ocr: 5250 Emulatn X Gommand Option Control Print Help MAIN AS/400 Main Menu ystem: KCHASLZK Sclect one of the Following: 1. User tasks 2. Uffice tasks 3. - General systen tasks 1. Files, libraries, and folders 5. Progranming 6. Connunications 7. Define ur change the system 8. Problen handling 9. Display a menu 10. Inforna Lion Assistant options 11. Client Access tasks 90. Sign off Sclection or command B=) a F3=Exit 4EPrompt 9=Ketrieve 212-Cancel 13-Intormation Assistant F23=Set initial menu (C) COPYRIGHI IBM CORP, 1980, 1994. Message Haiting Bracket