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- Release 3.0 of KissUtils. Including a translations of the original KISS
- notes (from the Venice FTP site... my Japanese is NOT that good).
- This version has basic /GS2 (General Specification) support and color
- remapping.
- NOTE this is a beta release of the auto palette detecting function and 256
- color processing.
- CEL2PCX.EXE Cel to PCX conversion utility version 3.0 (GS2 format)
- CELTOPCX.BAT Cel to PCX conversion utility batch file
- KISSFMT.DOC Translation of original (old format) manual.
- PCX2CEL.EXE PCX to Cel 16 color conversion utility version 2.20 (GS2 format)
- 8BIT2CEL.EXE PCX to Cel 256 color conversion utility version 1.0
- README.CNF My notes on the old file format.
- README.TXT This file.
- GS_SPEC.TXT Specifications of the new /GS format
- Finding that I'm not the only person to write a paper doll program
- was amusing. I wrote PaperDoll, available as DOLL-205.ARJ, or the (much)
- older Paper-d5.arj around various places such as the venice FTP site or
- via anonymous ftp at ftp.netcom.com in /pub/mu/mughi/PaperDoll.
- Here are a few IBM utilities I have written to let you make your own dolls
- for the KISS system.
- They require a VGA card to run, and will convert any image up to
- 640 x 480 x 16 colors. For the 256 color functions to function, a VESA SVGA
- card supporting 800 x 600 x 256 is required.
- These utils were written so I could produce KISS dolls myself. In both
- cases (original and GS2) I had the basic system running long before I managed
- to get a copy of the specifications. The interface (or lack there of) is
- satisfactory for the semi-batch point and click system I have set up with
- Norton Commander. If you don't like it, well.... tough.
- Of course there are NO guarantees with these utilities. They are hacks,
- nice hacks, but hacks nonetheless.
- Legend:
- [] enclosed text is optional.
- <> descriptive example only. Enter a real file name here.
- This routine converts KISS /GS1 and KISS /GS2 .cel files into PCX images.
- It locates the correct palette (.kcf) file by searching the current directory
- for any .cnf files and then searching them for the cel name and associated
- .kcf file name. It also uses the correct saved palette as specified in the
- .cnf which is vital in some multi doll configurations.
- If the .kcf file is specified it will use saved palette 0 from the specified
- .kcf file. If no matching .kcf or .cnf file can be found it automatically
- reads the palette from the first .kcf color file it finds in the current
- directory. It uses saved palette 0.
- The 4 bits per pixel 12 bits per palette color format in both GS1 and GS2,
- and 8 bits per pixel 24 bits per palette color format are supported. Other
- Hybrids such as 8 bits per pixel 12 bits per palette color may cause problems
- as I have neither addressed or tested them.
- A new option is also provided.
- /E exit in graphics mode. This stops the flashing in batch conversions.
- About the color remap function. This moves colors to more suitable positions
- in the palette for paint programs.
- /R specifies the palette remap order. If <FILENAME.RMP> is not found,
- a new file will be created. If <FILENAME.RMP> is not specified, a remap
- file will be generated with the same name as the cel, and the extension .RMP.
- The automatically generated file uses the following remap order:
- Black to position 0
- Background/transparent color to position 1
- White to position 15 (or 255 in 256 color mode)
- other colors in order in remaining locations.
- Use this option to edit cels with programs such as NeoPaint.
- It will produce <FILENAME.PCX>
- WARNING. It will overwrite any existing pcx with the same name.
- The batch file CELtoPCX.BAT will automatically convert all .cel files in the
- current directory into .pcx files.
- The format for the .RMP remap file is as follows, if you wish to create one
- manually using an ASCII text editor.
- The file consists of sixteen lines of text, each containing a number.
- The lines represent the position in the palette.
- The number is the new color to put there. (ie the OLD palette position of that
- color)
- e.g.
- 1 (Put color 1 in position 0)
- 0 (Put color 0 in position 1)
- 2 (Put color 2 in position 2)
- 3
- 4
- 5
- etc.
- Note: there is only limited error checking on the .RMP file.
- This .RMP file should then be used for all successive pcx2cel/8bit2cel
- and cel2pcx conversions with the same set of artwork.
- This little util converts 16 color PCX images into the .cel format used by
- KISS. This version features the ability to write cels and palettes in one
- variant of the GS2 (General Specification) format.
