home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- ::
- :: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! If you do, at least make a backup copy,
- :: but feel free to check it out.
- ::
- set path=%path%;c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\
- set bitrate=128
- set priority=LOWEST
- if exist c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\bitrate.bat call c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\bitrate.bat
- if exist c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\priority.bat call c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\priority.bat
- echo. You can delete this directory after you've uninstalled RightClick-MP3 > "c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\ReadMe.txt"
- if exist c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\RcMP3ans.sys c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\RcMP3dev.com c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\RcMP3ans.sys
- if NOT exist c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\RcMP3ans.sys goto itsNT
- set TheOS=Win95
- echo.
- echo. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
- echo. http://execpc.com/MrShannon/ █ RightClick-MP3 v1.51 █
- echo. MrShannon@execpc.com ▀▀▌ * by MrShannon * ▐▀▀
- echo. ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- echo.
- echo.
- goto contin
- :itsNT
- set TheOS=WinNT
- echo. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
- echo. http://execpc.com/MrShannon/ █ RightClick-MP3 v1.51 █
- echo. MrShannon@execpc.com ▀▀▌ * by MrShannon * ▐▀▀
- echo. ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- echo.
- echo.
- :contin
- set mode=%1
- set file=%2
- set optn=%3
- if %mode%==encode set ext=mp3
- if %mode%==decode set ext=wav
- set newfile=full
- if NOT exist !New-30!.%ext% set newfile=!New-30!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-29!.%ext% set newfile=!New-29!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-28!.%ext% set newfile=!New-28!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-27!.%ext% set newfile=!New-27!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-26!.%ext% set newfile=!New-26!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-25!.%ext% set newfile=!New-25!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-24!.%ext% set newfile=!New-24!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-23!.%ext% set newfile=!New-23!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-22!.%ext% set newfile=!New-22!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-21!.%ext% set newfile=!New-21!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-20!.%ext% set newfile=!New-20!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-19!.%ext% set newfile=!New-19!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-18!.%ext% set newfile=!New-18!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-17!.%ext% set newfile=!New-17!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-16!.%ext% set newfile=!New-16!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-15!.%ext% set newfile=!New-15!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-14!.%ext% set newfile=!New-14!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-13!.%ext% set newfile=!New-13!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-12!.%ext% set newfile=!New-12!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-11!.%ext% set newfile=!New-11!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-10!.%ext% set newfile=!New-10!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-09!.%ext% set newfile=!New-09!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-07!.%ext% set newfile=!New-08!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-06!.%ext% set newfile=!New-06!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-05!.%ext% set newfile=!New-05!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-04!.%ext% set newfile=!New-04!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-03!.%ext% set newfile=!New-03!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-02!.%ext% set newfile=!New-02!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New-01!.%ext% set newfile=!New-01!.%ext%
- if NOT exist !New!.%ext% set newfile=!New!.%ext%
- if %newfile%==full goto itsfull
- goto itsok
- :itsfull
- if %mode%==encode goto itsok
- goto Max
- :itsok
- if %TheOS%==WinNT goto not95
- echo. Ready to %mode% %file%
- if %optn%==delcrc echo. and delete the .WAV(s) when finished.
- goto finalstp
- :not95
- echo. Ready to %mode% %file%
- if %optn%==delcrc echo. and delete the .WAV(s) when finished.
- echo.
- :finalstp
- if %TheOS%==Win95 echo.
- if %TheOS%==WinNT echo.
- if %mode%==encode echo. Bitrate is.... %bitrate%kbps.
- if %mode%==encode echo. Priority is... %priority%.
- if %TheOS%==Win95 echo.
- if %TheOS%==WinNT echo.
- echo Press any key to continue or 'X' to eXit.
- c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\getchar.com
- if errorlevel 88 if not errorlevel 89 goto end
- if errorlevel 120 if not errorlevel 121 goto end
- cls
- if %mode%==encode goto wavtomp3
- echo. Now %mode%ing
- echo. %file%
- echo. into %newfile%
- copy %file% c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\temp.mpx >nul
- call c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\RcMP3dec.exe c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\temp.mpx %newfile% -wav
- del c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\temp.mpx >nul
- goto check
- :wavtomp3
- if not exist *.wav goto nowavs
- echo. Now %mode%ing
- echo. %file%
- if %optn%==crc call c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rcmp3enc.exe -%bitrate% -PRIO=%priority% -QUIT %file%
- if %optn%==delcrc call c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\Rcmp3enc.exe -%bitrate% -PRIO=%priority% -QUIT -DELETE %file%
- goto end
- :check
- if NOT exist %newfile% pause
- goto end
- :Max
- echo.
- echo.
- echo. I am sorry but you must rename some of the !New-##!.%ext% files bofore I can continue.
- echo.
- echo.
- echo. Press any key to close this window...
- c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\getchar.com
- goto end
- :nowavs
- echo.
- echo.
- echo. No .WAV files were found here to encode.
- echo.
- echo.
- echo. Press any key to close this window...
- c:\progra~1\Rc-MP3\getchar.com
- goto end
- :end
- if %TheOS%==Win95 echo
- exit