "WinDAC" that used an .inf
- file for installing. It made a group in the start button so of course I had to
- do that too. Really, if you want to learn, there is no better teacher than the
- actual code itself.
- If you really want to know how to write a shell extension, or just make sense of
- the .inf file, try reading my tutorial. You can find it at my current homepage
- http://www.execpc.com/MrShannon/
- -MrShannon@execpc.com