ocr: Inleinct Browser OX File Edit View Go Bookmarks Options Directory Window Help - a DE Back PRER Hore Relcad neses Oper Print Find Stop N Location: httpi /ve. as400. ibon. con/ What's New? What's Cool? Destinations Net Search People Soflware www.as400.ibm.com PRODUCTS - SOLUTIONS - SERVICE PARTNERS D DOWNLOADS > SMALL BIZ PROFILES Lead Story: Year 2000 ASA400a and the Year 2003:1BMI leadingl ers acrose an eaknosn chasm. YEAR20001 Ycar2000n mitiativea. IBM i cevclopng a number of toolo to help companics resolve Areyou ther Yeor 2000 s30es. Ton Otechnoleales orhe 2at Centur Crystal boal projection ...