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v0.96b (July 21, 1996)
o added a "WebEx version" display in the about dialog (unfortunately,
WebEx always seems to report v1.02).
o Notebook "Other Options" dialog.
o WebExplorer Window Options
o Underline Anchors
o Choose font and font size
o Default Extension/Filespec Options (read the docs)
o More Drag and Drop
o Copy Drop (Ctrl+drag) a file to INSERT text at cursor
o Drag & Drop options
o Redefinable hotkeys! (Please read the documentation first!)
o External processes
o Nine processes available with hotkeys (more than one
process can be assigned to the same hotkey, and they
will execute in order).
o any defined external processes available with a keyword/title.
o run any other process from a pseudo command-line
o program output piped into an output window
o REXX Macro Interface! Over 50 extra functions! Make your
own powerful extensions to HTML-Ed! Macros are run the same
way an executable file is.
o HTML-Ed Programmer's Manual (INF format).
o Only the first nine characters of the search/replace strings
were used when searching. Fixed.
o I significantly modified the code for several of the "tag"
dialogs (IMG, BODY, HEAD, ANCHOR, HR, etc) in order to make them
easier to maintain and extend. I may have accidentally introduced
a bug or two, so be on the lookout for them. On the bright side,
I did find the following bug in the existing code:
o VSPACE used the HSPACE value. Fixed.
o "Save ASCII" erroneously changed the current file's "filename"
(but not in the title bar), causing every regular save afterwards
to use the ASCII filename rather than the real filename.
o I was using the Borland C++ file i/o routines in several places.
Unfortunately, there appears to be a few bugs in them, as they
were causing crashes when opening large numbers of files (>32).
I'm now using OS/2 Dos* file i/o routines and the problems have
o When saving over a file using Save As EA's were saved and
shouldn't have been.
v0.95b (June 14, 1996)
o "Save All" feature.
o You can now print from "Test" mode.
o Chord click on editor will display "Ring List" dialog.
o "Special Characters" dialog is now non-modal
o Hotkey for "Find" (Shift+F3), and "Replace" (Ctrl+F3)
o Drag and Drop
o drop files on editor to open them (add them to the ring)
o drop a graphic on the editor to create an IMG tag
o shadow drop a file to the editor to create an anchor to it
o Misc Options
o load LAST file when following links
o load ALL files when following links
o Tag Options
o insert tags in upper/lowercase
o absolute/relative font sizes
o Drop down list in the anchor dialog with the standard URL prefixes
o Ring Left/Right bitmaps were ugly on 1024x768 (and up) desktops
o Misc changes to install program
o Two menu items were swapped.
o The "find" button now appends a "file:///" in front of files that
reside on other drives (WebEx sometimes had a problem loading these
o HTML-Ed now preserves extended attributes when saving over a file
o When more than one copy of the same file is opened, HTML-Ed numbers
v0.94b (May 11, 1996)
o "Save as ASCII" funtion under FILE menu.
o Convert characters to tags function added (for code page 850)
o HTML-Ed sets code page 850 when it starts
o The "Ring List" window is now sizable
o Manual is now in INF format (next step is online help).
o Options dialog
o Highlight required fields in dialogs
o Require required fields in dialogs
o Save settings/position on exit
o Choose any font/size for the editor
o Hotkey for File/Close (Ctrl+F4)
o Selecting "NO" to the "Are you sure you want to exit?"
prompt now works properly.
o Changed the HEAD dialog layout
o The "left button corruption" problem doesn't occur anymore.
o When following links, files in the ring are now loaded from
memory instead of directly from disk.
o When following links, if a file doesn't exist, HTML-Ed won't try
to load it.
o Anchors are now properly marked as visited when following links.
o Fixed a bug that was causing continuous looping of sound when
using BocaSoft System Sounds.
v0.93b (April 6, 1996)
o HTML Skeleton feature under the "Page" menu.
o Ring Left/Right menu items and hotkeys
o Size of GIF files calculated automatically!
o Special Character dialog
o Load multiple files from the command line (even wildcards).
o Added level 7 headings
o Added "Other tags" section to <HEAD> dialog.
o Support for the </p> tag
o Changed all the inserted HTML code to be in uppercase
o I had misspelled horizontal on the menu <g>...
o The comment tag produced incorrect output, fixed.
o The <HR> dialog will no longer put "0%" in the width dialog
o You can no longer insert an ASCII code with an invalid number
o CR's are now added after HTML, HEAD, TITLE, and BODY tags.
o Changed filspec for image "FIND" buttons to "*" for those pre-FP17.
o Added a default icon
o When the program was minimized, and the "minimize to desktop"
feature was on, instead of an icon, you could still see the
MLE+scrollbars. Fixed.
o Removed the registration reminder at exit
o You can now double click on a file in the file list to switch to it
o Moving left in the file ring didn't always work correctly
o HTML-Ed now properly follows SRC="#XX" type links.
o You weren't always warned to save your file(s) if you used the
system-menu to exit.
v0.92b (March 31, 1996)
o MULTI-FILE EDITING! - Ring system (like EPM)
o New styles added!
o <kbd> - Keyboard Input
o <samp> - Sample
o <var> - Variable
o I added a "Remove tags" option under the EDIT menu.
o You can now put comments in your HTML code, but selecting
PAGE/COMMENTS, or pressing Alt+M.
o Search/Replace works now! I finally figured out what was causing
the problem (compiler problem!). Many thanks to Eric Slaats for his
o The hotkey for the STYLE menu was the same as that of the SEARCH
menu. Now, Alt-Y activates the Style menu.
o Some "Special characters" on the menu were inserted as their ASCII
code equivilant, instead of their character name - fixed.
o The tab order in the <BODY> dialog was incorrect - fixed.
o There was a 32 character limit on the filename in the <BODY> dialog
o The colour attributes in the <BODY> dialog are now grouped so you
can navigate them with the arrow keys.
o The "Find" button in the <BODY> dialog was a default choice (along
with OK!) - fixed.
o The slider in the "Font Size" dialog defaults to 3, the default font
size, instead of zero.
o Fixed grouping in <HEAD> dialog.
o Selected text is now assumed to be the TITLE of a document when
inserting the <HEAD> tag.
o Selected text is now assumed to be the ALTERNATE TEXT for an image
when inserting an <IMG> tag.
o The "number of lines" on the statusline was not always updating
properly - fixed.
o The titlebar for the <BODY> dialog said "<Head...>" <g> - fixed.
o The <A...> and <IMG...> dialogs _required_ certain fields to be
filled in. Now, if you don't fill in a required field, the tag will
still be inserted, but the cursor will be positioned for you to
enter the required text.
o I believe I have discovered the cause of the "File Dialog" crash.
See "A note about the File Dialog crash" in HTMLED.DOC.
o All the dialogs have "hot keys" now for the buttons, etc. to help
keyboard users even more!
v0.91b - (March 23, 1996)
o First version released!