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- [ About RightClick-MP3 v1.51 ] RightClick-MP3 by MrShannon is still FREEWARE
- Mail: MrShannon@execpc.com Jan. 05, 1999 http://execpc.com/MrShannon
- [ What is it? ]
- You right click on a WAV file and choose "[- Encode this WAV into an MP3 -]"
- OR You right click on an MP3 and choose "[- Decode this MP3 into a WAV -]"
- You can also RightClick on a directory or drive, and choose to encode any WAV
- files that are in that directory. All Method's of Encoding now have the option
- to encode then delete the .WAV(s).
- See the Features section below for more detailed information.
- [ To Install... ]
- Uninstall any older version.
- Extract to a temp dir.
- RightClick on Rc-MP3.inf and choose install.
- [ Bug(s)? ]
- The Uninstall does not delete the Rc-MP3 directory from Program Files.
- There are no other known bugs. Please report any to MrShannon@execpc.com
- [ Features ]
- When encoding, the .mp3 file will be named exactly the same as the .wav, only
- the extension changes to .mp3. This allows for a virtually infinite amount
- of mp3's to be encoded.
- RightClick-MP3 now uses Blade's Encoder (BladeEnc) v0.76. BladeEnc is several
- times faster than the L3Encode v2.72 by Fraunhofer-IIS that was previously
- used, yet the encoding quality is just as good. Sounds like a deal to me.
- BladeEnc's Homepage: http://home8.swipnet.se/~w-82625/
- Uses BladeEnc's default 128kbps bitrate when encoding. You can choose one
- of the many bitrate's supported by BladeEnc by simply clicking on the one
- you want that is listed in "Set Bitrate" under the RightClick-MP3 group in
- your start button.
- Now able to select the encoding priority by selecting it from the Rc-MP3
- group in your start button. There are 6 different priority levels.
- Now supports Batch Encoding by allowing the option to encode any .wav found
- in a specific directory or root of a drive.
- Also added the option of encoding the .wav(s) and then delete the .wav when
- finished.
- When decoding an .mp3, RightClick-MP3 can handle 31 new files so you don't
- have to rename them right away. The files are named !New!, !New-01!,
- !New-02! ...to... !New-30!
- RightClick-MP3 uses L3Decode v2.72 by Fraunhofer-IIS to decode the .MP3's to
- .WAV files. L3Decode is SHAREWARE and you are to register it if you use it
- for more than 30 days. Your Registration status will not effect the quality
- of the .WAV files produced, however, you will be confronted with a Nag Screen
- when you try to Decode. Please read "Reg L3Decode" in your start button.
- Fraunhofer-IIS Homepage (note - L3Encode and Decode are no longer available.
- They have been replaced by MP3Enc): http://www.iis.fhg.de/amm/
- Windows95/98 users get color ANSI in the messages (not supported on NT yet)
- If you don't like the ANSI, just delete RcMP3ans.sys from c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3
- See "Misc Notes" in the RightClick-MP3 group in your start button for other
- miscellaneous info you may be interested in.