- The GS2 variant chosen is 4 bits per pixel, with 10 palette groups.
- Usage: PCX2CEL <FILENAME[.PCX]> [<PALNAME[.kcf]>] [/T] [/G] [/P<filename.pcx>]
- where <FILENAME[.PCX]> is the name of the image to convert to a cel and
- <PALNAME[.kcf]> is the name of the kcf file to be produced.
- In the GS1 (old format) mode, extra palettes will be added to an
- existing .KCF file.
- In GS2 mode, a .KCF file will be produced with 10 identical palettes taken
- from the 16 color file <FILENAME[.PCX]>.
- Command line switches for PCX2CEL:
- New with verion 2.2 :-
- A ten group kcf file can be created by supplying an additional 256 color pcx
- image containing the color data. This file is specified by the command line
- switch /P<FILENAME.PCX>
- Note: This palette file is remapped in the same manner as all other remap
- functions. (e.g. color pairs 0 & 1, 16 & 17, 32 & 33 etc will be swapped if the
- .rpm file specifies for colors 0 & 1 to be swapped.)
- /T will prevent the automatic trimmer clipping from the left and top
- corner of the cel as needed by multi-layer cels. It will correctly use
- the offset ability of the GS2 format when running in that mode.
- /G will produce cel and kcf files in GS2 format.
- /R<FILENAME.RMP> will remap colors according to the remap file.
- This file must be either created by cel2pcx, or written manually according
- to the above.
- eg.
- PCX2CEL mian.pcx mian.kcf /Rmian.rmp
- The background/transparent color that PCX2CEL uses is color 0. This
- is the only color KISS will use as the transparent color. Some paint programs
- set this color to black. If you can, swap it to another position. Make sure
- that either your art work uses color 0 as the background color, or you use
- the remaping function (which allows any color to be used as the background).
- If you are doing a two part cel (front & back) it is necessary for both cels
- to have the same relationship to the top left hand corner or they will be
- incorrectly overlaid. Place the art for the item of clothing etc as close
- to the top left corner of the two pcx images as possible while still
- maintaining the correct relationship between them.
- Convert them to cels using the /T command line switch to tell PCX2CEL not
- to trim anything from the top left corner. The bottom and right edges will
- still be trimmed automatically. In the case of GS2 files, the image will still
- be trimmed, but an offset will be specified in the header.
- When working in the old format, the same .kcf file should be specified for
- multiple cels being converted to a single doll. If a different palette is
- found in one of the cels, it will be saved in a secondary position in the
- .kcf file. This way, by using several different palettes in your cels, you
- can have several palettes available from within the program.
- An important note on colors. KISS uses 4 bits per color instead of the 6 bits
- used by usually used by VGA paint programs. This will lead to slight shifting
- of colors, and perhaps similar colors becoming identical.
- See the readme.cnf file for the KISS 2.24 cnf file format. For earlier
- versions, including 2.18, you're on your own, though the basics are the same.
- This little util converts 256 color PCX images into the .cel format used by
- KISS. This version features the ability to write cels and palettes in one
- variant of the GS2 (General Specification) format.
- The GS2 variant chosen is 8 bits per pixel, with 1 palette group at 24 bits
- per color, though only the 6 most significant bits of each R, G & B are used
- because the 256 color IBM PCX format only uses these 6 bits.
- Unfortunately, the boundry clipping is not as fast as that of PCX2CEL.EXE.
- Usage: 8BIT2CEL <FILENAME[.PCX]> [<PALNAME[.KCF]>] [/T] [/R<NAME[.RMP]>]
- where <FILENAME[.PCX]> is the name of the image to convert to a cel and
- <PALNAME[.KCF]> is the name of the kcf file to be produced.
- Specifying /R with no remap file name will use the internal default of
- swapping color 0 and color 1.
- The remainder of its behavior follows that of its ancestor, PCX2CEL.EXE above.
- by Mian. Mad artist, programmer and paper doll freak.
- internet address: ken.stone@blaze.bbs.net.au
- _____________________________________________________________________/
- /
- _______ _ _______ "Mian" ken.stone@blaze.bbs.net.au
- /____ \\\\\ / o \ ///// ____\
- \_\\\| ^+^ |///_/ Member of #SAS#
- // \ U / \\ Sasami Appreciation Society
- _____/ | | \_____
- m------ m m ------m Ryoohki-chan
- _____________________________________________________________________/
- /