;----- Setup closing screens dependent on the version of OS.
GotoIfEqual 2, '%{PI_OSType}', CloseScreen_SFT3
Display 0, "Support Pack installation is complete!\n\nPlease review the NCF files for accuracy, DOWN the server and then RESTART SERVER to complete the installation of Support Pack. Thank you for installing the Support Pack."
Label CloseScreen_SFT3
Display 0, "Support Pack installation is complete!\n\n
NetWare SFTIII parses the IOSTART.NCF by scanning the file twice.\n
First pass to scan for all SET parameters, except for the following:\n\n
Set New Start Address For Unclaimed Memory Block\n
Set New End Address For Unclaimed Memory Block\n\n
Second pass to scan for LOAD commands and the two SET parameters listed above.
The LOAD command and SET parameters are executed in the order that they apear
in the NCF file..\n\n
This Support Pack installation makes an attempt to move the two SET parameters above
the LOAD statement for the Support Pack."
Display 0, "Novell recommends that all SFTIII configurations have ALL SET paramters before
ALL LOAD commands\n\n
Novell also recommends that all SFTIII installations have a minimum of 12 Meg for
for each IO Engine by doing the following in the IOSTART.NCF\n\n
Set New Start Address For Unclaimed Memory Block=12000000\n\n
By doing this the following ABEND can be avoided:
ABEND: SERVER-4.11-385: Insufficient memory to available to allocate enough receive buffers.
is a result of having insufficient IOEngine memory and also loading the patches be for
the SET parameters.\n\n
Review the NCF files for accuracy then DOWN the server and RESTART SERVER to complete the Support Pack installation."