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- ESS-Code 7.6
- Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Michel Forget
- Electric Storm Software
- The documentation for this archive is located in ESSCODE.TXT, which
- should be located in the same directory as this document. This list of
- bug fixes and changes made to ESS-Code is in chronological order; the new
- information appears at the end of the document.
- May 30, 1995: ESS-Code 6.4a
- [These problems have been solved.]
- BUG #1: ESS-Code 6.4 inserts an "extra" backslash in the
- filename of the program manager item created by the
- installation program. This would prevent ESS-Code
- from executing properly.
- BUG #2: ESS-Code does not prevent the user from executing
- the client modules directly. The only module that
- can be executed directly is "eshell.exe".
- June 4, 1995: ESS-Code 6.4b
- [These problems have been solved.]
- BUG #3: When things go wrong, they rarely do so in an insignificant way. ESS-Code would not operate properly on many system
- because it could not execute the server modules correctly. An
- extra backslash was mistakenly inserted into the filename at
- execution time, thus causing an error. This problem did not
- affect Windows95 users or OS/2 Warp users. For those that it
- did affect, though, ESS-Code would not work at all.
- July 2, 1995: ESS-Code 6.6
- [These problems have been solved.]
- BUG #4: The status display was not being updated correctly.
- Old information, such as parts of words or numbers,
- was not being erased before the new information was
- drawn.
- BUG #5: The MIME-Decode file conversion method was capable of
- corrupting the address space of ESS-Code, which would cause
- a system crash. This problem did not seem to affect anyone,
- but it is now fixed.
- BUG #6: The "Split File" & "Join File" commands did not update the status
- display after completion.
- NEW: ESS-Code now allows the user to drag a file from the program
- manager (or explorer) and drop it on the ESS-Code application
- window. If such an action is taken, ESS-Code will display a
- dialog box asking how the file should be processed.
- July 7, 1995: ESS-Code 6.7
- [These problems have been solved.]
- There are days when nothing happens the way it should; the days the
- previous version of ESS-Code was released was apparently one of those
- days. The drag & drop support did not work in the previous version,
- and there were a number of "empty" alert boxes in the installation
- program. This release solves those problems. I apologize for any
- inconvenience my error might have caused you.
- MIME-Encoding has also been fixed. This problem only affected the 16-BIT
- version, so users of the 32-BIT version were never troubled by it.
- July 25, 1995: ESS-Code 6.8
- NEW: The Windows95 user interface has now been applied to ESS-Code.
- NEW: ESS-Code now has an installation wizard to automate the setup
- process.
- NEW: ESS-Code can now be uninstalled automatically by Windows95.
- July 27, 1995: ESS-Code 6.9
- [These problems are now solved.]
- BUG #7: There were several small typographical errors in the setup wizard
- and the application itself.
- July 29, 1995: ESS-Code 7.0 (BETA)
- [These problems have been solved.]
- BUG #8: The CTL3D32.DLL dynamic link library was not being installed
- correctly for Windows95 Build #501 -- it worked fine for previous
- builds, apparently.
- August 5th, 1995: ESS-Code 7.1 (Release Version)
- [These problems have been solved.]
- [ESS-Code has now been tested with Windows95 b490c - no problems were found.]
- [ESS-Code has now been tested with WindowsNT 3.51 - no problems were found.]
- BUG #9: In some situations, ESS-Code would not be able to locate the
- second and subsequent segments of a multi-part UUEncoded
- file.
- BUG #10: The F1 key will now actually open the online help instead of
- generating a spurious warning.
- NEW: ESS-Code now allows you to view the LOG file.
- NEW: ESS-Code now allows you to print the LOG file.
- NEW: The setup utility has been improved.
- August 8th, 1995: ESS-Code 7.2 (Maint. Release)
- [These problems have been solved.]
- NEW: The ESS-Code LOG now shows the date and time of each entry.
- BUG FIX: The "Split File" function now works with Windows95/NT. When a file
- is split, an extension is appended to the end of the original
- filename. The original extension is not lost.
- EX: This Is A Long Name.ZIP = This Is A Long Name.ZIP.1
- BUG FIX: The "Join File" function now works with Windows95/NT.
- BUG FIX: The "Split File" & "Join File" features now identify themselves
- correctly in the ESS-Code LOG.
