home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ==================================
- Installation from harddisk
- --------------------------
- Create a temporary directory and copy (or unzip) all the
- files to that directory. Then run INSTALL.EXE
- Installation from diskette
- --------------------------
- Format a new diskette and give it the volume label PMVIEW1
- Then copy (or unzip) all the files to a diskette. Finally
- NB! It is required that you label the disk PMVIEW1. If you don't
- do this, the installer will not accept the disk and keep asking
- you for "PMView - Diskette 1".
- Installation to a network
- -------------------------
- Create a temporary directory and copy (or unzip) all the
- files to that directory. Then run INSTALL.EXE
- Note that the Installer will not let the SOM DLL path point
- to a network drive. You need to specify a local drive. After
- installing, please read README.TXT for more advice on
- network installation issues.
- Installation error EPFIE602
- ---------------------------
- The user may receive the message "EPFIE602 An error occurred while
- attempting to create a directory. Ensure that you have write access
- to a drive with adequate disk space."
- This error may occur if INSTALL.EXE cannot distinguish hard drives on
- the workstation. In this case you need to set the EPFINSTDIR environment
- variable before running INSTALL.EXE.
- For instance, if OS/2 is installed on the D: drive you should set
- EPFINSTDIR as follows:
- NB! If you don't have enough disk space on this drive you may use another
- drive and/or directory
- =============================================
- Under special circumstances you may run into the problem that the installer
- (INSTALL.EXE) refuses to start. In this case you can use the REXX script below
- to install PMView 'manually'. PLease edit the two installation directories
- before running the script.
- --------------------------------- Cut here -----------------------------------
- /* REXX program for 'last resort' installation of PMView 1.00 */
- Call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs'
- Call SysLoadFuncs
- /* Make sure that these two directories already exist. They will not
- be created by this REXX script! */
- SOMObjDIR = 'C:\OS2\DLL' /* This must NOT be a network/removable drive! */
- /* Create sub-directories */
- 'mkdir '||PMViewDIR||'\filters'
- 'mkdir '||PMViewDIR||'\dmdaemon'
- /* Unpack files */
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||' /N:pmview.exe'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||' /N:pmview.hlp'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||' /N:pmview.ini'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||' /N:register.exe'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||' /N:register.dat'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||' /N:readme.txt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||' /N:order.txt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||' /N:ordform.txt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\dmdaemon /N:instdd.cmd'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\dmdaemon /N:uninstdd.cmd'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:contour1.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:contour2.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:contour3.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:contour4.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:contour5.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:contour6.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:contour7.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:contour_.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:diagonal.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:embossi1.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:embossi2.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:embossi3.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:embossi4.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:embossi5.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:embossi6.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:embossi7.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:embossin.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:gradien1.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:gradien2.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:gradien3.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:gradien4.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:gradien5.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:gradien6.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:gradien7.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:gradient.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:high_pa1.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:high_pa2.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:high_pa3.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:high_pas.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:horizon1.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:horizont.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:laplaci1.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:laplaci2.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:laplacia.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:low_pas1.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:low_pas2.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:low_pas3.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:low_pas4.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:low_pass.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:prewitt1.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:prewitt_.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:sobel_ho.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:sobel_ve.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:vertica1.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:vertica2.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||PMViewDIR||'\filters /N:vertical.flt'
- 'unpack pmview.@ '||SOMObjDIR||' /N:dmdaemon.dll'
- /* Create Folder */
- Call SysCreateObject 'WPFolder','PMView v1.00','<WP_DESKTOP>',setup,'R'
- /* Create Program Object */
- setup=setup||'STARTUPDIR='||PMViewDIR||';ASSOCFILTER='
- setup=setup||'*.BMP,*.CUR,*.DCX,*.FIT,*.FITS,*.GIF,*.ICO,*.IFF,*.IMG,*.JPG,'
- setup=setup||'*.JPEG,*.LGO,*.MAC,*.MSP,*.PCD,*.PCX,*.PIC,*.PBM,*.PGM,*.PPM,'
- setup=setup||'*.PNM,*.PNG,*.PTR,*.RAS,*.RLE,*.SGI,*.SHW,*.TIF,*.TIFF,*.TGA,'
- setup=setup||'*.WPG,*.XBM,*.XPM,*.XWD'
- setup=setup||';ASSOCTYPE=Bitmap,IFF,GIF,JPG,PCX,Photo CD,Targa,TIFF'
- Call SysCreateObject 'WPProgram','PMView','<PMVIEWFLD>',setup,'R'
- /* Create Shadow for readme.txt */
- setup='SHADOWID='||PMViewDIR||'\readme.txt;OBJECTID=<PMVIEWREADME>;'
- Call SysCreateObject 'WPShadow','readme.txt','<PMVIEWFLD>',setup,'R'
- /* Register WPS class and create DMDaemon object */
- call SysRegisterObjectClass 'DMDaemon', SOMObjDir||'\dmdaemon.dll'
- Call SysCreateObject 'DMDaemon','DMDaemon','<WP_DESKTOP>',setup,'R'
- /* Deregister MMViewer WPS classes (Warp 4.0 ONLY) */
- 'c:\mmos2\install\instmmvw -r'
- /* Done! */
- return