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- Animagic GIF Animator
- =====================
- Version 1.00 (32 bits)
- PsL ITEM #15081
- 1. Check http://www.rtlsoft.com/animagic to see if you have
- the latest version of the software.
- 2. Registration service is provided by PsL (ITEM #15081).
- For all other product inquiries send e-mail to info@rtlsoft.com.
- For technical support send e-mail to support@rtlsoft.com.
- 3. All registrations are password based - we cannot send diskettes by mail.
- After you register you will receive a password that matches your name
- (or company's name). The password will be sent by e-mail.
- Enter your name and password (select "Help | Enter name and password")
- and your shareware copy will becomes registered.
- 4. You can get free upgrades by downloading the latest shareware version.
- Your registration password is kept in the "animagic.ini" file on your
- hard drive and will be valid for future versions (see details below).
- Select one of the following registration options:
- 1. On-line: direct you Internet browser to http://www.rtlsoft.com/animagic
- and follow the instructions.
- 2. By fax: fill this form and send to 713-524-6398.
- 3. By e-mail: fill this form and send to 15081@pslweb.com
- 4. By phone: 1-800-242-4775 ext:15081 (or 713-524-6394 ext:15081).
- 5. by cheque or money order: make cheque payable to Right to Left Software
- in the amount of $29 USD (or $40 CAD).
- Mail to:
- Right to Left Software
- 3332 Yonge Street #94034
- Toronto, Ontario M4N 3R1
- Canada
- ___ VISA/MC __________________________________ Exp. _____________
- Credit card billing address (if different than mailing address):
- Street / Apt. _________________________________________
- Zip Code ______________
- I understand that this entitles me to immediately receive:
- 1. A registration password.
- 2. Technical support as described above.
- 3. Free upgrade to future releases (by using the current password).
- Name: ___________________________________________
- Company: _________________________________________
- Address: _________________________________________
- City, State (Prov.) ______________________________
- Zip/Postal Code ___________________
- Country ___________________________
- Phone/fax ________________________________________
- E-mail ____________________________________________
- Date: ______________________________
- Signature: ______________________________