- If you have any problems with ESS-Code, please contact mforget@planet.eon.net
- as quickly as possible. This application is a work-in-progress at all
- times, and will continue to be updated frequently as new features are added
- and problems are solved. The more quickly you make your problem known,
- the more quickly it will be resolved.
- ESS-Code has been tested with the latest builds of Windows95 & WindowsNT
- without any apparent trouble.
- September 17th, 1995: ESS-Code 7.3
- [These problems have been solved.]
- BUG FIX: There have been various problems with the "Setup" module; this
- time, it the registry handling has been improved and error
- reporting capabilities have been added. There is also a manual
- installation method that you can use if the "Setup" module still
- does not work for you.
- October 24th, 1995: ESS-Code 7.4
- NEW: ESS-Code now supports a complete batch language. This
- language is documented in the online manual included in this
- archive and is meant to act as an aid to system automation
- for users with specialized needs.
- NEW: The online manual has been revised; it now has a much more
- attractive "look & feel", in addition to providing more
- information than previous version of the online manual provided.
- BUG FIX: The ESS-Code LOG will no longer be corrupted as it is written.
- Previous versions of ESS-Code did very strange things to the
- formatting of the log file as it was being created.
- BUG FIX: Error messages will now be displayed properly on high resolution
- monitors; previously, message boxes would be extremely small.
- December 25, 1995: ESS-Code 7.5
- NEW: The UUEncode file conversion method allows a destination name to be
- inserted into the encoded data. At the request of many users, I
- have enabled ESS-Code to automatically detect that name when
- decoding. If a destination name is found in the encoded data,
- it will be displayed in the "destination" field when you are asked
- to select a destination name.
- NEW: If you discover a conversion method that ESS-Code does not
- support, you can now incorporate it directly (and seamlessly)
- into ESS-Code through a new feature known as an extensible menu
- system. Extensions are menu entries that are displayed at the
- bottom of the file menu.
- There are two steps involved in creating an ESS-Code extension:
- 1) In the ESSCODE.INI file (located in c:\windows) add a new line
- using the following format:
- EXTENSION = <menu entry name>,<script>
- Example: EXTENSION = "View .&ZIP Contents",c:\viewzip.ess
- This command MUST be typed exactly as it appears, since case
- and spacing is expecially important.
- In the <menu entry name> field, you may specify a keyboard
- shortcut by typing a "&" immediately before the letter you
- want to be able to press to activate the menu entry.
- 2) Create an ESS-Code extension script that has the same name
- and location as the <script> specified above.
- An example script is shown below, followed by a detailed
- dicussion of all the script commands available.
- ' Extract .ZIP File USING PKUNZIP.
- ' This script could be improved by using the "ASK INPUT FILE"
- ' and "ASK OUTPUT FILE" commands.
- SET YES -d
- SET NO -e
- ASK YN Do you want to preserve the directory structure of the ZIP file?
- ASK INFORMATION What is the name of the ZIP file to extract?
- ASK INFORMATION What folder do you want to extract the ZIP file to?
- GO
- TELL The file has been extracted.
- Extension Script Commands
- -------------------------
- Command Explanation
- ------- -----------
- ' This is the symbol used for a comment.
- Any extension script commands or text
- that appears on the same line as this
- symbol will be ignored.
- SET TEMPLATE <text> This command is required. It describes
- what the final command line passed to the
- tool the script is being written for will
- look like. As the other extension script
- commands obtain information from the user,
- the "%RESPONSE" fields are replaced (from
- left to right) with the actual information
- supplied by the user. Several example
- templates are shown below:
- In this case, the user might be expected to
- enter a one letter command switch, which
- ESS-Code would then insert immediately
- after the "-".
- In this case, the user might be expected to
- enter the name of the file, which ESS-Code
- would then insert after the text "type "
- (including the space).
- The template is requried because it
- determines where the information will be
- placed on the command line.
- ASK CONTINUE <text> This command will cause a message box to
- appear containing <text>. If the user
- responds by clicking on the "No" button,
- the extension script will end. The most
- command use of this command is to ask the
- user "Do you really want to proceed with
- this operation?".
- ASK YN <text> This command will cause a message box to
- appear containing <text> (a question). The
- user can either click on the "Yes" button or
- the "No" button in response to the question.
- This command must be used in conjunction
- with the "SET YES" and "SET NO" commands
- discussed below.
- SET YES <text> This command must appear BEFORE the "ASK YN"
- command. It determines what text will be
- placed on the command line if the user
- clicks on the "Yes" button in response to
- an "ASK YN" command.
- SET NO <text> This command must appear BEFORE the "ASK YN"
- command. It determines what text will be
- placed on the command line if the user
- clicks on the "No" button in response to
- an "ASK YN" command.
- SET YES ABORT This command must appear BEFORE the "ASK YN"
- command. It will cause the extension
- script to end if the user clicks on the
- "Yes" button in response to an "ASK YN"
- command.
- SET NO ABORT This command must appear BEFORE the "ASK YN"
- command. It will cause the extension
- script to end if the user clicks on the
- "No" button in response to an "ASK YN"
- command.
- TELL <text> This command will cause a message box to
- appear containing <text>. it is used to
- inform the user of information that you
- feel they should be aware of.
- SET DISPLAY MODE <mode> This command is used to determine how the
- tool the script is being written for will
- look when it is executed. There are four
- display modes available:
- Mode Explanation
- ---- -----------
- HIDDEN The tool will not be
- visible. This allows
- seamless integration with
- ESS-Code.
- MINIMIZED The tool will not be
- visible, but can be
- made visible by clicking
- on the desktop icon that
- represents it.
- BACKGROUND The tool will be visible,
- but only a a background
- window (portions of the
- window may be obscured by
- other windows).
- FOREGROUND The tool will be visible,
- and it will execute in the
- foreground (the entire
- window can be seen).
- ASK INFORMATION <text> This command will cause a dialog box
- containing <text> (a request for
- information) to appear on the screen.
- The user can type a response, which
- ESS-Code will insert into the template.
- ASK INPUT FILE <title> This command will cause the standard file
- selection dialog box to appear, with the
- title bar set to <title>. This command
- should be used to request the name of a
- file from the user. It should only be used
- for requesting source (input) files, since
- it requires that the file selected be a
- valid, existing file.
- ASK OUTPUT FILE <title> This command will cause the standard file
- selection dialog box to appear, with the
- title bar set to <title>. This command
- should be used to request the name of a
- file from the user. It should only be used
- for requesting destination (output) file
- names, since it does not require that the
- name selected be an existing file.
- GO This command instructs ESS-Code to
- execute the command line. This does
- not automatically end the script, but
- the only command that it would make sense
- to use after the tool has been executed is
- "TELL".
- April 26, 1996: ESS-Code 7.6
- BUG FIX: The "Join File" command now works properly. ESS-Code will no
- longer cause an "illegal operation" error when this command is
- used.
- BUG FIX: When MIME-Encoding, the subject will no longer be placed in
- quotation marks.
- BUG FIX: The ESS-Code .LOG file will now format information written to
- it correctly.
- BUG FIX: The setup module has been fixed (yet again). This time, the
- problem was that it was overwriting the ctl3d.dll file instead
- of the ctl3d32.dll file. If you discovered in the past that
- one of your applications no longer worked after installing
- ESS-Code, you should be able to restore the application to
- good working order by:
- a) replacing ctl3d.dll with a known good copy
- b) installing the application in question again
- The second method may not always work, but the first
- method is guaranteed to work (if the problem you are
- experiencing was caused by ESS-Code).
- NEW: You can now decode directly from the clipboard. To do this,
- select "Decode From Clipboard" from the "File" menu, and
- (when prompted) select the appropriate decoding method.
- NEW: After a conversion operation, ESS-Code will now display a list of
- files that were affected. The list is composed of two sections,
- which are files read/opened and files created/written. This list
- will also be written to the ESS-Code .LOG file to make it easier
- to track information over time.
- NEW: ESS-Code now has a conversion wizard, which allows users to encode
- or decode a file using a wizard style interface. The user is asked
- questions, and then ESS-Code makes intelligent decisions about how
- to proceed. The conversion wizard is particularly useful for
- new users, because it makes decoding extremely painless and encoding
- very easy. To use the conversion wizard, select "Conversion
- Wizard" from the "File" menu.
- NEW: The menu layout and overall visual appearance of ESS-Code has
- been improved.